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National Research Council (US) Committee on Population; Bobadilla JL, Costello CA, Mitchell F, editors. Premature Death in the New Independent States. Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US); 1997.

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Premature Death in the New Independent States.

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6Epidemiological Transitions in the Formerly Socialist Economies: Divergent Patterns of Mortality and Causes of Death

Christopher J.L. Murray and José Luis Bobadilla


Eastern Europe and the New Independent States (NIS), known collectively as the Formerly Socialist Economies, are a unique demographic and epidemiological region.1 Mortality trends in the region over the last three decades appear to define a new pattern of the epidemiological transition, one that deviates from the collective experience of other developed countries and the middle-income countries of Latin America and Asia (Murray et al., 1992; Kingkade and Arriaga, in this volume). The goal of this chapter is to examine the levels, trends, and patterns of causes of death in the region, with an emphasis on identifying the patterns that may explain its unusual mortality experience.

Health or, more accurately, mortality in the Formerly Socialist Economies has been the focus of substantial and sustained academic interest since the mid-1970s (Anderson and Silver, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991; Blum and Monnier, 1989; Cooper, 1981, 1983, 1985, 1987; Cooper and Sempos, 1984; Cooper and Schatzkin, 1982a, 1982b; Davis and Feshback, 1980; Deev and Oganov, 1989; Dutton, 1979, 1981; Eberstadt, 1990, 1993; Forster and Jozan, 1990; Jones and Grupp, 1983; Jozan, 1989; Medvedev, 1985; Meslé et al., 1993; Ryan, 1982, 1988; Treml, 1982).

Interpretation of the current pattern of age-specific mortality and causes of death in the region must be undertaken in light of its trends in mortality over the last two to three decades. Because the trends and explanations of trends for these countries have been contentious (as discussed in several other chapters in this volume), we try to clarify the situation by separating the discussion of changes in child mortality (under age 5) from that of changes in adult mortality (over age 5). There are reasons to suspect that the changes and explanations for these two groups are fundamentally different.

The publication in the Soviet Union of infant mortality rates for 1971-1975—showing an increase from 22.9 to 30.6 per 1,000 births, generated considerable discussion and analysis (Blum and Monnier, 1989). Publication of the infant mortality rate was discontinued by the Soviet government in the face of still worsening mortality after 1975. With glasnost, the rates were again published, with back figures given from 1980, when the rate was 27.3.

For infant (under age 1) and child (ages 1-4) mortality in most of Eastern Europe (noteworthy exceptions being Romania and Bulgaria), we have long series of data for which there is widespread consensus that registration has been adequate for many years. The data show that changes in these rates over the last decades in Eastern Europe have not paralleled those in the former Soviet Union. Throughout the period following World War II, child mortality in Eastern Europe was similar to that in the rest of Europe, except in Romania and Bulgaria. In addition, the pace of improvement has been the same (except for an increase in Romania since 1985), with no evidence of worsening infant or child mortality during the last two decades. If the above increase in the Soviet Union in fact occurred, we must seek explanations for that change that are specific to the Soviet Union and not applicable to all Formerly Socialist Economies. The divergence in pattern also emphasizes the importance of examining time trends in the former Soviet Union by republic.

In contrast with infant and child mortality, the patterns of adult mortality observed in Eastern Europe and the partial data for the Soviet Union tell a more consistent story. With regard to mortality among adult women, the levels over the last four decades have been higher in Eastern Europe than in the former Soviet Union, but the trends until 1980 were identical. Since then, trends in the two regions have diverged. Patchy data on age-specific mortality for the former Soviet Union suggest a pattern of stagnation or slow decline among most female age groups (Blum and Monnier, 1989; Eberstadt, 1993), whereas in Hungary and Poland, mortality among women aged 30-44 and 45-59 has increased slightly.

The major demographic and epidemiological puzzle of the Formerly Socialist Economies is the sustained increase in adult male mortality, which has affected those aged 30-44, 45-59, and 60-69, and remarkably began in almost exactly the same year—1964—in all countries of the region. Partial data for the former Soviet Union indicate that similar developments occurred throughout the region at the same time (Anderson and Silver, 1990; Ryan, 1982; Cooper, 1981; Eberstadt, 1993). The increases in adult male mortality continued over nearly two decades and led to a 60 percent increase among some age groups in some countries.

Cooper and colleagues (Cooper, 1981, 1983, 1985, 1987; Cooper and Sempos, 1984; Cooper and Schatzkin, 1982a, 1982b) have argued that other countries, such as the United States, Japan, and Chile, have experienced similar phases of increasing adult mortality. Yet while mortality among males aged 4559 increased from 1961 to 1968 in the United States, the length and the magnitude of the increase in the Formerly Socialist Economies are without parallel in demographic history (Stolnitz, 1974). Explanations for this unique mortality reversal in an industrialized region in the face of continued improvements in child health, at least in Eastern Europe, have included smoking, alcohol, occupational exposures, pollution, diet, the health care delivery system, and a cohort effect from hardships endured during World War II. Moreover, explanations for the increase in male mortality must simultaneously explain the improvements or at worst stagnation in female mortality in the former Soviet Union since 1980.

The next section reviews the data sources and methods used for this study. The section that follows presents results of the analysis with respect to mortality patterns and years of life lost. This is followed by discussion of the unique mortality trends and cause-of-death patterns in the region of the Formerly Socialist Economies that includes the northern European former Soviet republics. The final section presents conclusions.

Data Sources and Methods

Before analyzing the patterns of causes of death based on vital registration data for the former Soviet republics and Eastern Europe, careful attention must be paid to the validity of those data. In the following sections, we evaluate the proportion of infant deaths captured in the vital registration system, the proportion of adult deaths recorded, and finally the quality of the attribution of deaths to particular causes. We also describe our method for calculating years of life lost due to premature mortality. Note that unless otherwise indicated, the analysis of mortality in this chapter refers to deaths that occurred in 1990.

Underregistration and Alternative Definitions of Neonatal Deaths

The Soviet definition of infant mortality is not the same as the World Health Organization (WHO) standard (see also the chapters by Shkolnikov et al. and by Kingkade and Arriaga, in this volume). As a consequence, the number of neonatal deaths—deaths before age 1 month—in the former Soviet republics is seriously underreported. The result is an underestimate of infant mortality, which is the sum of neonatal and post-neonatal mortality. In the present analysis, we correct neonatal mortality rates (NMR) for the former Soviet republics by using the relationship between NMR and post-neonatal mortality rates (PNMR) observed in countries with good vital statistics. We expect the PNMR (deaths between ages 1 and 12 months) to be unaffected by the Soviet definition of an infant death, except for possible age heaping at 1 month of age.

We analyzed 1,327 pairs of NMR and PNMR available for 35 countries over a 40-year period.2 Figure 6-1 shows the relationship between the two rates. When the PNMR is transformed to its logit form,3 the relationship is linear. An ordinary least squares regression equation was fitted:

Figure 6-1. Neonatal and post-neonatal mortality rates.

Figure 6-1

Neonatal and post-neonatal mortality rates. (Data over a 40-year period from countries with good vital statistics registration.) These 1,327 data points are drawn from 35 countries over a period from 1945 to 1989. The R2 from the regression of NMR vs. (more...)

NMR = .0555 + (-.0166 * logitPNMR)

The R2 for the equation is 0.80, and the p-values for the slope and constant are each less than 0.001. The standard error of the constant is 0.0002, and the standard error for the slope is 0.0006. In addition, the residuals are homoskedastic.

We estimated the corrected neonatal mortality rates (NMRc) by applying the PNMR for each of the former Soviet republics (thought to be accurate) to the above regression equation. Adding this newly generated NMRc to the PNMR yields a new estimate of the infant mortality rate, IMRc. It should be noted that all of the correction made to the infant mortality rates is due to correction of the neonatal mortality rate (from NMR to NMRc). Table 6-1 shows the NMRc and IMRc for all the former Soviet republics and the estimated proportion of underregistered neonatal and infant deaths; for NMR, this percentage varies from 26.6 percent in Turkmenistan to about 53.5 percent in Latvia. The different definition of neonatal death may not account for all of this wide variation in the neonatal mortality rate; some variation may be due to higher rates of underreporting of neonatal deaths.

TABLE 6-1. Infant Mortality Reported and Corrected in the NIS, 1990.


Infant Mortality Reported and Corrected in the NIS, 1990.

Underregistration of Adult Deaths

Most authors presume that registration of mortality in the Russian Federation, the Baltic states, and the other former Northern republics is complete. Anderson and Silver (1990, 1991, and in this volume), however, have analyzed regional mortality patterns in the former Soviet Union and concluded that there is substantial underregistration of adult deaths in the former Central Asian republics. To date, judgments that there has been substantial underreporting of deaths in certain republics have been based solely on the fact that observed mortality rates appear to be too low. Such assessments presuppose that the determinants of relative levels of adult mortality within the former Soviet Union or among industrialized countries are known. For example, Anderson and Silver (1990, 1991) report lower age-specific mortality in Tajikistan than in the United States for males; in the age groups over 70 years, the differences are as high as 20 to 50 percent. The authors conclude that lower adult mortality in Central Asia than in the United States is "implausible," although they provide no epidemiological justification for this judgment.

Studies of adult mortality patterns (ages 15-59) in industrialized and developing countries have demonstrated wide variations in adult male and female mortality as measured by 45q15—the probability of death between ages 15 and 60. For example, in Japan, male 45q15 is 113 per 1,000, compared with 175 per 1,000 for all U.S. males, 300 for U.S. black males, and 187 for Finnish males (Murray et al., 1992). Given the wide range in adult mortality levels that is not easily explained by variables such as income per capita, it is not convincing to argue that there is significant underregistration in Central Asian states solely because their observed rates are lower than those of other states.

To define further the extent of underregistration in different states of the former Soviet Union, we use the growth balance method and the Bennett-Horiuchi technique (United Nations, 1983). We apply the growth balance method using registered deaths in 1989 and the census population for 1989 by age for each republic. Application of this method depends on having a population that approximates a stable population with a long-term constant birth rate and no net migration. The relationship between Nx/Nx+ and Dx+/Nx+, however, is not linear for almost all republics; Nx is the population at age x, Nx is the population over age x, and Dx+ is deaths over age x. The age group "birth rate," Nx/Nx+, is markedly lower for the age groups 70-74 and 75-79 for most republics, which may reflect the World War II experience of this cohort. Excluding these age groups and 80+ years, the estimated coverage for the former Soviet Union combined is 103 percent for females and 102 percent for males. Estimates of coverage using the growth balance method for each republic range from 65 to 120 percent, as shown in Table 6-2. These estimates follow no clear geographic pattern; Armenia, Georgia, Belarus, and Moldova have the lowest estimated coverage, rates below 70 percent. The assumptions underlying the growth balance method clearly do not hold at the republic level, making these estimates of coverage.4

TABLE 6-2. Estimated Coverage of Mortality Registration in the New Independent States, 1990.


Estimated Coverage of Mortality Registration in the New Independent States, 1990.

The Bennett-Horiuchi technique for assessing vital registration completeness is a more powerful method that does not require assumption of a constant birth rate over the past 80 years, but does assume a closed population (Bennett and Horiuchi, 1981). As input, two censuses and all registered deaths by age and sex for the interval between the censuses are required. Censuses were conducted in each republic in 1979 and 1989; unfortunately, registered deaths by age and sex are available for the majority of years between 1979 and 1989, but not all. As a first approximation, we used the average number of registered deaths for each age group for all available years 1979-1989, multiplied by 10. For the former Soviet Union combined, the estimated completeness of registration for females is 99 percent and for males 102 percent. The estimated coverage may be somewhat exaggerated (over 100 percent, for example) because of overstatement of age at older ages (Bennett and Garson, 1983).

Table 6-2 provides the estimated coverage of death registration for each republic by sex. The median estimated completeness is severely affected by internal migration; those republics, such as Lithuania, which had substantial net immigration over the period 1979 to 1989 show overregistration of deaths, while those with net emigration show underregistration. The third column of Table 6-2 shows the estimated completeness of death registration for the population over age 50, which may be less affected by migration between republics. To the extent that the approximations used in the application of the Bennett-Horiuchi technique are plausible, registration is over 90 percent in all locations except for males in Uzbekistan, Kyrgyz, and Tajikistan and females in Azerbaijan, Kazakstan, Turkmenistan, Armenia, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyz, and Tajikistan.

The lower levels of vital registration coverage for many of the Central Asian republics and females in Azerbaijan are probably due to a combination of net emigration and lower completeness of vital registration. Given that vital registration for the Soviet Union as a whole is very close to complete, we suspect that internal migration in the former Soviet republics may play an important role in explaining the low coverage. Nevertheless, it is reasonable to suspect that vital registration coverage in Central Asia and Azerbaijan is lower than in other parts of the former Soviet Union. The estimates of registration coverage for all Central Asian republics, Georgia, and Azerbaijan are considerably lower for women than for men. This sex difference in vital registration coverage could be explained by more age overstatement by males than females or by sex bias in death registration. Further work using more detailed data on migration between republics by age and sex is needed to improve the estimates of sex-specific underregistration.

We conclude that for most republics, registration of adult deaths is 95 percent or more complete. Registration of adult deaths in the Central Asian republics is probably between 85 and 95 percent. Registration coverage of adult female deaths in Central Asia, Georgia, and Azerbaijan may be lower than that of adult male deaths. For our analysis, we have chosen not to adjust the reported levels of adult mortality based on the Bennett-Horiuchi technique. The 10 to 15 percent underestimation that may be present does not affect any of our major conclusions. Where appropriate, we draw attention to the effect corrections might have on the observed patterns of mortality and years of life lost.

Classifications of Causes of Death

There are two distinct sets of concerns with the attribution of causes of death in the republics of the former Soviet Union: the classification system and the quality of the coding of each individual death.

The countries of Eastern Europe switched from the Soviet system of classifying causes of death after World War II; the NIS countries, however, have continued to use the Soviet system. Meslé et al. (1993) report that the Soviet system has undergone four major revisions since 1950; the last three revisions have been based on the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-7, ICD-8, and ICD-9), but contain many fewer causes (see also Kingkade and Arriaga, in this volume). The latest Soviet revision, in use since 1981, has also been slightly modified to include additional causes, such as AIDS (Goskomstat, 1987). Based on a translation of a bridge-coding manual prepared by the Soviet Central Statistical Administration (Goskomstat), we have mapped the Soviet codes to ICD-9. In turn, we have mapped the ICD-9 codes to the simplified list of diseases proposed by Murray and Lopez (1994). Without a formal bridge-coding exercise, whereby the same set of deaths is coded for both ICD-9 and the Soviet system, a potential error in interpretation is introduced. As discussed below, this is a significant problem only for complex groups of causes, such as cardiovascular diseases.

In addition, poor diagnostic skill in the NIS may introduce systematic error in the cause-of-death data. One of the only objective indicators of the quality of cause-of-death attribution is the proportion of deaths coded by physicians (Lopez, 1989). Even in Central Asia, more than 99 percent of deaths are coded by physicians (Goskomstat, 1987). Follow-up studies (where coding was reviewed by a panel of experts) from 1965 in central Russia, 1979 in Russia, and 1981-1982 in Belarus and Turkmenistan reveal that the percentage over- or underestimation for most large groups of causes, such as cardiovascular disease, is very small, e.g., 3.1 to 2.3 percent. The largest errors are in coding of respiratory disease, with errors of 1 1.3 to 17.2 percent (see Shkolnikov et al., in this volume).

Although nearly all registered deaths are coded by physicians, and the three follow-up studies demonstrate that the estimated population cause-specific mortality rates are reasonable, there may be substantial differences in diagnostic practice among countries. The results presented below, however, do not suggest that there is more diagnostic error in the data for the former Soviet republics than is observed for other developed countries.

Years of Life Lost Due to Premature Mortality and Excess Years of Life Lost

To capture the importance of death at different ages, we compute years of life lost due to premature mortality, using the methods outlined by Murray et al. (1994) and applied by Murray (1994).5 Estimation of years of life lost due to premature mortality provides a picture of the major causes of mortality, but not of avoidable premature death. To identify avoidable or excess years of life lost, we make comparisons with the rates of years of life lost observed for the Established Market Economies (Murray and Lopez, 1994). Excess years of life lost is then defined as the difference between observed years of life lost for each age and sex by cause and the number expected if the rates of the Established Market Economies are applied in a region. Excess years of life lost thus defined can be negative for a cause if the mortality rates by age and sex for a given disease are lower in a region than in the Established Market Economies.6


This section presents results for geographic patterns of mortality (1990), years of life lost due to premature mortality, and excess years of life lost for the Formerly Socialist Economies.

Geographic Patterns of Mortality, 1990

Summary results for each of the NIS and Eastern European countries comprising the Formerly Socialist Economies are provided in Table 6-3a for males and 6-3b for females. These tables provide 5q0 (the probability of death between birth and age 5); 45q15 (the probability of death between ages 15 and 60); 10q60 (the probability of death between ages 60 and 70); and e(0), or life expectancy at birth. Within the group of Formerly Socialist Economies, 5q0 ranges from 15 to 95 per 1,000 for boys and 11 to 78 for girls. Among adults, male 45q15 ranges from 194 to 305 per 1,000 and female 45q15 from 94 to 155. The high level and extensive range of adult male mortality is most remarkable. Adult male mortality in the Russian Federation, for example, is equal to that of India, whereas adult Russian women enjoy mortality that is 52 percent lower than in India.

TABLE 6-3a. Child and Adult Mortality in the Formerly Socialist Economies, Males, 1990.

TABLE 6-3a

Child and Adult Mortality in the Formerly Socialist Economies, Males, 1990.

TABLE 6-3b. Child and Adult Mortality in the Formerly Socialist Economies, Females, 1990.

TABLE 6-3b

Child and Adult Mortality in the Formerly Socialist Economies, Females, 1990.

The Formerly Socialist Economies are not a homogeneous group as most analyses tacitly assume. Figure 6-2 shows child mortality (5q0) on the x-axis and adult male mortality (45q15) on the y-axis. Three clusters of countries can be identified by simple inspection: a group with moderate child and moderate adult mortality, a group with low child and low adult mortality, and a group with low child and high adult mortality. Remarkably, each of these clusters contains a set of geographically contiguous countries. In fact, the countries are arrayed on the diagram in a manner that approximates a map of the Formerly Socialist Economies. Accordingly, we have divided the countries into three groups, which we term Central Asia, South FSE (for Formerly Socialist Economies), and North FSE. Notably, Kazakstan, which is sometimes included with the four Central Asian republics, is on the demographic boundary with North FSE in terms of the child-adult mortality map. We have included it with North FSE because of its high adult mortality. Summary measures for each of the three regions are provided in Table 6-4. As the table shows, even if adult mortality is adjusted for underregistration, the Central Asian republics remain a distinct cluster with high child and moderate adult mortality.

Figure 6-2. Adult male mortality vs.

Figure 6-2

Adult male mortality vs. child mortality in the Formerly Socialist Economies of Europe and Central Asia.

TABLE 6-4. Basic Indicators and Mortality Figures for Three Regions of the Formerly Socialist Economies, Circa 1990.


Basic Indicators and Mortality Figures for Three Regions of the Formerly Socialist Economies, Circa 1990.

Another way of putting in perspective the dissonance between child and adult mortality is to compare their current and expected levels. Expected levels can be determined using two different methods: the level of adult mortality expected from the level of child mortality based on a model life table (or vice versa), or the level of adult and child mortality expected on the basis of income per capita.

For the first method, the North model life table was chosen for comparison (Coale and Demeny, 1966). Table 6-5 shows the difference between observed adult mortality and adult mortality expected on the basis of observed child mortality from the model life table. The residuals confirm our clustering of countries into three groups. Central Asia has moderate child mortality (60 or more per 1,000) and expected or slightly higher levels of adult mortality. South FSE has low child mortality (less than 60 per 1,000) and moderately higher levels of adult mortality than expected (less than 10 percent excess adult mortality). And North FSE has low child mortality rates and very high levels of adult mortality (twice or more the model life table value). The deviation between female adult mortality and that expected based on model life table North is notably different than that for males. In Central Asia, adult female mortality is on average 42 per 1,000 lower than expected (although this may be explained in part by underregistration); in South FSE it is 5 per 1,000 lower than expected; and in North FSE it is 16 per 1,000 higher than expected. While women actually have better or close to expected mortality, the geographic pattern is symmetrical with that of males, confirming the significance of our three-part division of the Formerly Socialist Economies for both males and females.

TABLE 6-5. Deviations from Predicted Mortality, 1990.


Deviations from Predicted Mortality, 1990.

Alternatively, we can compare observed levels of child and adult mortality with those expected on the basis of income per capita. Using data from the World Development Report 1993 (World Bank, 1993), we found that the relationship between the natural log of 5q0 and 45q15 and the natural log of income per capita in international dollars 7 is linear. The fitted regression equations can then be used to determine whether levels of adult and child mortality in each republic are above or below the levels expected on the basis of income per capita (Table 6-5). The average levels of adult and child mortality for the three regions are also shown. In Central Asia, child mortality is higher than expected, and adult mortality is slightly lower. South FSE has somewhat higher adult mortality than expected. But North FSE has markedly higher adult mortality than expected for its moderate income per capita. This method of defining excess mortality confirms that the three regions have distinct epidemiological profiles even when income per capita is considered.

Years of Life Lost Due to Premature Mortality by Cause, Age, and Sex

Combining the registered deaths for each of the countries in each region, we have created regional figures for North FSE, South FSE , and Central Asia. The structure of cause of death is different in each of the three regions, as presented in Table 6-6. North FSE is dominated by injuries and noncommunicable causes (Group II). The large share of years of life lost due to injuries in this region as compared with other regions in the world, such as the Established Market Economies, is notable. In South FSE, because of a younger population and slightly higher child mortality than in North FSE, Group I (communicable, maternal, and perinatal causes) is still an important cause of years of life lost. Injuries are much less important than in North FSE or Central Asia. In Central Asia, nearly half of all years of life lost is attributable to Group I. The division by large groups of causes divided into age groups reveals that in the population over age 5, injuries (Group III) claim a very large share of years of life lost.

TABLE 6-6. Years of Life Lost Disaggregated by Large Groups of Causes for Each Subregion, 1990.


Years of Life Lost Disaggregated by Large Groups of Causes for Each Subregion, 1990.

More detailed information on years of life lost by cause is provided in Table 6-7. In North FSE, the results are notable in Group I for a considerable burden of tuberculosis and respiratory infections. Lung cancer causes over 4 percent of all years of life lost, reflecting the prominent role of smoking in defining the health problems of adults. Other cancers causing more than 1 percent of the total burden include lymphoma/leukemia and cancers of the stomach, colon/rectum, and breast. Cardiovascular diseases cause 35 percent of the total years of life lost—ischemic heart disease representing nearly half of this total, followed by cerebrovascular disease. The residual category, ''other cardiovascular," still causes 7.6 percent of the total; this category needs to be further defined to determine the contributing components. Unexpectedly, alcoholic cirrhosis is not a large cause of death in this region. Alcohol-associated deaths fall to a large extent under the categories of neuropsychiatric (alcohol dependence) and poisoning (58 percent of years of life lost due to adult poisoning in North FSE is attributable to alcohol). The consumption of hard liquor in preference to other forms of alcohol may explain the distinctive manifestation of alcohol in the mortality data for this region. Injuries cause an extraordinary 22 percent of total years of life lost in North FSE. Motor vehicle accidents, suicides, poisonings, and homicides, in descending order, are the largest contributors to this total. Treml (1982 and in this volume) has pointed out that a considerable portion of the poisonings is probably due to alcohol intoxication.

TABLE 6-7. Percent Distribution of Years of Life Lost by Major Causes of Death, by Region, 1990.


Percent Distribution of Years of Life Lost by Major Causes of Death, by Region, 1990.

The results for South FSE are notable for the much larger share of years of life lost (7.1 percent) attributable to respiratory infections, mostly among children (68 percent). Reflecting a slightly less advanced smoking epidemic, lung cancer causes 3.4 percent of years of life lost, followed by cancers of the stomach and breast, lymphoma/leukemia, and cancer of the colon/rectum. As in North FSE, cardiovascular diseases are the most important cause of death, accounting for 38 percent of years of life lost. The pattern within this category, however, is distinctly different. Ischemic heart disease and cerebrovascular disease have nearly equal shares, 12.6 and 11.0 percent, respectively. Other cardiovascular diseases represent the largest component, 14.0 percent. This residual category is worrisome. Local coding practices may be responsible for assigning to this category some ischemic heart disease deaths, or possibly deaths from some other major cardiovascular causes, such as cardiomyopathy or arrhythmia. Further work on defining the specific cardiovascular causes coded in this group is urgently required. Digestive diseases cause over 5.3 percent of years of life lost in South FSE, with cirrhosis being responsible for more than half of this amount. As a group, injuries are much less important in South than in North FSE. Motor vehicle accidents cause 2.3 percent of deaths, followed by suicides (1.3 percent).

In Central Asia, years of life lost is dominated by child deaths; thus the associated causes are more in Group I. Respiratory infections (29.7 percent), diarrheal diseases (8.6 percent), and perinatal causes (9.5 percent) are the most important. Among cancers, lymphoma/leukemia and cancers of the lung and stomach account for more than 1 percent of years of life lost each. Cardiovascular diseases cause 15.6 percent of deaths; of these, over one-half are attributable to ischemic heart disease and about one-fourth to cerebrovascular disease. The injury pattern is similar to that of South FSE, except for the prominent role of drownings (1.7 percent), suicides (1.1 percent), and homicides (0.8 percent).

Annex Table 6-1 provides estimates of years of life lost by cause for each of the NIS countries, to facilitate more detailed comparisons among states within each of the epidemiological regions.

Excess Years of Life Lost

Table 6-8 shows the distribution by age, sex, and region of excess years of life lost, by disease group and all causes of death. Figures 6-3a, b, and c present the excess years of life lost by age in South FSE, North FSE, and Central Asia, respectively. Total years of life lost in Central Asia is 80 percent higher than expected based on rates of the Established Market Economies, and in North FSE and South FSE is 67 and 50 percent higher, respectively. The excess can be apportioned among different age and sex groups. In Central Asia, 80 percent of the excess is due to child mortality (under age 5). The excess is concentrated among children because of high fertility and a young age structure, combined with moderately high levels of child mortality even by developing world standards. Adult men and women account for 9.9 percent of the excess years of life lost in the region. In South FSE, excess years of life lost is distributed across nearly all age groups, with 28.9 percent being among children under age 5 and 25.3 percent being among adult males. In North FSE, almost half of the excess (44.8 percent) is among adult men aged 15-59, confirming the unique mortality pattern of this region. Just over 15 percent is among children under age 5, and a further 10.6 percent is among women age 15-59. Mortality among the population over age 60 contributes 26 percent to the total excess.

TABLE 6-8. Excess Years of Life Lost, by Region, Sex, Age Group, and Cause, 1990 Region.


Excess Years of Life Lost, by Region, Sex, Age Group, and Cause, 1990 Region.

Figure 6-3a. Excess years of life lost by age, South FSE region.

Figure 6-3a

Excess years of life lost by age, South FSE region.

Figure 6-3b. Excess years of life lost by age, North FSE region.

Figure 6-3b

Excess years of life lost by age, North FSE region.

Figure 6-3c. Excess years of life lost by age, Central Asia region.

Figure 6-3c

Excess years of life lost by age, Central Asia region.

In Central Asia, the major problem is excess mortality in the age group 0-4 years. Figure 6-4 provides the distribution of excess years of life lost among this age group by major causes. Nearly 90 percent is from communicable and perinatal causes. More specifically, 56 percent is due to respiratory infections, a pattern characteristic of a developing country. The second-largest share (17 percent) is attributable to diarrheal diseases, followed by perinatal causes (11 percent), hepatitis (4 percent), and drowning (2 percent). The prominent role of hepatitis in this age group is highly unusual; further efforts are needed to confirm the coding and validity of this burden. Measles, diphtheria, pertussis, and tuberculosis are not large contributors to the excess mortality among children in this region, indicating the effectiveness of immunization programs in the region, at least up until 1990.

Figure 6-4. Excess years of life lost by cause for ages 0-4, Central Asia region.

Figure 6-4

Excess years of life lost by cause for ages 0-4, Central Asia region.

North FSE males account for nearly one-third of all excess years of life lost in the entire region of the Formerly Socialist Economies. Approximately half of this excess is due to noncommunicable diseases and half to injuries. The literature on the rising mortality among adult males, particularly in North FSE, has stressed that most of the increase is due to cardiovascular disease. Here, we are examining not only the cause of the increase, but also the difference in the level of mortality. Some of this excess already existed before the increases in adult male mortality began in 1965. Differences in level or trend viewpoints can lead to different health priorities (see also Anderson and Silver, in this volume). Clearly, for the population affected, differences in current mortality levels or years of life lost by cause are the more important.

Figure 6-5 allocates the excess years of life lost in these age groups by more detailed causes. The figure shows that 21 percent is due to ischemic heart disease. In descending order of magnitude, road traffic accidents, suicides, poisoning (which includes acute alcohol ingestion), cerebrovascular disease, lung cancer, drowning, and homicide each contribute more than 5 percent to the total excess years of life lost. Over 16 percent is distributed across a large number of more specific causes, each of which contributes less than 1 percent to the total. Given the real concern about heavy intake of hard alcohol in the region, it is surprising that there is no excess death due to cirrhosis. This may reflect a coding practice, however. In some countries, alcohol-related deaths are coded to various other causes, such as acute alcohol poisoning; alcohol dependence; and drug-use, subcode alcohol.

Figure 6-5. Excess years of life lost by cause for males, ages 15-59, North FSE region.

Figure 6-5

Excess years of life lost by cause for males, ages 15-59, North FSE region.

We turn now to a more detailed examination of the mortality patterns in North FSE.

Understanding North FSE

The mortality trends and cause-of-death patterns in North FSE are unique. Many hypotheses advanced to explain the rising adult mortality in the former Soviet Union really apply primarily to this region. The same set of factors can also be invoked to explain not only the trend, but also the high level of adult male mortality. Each of these factors is discussed in turn below.

Alcohol. Excessive intake of hard liquor has been the most popular explanation for adult mortality in the Former Socialist Economies (see the chapters by Treml and Shkolnikov and Nemtsov, in this volume). Some of the share of excess years of life lost due to cirrhosis, neuropsychiatric causes, motor vehicle accidents, poisonings, falls, drownings, suicides, and homicides is probably related to alcohol; nevertheless, total alcohol consumption rates are lower than in a number of West European countries (NTC, 1992). Alcohol probably plays a greater role in acute intoxication and the associated risk of injury or poisoning. This profile of alcohol-related mortality is consistent with the short-term reduction in mortality associated with Gorbachev's anti-alcohol campaign (Blum and Monnier, 1989).

Smoking. Smoking rates are high in the Former Socialist Economies. The Monitoring Cardiovascular Disease Study (MONICA) surveillance sites in Warsaw, Budapest, and Moscow show age-standardized rates of regular smoking of 58, 52, and 47 percent, respectively, for males in 1984 (World Health Organization, 1994). Total cigarettes per capita is, however, still lower than in many Western communities (U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1993). The cause-of-death profile shows that lung cancer accounts for nearly 4 percent of total years of life lost. Other smoking-associated causes play a large role as well. Lopez (in this volume) provides estimates of smoking-attributable mortality by republic in the age groups 30-69 and 70+. Because of the high underlying rates of cardiovascular disease in this region, the Peto et al. (1992) method may exaggerate the proportion of these causes attributed to smoking.

Cohort Effect. A popular explanation for the rise in mortality among adult males within the former Soviet Union is the effect of deprivation during World War II on a cohort of adult males. As Eberstadt (1990) notes, there are two main reasons to suggest that this effect may not be very important. First, some areas severely affected by World War II, such as The Netherlands, failed to experience a similar mortality increase. Second, some of the age groups affected by rising adult male mortality in North FSE were born after World War II.

Diet. Dietary practices, such as a high proportion of fat in the diet or excessive caloric intake, could explain some of the cardiovascular disease in North FSE (see also the chapters by Popkin et al., Puska, and Pearson and Patel in this volume). Comparable data on hypertension and cholesterol, as well as smoking, are available from MONICA sites in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Lithuania, Poland, and Russia (World Health Organization, 1994). Figures 6-6a and b show where these populations lie in terms of hypertension and cholesterol for males and females, respectively, compared with other MONICA sites in Europe and China. The figures show that there are a number of other populations in Europe with higher rates of hypertension and cholesterol. Nor do the observed levels explain the difference in past trends for males as compared with females, who presumably share a similar diet.

Figure 6-6a. Hypertension and high total cholesterol among men.

Figure 6-6a

Hypertension and high total cholesterol among men. Source: World Health Organization (1994).

Figure 6-6b. Hypertension and high total cholesterol among women.

Figure 6-6b

Hypertension and high total cholesterol among women. Source: World Health Organization (1994).

Pollution. It is difficult to blame rising adult male mortality on pollution in the face of declining child and adult female mortality, yet pollution could offer a partial explanation for the high levels of mortality among adult males in the region. Causes of death associated with air pollution, such as chronic respiratory disease and some cancers, do contribute to excess years of life lost. Attributing the excess to air pollution, however, would require substantially more evidence than has currently been marshaled.

Occupational Exposures. Medvedev (1985) has suggested that the rise in adult male mortality could be explained by occupational exposures in heavy industry. While this is a possibility, positive evidence has not been presented.

Health System. The health system cannot be blamed for increasing mortality among adult males in North FSE, but could be part of the reason for a higher level of adult male mortality in the region than in other parts of Europe. Given that the systems in South FSE and Central Asia are probably similar to if not worse than those in North FSE, the health system is unlikely to be the primary contributor to the problem. However, it is quite possible that adult mortality would be much lower with a better health system. Of note, the marked decline in noncommunicable disease mortality experienced since 1980 in West Europe among males and females has not occurred in North FSE. Perhaps some of this is due to medical technology that has not come into common use in the latter region.

Communism. In reviewing the list of likely explanations, Eberstadt (1990, 1993) has argued that not all of the increase in adult male mortality can be attributed to smoking, alcohol, diet, and pollution. Some, he argues, may be due to the communist system itself. Life under an oppressive communist regime may increase cardiovascular disease mortality. Clearly, similar excesses of adult male mortality are not present so far in South FSE, Central Asia, or for that matter China. On the other hand, the increase in adult male mortality in all these countries began at the same time (1964-1965), which is difficult to ascribe to coincidence.

As the above discussion suggests, the set of causes that explains the unusual adult male mortality levels and trends in North FSE remains poorly defined. Further studies building on increasingly available data may elucidate the mix of factors responsible. Yet health reform and the design of a health policy response to the health problems in North FSE need not await these more sophisticated studies. Many of the problems, such as lung cancer, ischemic heart disease, and motor vehicle accidents, can be attacked now with cost-effective interventions.


Several conclusions emerge from the above analysis.

First, the Formerly Socialist Economies are not a homogeneous group. Mortality indicators suggest that these countries can be divided into three groups: Central Asia, North FSE, and South FSE. There is no clear difference between the former republics of the Soviet Union and East European states in terms of mortality indicators within the South and North FSE regions. The three regions have distinct epidemiological profiles that call for different health sector policies. The current practice of generalizing across all Formerly Socialist Economies in many development agency reports should be discouraged.

Second, in North FSE, adult male mortality is markedly higher than expected based on income per capita or achievements in child mortality. This excess is probably caused by many factors, but the major contributors are cardiovascular disease, unintentional and intentional injuries, and lung cancer. Efforts to address this unusual mortality and cause-of-death profile must focus on the extraordinary conditions of adult males in the region. Addressing the widening health gap between men and women and children in the same society must be the number one health priority for this region.

Third, the fact that adult male mortality is so high in North FSE and has risen in most countries in that region since 1964 defines a new route in the epidemiological transition. In most Western, Latin American, and Asian countries with long series of vital registration data, development has been accompanied by mortality reduction at all ages (Feachem et al., 1992). There are some exceptions: adult male mortality rose modestly over a brief period in the United States from 1961 to 1968 and in the United Kingdom during the 1920s (Blane et al., 1990). These episodes of mortality increase, however, are of a different magnitude than the increases witnessed over 30 years in North FSE. The declines in age-specific mortality rates witnessed in nearly all these countries occurred despite rising levels of smoking, increased sedentary lifestyles, increasing fat intake, and other behavioral changes that are known to be risk factors for ischemic heart disease. Is the unfortunate experience of North FSE an historic anomaly, or is it a route of the epidemiological transition that could be repeated in some developing countries? The answer to that tantalizing question rests in the reasons for the mortality increase in North FSE. Evidence from Latin America suggests that reversals in mortality and morbidity are not uncommon (Frenk et al., 1996). Further work on defining the determinants of the North FSE mortality pattern and adverse trends is required before a reasoned answer can be provided.

Fourth, practically all the Formerly Socialist Economies had systems of financing and health care provision based almost entirely on the state. The irony is that the greatest neglect in control interventions was for those adult diseases and injuries that fell unequivocally under the state's responsibility. Government failure seems to be one of the ultimate causes for the epidemiological profile described here, but government intervention is what is needed to counter it, at least for the public health component of the response to the mortality increase. The clinical services required to control communicable diseases and to treat injuries are largely in place in all the countries studied, but the quality of care leaves much to be desired. Policies for selection of the most cost-effective interventions and investments to improve the associated quality of care need to be implemented in the Formerly Socialist Economies.

We conclude by reiterating that the main findings from this chapter and the conclusions presented above are unlikely to be affected by errors in the completeness of death registration or in the coding of causes of death.


The authors gratefully acknowledge the contributions to this study made by Alan Lopez, Robert Hartford, Francis Notzon, Xinjian Qiao, Magda Orzeszyna, and the World Bank's Eastern Europe division.


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Annex Table 6-1

ANNEX TABLE 6-1Detailed Years of Life Lost Attributable to Major Causes by Country. 1990

North FSE
I. Communicable, Maternal & Perinatal66,14911,237476,59719,53319,984
Infectious and Parasitic18,0882,448118,9177,1556,313
Diarrheal diseases1,83620648,188190577
Respiratory infections19,1532,304218,3733,2392,653
II. Noncommunicable669,917113,305895,005198,408239,587
Malignant Neoplasm179,42830,589238,67452,42964,623
Nutritional endocrine3,2217517,9441,3261,577
Ischemic heart disease209,24538,071198,75262,72583,576
III. Injuries208,65735,127358,35168,67088,348
Motor vehicle accidents58,1549,77095,76224,69828,876

n.a. = not available

I. Communicable, Maternal & Perinatal70,6731,598,546391,56889,91767,032268,350
Infectious and Parasitic441,57216,724132,5957,70912,74658,598
Diarrheal diseases3,67572,91911,1164712041,736
Respiratory infections28,123430,21492,99538,08014,35055,440
II. Noncommunicable286,19510,175,6523,743,7601,145,294983,4762,642,410
Malignant Neoplasm66,1312,803,1271,007,144345,048282,013716,789
Nutritional endocrine2,50850,68623,2204,6715,42315,138
Ischemic heart disease68,2772,734,9701,040,814307,213202,391401,671
III. Injuries102,3413,947,9351,063,296195,324194,538578,825
Motor vehicle accidents35,9641,035,106318,94850,20856,716197,840
South FSE
I. Communicable, Maternal & Perinatal72,73297,963357,400200,552
Infectious and Parasitic17,14521,66474,54844,510
Diarrheal disease8,5445,6009,84822,735
Respiratory infection31,76648,683218,66840,579
II. Noncommunicable147,412309,0711,706,6811,007,686
Malignant Neoplasm37,46460,458366,894265,926
Nutritional endocrine1,4821,1009,4135,955
Ischemic heart disease43,951117,140263,727118,260
III. Injuries43,47660,922345,298173,445
Motor vehicle accident13,01921,428n.a.58,307

n.a. = not available

Central Asia
I. Communicable, Maternal & Perinatal65,612319,242237,419488,018329,8181.332,535
Infectious and Parasitic10,22486,60751,591186,627106,454332,293
Diarrheal disease1,41250,75824,586123,55572,083160.521
Respiratory infection40,488192,115138,840244,084180,478735.780
II. Noncommunicable677,313338,135200,982197,974187,624818.701
Malignant Neoplasm151,47161,82437,00635,79628,717136.519
Nutritional endocrine1,85114,0253,0173,6835,61721,709
Ischemic heart disease135,70396,49040,93440,00146,240207,385
III. Injuries103,97568,34385,98863,40955,146299,622
Motor vehicle accident31,64325,42426,83315,24214,50182,672


1. Table 1-1 in Chapter 1 of this volume shows the countries encompassed by various terms used to designate groupings of countries in the region.

2. Data were provided by the U.S. National Center for Health Statistics. The countries analyzed were Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Chile, Costa Rica, Cuba, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, England and Wales, Finland, France, German Democratic Republic, German Federal Republic, Greece. Hong Kong, Hungary, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Northern Ireland, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Scotland, Singapore, Sweden, Switzerland, the United States (separated into black and white populations), and Yugoslavia.

3. The logit transformation was used to convert the data into a linear form required by ordinary least squares (OLS) regression.

4. We also attempted to apply the generalized growth balance method, where intercensal growth rate data are used on the left-hand side of the growth balance equation. That method, however, did not perform well, and the results are not shown.

5. We have chosen to measure the importance of each cause of death in this way to be consistent with the recent work on global patterns of causes of death and the burden of disease. The number of years of life lost due to a death at each age is based on the expectation of life at each age from model life table West, Level 26 (Coale and Demeny, 1966). Streams of lost life due to death at each age have been adjusted by incorporating age weights so that years of life that would have been lived as an adult aged 15-59 are given more weight than years of life at younger or older ages. Finally, the age-weighted streams of years of life lost due to premature mortality have been discounted at a rate of 3 percent. The method of calculating years of life lost is described more fully elsewhere (Murray, 1994).

6. Established Market Economies include Portugal, Greece, Ireland, New Zealand, Spain, The United Kingdom, Australia, Italy, The Netherlands, Belgium, Austria, France, Canada, United States, Germany, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Japan, Switzerland, and 14 other economies with a population of less than 500,000(World Bank, 1993).

7. International dollars are calculated using purchasing power parity ratios, which reflect the relative values of currencies, taking into account local prices of goods and services.

Copyright 1997 by the National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
Bookshelf ID: NBK233394


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