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Institute of Medicine (US) Vaccine Safety Committee; Stratton KR, Howe CJ, Johnston RB Jr., editors. Adverse Events Associated with Childhood Vaccines: Evidence Bearing on Causality. Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US); 1994.

Cover of Adverse Events Associated with Childhood Vaccines

Adverse Events Associated with Childhood Vaccines: Evidence Bearing on Causality.

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TABLE 7-4Cases of Polio Among Nonimmune Contacts of Polio Recipients

ReferenceRelationship to RecipientImmune Deficiency or History of Polio Immunization in Contact
Derenne et al., 198926-yr-old mother of infantRemembered receiving polio vaccine as a child
Wiechers, 198819-yr-old mother of infantNo information
Arlazoroff et al., 198734-yr-old father of infant and 10-yr-old relative of infantNo information
Bateman et al., 198716-yr-old uncle of infant, 23-yr-old father of infantUnimmunized
Canadian Medical Association Journal, 198725-yr-old father of infantUnclear
19-yr-old mother of infantUnclear
Gross et al., 198740-yr-old father of infantPatient on long-term steroid therapy for Netherton's syndrome
Maass and Quast, 198726-yr-old father of infantPrevious vaccination against type 1 and type 3 polio viruses
32-yr-old father of infant/husband of recipientsUnknown
31-yr-old mother of infantPrevious vaccination against type 1 poliovirus
48-yr-old grandmother of infantUnknown
6-wk-old sibling/son of recipientsUnknown
21-yr-old male in contact with immunized infantUnknown
Bell et al., 198619-yr-old male—contact not knownReceived one dose of OPV as a child
39-yr-old man—contact not knownReceived one dose of Salk vaccine as a child
24-yr-old woman, neighbor of childrenUnvaccinated
Bergeisen et al., 198620-day-old contact of baby-sitter and sitter's infantUnimmunized
British Medical Journal, 198623-yr-old father of infantNo information
Daneault et al., 198625-yr-old father of infantReceived Salk vaccine as a child
Ishizaki and Noda, 1986No informationNo information
Kruppenbacher et al., 1983Mother of infantNo information
Openshaw and Lieberman, 198343-yr-old grandfather of infantUnimmunized
Basillico and Bernat, 197830 yr-old father of infantNo information
Collingham et al., 19785-yr-old sibling of recipientUnimmunized
Young adult father of infantUnknown
Adams et al., 197731-yr-old mother of infantDepressed T-cell function
Orzechowska-Wolczyk et al., 197625-yr-old mother of childNo information
Wilson and Robinson, 19744-mo-old contact of infantUnimmunized
Kostrzewski, 1973Six children in group careNo information
Haneberg and Orstavik, 19721-yr-old younger brother of 10-yr-old recipientUnimmunized
Kuwert et al., 197148-yr-old grandmotherNo information
Riker et al., 19718-mo-old sibling of a recipientProbable hereditary thymic dysplasia
Stolley et al., 196816-mo-old cousin of recipientProbable hypogammaglobulinemia, unimmunized
Balduzzi and Glasgow, 19675-yr-old classmate of recipientHad received four doses of Salk vaccine and one dose of type 2 Sabin vaccine
Swanson et al., 196729-yr-old father of 2-yr-oldUnimmunized
Morse et al., 196643-yr-old mother of infantUnimmunized

From: 7, Polio Vaccines

Copyright 1994 by the National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.


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