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Riddle DL, Blumenthal T, Meyer BJ, et al., editors. C. elegans II. 2nd edition. Cold Spring Harbor (NY): Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; 1997.

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C. elegans II. 2nd edition.

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Section IIIAging in C. elegans

A. Life Spans of Well-fed Adults

What is the life span of C. elegans? Even in highly inbred, presumably homozygous strains of C. elegans, not all individuals die at the same time; therefore, mean life span is determined by examining populations of animals. In a survey of wild strains of C. elegans, Johnson and Hutchinson (1993) found that hermaphrodites of the strains they examined had similar life spans. However, in some strains, males had shorter life spans than hermaphrodites, whereas in other strains, males had longer life spans. More recently, D. Gems and D.L. Riddle (pers. comm.) have shown that different isolates of the N2 strain of C. elegans have significantly different life spans, ranging from 12 to 18 days at 20°C. It is not clear whether strain-specific differences in life spans are due to changes in a single gene or in multiple genes. Whatever the case, because the life span of C. elegans is somewhat strain-specific, it is important to compare the life spans of candidate mutants with those of their direct parents. In addition, in cases where mutations isolated a relatively long time ago are found to have life spans that differ from that of N2, it is safest to isolate new alleles and compare their life spans with those of the direct parental line, or at least to show that the life-span phenotype is linked genetically to the allele in question.

Unfortunately, even when a single strain is analyzed and all known variables are held constant, some degree of variability can still exist between the life-span curves observed in different experiments. This means that in all life span studies, controls must be carried out in parallel, and apparent differences between strains must be tested for reproducibility.

B. Environmental Influences

1. Temperature

The life span of C. elegans is influenced by temperature. For example, Klass (1977) found that the mean life span of C. elegans cultured in liquid media was 23 days at 16°C, but 9 days at 25°C. One might assume that the different rates of growth at different temperatures are a direct consequence of the intrinsic thermodynamic properties of chemical reaction rates. However, Wong et al. (1995) found that mutants defective in clk (clock) genes are unable to adjust their rate of growth to changes in temperature. Wild-type animals actively decrease or increase their rate of development in response to temperature changes. In contrast, clk mutants cultured to the two-cell stage at 15°C or 25°C and then shifted to 20°C were unable to either increase or decrease their rate of development effectively. Thus, the clk genes are required to reset the rate of development in response to changes in temperature. This is a provocative finding, and it will be interesting to learn its molecular basis. These mutants also have altered life spans, as discussed below.

2. Food

a. Larval Arrest

If L1 larvae hatch in the absence of food, their growth is arrested. When they resume feeding, they grow normally to adulthood, and their subsequent adult life span is the same as that of a worm that hatches in the presence of food (Johnson et al. 1984).

b. Dauer Formation

C. elegans has a discrete response to food limitation early in life: It enters an alternative developmental stage, the dauer. Unlike the normal feeding state, the dauer can live for many months. Dauers are an alternative L3 state and are discussed in detail by Riddle (this volume). Dauer formation is potentiated by food limitation and high temperature. The dauer state is induced by a constitutively produced dauer pheromone, whose concentration increases as the animals crowd together around the remaining food. The dauer state can be induced only in L1 and early L2 larvae. The dauer differs from the adult in many ways. Its growth is arrested, and it contains intestinal granules that are thought to store food (dauers appear dark for this reason). It is encased by a dauer-specific cuticle that is relatively resistant to dehydration. Dauers have reduced metabolic rates (O'Riordan and Burnell 1989, 1990), elevated levels of superoxide dismutase, and are relatively resistant to oxidative stress (Anderson 1982; Larsen 1993; Vanfleteren 1993). They also have elevated levels of several heat shock proteins (Dalley and Golomb 1992; R. Shmookler Reis, pers. comm.). Animals that exit from the dauer state resume growth and have subsequent life spans that are similar to those of animals that have not arrested at the dauer stage (Klass and Hirsh 1976).

It is not known what metabolic or physiological changes contribute to the longevity of the dauer. The finding that several dauer-constitutive mutations can increase the life spans of fertile adults (see below) raises the possibility that dauers do not live longer simply because their growth is arrested, but rather because they express an active longevity program of some sort.

c. Caloric Restriction

As discussed above, the life spans of healthy vertebrates can be extended dramatically by caloric restriction. Likewise, Klass (1977) reported that the life span of C. elegans can be extended by about 50% by growth in liquid cultures with a relatively low concentrations of bacteria.

3. Reproduction

The most straightforward way of determining whether progeny production influences life span is to sterilize animals and measure their life spans. This has been done in several ways. First, the life spans of worms unable to make sperm have been examined and found to be similar to those of wild type. These include fer-15 mutants, which produce defective sperm (Klass 1983; Friedman and Johnson 1988a), and fem mutants, which produce oocytes instead of sperm (Kenyon et al. 1993). In addition, life span is not affected by ablation of the gonad and germ cells (Kenyon et al. 1993). Therefore, in C. elegans, the production of progeny per se does not affect life span.

One sterile mutant, spe-26 , has been reported to have an extended life span (Van Voorhies 1992); however, in this case, the effect on life span is probably unrelated to the sperm defect, since the magnitude of the life-span extension in these mutants is not correlated with the degree of sterility in different spe-26 alleles (S. Ward, pers. comm.).

Does the act of mating itself affect life span? It appears that it does but it is not clear how. Van Voorhies (1992) found that mating decreased the life span of males. In fact, male life span appears to be shortened by mating, or attempted mating, with either males or hermaphrodites. When males are grown singly, their life spans are increased, an effect not seen with hermaphrodites (D. Gems and D.L. Riddle, pers. comm.). In the case of hermaphrodites, Van Voorhies (1992) found that mating did not affect the life span. However, in a subsequent, more extensive study, mating with males was found to reduce hermaphrodite life span by up to one half (Gems and Riddle 1996). The act of copulation itself seems to decrease life span, because sterile males that attempt to copulate also accelerate the death of hermaphrodites.

4. Oxygen Levels

Changes in oxygen concentration perturb the life span of C. elegans (Honda et al. 1993). When animals are cultured in a high concentration of oxygen, their life spans are shortened, and when they are cultured in a low concentration of oxygen, their life spans are lengthened. Furthermore, a strain with reduced levels of superoxide dismutase was more sensitive to the effects of oxygen. These findings suggest that oxidative damage can accelerate the aging process in C. elegans and argue that in nature, oxygen levels have a role in setting the normal life span.

5. DNA Damage

Hartman et al. (1988) questioned whether the effectiveness of DNA repair systems might determine the life expectancy of C. elegans. To address this issue, they asked whether there was a correlation between life span and sensitivity to three different DNA-damaging agents in recombinant inbred strains (described below) whose mean life spans range from 13 to 30 days. They found that there was no such correlation. This finding argues that the efficacy of DNA repair is not a limiting factor in determining the life span of wild-type C. elegans.

6. Relationship between Programmed Cell Death and Senescence

Mutations in ced genes, which alter programmed cell death, do not affect life span (R. Horvitz, pers. comm.). It thus seems likely that the regulation of programmed cell death (apoptosis) is fundamentally different from the process of organismal senescence and aging.

Copyright © 1997, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press.
Bookshelf ID: NBK20213


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