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Olson S. Shaping the Future: Biology and Human Values. Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US); 1989.

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Shaping the Future: Biology and Human Values.

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Chapter 4Evolution and the Biosphere

The topics covered in the first three chapters of this book-genetics, development, and neuroscience-can all be seen in two complementary lights. On the one hand, they are biological processes, complete and consistent in themselves. Biologists may not totally understand these processes, but they can study them and try to explain them in biological terms. This is the how of biology: how is a given biological system constructed, how does it function?

At the same time, biological processes are the products of evolution, with antecedents billions of years old. Biologists studying these processes from an evolutionary perspective are trying to answer the why of biology: why has a given system evolved as it has, what historical forces account for its nature?

It would be a mistake, however, to partition biological topics into the categories of "how it works" and "why it evolved." While the actions of molecules may be the most immediate explanation of a biological process, evolution is the ultimate explanation of that process. This is what makes evolution the primary unifying theme of biology. It accounts for the simultaneous diversity and unity of life, for the differences and similarities observed in organisms. No other modern idea has done so much to change our view of the biological world and our place in that world. To cite the title of a well-known essay by the prominent twentieth-century geneticist Theodosius Dobzhansky, "Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution."

Darwin's theory of evolution has been refined and strengthened since he first proposed it in 1859. Yet the central concept of Darwin's theory remains the cornerstone of modern evolutionary theory-natural selection. Darwin recognized that natural selection requires two contrasting forces. The first is a mechanism to generate the tremendous amount of variation that he observed among members of a species. The second is a process whereby some individuals succeed in passing on their genes to the next generation and others do not. In this way, nature selects traits more fitted to the environment, and those traits tend to be perpetuated. The steady accumulation of changing traits over long periods of time, combined with changes in the environment, is the substance of evolution.

Darwin did not know the mechanisms responsible for individual variation among members of a species. But the development of the science of genetics in the twentieth century has justified and clarified many of his assumptions. Today we know that individual variation arises from mutations and rearrangements of the genes, the sequences of nucleotides that code for proteins. This variability is so extensive that no two human beings (with the exception of identical twins) are likely to have ever had identical genomes.

With the explosion of molecular biology since the 1950s, the study of evolution has progressed to the molecular level. This advance has added a new and largely unanticipated level of complexity to evolutionary theory. Sequencing of genes and proteins has revealed much more variation at the molecular level than biologists had expected. Genes have been found to rearrange themselves and transfer between organisms in ways that were previously unknown. Molecular biology has revealed that relatively little of the genome in complex organisms codes for proteins, raising the question of what role the noncoding portions of the genome play in evolution. It has also demonstrated the evolutionary importance of the regulatory regions of DNA, since many species are distinguished not so much by the proteins they produce as by the amount of those proteins and the timing of their production.

Molecular biology has also had a large impact on more classical studies of evolution. For instance, it has made important contributions to the field of systematics-the classification of organisms and description of their relationships. Analyses of DNA or protein sequences can reveal differences between organisms too subtle to discern in outward appearances or behavior.

Molecular biology has also come to the aid of field studies. It has been used to study the structure and activities of populations, by tracing the flow of genes through interbreeding groups. The formation of new species-still a prominent concern in evolutionary biology-can now be studied on a genetic level. The evolutionary history of microorganisms, once a murky area in biology, has become much clearer because of the application of molecular techniques.

There are many aspects of evolutionary biology that cannot be explained on the molecular level. Natural selection, for example, is not a molecular process; it is rather the result of interactions among different organisms within a complex environment. In general, explanations in evolutionary biology cannot all be reduced to a single organizational level. They have to call upon many different levels.

These levels of organization in biology extend up to the broadest level of all-the entire earth and its collection of living things. Organisms do not only adapt to the environment; they also change the environment, and in doing so they change the course of evolution. Human beings are not the first creatures that have had the ability to remake the entire planet and its biosphere. It has been done before, by organisms much more humble than us. As shown later in this chapter, we would not be here if not for these organisms. And as shown in the essay that follows this chapter, human beings have not taken this interdependence of the biosphere to heart in their treatment of the earth's other species.

The Evolution of Proteins

One of the most remarkable accomplishments of molecular biology has been to trace the course of evolution in single molecules. According to Francisco Ayala, professor of ecology and evolutionary biology at the University of California at Irvine, this technique "has truly revolutionized the reconstruction of evolutionary history."

One of Darwin's boldest and most controversial conjectures was that all organisms are descended from common ancestors. In other words, if any two organisms living today could be traced back through evolutionary time, at some point their lines of descent would converge. The closer two organisms are in evolutionary terms, the more recent their ancestor. The most recent common ancestor of humans and chimpanzees, for example, seems to have been an ape-like creature, now extinct, that lived in Africa about 5 million years ago. The most recent ancestor of humans and mushrooms was probably a single-celled organism living in or near the water over a billion years ago.

Because of their common origins, all organisms share certain metabolic processes. We have proteins in our bodies that serve the same functions as proteins in mushrooms. However, these proteins are not identical. Over time, the DNA that codes for proteins undergoes random mutations, which supply the variation needed for evolution. These mutations can change the sequence of amino acids in a protein-replacing a glycine molecule, for instance, with one of the other 19 amino acids that commonly make up proteins. Therefore, as two evolutionary branches emerge from a common ancestor, the proteins in those branches also evolve. But because these changes are random, the proteins change in different ways. As time goes on, the proteins become more and more dissimilar.

Proteins cannot change unrestrictedly. If a protein is to serve a given function, certain amino acids must stay the same, and certain relationships among the amino acids must be maintained. If a mutation does alter a critical amino acid in a protein that is essential to an organism, the organism will not survive and the mutation will not be passed on. On the other hand, if a mutation alters the function of a protein in such a way that the fitness of the organism is enhanced, that mutation can be selected for and the mutation will spread.

Some biologists have proposed that relatively few mutations have such a positive effect. Among those mutations that do not cause a decrease in fitness, they argue, the great majority are simply neutral in their effects. Such a neutral mutation may change the sequence of amino acids in a protein, but it will not affect the protein's overall function. Other biologists disagree, contending that natural selection plays a much larger role in guiding protein evolution than the believers in the so-called neutrality theory claim.

A Molecular Clock

If the neutrality theory were correct, Ayala observes, it would have profound implications for the study of evolutionary relationships. It would mean that random changes are incorporated in DNA at a more or less constant rate. The interval between changes in a given protein would vary, in keeping with their random nature. But over a long enough time these intervals would average out.

In this way, changes in specific proteins would serve as a sort of evolutionary molecular clock. By measuring the differences in DNA or protein sequence between two different organisms, it would be possible to determine how much time has elapsed since those organisms diverged from a common ancestor.

A classic example of such a molecular clock, Ayala notes, is the protein cytochrome c. Consisting of 104 amino acids in vertebrates and a few more in some invertebrates, plants, and fungi, cytochrome c is a protein that evolved over a billion years ago to help organisms break down organic molecules and supply themselves with energy. In the 1960s, Walter Fitch and Emanuel Margoliash studied cytochrome c molecules from 20 different organisms, including the fungi Neurospora and Candida, the yeast Saccharomyces, insects, a fish, reptiles, birds, and mammals, including man. They determined the differences in amino acids among the different proteins and calculated the minimum number of substitutions that would be needed in the DNA of the organisms to account for those differences. They then used this information to arrange the organisms in evolutionary time, as shown in Figure 4-1.

FIGURE 4-1. Differences in the amino acid sequence of the enzyme cytochrome c can be used to order the evolutionary relationships among organisms.


Differences in the amino acid sequence of the enzyme cytochrome c can be used to order the evolutionary relationships among organisms. The numbers between each branch point are the minimum number of changes in the nucleotide sequence of DNA needed to (more...)

The results astonished biologists. From a single molecule, Fitch and Margoliash had reproduced centuries of work by biologists in tracing evolutionary relationships among different organisms. ''I can well remember in 1967 reading this paper in Science and being literally dumbfounded," says Ayala. "Here they were looking at a very small molecule, 104 amino acids, and in the midst of a single molecule the whole of evolutionary history could be reconstructed by and large correctly. Furthermore, there are tens of thousands of genes coding for proteins, and each one of these genes or each one of these proteins could provide us with a molecular clock, and therefore with an independent reconstruction of evolutionary history. This is what caused the enormous enthusiasms of evolutionary biologists and others with this hypothesis."

However, the diagram produced by Fitch and Margoliash is not perfect. It shows turtles, a reptile, being closer to birds than to the rattlesnake, another reptile. Within the birds, chickens appear to be more closely related to penguins, whereas they are in fact more closely related to ducks and pigeons. Finally, the primates, including humans, seem to have branched away from the mammalian limb before the kangaroo did, whereas in fact just the opposite occurred. Could it be, Ayala asks, that these mistakes point toward more serious problems with molecular clocks?

An Erratic Clock

One way in which Ayala and his colleagues have been studying this problem is by analyzing a protein known as superoxide dismutase. A protein involved in protecting cells from the reactive effects of oxygen, superoxide dismutase consists of two identical subunits of 153 amino acids in humans, horses, yeast, and mold and 151 amino acids in rats, cows, swordfish, and fruit flies. A total of 55 of the 153 possible amino acid sites are identical in all eight organisms, indicating that parts of the protein need to be conserved to maintain its function. The other 98 sites vary from species to species.

The amino acid differences between humans and the other three mammals—rats, cows, and horses—are fairly uniform, ranging from 25 to 30 amino acids (Figure 4-2). This makes sense, since the fossil record indicates that primates diverged from rodents about 63 million years ago, that the lineages leading to cows and horses diverged around the same time, and that the common ancestor to the four mammals lived about 75 million years ago.

FIGURE 4-2. The evolutionary relationships derived from the fossil record for eight organisms can be compared with the differences in amino acid sequences for the superoxide dismutase enzymes they contain.


The evolutionary relationships derived from the fossil record for eight organisms can be compared with the differences in amino acid sequences for the superoxide dismutase enzymes they contain. For instance, only 25 of the 153 amino acids in the superoxide (more...)

The difference between humans and fish is about 48 amino acids, or nearly twice as much as between humans and the other mammals. If superoxide dismutase were an accurate molecular clock, this would mean that fish and humans diverged about twice as long ago as humans and the other mammals, or approximately 150 million years ago. However, the fossil record indicates otherwise: the most common ancestor to humans and fish seems to have lived about 450 million years ago.

The situation is even worse for the other organisms. Human superoxide dismutase differs by 69 amino acids from the superoxide dismutase of yeast and molds, or about three times as much as within the mammals. Yet the lines leading to humans and to yeast became distinct an estimated 1.2 billion years ago, 20 times more distant than the common ancestor among the mammals.

The raw numbers of amino acid differences are not a completely accurate measure of evolutionary distance, Ayala points out. For instance, if an amino acid mutated at some point during evolution and then mutated back to the original amino acid, the double substitution would be hidden. Various statistical corrections can be applied to the numbers to correct for such events. But these corrections are not nearly enough to account for the discrepancies in the substitution rate of superoxide dismutase.

Another possibility is that the amino acid substitutions in superoxide dismutase are constrained in some way that is not yet thoroughly understood. For instance, there are 98 variable sites in the superoxide dismutases of the eight organisms studied. Perhaps this value approximates a maximum number of differences and the rate of amino acid substitutions slows down as it approaches that value. However, the greatest number of substitutions between any two organisms is only 69, nowhere near the maximum. Also, a maximum number of substitutions does not seem to be a factor with comparable proteins, like cytochrome c. Overall, Ayala says, one is forced to conclude that superoxide dismutase "is not a very good molecular clock."

The Value of Molecular Clocks

"What is more common," Ayala asks, "the relative regularity of cytochrome c or the capriciousness of superoxide dismutase? I think the answer is that we don't know. The amount of information that we have is very limited. If the situation that we have with superoxide dismutase prevails, we are not going to be able to use the evolutionary clock very readily, unless we become more sophisticated about it and learn some things."

Nevertheless, there are certain circumstances in which molecular clocks can still provide valuable results, Ayala contends. For instance, some proteins, such as cytochrome c, appear to be better clocks than others. By comparing many such clocks, biologists can learn which proteins provide the most valid results. Such information will become increasingly available as DNA sequencing projects for humans and other species get under way.

Individual molecular clocks can also be valuable within certain limits. By looking at relatively similar groups of organisms, in which evolutionary processes are presumably similar, and by considering relatively long periods of time, in which variations in the clock can average out, molecular clocks can yield accurate results. Even superoxide dismutase is a good molecular clock if one looks just at the evolution of mammals. But to apply such clocks more widely, Ayala concludes, biologists need to learn more about the factors that shape protein evolution.

Two Periods of Life

Based on the geologic record, the history of the earth can be divided into two very unequal periods (Figure 4-3). About 600 million years ago, fossils suddenly appear in great profusion in sedimentary rock-first marine plants and animals, and later their terrestrial descendants. The period since then is known as the Phanerozoic, from the Greek word for visible or manifest.

FIGURE 4-3. Organisms capable of leaving easily visible fossils evolved only in the last one eighth of the earth's history.


Organisms capable of leaving easily visible fossils evolved only in the last one eighth of the earth's history. Fossils of soft-bodied multicellular organisms have also been found, but they extend back to only about 700 million years. Before that the (more...)

The first geologic period in the Phanerozoic is known as the Cambrian. Everything before the Phanerozoic is therefore known simply as the Precambrian. The earth seems to have coalesced from a cloud of matter circling the sun 4.5 billion years ago. So the Precambrian period on earth spans about seven-eighths of its history.

For well over a century, biologists searched without success for conclusive evidence of fossils in Precambrian rocks. The sudden appearance of living things 600 million years ago posed a serious problem for the creators of evolutionary theory, who believed that all organisms arose through a process of gradual change from other organisms. In On the Origin of Species, Darwin wrote, "To the question why we do not find rich fossiliferous deposits belonging to . . . periods prior to the Cambrian system, I can give no satisfactory answer. ... The case at present must remain inexplicable; and may be truly urged as a valid argument against the views here entertained."

Only in the past few decades has the puzzle finally been solved, according to J. William Schopf, professor of paleobiology at the University of California at Los Angeles. It is not the case that fossils do not exist in Precambrian rocks. The problem was that people were looking for the wrong kind of fossils.

The key to the puzzle of Precambrian life begins with a certain kind of rock deposit known as a stromatolite (Figure 4-4). Shaped like a stack of mattresses (or stromas in Greek), stromatolites were first described in the early 1800s. Almost immediately, some biologists began to speculate whether they might have been formed by living organisms. But they contain no visible fossils, and most biologists concluded that stromatolites were caused by nonbiological processes. "This debate went on and on, and many geologists simply refused to investigate these structures, largely because they had been taught by their professors that they weren't worth the time," says Schopf. "But they turn out to be worth the time."

FIGURE 4-4. Stromatolites in the fossil record typically resemble stacked pancakes rising in pillars or mounds.


Stromatolites in the fossil record typically resemble stacked pancakes rising in pillars or mounds. These specimens occur in limestone deposits about 1.3 billion years old from Glacier National Park, Montana. Photograph courtesy of J. William Schopf. (more...)

Several things came together to change biologists' minds about the origins of stromatolites. For one thing, biologists began to find and examine colonies of bacteria that produce structures remarkably like the stromatolites seen in the geologic record. In a few dry, salty, and sunny places in the world, such as the coasts of Baja California and northwestern Australia, bacteria grow in columns rising from shallow water (Figure 4-5). Typically these columns are not hard; they can be cut with a machete, Schopf says. But in some places, conditions are such that calcium carbonate, the mineral constituent of limestone, adheres to their surfaces, forming a hard pillow-shaped structure. If covered with sediments and compacted, these deposits would be virtually indistinguishable from geologic stromatolites.

FIGURE 4-5. One of the few places in the world where stromatolites still live is in Shark Bay, Western Australia.


One of the few places in the world where stromatolites still live is in Shark Bay, Western Australia. For much of its history, the earth's surface probably looked something like this. Photograph courtesy of J. William Schopf.

Living stromatolites are complex ecosystems composed of several different kinds of bacteria. The top layer consists of a type of bacteria known as cyanobacteria, the same kind of bacteria responsible for pond scum on bodies of stagnant water. Like all bacteria, the cyanobacteria are prokaryotes—that is, they do not have a distinct nucleus containing their DNA. For this reason, a more common name for cyanobacterial—blue-green algae—is not entirely accurate, since all true algae have nuclei and are therefore eukaryotes. The cyanobacteria are also photosynthesizers, like green plants. They use light from the sun to convert carbon dioxide and water into the organic compounds that they use to grow.

These compounds in turn support different kinds of bacteria that live beneath the cyanobacteria in modern stromatolites. These bacteria get their energy as animals do, by feeding off the organic molecules produced by photosynthesizers.

Schopf points out that modern stromatolites might seem to lead a rather precarious existence. "They grow near the sediment-water interface," he says, "which is not a good place for organisms that rely on the sun to exist. They can get buried when the spring rains come and detritus covers them up. They can no longer see the sun and should die."

Modern stromatolites get around this problem by growing. The cyanobacteria making up the top layer of the column are phototactic—they move in response to light. "So indeed they do get buried, but as they do they glide up through the accumulated detritus and make a new layer," Schopf explains. "And there they sit, happy as clams, or happy as blue-green algae, until they get buried again and again, layer after layer. And that's how a stromatolite forms."

The discovery of modern stromatolites was a suggestive piece of evidence, but it was not enough to prove that the stromatolites in the geologic record were also made by bacteria. To do that, biologists had to find evidence of the organisms that built the geologic stromatolites. They did this by examining stromatolites preserved in silicon dioxide—the mineral quartz. If such stromatolites are sliced with a diamond-impregnated saw and ground clown by hand, it is possible to make thin layers that can be seen through with a microscope. By exhaustively searching through such translucent layers, researchers managed to find the remains of fossilized cells (Figure 4-6). Sometimes the cells are joined into rows, or flattened into disks, just like the bacteria in modern stromatolites. The fossils of the Precambrian era had finally been found.

FIGURE 4-6. Fossilized cells from 3.


Fossilized cells from 3.5-billion-year-old deposits in northwestern Australia still exhibit cell walls and a filamentous form. These fossils are among the oldest now known. Photomicrograph courtesy of J. William Schopf.

It was immediately obvious why earlier biologists had found no evidence of Precambrian life. "The Precambrian was the age of microscopic life," Schopf points out. "People were asking the wrong question. They were looking for macroscopic organisms, for the equivalent of trilobites and clams. But such organisms had not yet evolved. The planet was dominated for three billion years by microbes, which set the stage for all subsequent evolution."

Bacteria and the Atmosphere

Stromatolites first appear in the geologic record about 3.5 billion years ago, and already they contain fossilized cells (this is the earliest direct evidence for life on earth, as described in the box below). But what kinds of cells were they? Were they photosynthesizing bacteria, like the ones that form stromatolites today? Or did some other kind of organism form these early stromatolites?

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Extinction and the Fossil Record. Molecular clocks can only be used with living creatures and those few organisms for which perishable DNA or protein samples have been preserved. For creatures that are now extinct, biologists must rely on the fossil record (more...)

To search for evidence of photosynthesis, paleobiologists have studied the rocks in which these early cells are embedded. Carbon dioxide, which photosynthesizers absorb to create organic compounds, has always been abundant in the earth's atmosphere, because it spews into the atmosphere and oceans from volcanoes and deep-sea vents. But not all carbon dioxide is alike. The carbon in carbon dioxide consists of two different isotopes—carbon-12 (with six protons and six neutrons) and carbon-13 (with six protons and seven neutrons). When organisms photosynthesize, they tend to slightly prefer carbon-12 to carbon-13.


Therefore, when these organisms die and are fossilized, the carbon in those fossils tends to be enriched in carbon-12 compared with the carbon in nonbiological deposits.

Researchers have measured the ratio of carbon-12 to carbon-13 in early stromatolites, and the results indicate a definite enrichment in carbon-12. ''The carbon isotopes are consistent with the presence of photosynthesis going back three and a half billion years ago," says Schopf.

The question then becomes what kind of photosynthesis the early bacteria engaged in. Plants and cyanobacteria combine carbon dioxide with water to get organic molecules, giving off oxygen in the process. But other kinds of photosynthesis are possible. In particular, certain bacteria that evolved before cyanobacteria use hydrogen sulfide rather than water in photosynthesis, releasing sulfur as a waste product. The bond between sulfur and hydrogen is easier to break than the one between oxygen and hydrogen, and the biochemical machinery needed is less involved. Perhaps these bacteria were responsible for the early stromatolites.

Schopf and his colleagues have attacked this question by examining the size and shape of the fossils found in the earliest known stromatolites. They are larger than modern sulfur-producing bacteria, he points out, being more along the lines of modern cyanobacteria. They are also organized into rows or globular colonies encased by thick, layered sheaths, a common feature among cyanobacteria and rare among other prokaryotes. Altogether, he says, the evidence supports the idea that oxygen-producing bacteria had evolved by 3.5 billion years ago, but it is not conclusive.

To examine the issue of when oxygen-producing photosynthesizers first appear, paleobiologists again turn to the geologic record. When photosynthesizers give off oxygen, it enters the atmosphere and oceans. There it influences the formation of certain minerals, leaving a trace of its presence. By examining these minerals, it is possible to get a fairly good idea of when oxygen first appeared in abundance in the earth's atmosphere.

The best evidence for atmospheric oxygen comes from a geologic feature known as banded-iron formations. Between about 3 billion and 2 billion years ago, a series of red bands formed by the mineral hematite, or iron oxide, appear in the geologic record. "No matter where you go on the earth's surface, 2 to 3 billion years ago, you're going to find this type of rock," says Schopf. These bands appear to have been formed by deposition in the earth's oceans. Before the earth's atmosphere contained oxygen, the oceans were saturated with ferrous iron, which can exist dissolved in water. But as photosynthetic bacteria began giving off oxygen in large quantities, this oxygen combined with ferrous iron to produce ferric oxides, which are insoluble in water and dropped to the ocean floor. There they were compacted by other sediments to form the banded-iron formations.

Today, most of the world's commercially important deposits of iron come from these formations. "Why were there steel mills in Pittsburgh, or an automobile industry in Michigan?" Schopf asks. "Because that's where the iron was processed." This iron was deposited as banded iron formations 2.2 billion years ago, along the shores of an ancient sea. As Schopf says, "The world rusted.''

Stromatolites appear in abundance in the geologic record about 2.8 billion years ago. It is reasonable to assume, Schopf asserts, that they were built by the same oxygen-producing photosynthesizers responsible for the banded-iron formations.

For several hundred million years, iron in the oceans and other geologic sinks absorbed the oxygen given off by these early photosynthesizers. But eventually these sinks for oxygen got used up. At that point, oxygen began to accumulate in the atmosphere. The result was a biological revolution that would forever change the course of evolution.

An Oxygenic Atmosphere

The introduction of oxygen into the atmosphere was one of the most momentous events in earth's history. Today the earth's atmosphere is about a fifth oxygen, with virtually all of that oxygen produced biologically by green plants and cyanobacteria. But this abundance of oxygen disguises the fact that it can be a deadly toxin to life. Oxygen reacts with organic molecules, destroying the functions of proteins, nucleic acids, and other essential molecules. Essentially, oxygen burns these substances, removing their biological activity.

The development of an oxygenic atmosphere undoubtedly drove many organisms to extinction. Others found ways to avoid oxygen by retreating to anaerobic, or oxygenless, environments. Still others managed to develop biochemical defenses against the reactivity of oxygen. For instance, superoxide dismutase, the subject of Ayala's molecular clock studies, evolved to protect intracellular systems from toxic derivatives of oxygen.

But evolution is endlessly opportunistic, and while some organisms suffered because of oxygen, others thrived. In the upper atmosphere, oxygen atoms formed a layer of ozone, which absorbs ultraviolet light 7 and keeps it from reaching the earth's surface. Previously, organisms had been forced to protect themselves from the biologically damaging effects of this radiation by shielding themselves from direct sunlight or evolving elaborate biochemical defenses. With the ultraviolet light all but gone, they could spread into ecological niches that had been closed to them. (The shutting off of ultraviolet light also eliminated the plentiful source of energy that many biologists believe contributed to the formation of life, as described in the box below.)

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The Origins of Life. The fossil record contains many gaps, but none is longer or more exasperating than the very first one. The oldest known rocks date from about 3.8 billion years ago, when the earth was just 700 million years old. But the first sedimentary (more...)

Even more important, organisms began to develop ways to use oxygen to their advantage. They evolved biochemical mechanisms that used oxygen to break down foodstuffs, resulting in a much more efficient use of organic molecules to get energy. They developed biochemical pathways in which oxygen was an essential participant, resulting in such molecules as steroids, carotenoids, and unsaturated fatty acids. These organisms could not only tolerate the presence of atmosphere; they used its growing abundance to establish their biological dominance.

The development of an oxygenic atmosphere by about 1.7 billion years ago set in motion an entirely new era in evolution. By as early as 1.5 billion years ago, cells with nuclei and other internal structures began to appear. To this day, almost all of these eukaryotic cells are aerobic, requiring the presence of oxygen, and the exceptions are clearly descended from earlier aerobic eukaryotes. About 700 million years ago, these cells began to form integrated multicellular colonies, and individual cells acquired specialized functions. At first these multicellular organisms had soft bodies that were rarely preserved as fossils. But about 600 million years ago organisms began to evolve hard skeletons and other body parts, which when buried by sediments left easily visible traces. Today, all multicellular organisms, including all plants and animals, are composed of eukaryotic cells.

A Modern View

The anaerobic portion of earth's history-from its creation 4.5 billion years ago until about 2 billion years ago-may seem a rather sedate time in the history of evolution. But that is because evolution tends to be equated with changes in the shape of organisms. During the first half of earth's history, the dramatic events in evolution occurred inside cells. The period was characterized by what Schopf calls a "Volkswagen syndrome" -the tendency for outward appearances to remain the same while internal mechanisms are undergoing substantial change. The ancient prokaryotes developed all of the basic biochemical machinery on which later life depends. And in doing so they transformed the earth's environment from one hostile to life to one in which advanced organisms could prosper.

Unraveling the threads of Precambrian evolution has been a difficult process and is far from over, says Schopf. It is an interdisciplinary undertaking, drawing on fields from throughout biology and beyond. "To address the problems of three and a half billion year old pond scum, one has to worry about such things as geology and minerology, microbiology and paleontology, organic chemistry, biochemistry, atmospheric evolution, a little bit of comparative climatology, and the history of science." Progress in the field has sometimes been slowed, Schopf says, by the tendency of scientists to focus on particular fields and ignore their interdisciplinary connections. But "nature is not compartmentalized," Schopf observes. "There's a great imperfection in our science, and I think it's a function of the way we educate our students. There's something to be said for an interdisciplinary education, and perhaps my remarks in some small way illustrate that point."

Human societies are now reaching a point where the interconnectedness of the biological and the nonbiological can no longer be ignored. By burning fossil fuels and destroying vegetation, we are increasing the amount of carbon dioxide in the earth's atmosphere. Carbon dioxide acts as a greenhouse gas, trapping infrared radiation and raising the temperature of the globe. If computer models of atmospheric processes are accurate, global temperatures will rise several degrees over the next century, shifting agricultural and ecological zones and possibly raising sea levels.

Humans are also modifying one of the influences that made the modern ecosystem possible. Industrial chemicals known as chlorofluorocarbons have been breaking down ozone molecules in the upper atmosphere, allowing more ultraviolet radiation to reach the ground. Besides increasing skin cancer rates, this increased ultraviolet radiation could eventually harm terrestrial and marine plants and animals, with untold ecological consequences.

By studying the geologic, atmospheric, oceanographic, and biologic processes that have shaped our modern world, biologists hope to learn more about how these forces will continue to interact. "The past determines the present," says Schopf, "and in the same sense the present determines the future."

ESSAY-Preserving Biological Diversity

Global change-the worldwide modification of the environment as a result of human activities-has become front-page news. Three broad trends seem responsible for this new-found concern with the environment. Industrial pollution, long a problem at the local level, has become national and international in scope, particularly through its contributions to acid rain. Increasing levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere are coinciding with a gradual warming of global temperatures, raising fears about the effects of future warmings on agriculture, rainfall, and sea levels. And an observed thinning of the ozone layer, including its virtual disappearance over Antarctica in the spring, has sparked concern that continued releases of chlorofluorocarbons could dramatically increase the ultraviolet radiation reaching the earth's surface.

However, discussions of global change often overlook another critical trend, according to Edward 0. Wilson, professor of science at Harvard University. "There is a fourth horseman in the environmental apocalypse, which needs to be much more closely monitored and acted upon. Unlike the others, it is truly irreversible and hence unpredictable in its consequences. I'm speaking of the extinction of species caused by habitat destruction, especially the destruction of tropical forests."

Human beings are now causing a mass extinction that rivals any of the extinction events that have occurred in the earth's 4.5-billion-year history. Over the course of a hundred years-little more than a human lifetime-as many as half of the species living on the earth could become extinct. The biological diversity of the world is being irrevocably reduced, not through any conscious decision to reduce diversity but because no decision has been made to preserve it. "This is the folly our descendents are least likely to forgive us," Wilson believes.

Ethical beliefs inevitably shape a person's attitudes toward the extinction of species. Some people may hold with the Book of Genesis that God gave humans dominion over all living things to use as we see fit. Others may believe that we are charged with the stewardship of other species and are responsible for their welfare. Some people may see humans as a self-contained species, with no intrinsic responsibility toward other species except as they influence human welfare. Others might feel that because humans are a product of evolution, it diminishes humanity to let the other products of evolution be destroyed.

"The field biologist is impatient with these niceties of moral reasoning," says Wilson. "He is like a molecular biologist watching the laboratory burn down." Species are disappearing much too fast to withhold action until an ethical consensus emerges, Wilson says. Given the many known benefits of biological diversity and the unknown consequences of reducing that diversity, simple prudence would dictate that we act to preserve the world's biological heritage.

Measures of Diversity

"It is a remarkable fact that no one knows the amount of biological diversity in the world even to the nearest order of magnitude," Wilson points out. Biologists have named and described over 1.4 million species of all types since formal systems of classification were inaugurated in the 1750s. But except for a few well-studied categories such as flowering plants and vertebrates, many more species exist than have been named and described. Wilson estimates that there may be anywhere between 4 and 30 million species on the earth, over half of them insects.

Each of these species is an irreplaceable repository of genetic information. The estimated number of genes in various organisms are about 1,000 in bacteria, approximately 10,000 in some fungi, from 50,000 to 100,000 in humans and many other animals, and around 400,000 in many flowering plants. Moreover, the individual members of a species contain different genes and different versions of the same gene, resulting in diversity within as well as between species.

"A species is not like a molecule in a cloud of molecules," says Wilson. "It is a unique population of organisms, the terminus of a lineage that split off from the most closely related species thousands or even millions of years ago. It has been hammered and shaped into its present form by mutations and natural selection, during which certain genetic combinations survived and reproduced differentially out of an almost inconceivably large possible total."

Relatively few genes have been studied in great detail, and except for a handful of laboratory organisms the nucleotide sequences for any given organism, including humans, are largely unknown. Hence, when a species becomes extinct, the genetic information it contained is lost forever.

Diversity in the Tropics

By far the richest known collections of species in the world occur in tropical rain forests. Though such forests cover only about one-fourteenth of the world's land surface, they contain over half of the world's species. More accurately known as closed moist tropical forests, these forests typically contain three or more canopies of vegetation. The top canopy, formed by evergreen broadleaf trees, is very thick, so that little direct light reaches the forest floor. This absence of direct light reduces the amount of undergrowth, so that humans can walk through such forests with relative ease.

The diversity of living things within these forests is legendary among biologists. "Every tropical biologist has a favorite example to offer," Wilson says. "From a single leguminous tree in Peru, I recovered 43 species of ants belonging to 26 genera. That's approximately the same as the entire ant population of the British Isles or Canada." In ten plots totaling 25 acres in Borneo, one tropical biologist identified about 700 species of trees, more than the number of native tree species occurring in all of North America. A square kilometer of forest in Central or South America may contain several hundred species of birds and many thousands of species of butterflies, beetles, and other insects.

This incredible biodiversity is colliding head-on with a harsh reality of modern history: these areas are under some of the most intense development pressures of any ecosystems in the world. Most tropical forests occur in developing countries with rapidly growing populations. Already, 40 percent of the land that once supported tropical forests no longer does so because of human activities. And as population and economic pressures continue to grow, so will the pressures on the remaining tropical forests.

By the most conservative estimates, about 1 percent of the existing tropical forest is being cleared or permanently disrupted each year-an area about the size of West Virginia. Other estimates are much higher, though in the politically charged atmosphere surrounding deforestation such numbers are inevitably controversial. "The important point is that the rates are very very high, however you look at them," says Wilson.

Most of these areas are being permanently cleared to make way for agriculture. But one of the tragedies of tropical deforestation is that these lands are not particularly well suited to agriculture. The existence of lush tropical forests can give the impression of an abundant fertility. "But the existing tropical forests are not the rich fertile environments easily regenerated that most people imagine," says Wilson. "They're quite the contrary. They are what you could call wet deserts."

Most tropical forests exist on what are known as tropical red and yellow earths, which are acidic and poor in nutrients. When the trees are cut down and burnt, they release their nutrients into the soil, and for two or three years these nutrients can support crops. But after that the nutrients are used up or washed away, and agricultural yields decline precipitously without extensive use of fertilizers.

Once the forests are chopped down, it will take centuries for comparable ecosystems (minus the exterminated species) to regenerate fully. In some cases where damage is severe and the soil is particularly poor, the forests may never regenerate naturally. Tropical forests are therefore not necessarily a renewable resource, like forests in temperate areas. In many respects they are a nonrenewable resource, like oil or minerals.

If current rates of deforestation continue, the tropical rain forests will be virtually gone by the beginning of the twenty-second century. However, some areas are disappearing much faster than the average and will be gone within a decade or two. The rate of deforestation is also increasing, leading many tropical biologists to place the disappearance of the rain forests well within the twenty-first century.

The amount of extinction that this destruction of habitat will cause depends on the number of species living in these ecosystems now (a number that is not yet known with certainty) and on how much of the forests can be preserved. Studies of island biogeography indicate that, as a general rule, when the area of a particular habitat is reduced by 90 percent, the number of species living in that habitat drops by half. In the tropics, however, this general rule may underestimate the true loss of species. Many tropical species occur in small geographical areas, so a relatively small loss of habitat can spell their extinction. Such habitat destruction can also reduce the genetic diversity within a species, leaving it more vulnerable to future disruptions.

Without conservation efforts on a massive scale, existing tropical forests will eventually be reduced to much less than 10 percent of their current area. It is therefore likely that more than half of the species now living in these areas will be lost.

Linking Development and Conservation

In the industrial world, development and conservation are often seen as competitors in a zero-sum game: when development wins, conservation loses. But that equation does not necessarily hold in the developing world. There, the biological wealth contained in natural environments can be a valuable source of increased human prosperity.

"Wild species in the rain forests and other natural habitats are among the most important human resources," says Wilson, "and so far the least utilized." Food production is the prime example. At present, people rely on only 15 to 20 species of plants for the great majority of their food supplies, and just three species-wheat, maize (corn), and rice-supply more than half. Yet there are at least 75,000 plants that are edible, Wilson observes, and many of them have qualities superior to those of the crops now in use.

Even if a wild plant is not grown as a crop, its qualities can be introduced into interbreeding crops through traditional breeding programs. Furthermore, using genetic engineering it should soon be possible to transfer valuable traits, such as disease or pest resistance, between plants that do not naturally interbreed.

Wild species are also a vast and largely untapped reservoir of new pharmaceuticals, fibers, petroleum substitutes, and other products. For instance, one in ten plants contains anticancer compounds of some degree of effectiveness. The rosy periwinkle of Madagascar provides two alkaloids, notes Wilson, vinblastine and vincristine, that can largely cure Hodgkin's disease and acute childhood lymphocytic leukemia. Now the basis of a $100 million a year industry, the rosy periwinkle is one of six related species on Madagascar. "The other five have largely been unstudied," Wilson notes, "and one is at the moment on the verge of extinction due to the destruction of natural habitats."

Plants are not the only wild species of potential value. Insects can act as crop pollinators, control agents for weeds, and parasites and predators of other insect pests. Bacteria, yeast, and other microorganisms can yield new medicinals, foods, and procedures of soil restoration. Proposals for how wild species can promote human welfare "fill volumes," says Wilson.

Approaches to Conservation

"You can't stop a Mexican peasant from shooting the last imperial woodpecker to feed his family, which in fact happened 15 years ago," says Wilson. "But in less desperate cases you can persuade people and governments, at least to some extent, that it is to their short-term and long-term benefit to preserve biodiversity. In the short term, they can get longer and richer yields from existing resources. In the long term, they're saving one of their national treasures. "

A number of methods have been developed that can simultaneously further economic development and preserve biological diversity, Wilson notes. New methods of strip lumbering can yield income from tropical forests while preserving forest tracts. Proper agricultural management can conserve the nutrients in tropical soils, so that farmers do not have to keep moving to be able to work fertile ground. Land that has already been cleared needs to be enriched or restored to take the pressure off undeveloped land. And crops especially suited to the tropics, such as fast-growing trees that can be mowed to yield fiber and wood pulp, should find much wider use.

Governments and international development organizations need to make biodiversity a major consideration when planning and supporting development projects, Wilson observes. Encouraging steps in this direction have been taken; for instance, the U.S. Congress has mandated that programs funded by the Agency for International Development include an assessment of environmental impact. But much more needs to be done.

More innovative measures have also been proposed. Some people have advocated that the international debts of developing countries be partially forgiven if they undertake conservation projects. A similar approach is to buy the debt of developing countries at a substantial discount and use that credit to purchase land for preservation. ''There are a lot of techniques that have been developed," says Wilson, "and it is not going to take an enormous amount of money in terms of foreign aid compared with what we have been contributing, for example, in military aid to many of these countries."

The Role of Biologists

Biological research will be an important complement to policy measures in preserving biological diversity. First of all, research in systematics and ecology is needed to get a better idea of the dimensions of biodiversity and the magnitude of the threat facing it. "There's clearly a need for a strong new effort in systematic biogeography to find out where the species are located, which areas are in need of protection, and where the species exist that might be put to immediate use in the economic sphere," says Wilson. "We're going to have to rebuild our museums and other institutes devoted to biodiversity studies to concentrate a lot more fieldwork out there in the real world."

Wilson is in favor of a biotic survey of every species-plant, animal, and microorganism-that exists on the earth, "a project comparable to mapping the human genome." Such a survey could help answer a number of vital questions in evolutionary biology. For instance, what accounts for the number of species on the earth? Is it due to something about the nature of the planet or to something about evolution? Why do hot spots of biological diversity exist? Can the diversity of natural systems be increased through human intervention?

The restoration of damaged ecosystems is another area in which biologists can make a major contribution. What are the best methods to promote the regeneration of a natural ecosystem? How can ecosystems be maintained in such a way as to promote diversity? These areas of biological research need to undergo substantial growth in the near future, Wilson contends.

Biology is not the only science that needs to become more involved in preserving biodiversity. Economics has traditionally had difficulty assigning value to biological diversity and other environmental assets because these entities exist outside the narrowly defined market economy. Psychology and sociology have never made serious efforts to study the relation of mental and social health to the vitality of the natural environment. In general, Wilson asserts, the social sciences need to become much more integrated into the realities of the natural environment and the uses of biodiversity.

Studies of biodiversity are unusual in science, because there is a strict time limit on when they can be done. Biologists and other scientists are in a race with time, and the competition is running ever faster as population pressures increase. "The study of biodiversity has unexpectedly gained a new urgency," Wilson says. "It has become as important to humanity now as medicine or molecular biology."

Copyright © 1989 by the National Academy of Sciences.
Bookshelf ID: NBK218603


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