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Mucignat-Caretta C, editor. Neurobiology of Chemical Communication. Boca Raton (FL): CRC Press/Taylor & Francis; 2014.

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Chapter 15Pheromones of Tiger and Other Big Cats

and .

This chapter is dedicated to the memory of the late Prof. J. Dutta of Bose Institute, Calcutta—our longstanding collaborator.


This chapter is based on a long-standing quest initiated by one of us (RLB) in 1964 when George Schaller undertook the first detailed scientific study of the tiger (Schaller 1967). It has been rather like chasing a crooked shadow through a maze, for the concept of pheromones in mammals was not well understood at that time and many misconceptions on the social life of the tiger, and particularly regarding the question of olfactory ability of the tiger, obscured the views of latter-day researchers. We have attempted to take into account implications of evolution, ethology, ethochemistry, and ethogenomics while studying the strategies for documenting the different forms of chemical communication in the world of big cats, especially the tiger. Our knowledge in this context was enriched by experiences during several periods of fieldwork in different ecological terrain, in India and Africa, in most of the cases by one of us (RLB). The subject of chemical signaling, only one aspect of which is pheromone, is very wide-ranging. For the sake of clarity and the self-sufficiency of this chapter, we project our views in two ways: in the first part we present a general treatment of chemical signals concentrating mainly on pheromonal signals (communication) in the tiger and other big cats, the lion (Asiatic and African), the Indian leopard, and the African cheetah, and in the second part we will try to substantiate our views with quantitative data records that we have gathered over decades in different phases. Our study on the latter three big cats is less exhaustive than that on the tiger and we have had no opportunity of investigating the jaguar and the cougar (puma).

A major breakthrough in the subject of animal psychology occurred when in 1973, Konrad Lorenz, Niko Tinbergen, and Karl von Frisch won the Nobel Prize for Physiology/Medicine for their pioneering work on animal behavior. A new terminology—ethology—came of age; the terms “ethology” and “animal behavior” became synonymous and now also include sociobiology and related analysis and modeling on behavioral studies from the evolutionary perspective, comparative psychology, and very recently, signal engineering and ethochemistry (as developed in the context of our work on big cats), and so forth.


People living in and around jungles or even in the country (rather than the urban population) had gained inklings of what we today call pheromones and their physiological/behavioral aspects. The strong taint of vixen in reproductive stage (which the dog-fox responds to) well known to people in the British countryside and has been clearly described in a poem by John Maesfield. Likewise, South African farmers were familiar with jackals’ smell in the right season (Van Der Merwe 1953). Such knowledge has been part and parcel of the poacher’s professional skill.

At a more scientific level we can refer to Darwin (1871). In The Descent of Man in Selection in Relation to Sex, he described the strong smell of breeding crocodiles, many mammals, and hinted at a possible sexual selection of such smells. To quote from Darwin, “…if the most odoriferous males are the most successful in winning over females and leaving offspring to inherit the gradually perfected glands and odour…” He described how competition for mates (i.e., sexual selection) would lead to the evolution of traits that either helped a male to fight off other males or to make it particularly attractive to females, or both. He believed that it could be such a powerful force that such a trait could evolve with time. He saw sexual selection as a special case of natural selection with emphasis on mating success. This can be reinterpreted today as the concept of sex-attractant pheromone evolving through sexual selection.

In his book, Darwin also argued that there is an evolutionary continuity and that the root of human behavior patterns lies in many nonhuman animals. The study of pheromones reveals the truth of Darwin’s reasoning. It is now known that pheromones are used by various animals and vestiges of human pheromone have also been traced.

Tinbergen (1951) raised four questions of ethology in his book The Study of Instinct: (1) What is its function and survival value? (2) How has it evolved over time? (3) How has it developed in the individual? (4) What is the physiological causation?

In the following sections we will attempt to address some of the questions raised by him with respect to our findings on big cats.

Animal behavior is not explainable by fossil records. Nonetheless, Rasmussen (1999) indulges in interesting speculations. On the basis of an old report on rock engravings by Pocock (Rasmussen 1999), she suggests that the temporal gland in mammoths was larger in size that that of the Asian elephant. It is possible that in mammoths both males and females utilized this as a source of pheromones. But today it is a major pheromonal source in the male Asian elephant only.*

We must treat the concepts of instinct, ontogeny of specific behavior related to pheromonal communication, strategies of signaling and their impact on reproduction, phylogenetic relationship of specific behavioral patterns in big cats, in order to understand the facts and hypotheses in the light of evolution. Here we face many problems, some of which are hard nuts to crack.


The phenomenon of sexual selection is correlated with signaling in most animals. Social signals are diverse; besides visible and auditory signaling, chemical signals (olfactory signals) play an important role in the world of many animals including mammals. These could be urine, feces, glandular secretions, and so forth. Whereas a visual or auditory signal is functional only during the physical presence of the animal, a chemical (olfactory) signal persists even in its absence. Brahmachary (1986) pointed out how such signals might convey information on species specificity, sexual status, and so forth, and Wyatt (2003) lists more information such as on age, health, and fear. Penn (2006) calls such signals an extended phenotype, being inspired by a famous book (Dawkins 1983). Dawkins used this expression to mean “action at a distance” as in the case of the Bruce effect; here the pheromone helps the second male (physically absent) to block pregnancy of the female due to the sperm of the first male, thus acting to the advantage of the second. We feel, however, that in a more general sense pheromones are also extended phenotypes leaving their “individuality imprint” at a distance, such as in the scat, dung, urine, and glandular secretion. We will return to this theme in the context of big cats.

Maynard and Harper (1988) divided signals into two categories, assessment and conventional. They explained that assessment signals are “honest” in function and involve a large expenditure of energy (e.g., the loud call of a barking deer). Conventional signals are generally prominent display badges such as the tusks of the male Asian elephant, large shaggy mane of the African lion, brightly colored feathers/wings of birds like that of widow bird or peacock; these are signals or certificates attesting good health, virility, high nutritional status, and so forth in the organisms (Brahmachary 2011). Sometimes these signals are misleading (e.g., the black bib of the house sparrow is not always correlated with male dominance) (Maynard and Harper 1988). As we will see, in the big cats the major pheromonal signal is based on metabolic expenditure, namely the loss of a large amount of lipids, presence of hormones, or derivatives thereof in urine and marking fluid (MF) (see Section 15.6.1). This ability of metabolizing energy as well as the traces of hormones in urine, MF, and so forth can claim to be honest signals, as we will describe later.

The difference between hormone and pheromone is generally clear. Hormone, which means “I excite,” is restricted to an individual body, while pheromone, which connotes a sense of “carrying” (pherein) excitement, is concerned with transmission of “excitement” (here, a chemical signal) to another individual. However, a comparative study on heterosexual and homosexual men and heterosexual and lesbian women by Berglund et al. (2006) suggests that certain sex hormones and their breakdown products also act as pheromones. He reported that two compounds, progesterone derivative 4,16-androstadien-3-one (AND) and estrogen-like steroid estra-1,3,5(10),16-tetraen-3-ol (EST) induce sex-specific effects on the autonomic nervous system, mood, and context-dependent sexual arousal. Thus AND and EST are supposed to be candidate compounds for human pheromones. Therefore, we feel it is unnecessary to take recourse to hair-splitting while defining terminologies.


“Semeion” means signal (as in semaphore signal) in Greek. So, semiochemicals include all signals in our biological context; it may be the mRNA, a signal from DNA, an osmic (smelly) chemical signal emitted by an animal that excites another animal of the same species (pheromone) or alerts the prey, or the smell of the prey can betray it to the advantage of the predator. The last two cases have been described as allelochemicals by Nordlund and Lewis (1976) and are subdivided into two other classes—kairomones and allomones. However, these two terms were well defined by Claesson and Silverstein (1977) and in Chemical Signals in Vertebrates I (1977, Plenum Press, London) and we feel the term allelochemical might lead to confusion for this is well known in modern Botanical literature as the classes of substances emitted through root exudates or material leaching out of leaves shed on ground and affecting the growth of plants of the same or other species. We, therefore, are of the opinion that the terms pheromone, allomone, and kairomone are sufficient to describe the relevant issues.

The concept of the pheromone has further been categorized into “releaser” and “primer” depending on the time gap between exposure to the pheromone and the response in the receiver, either immediately or after a longer duration (Albone 1984). The interim period between stimulus and the response may vary; action can be instantaneous or delayed depending on orientation of stimuli, gradual accumulation of information, or controlled response with the influence of environment. Stimulus of smelling the young triggers the final letdown of milk from a lactating mother, although prior growth of the mammary gland is accelerated by the cumulative arousal action of the pregnant female by grooming or licking the nipples in rodents (Manning and Dawkins 1992). Ewert and Trand (1979) correlated the selective responsiveness to key stimuli at a behavioral level with the underlying neurobehavioral mechanism. In other words, the strength of responsiveness or motivation to the stimuli depends on various internal and external factors of the receiving animal.

“Communication” has generally but not always evolved for the sake of mutual benefit of sender and receiver (Manning and Dawkins 1992). In our view, when interindividual communication takes place within the same sex to reduce direct confrontation with rivals, it is beneficial to the sender but not to the receiver. On the other hand, communication between the opposite sex is beneficial for both individuals. Communication (i.e., the passage of ‘information) may also be disadvantageous in the context of the predator-prey relation. However, the latter aspect will not be treated because our focus is on intraspecific communication through pheromones. Chemical communication as a sex attractant or warning signal in the context of territorial connotations necessarily includes a self–nonself distinction (i.e., those signal(s) as those that bear the characteristic individual signature). Wyatt (2003) emphasizes this aspect as well as that of kin or clan recognition as distinct from pheromones, but it would be less complicated to retain the term pheromone and interpret it in a wider context.


The aspects of home range and territories include a study of sex allocation and amenities such as availability of food, water, and abode, and are related to social conduct. Territory may be permanent or temporary and a territory holder is perhaps dominant over an intruder. Most territories and home ranges can be more clearly understood in the description by earlier authors as mentioned below. More data has been furnished later.

Many hunters in the past talked of tiger beats rather like the beat areas of police officers. When a tiger was killed, very soon its particular niche was filled up by another. “A good tiger beat is sure to continue to be so year after year” even when the “predecessor may have been killed but recently” (Fayrer 1875). Likewise, Lyddeker (1893–94) mentions observations docketing the fact that when “a tiger with a restricted beat is killed…another will occupy its place frequenting the same lairs and drinking at the same pools.” This view, based on a good deal of experience and also verbally communicated (to RLB) by Wakefield, an old-time hunter naturalist of vast experience of Indian wildlife, implies territoriality or home range but in the scientific world the concept was formulated by Howard (1922) while describing British songbirds (their song is a vocal communication). Uxkuell (1934) used two words, Heim and Heimat, both of which in German have the connotation of home. Taking this cue, ecologists and ethologists later on introduced two terms, territory and home range. A territory may be defined as that part of home range which is actively defended (Burt 1943), if need be, by fighting. In the 1940s and 1950s Hediger clearly propounded the idea that animals reserve separate sections of their home range for specific, different purposes, such as sleeping, resting, defecating, and wallowing (Hediger 1977). Only some part(s) of the home range are actively defended but signals with agonistic connotation such as roaring or the olfactory cues based on fresh pheromones minimize the chances of an all-out fight. However, in other parts of the home range the presence of others is tolerated or even encouraged. Some authors have used the expression “land tenure” rather than territory/home range in the context of big cats.

Barnett (1981) mentioned four kinds of factors for confinement of an animal in its territory: (1) existence of structural barriers for movement, (2) the attraction of the place due to various reasons, (3) due to specific apotreptic behavior that keeps animals apart, and (4) the animal may withdraw itself on detecting the presence of conspecifics. We feel the first factor (structural barrier) is an exceptional case. Also, the difference between (3) and (4) is not clear-cut. According to Powell (2000) home range represents an interplay between the environment and an animal’s understanding of that environment (i.e., its cognitive map). Home-range behavior is the product of a decision-making process shaped by natural selection to increase the contributions of spatially distributed resources to fitness (Börger et al. 2008; Mitchell and Powell 2004; Spencer et al. 1990). For demarcation of territory, animals use optical, acoustic, olfactory, and chemical cues or a combination of these so that other conspecific members can recognize it in several ways. Anderson (1994) classified territories under different categories: (a) a region in which most or all activities of the animals are carried out, (b) a region smaller than the total area of movement of the animal (i.e., territory is a subset within a big set of home range), and (c) a region in which a female raises her offspring.

In a natural or stable environment, territorial behavior, though diverse, entails an orderly and often peaceful spacing out of the population so that most individuals can carry out essential functions like searching for food, prospective mates, raising young, and so forth without much overt aggression. Thus in the tiger and lion territorial behavior is linked with breeding and raising offspring (Locke 1954; Schaller 1967; Schaller 1972).


15.6.1. Unknown Spray

In about a century and a half of numerous blood sport literature, the behavior pattern of the tiger, originally called the unknown spray and now known as scent marking, was conspicuous by its absence. Even stalwart oldtimers like Corbett (1944), James Inglis (1892), and Dunbar Brander (1923) apparently never noticed this now so familiar phenomenon (today it is well known that tigers, lions, leopards, etc., frequently eject a fluid through the urinary channel like a spray directed upward). Schaller (1967) unearthed a single reference, that of Locke (1954). This discerning military officer wrote tersely but to the point, “From time to time, presumably when in quest of a mate or when wishing to indicate that he regards this area as his own particular hunting ground, the adult male is capable of ejecting a strong smelling secretion from beneath the tail, which is raised vertically during this process. The fluid is expelled upwards and backwards with surprising force. The spot which the tiger has chosen for this purpose can easily be recognized by the odour. Traces of the fluid may also sometimes be found on surrounding vegetation including the undersides of the leaves on low hanging boughs.” His views essentially are valid even today. But he saw only the male tiger spraying. In 1964, Schaller in Kanha, India, noticed a tigress raising her tail and spraying a fluid through the urinary channel upward and backward and later he observed this behavior a few more times. Schaller was toying with a theory that this spray might encode certain information to be decoded by other tigers (Schaller 1964, personal communication). One day in 1964, Schaller and one of us (RLB) noticed a long file of spotted deer pausing and smelling the leaves of a stunted Butea monosperma tree that was apparently sprayed by the resident tigress (Brahmachary 1964, personal field diary). In 1967, Schaller first brought this spray to the notice of scientists through his book (Schaller 1967). At a later date, while watching a tame tigress in a jungle in Orissa, India, 52 sprays were noticed in a single day (Brahmachary 1976, unpublished personal field diary) and hundreds of sprayings were subsequently observed in a very large compound where the tigress had a free run. Much of this data was documented by S.R. Choudhury, who had been studying this tiger from cubhood (Figure 15.1) since 1974. (Some of this data was published posthumously [Choudhury 1999].) Around the 1980s many naturalists and even casual tourists in Indian National Parks became familiar with the spray of tigers.

FIGURE 15.1. ”Khairi” (born August 1972; died September 1977): the pet tigress of Simlipal forest, which initiated scientific research in tiger pheromones.


”Khairi” (born August 1972; died September 1977): the pet tigress of Simlipal forest, which initiated scientific research in tiger pheromones. (Photo courtesy of Mr. Dilip Bhattacherya.)

The tiger indeed employs this fluid for attracting mates and staking a claim on its hunting territory. Actually, unlike the tomcat, the female (known as the queen), sprays very infrequently. The same is valid for lionesses (Brahmachary and Singh 2000; McBride 1977; Schaller 1972), leopards (Poddar-Sarkar and Brahmachary 2004), and cheetahs (Caro 1994; Eaton 1974; Poddar-Sarkar and Brahmachary 1997). In these species the female rarely marks, generally only during the onset of the estrous stage, but the tigress marks very frequently, almost rivaling the male as we will see later. Of the other members of the cat family the female serval sprays frequently (personal communication from staff at Moholoholo, South Africa, in 2005).

Comparative ethology of spraying MF has been studied in the tiger and lion. In the African lion Schaller (1972) noticed that the direction of the spray varies rather widely, upward and backward, horizontally backward, and simply downward (without assuming the squatting posture adopted during urination). In the Asiatic lion Brahmachary et al. (1999) also detected such modalities. In the tiger the direction is more fixed—almost always upward and backward (Brahmachary et al. 1999; Poddar-Sarkar et al. 2013). Barja and Miguel (2010) observed Siberian tigers (P.t. altaica) and Barbary lions (P. leo leo) in a Madrid zoo. They reported what they consider to be significant differences in the marking behavior of the tiger and lion, namely that the frequency of marking occurs more in the tiger while the marking duration act occurs more in the lion. They have attempted to correlate these (and other) differences with the social/asocial nature of the two species as well as with their habitat differences (forest versus open area). The tiger shows seasonal variation in marking patterns whereas the lion does not. They also correlated many environmental factors in addition to their reproductive physiology (seasonal polyestrous versus annual polyestrous). Such extrapolations from a European zoo to the natural conditions of Siberia and Barbary of Africa are difficult. Moreover, the now-extinct Barbary lion was an unusual race of the African lion.

15.6.2. Primary Source of Feline Pheromone MF: From Anal Gland or from the Urinary Tract? A Confusion Lasting Over Decades

Descriptions of the scent-marking behavioral trait have been confusing. In the relevant literature we note a number of different terms like marking, urine marking, urine spraying, scent marking, spraying marking fluid, or simply spraying. Schaller (1967) and then again while studying the MF of the African lion (Schaller 1972) wrongly asserted that the spray is a mixture of urine and anal gland secretion and this error was repeated ad nauseum. It was repeated by McDougal (1977) and in many other publications (Albone 1984). Ewer (1968, 1973) cast doubt on this but even as late as in 2006 the mistake persisted (Thapar 2006). There is, anatomically, no connecting link between the urinary tract and the anal gland of the tiger (Hashimoto et al. 1963). The same must be valid for other big cats. The differences between anal gland secretion and spray fluid were evident on comparing the activities of a striped Indian hyena and a tigress (Choudhury and Brahmachary 1977, unpublished). That hyena ejects anal gland secretion is very well known in the African spotted hyena (Mills et al. 1990) and the tigress sprays MF through the urinary channel. The male tiger can reverse its penis and even the female can spray upward, though at a lower angle. Asa (1993) marked anal sac secretions of various felids with an inert dye and found no mixing of anal secretion and urine. But the confusion continued until Andersen and Vulpius (1999) pointed out that it had finally been laid to rest by Brahmachary and Dutta (1987). Up to 1981 they too had been confused (Brahmachary and Dutta 1981). The chemical contents of the anal gland of the Asiatic lion turned out to be different from the spray fluid (Brahmachary and Singh 2000), thus suggesting different sources. Therefore, the spray of big cats ejected upward has been referred to as MF by our group. MF of the lion, leopard, and cheetah is yellowish, being contaminated with urinary urochrome but that of the tiger is generally white. Van Hurk (2007) also coined the term MF as we have. Burger et al. (2008) also mentioned the tiger and cheetah territorial MF as a mixture of urine and lipidic materials.

In addition to MF, feces, scats, dung, droppings, and so forth are prized by captive animals as has been noticed by zookeepers and the attention attracted by urine has also been discussed earlier. Apparently the economy of nature follows a “waste not, want not” strategy; excretory products serve the animals as valuable chemical signals involved in their physiological and ethological function(s). Brahmachary (1986) points out that urine, full of many metabolic products including hormones and their breakdown products, may well bear the print of individuality, the health status, estrous, preestrous stage, and so forth. Feces, too, bear similar imprints and characteristic bile salts. Mooney (1984) emphasized the bile salts, which are species-specific and might even be individual-specific. All these justify the concept of the pheromone as an extended phenotype.

15.6.3. Other Sources of Pheromones in Big Cats: Hair, Mane, Saliva, Interdigital Gland and Anal Gland Secretion: A Comparatively Unexplored Area in Big Cat Research

The lion, unlike the tiger, head-rubs on tree trunks just before spraying (Schaller 1972). Poddar-Sarkar et al. (2008) pointed out that since head-rubbing on tree trunks is as frequent as spraying MF, both MF and the mane are likely to leave two osmic signals simultaneously at two neighboring sites. After observing the normal behavior of lions in a breeding center of South Africa (head-rubbing followed by MF spraying) a chemical analysis of the mane was undertaken. C9-C24 fatty acids were detected and these molecules with high and low volatility might play the role of pheromones. The lion is a social cat and as Schaller (1972) pointed out, head-rubbing between the female and the lion could transfer the imprint of the male to cubs because head-rubbing of the cubs with the lioness is very frequent. For brief periods tigers, tigresses, or leopards/leopardesses also rub heads and lick. In this male-female and mother-cub interaction pheromonal roles of hair/skin secretions and saliva are a distinct possibility.

According to the experience of Schaller (1967) and Brahmachary (1964, unpublished), deer are not particularly scared of the MF smell, they only show curiosity, but on detecting the scent of the body smell of the tiger or lion, deer, antelopes, and even a mother elephant with calf become alert or they panic. Body smell may be a pheromone for a mating pair and a kairomone for the prey species. A mating tigress may rub her body on trees (Thapar 2006). Sankhala (1993) stated that he detected no odor of tigers most of the time but sometimes a strong smell was perceptible. An old-time hunter (Dunbar Brander 1923) mentions the strong body odor of freshly killed tigers and three wildlife officers detected a strong smell in the tranquilized marsh tigers of Sunderbans (G. Tanti and S. PalChoudhury 2008, personal communication). We investigated the skin secretions of three such tranquilized tigers and detected saturated, unbranched fatty acid methyl esters and a few benzenoid compounds (Poddar-Sarkar et al. 2013).

Lipocalin is a family of proteins including aphrodisin, known to be a nonvolatile pheromone in rodents (Singer et al. 1986; Vincent et al. 2001). De and his group detected 20-KDa lipocalins in the saliva (and even in the tear gland) of the hamster (De 1996; Thavathiru et al. 1999). The fatty acid of hair/skin may well serve as ligands of lipocalins, and while licking each other big cats also might use this mechanism (Poddar-Sarkar et al. 2013).

Tigers and other big cats rear up leaning against trees and scratch the bark. Inglis wrote that big tigers leave such scratch marks on tree trunks at 11 feet (and more) above the ground level (Inglis 1892). Mountfort (1981) published a photograph of such scratching on a tree trunk at a height of 10 ft. A soft-barked tree was very frequently scratched so severely by a tiger in Nandankanan Biological Park that it wilted and died. Formerly most hunters and trekkers talked of big cats sharpening their claws in this fashion. Choudhury and Brahmachary, while watching the pet tigress in a large compound, noticed a sort of outer scale of the claw left in the scratch mark (Brahmachary, personal field diary, 1977). These scratch marks may also serve as communicatory signals. This theory is strengthened if we take into account the secretion of interdigital glands. Nothing is known at present regarding the olfactory signals of interdigital glands.

A brief note on lipidic composition of MF and anal gland secretion of the Asiatic lion was reported by Brahmachary and Singh (2000). As late as 2001 Bininda-Emonds et al. (2001) studied the lipid composition of the anal sac of different felidae (other carnivores); we will return to this theme in Section 15.8.

15.6.4. Significance of MF in the Social Life of the Tiger

A mass of data collected by us while studying 12 tigers in an open air zoo (Brahmachary et al. 1992; Poddar-Sarkar et al. 1995) and some of the results gathered by the Smithsonian group on wild tigers over decades in Chitawan (Smith et al. 1987, 1989) strongly suggest that pheromones sprayed through the urinary channel are used in communication among tigers including decoding information pertaining to territory and mating strategy. Sprayings by wild tigers have frequently been observed (McDougal 1977; Thapar 1986, 2006) and these support the view developed above. A tigress ready to drop a litter and raise cubs in privacy sprayed on six trees as if marking a ring of posts encircling this private area with a diameter of 90 m (Singh 1981). Ewer (1968, 1973) pointed out that without exception female mammals markedly increase urination at or just before the estrous stage, evidently for advertising the sexual status. This has been recorded by us in the case of two tigresses (Poddar-Sarkar et al. 1995; vide Section 15.9.3). After this, marking abruptly stopped altogether at mid or full estrous and then again rose to the normal level. That pheromonal secretion plays a role in reproductive/mating strategy is implied in our findings on the Indian (Asiatic) lion (Brahmachary and Singh 2000). The findings of Joy Adamson and George Adamson (Adamson 1960, 1986) and of more rigorous observers (McBride 1977; Schaller 1972) indicated the same fact.

Eaton (1974) described the pheromonal role of urinary sprays in the cheetah. The observations strongly suggest that informational content pertaining to territorial and mating strategies is encoded in the pheromonal secretion through MF that persists, however, for only about 24 hours.

Caro (1994) states that nonresident cheetahs moving as transients in others’ established territories suffer from stress, apparently after perceiving fresh MF, urine, and so forth of the latter. This is an appropriate response supporting the concept of communication through the chemicals of MF, urine, and so forth.

Zoo tigers strongly react to the smell of the opposite sex introduced in their quarters during their temporary absence (Brahmachary 1988, unpublished observation). In nature a male reacted strongly on sniffing fresh MF of a tigress as reported by Panwar (McDougal 1977). In snow leopards in captivity (in Darjeeling Himalayan Zoo, India) it was noted that urine and scent-marking-borne pheromones of both sexes mutually induced the animals to come into the reproductive stage (Rishi 2013).

In the lion, the most social cat, synchronous estrous of females in a pride is another social ethos in which we note the implication of pheromones. Bertram (1975) and Pusey and Packer (1983) point out that most lionesses of the pride belonging to the right age group come to the estrous stage simultaneously. Lions may breed throughout the year but although different prides may breed at different times, within a pride all the females tend to come into estrous at about the same time. This fact reminds one of the synchronous period of female students living in proximity in hostels/dormitories (McClintock 1971). The report was challenged but later investigations apparently supported the claim but controversies continue. Also relevant in this context is a study on volatile fatty acids of the human vagina (Michael et al. 1974). Graham (1991) concedes that “there is a broad consensus” that women living together show such a tendency and that olfactory cues may be involved. Observation suggests that females of a family of humans have synchronous menstruation cycles. Stern and McClintock (1998) adduce further proof that armpit pheromones play a role but doubts remain. In the lioness the role of pheromones may well be stronger than in the human female. Wyatt (2003) furnishes some more recent data.

In the domestic cat body smell, presumably through dermal secretion, plays an important role. On the basis of a 25-year study of feral cats in Calcutta, Jayashri Datta (2010, personal communication) states that a tomcat refrains from killing its own young by smelling the body; it sometimes kills nonkin young apparently only when these kittens seem to be a hindrance to copulating with the female.

However, a coordinated approach involving the study of understanding pheromone receptor families, the network of signal transduction and neural circuitry, approaches from functional genomics, and aspects of electrophysiology and imaging techniques might be helpful for unraveling more facts regarding the role of pheromones in big cats’ social lives. This is a challenge for future workers in this field.

15.6.5. Olfactory Sense of Big Cats: An Ability Denied Earlier

We point out that even in the 1970s and early 1980s the idea of pheromonal communication in the world of tigers was met with stiff resistance in the wildlife circle, largely due to the dead weight of Jim Corbett, the celebrated hunter naturalist who strongly maintained the opinion that tigers have no sense of smell (Corbett 1944, 1954). We faced fierce antagonism to Schaller’s concept and ours that tigers communicate through the smell of MF. However, even in the very early volumes of the Bombay Natural History Society Journal (the most important repository of knowledge on wildlife in India in that period), we detect many interesting descriptions for and against the olfactory ability of the tiger (Brahmachari and Brahmachary 1980). It is no longer necessary to review this old data for the very close observation of pet tigresses in nature or near-natural conditions such as of Lindbland (1984) or S.R. Choudhury in the 1970s (part of which was posthumously published much later [Choudhury 1999]) and of Singh (1986) prove beyond doubt the olfactory ability of the tiger. The tiger, according to these findings, which cannot be duplicated with wild tigers, might well utilize olfactory power for spooring prey under certain circumstances apart from responding to pheromonal cues. Later, in 1986–1989, we had the opportunity of observing a subadult male tiger at our disposal and could confirm its olfactory faculty. Even a 5-month-old pet tiger could perceive groundborne smell (Brahmachary and Poddar-Sarkar 1988, unpublished). More recently, Thapar (2006) furnishes modern physiological data on the tiger’s olfactory sense. In three African lion cubs of George Adamson observed in 1988–89, the olfactory sense, together with the flehmen gesture, seemed to suddenly emerge in the sixth month (Brahmachary 1980, personal diary). In Kora, Kenya, Adamson and Brahmachary observed that a lioness could detect the smell of stale meat from a 25-ft distance and could also smell the MF of a male lion from a 30-ft distance (accurately measured by tape) 3 hours after ejection (Brahmachary personal diary).

15.6.6. Feline Attractants: Traditional Knowledge and Modern Science

In India valerian oil was formerly used to trap wild cats. Interestingly, valeric acid is a significant compound in the vaginal secretion of cats (Bland 1979) and cats are attracted by the plant Valerina officinalis (Bland 1979). It occurs also in the MF of tigers and cheetah (Poddar-Sarkar and Brahmachary 1997; Poddar-Sarkar et al. 1991). Albone (1984) described the putative components of catnip (Nepeta cataria) that attract or stimulate cats. Certain persons brought catnip from England to George Adamson’s lion camp in Kora, Kenya, and tried to study the effect of this plant on the African lion but no conclusive results were obtained (Adamson 1988, personal communication). In India the Indian spikenard or Jatamanshi (Nardostachys jatamanshi) and Acalypha indica (local name Muktajhuri) are well-known plants that attract/stimulate cats. There is no report on their effect on tigers. Olden-day hunters in India mentioned a certain grass they called “Balachar” that apparently attracted tigers. One such hunter said that this grass, moistened with water, strongly attracted male tigers, A sample was procured and it turned out to be not grass but a dicot plant Cassia sp. On moistening freshly collected leaves with water they emitted an unusual sweet fruity smell (Brahmachary 1987, unpublished) but at that time there was no opportunity of investigating the effect of this smelly water on a tiger. This raises a possible line of research and the volatile flavor molecules could be studied with headspace gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GCMS).

15.6.7. Flehmen, the Characteristic Grimace

Many animals carry out a grimacing gesture with protruded tongue while encountering certain types of smell. Schneider studied this aspect as early as in 1932 (see Verberne 1970) and Verberne (1970) studied flehmen in the cat family in detail. It seems to be most prominent in the tiger (and tigress) and we have personally confirmed that in the tiger this grimace is far more pronounced than in the leopard and lion. Schaller wrote (1967), “Tigress ejects a rather wide spray. On two occasions a tiger stopped and sniffed the scent, grimacing afterwards with nose wrinkled, and tongue hanging out, a gesture described as ‘flehmen’ by Leyhausen.” Flehmen is very well known in many other animals but here we focus on the cat family. The works of Schilling (1970), Estes (1972), and others now clearly indicate that the vomeronasal organ (VNO) (Jacobson’s organ) discovered as early as 1703 began to reveal its functional importance from 1972 onward. It is now generally accepted that nonvolatile, heavy molecules pass through the tip of the tongue into the orifices of the VNO and transmit signals to such regions on the brain where nerves from the nasal epithelium do not reach. Airborne odorant molecules may be transferred to the VNO during the flehmen gesture (Verberne 1970). Of all the members of the cat family it is most prominent in the tiger and the tip of the tongue may transport relatively large amounts of nonvolatile substances into the VNO. Molecules like aphrodisin might play a role but this aspect has not been studied in the big cats.

15.6.8. Mechanism for the Long Persistence of Pheromones of Big Cats in Nature

A tiger would be very hard-pressed indeed to repeatedly renew territorial marks and/or sexual attractants in a large territory. Nature has therefore devised a mechanism for allowing the volatiles to linger with the help of lipids and proteins. Even in the classical perfume industry, as in processing rose essence in India centuries ago, oil (i.e., lipid of vegetal origin) was used as a fixative (in this case, sesame oil). Schaller (1967) wrote “Several clumps of a granular whitish precipitate were in it… (apparently urine)… tiger urine by itself however did not have particularly strong odor whereas this fluid smell, very musky, readily discernible to human nose at a distance of 10–15 feet. The scent adhered to the vegetation for a long time.” Schaller (1967) noticed the smell of MF on a tree trunk after a few weeks even in the rainy season. Sankhala (1978, 1993) denied any importance of the smell of MF because he thought that within a few hours of strong sunshine or even after a very light rain the smell would vanish. Apparently, the lipid fixatives hold the volatile molecules for a much longer time but changes in the aroma quality with time are perceptible. The proportions of more or less volatile molecules alter with time; more volatiles escape earlier. This is a possible mechanism for distinguishing fresh from old markings; animals respond to them differentially. But how much of the “individuality imprint” can last in old marks is a difficult question.

For a preliminary observation certain leaves in a clump of mangrove leaves were smeared with tiger MF. After drying the clump was immersed in estuarine tidal water in Bhitar Kanika, Orissa, India. After 22 hours the leaves were raised and two unbiased persons could instantaneously identify by smell those particular leaves that had been smeared with MF. The marking is subject to twice-daily tidal inundation, and is thus likely to be washed away. Perhaps together with the fixative lipids of MF, the waxy surface of certain mangroves further help to slow down the release of the odor molecules. Of three mangroves Excoecaria sp., Sonneratia sp., and Heritiera sp. studied by us, Heritiera sp. best retained the smell. The marsh tigers of Sundarban spray MF in such a tidal estuarine habitat. Therefore, the lipidic composition of the MF might be correlated with the wax coating of the leaf for sustenance of the aroma. This is an object of our future plan for a detailed study of the lipidic part of MF and of mangrove leaves in detail. Rutherfurd (2004) demonstrated that felinine, one of the key components of major urinary protein (MUP) involved in scent marking in the small cat family and regulated by sex hormones, persists in nature at normal temperature for 30 days. The persistence of pheromonally important components in nature is the key factor for sustenance and has a survival value.


A very relevant question is whether and how the mark of individuality is imprinted in the chemicals purported to be pheromones, for essentially all territorial connotations of pheromones are based on the distinction between self and nonself. Brennan (2008) reported that, “…recognition of individual identity and relatedness of individuals play vital roles in mammalian social behaviour (for most vertebrates). Individual and kin recognition depend on being able to detect and discriminate differences in genetically determined chemosensory signals. In identifying these chemosensory signals of individual identity…the best known are the genes of MHC.” Compounds produced through the expression of polymorphic major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genes are thought to influence individual odor and pheromone production, thereby facilitating an olfactory cue for kin recognition and mate choice (Chong 2009). Jeffery and Bangham (2000) and Kelley et al. (2005) proposed that MHC diversity is maintained through two forms of a balancing equation: heterozygote advantage and natural-selection-dependent frequency over long periods of evolutionary time. These facts imply distinguishing self from nonself (Brahmachary et al. 1993; Brennan 2008; Hurst et al. 2001; Yamazaki et al. 2000). Although “self/nonself ” recognition is controlled by diversified MHC class I and class II MHC genes (the most polymorphic loci known in vertebrates), many species show limited or no MHC diversity; for example, experiments for skin grafting between individuals of unrelated cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus) are successful, indicating that these African cats have little MHC diversity (O’Brien et al. 1986). Similarly, Asiatic lions (Panthera leo persica) show very low MHC diversity, indicating genetic bottleneck (Penn 2002).

However, genetically identical inbred mice have a significant variability in the proportion of volatile urinary components, suggesting that nongenetic factors, such as nutrition and environmental condition, also have significant effects on individual urine odor (Rock et al. 2007). MHC-related genome study of big-cat lineage (in which species divergence began 5–8 million years ago) revealed that there is 93% nucleotoide sequence similarity between class I transcripts in the cheetah, 93%–99% similarity in the ocelot, and 92%–100% similarity in the domestic cat when compared between species and only a 13% variation exists in all felidae for species-specificity (O’Brien and Yuhki 1999). According to Brennan (2010), no specific explanation is now valid for establishing the mechanism by which MHC genotype could affect metabolic pathways to account for the reported quantitative differences in urinary volatiles of individuals. Urine samples from MHC-congenic mice have consistently different proportions of volatile carboxylic acids (Singer et al. 1997).

The use of police dogs in hounding out criminals on the basis of their distinctive body odor is well known. We may here consider the old data on establishing 41 different parameters as star-shaped lines representing such ensembles of compound on human beings that apparently are characteristic for each individual (Strauss 1960). The police dog might be working on some such basis. Distinguishing an individual mongoose among 24 on the basis of ratios of 12 carboxylic acids characteristic for every individual mongoose was reported (Gorman 1976; Gorman et al. 1974). In a preliminary attempt we tried to investigate this aspect in the tiger (Poddar-Sarkar and Brahmachary 1999). It revealed a more complex situation in the tiger. Seasonal variations in the proportions of 10 carboxylic acids were noted but the patterns of a mother and son were much closer than that of a distantly related tigress. More recently, a more detailed study of such proportions has been carried out on Lemur catta (Palagi and Dapporto 2006). In view of recent findings on dogs smelling out and distinguishing different scats, trained dogs might be used for matching the smell of individual tigers by sampling fresh scratch marks, MF, and scats in a tiger census (Wasser 2009).


A number of attempts have been made to quantitate the relatedness of different big cats with the help of recent molecular techniques but unequivocal results have not been obtained. For example, Davis et al. (2010) pointed out that “despite multiple publications on the subject no two molecular studies have reconstructed Panthera with the same topology.” To trace evolutionary history among the eight subspecies of tiger (Panthera tigris), three of which are extinct, a number of genetic markers like 4-kb mtDNA sequence, allele variation in the nuclear MHC class II DRB gene, and composite nuclear microsatellite genotypes based on 30 loci have recently been carried out (Davis et al. 2010). Amplification, cloning, and sequencing of alpha-1 and alpha-2 domain of MHC class I and beta-1 domain of MHC class II DRB genes from scat of 16 wild and captive Bengal tigers (Panthera tigris tigris) of different geographic origins of India reveal a low number of MHC DRB alleles but high variability in peptide-binding sites (Pokorny 2011).

In 13 different attempts, the tiger, lion, snow leopard, clouded leopard, jaguar, cheetah, and cougar (puma) have been considered and the results are far from unequivocal (only one attempt included the cheetah and cougar). However, Davis et al. (2010) considered all old data as well as new sequences “generated for 3 single copy regions of the Felid Y chromosome as well as 4 mitochondrial and 4 autosomal gene segments” and Bayesian statistics to establish phylogenetic trees (Bayesian estimation of species trees). On the basis of this attempt they claim “monophyletic origin of lion and leopard, with jaguar sister to these species as well as a sister species relationship of tiger and snow leopard.” Likewise, the subspecies/races of the tiger have also been studied from the genomic perspective, and with certain reservations, it has been accepted that the Amur (Siberian) race and the now-extinct Caspian race (samples of which were obtained from a museum specimen) are phylogenetically close as determined with the help of mitochondrial DNA sequences (Driscoll et al. 2009). The Bengal tiger (P. tigris tigris), the Sumatran tiger (P.t. sumatrae), and the Chinese tiger (P.t. amoyensis) are distant branches. Cracraft et al. (1998) had earlier suggested that the Sumatran tiger is distinct from the Asian mainland races. There is an indirect implication of this race genomics on pheromones.

From the biochemical perspective of metabolic products acting as pheromones, cauxin, a 70-kD MUP protein that belongs to the carboxylesterase (CES) superfamily attracts our attention. Cauxin answers for about 90% of total MUP in the smaller felids like the domestic cat. but it has not been detected in nonfelids. It is fivefold less in the Pantherine line (e.g., lion, jaguar, tiger, and leopard) (Li et al. 2011; McLean 2007; Miyazaki et al. 2006). Datta and Harris (1951) and Westall (1953) reported felinine, a characteristic molecule in urine of both the sexes of domestic cat which, as it now turns out, is a hydrolyzed product of cauxin. Interestingly, felinine has not been detected in Panthera (Hendrik et al. 1995). The exact role of cauxin is uncertain; we do not know whether it plays a role as a nonvolatile pheromone such as aphrodisin or a pheromone-binding protein. Nonetheless, genomics of and possible selection pressures, both positive and negative, on this protein are interesting from the perspective of evolution of the cat CES protein family. This might be worth pursuing in the future. These facts remind us of the Darwinian concept of natural selection between and within cat families. However, as already mentioned, the exact role of cauxin is uncertain.

Metabolomics in the context of 2 acetyl-1-pyrroline (2AP), an interesting component of MF and urine of both sexes of the tiger and leopard but not of the lion and cheetah, has been treated in Section The two main large cat clades, one with lion-leopard-jaguar and the second with tiger-snow leopard as proposed by Hemmer (1974), Johnson et al. (1996), Bininda-Emonds et al. (2001), and Nowak (2010) on the basis of mitochondrial RFLP analysis and on excretory chemical signals may open up a new vista for establishing evolutionary lineage of felids. Bininda-Edmond’s approach by studying the lipid chemistry of anal gland secretion of 32 lions and 22 tigers (though the pedigree or purebreed was not mentioned and the sample sizes from other felids were relatively small) established the nearest relationship between the lion and leopard. Thus, in the future, after analyzing more metabolites one might find a different metabolic picture.

Therefore, the evolutionary history of the emergence of the cat lineage still remains incomplete and we are yet to write it in a more rational and logical way. Many authors proposed that the pantherine line has a comparatively recent origin of about 3.8–4.6 million years but the individual speciation event occurred only 1 million years ago by gradual amalgamation of introgressive characters and favorable divergence.


15.9.1. Territoriality in the Tiger

Baker wrote that the tiger is not the unsociable creature it is commonly understood to be; on the contrary it is fond of consorting with others (Baker 1887). Forsyth reported seven adult tigers in a patch of cover (Forsyth 1872). Schaller also saw seven adult tigers around a kill (Schaller 1967). McDougal (1977) refers to a larger association, nine tigers, but an impressive example that has apparently escaped the notice of wildlifers and tiger specialists was reported by Eden, namely as many as 15 tigers in a patch of cover (Eden 1837–38). In more recent times an association of nine tigers (including both males and females) amicably feeding has been reported in Ranthambhore, India (Thapar 1986). McDougal (1977) noted while offering a ready-made supply of food (bait) that more than one tiger would feed from this source, though generally not simultaneously. Schaller (1967) and McDougal (1977) described the home range/territorial system of tigers; a tiger/tigress has a center (or more than one center) of activities within its range where it spends most of the time. The extensive data on tiger territory gained by the Smithsonian group in Nepal revealed that males establish territories ranging from 19 to 151 sq km while female territories range from 10 to 50 sq km. In seven adjacent areas of seven tigresses in Nepal, the Smithsonian scientists noticed overlaps between the areas of tigers 2 and 3, tigers 5 and 7 and tigers 6 and 7. They studied the details of gradual separation of mother and daughter into different territories after 2 years of total overlap.

Ranges/territories may extend from a few square miles (Schaller 1967) to 1200 sq km for the Siberian tiger (Thapar 2006). Home range/territory is determined by the number of animals, assurance of food such as prey density, and for the tigress, certain amenities (including food) and for properly raising cubs. As the tiger generally stakes out his claims over an area in which more than one tigress have their smaller areas, the tiger automatically ensures an area with prey. This trend would basically be applicable to the other big cats. In India, Panwar (1987) recorded that a male territory may enclose more than one female territory. In Chitawan, Nepal, a male tiger’s territory enclosed those of seven tigresses. We have seen that tiger territories/home ranges vary widely. Very recently much detailed data has been gathered in the relatively small Indian National Parks. One example is that of a radio-collared tiger translocated into Sariska National Park which for about 1 year held an average home range of 140 sq km, including a largely overlapping smaller range of a female (Bhattacharjee et al. 2012; Sankar et al. 2012).

More pertinent to our theme is the role of pheromones in territorial and mating strategies. As McDougal (1977) stated, “Defence—rarely means fighting tooth and claw with intruders. The occupant advertises its presence through various means of marking its environment.” Theoretically, the tiger, or for that matter, a lion or any other big cat, can ill afford to indulge in an all-out fight because even the winner will sustain injuries resulting in a handicap so far as catching prey is concerned. This may thus spell the doom for the winner, too, though in case of the group or pride of lions it will be less disastrous. Overt proclamations such as roaring or pheromonal messages are warnings likely to minimize the chances of such fighting.

It might be relevant to mention here that in Panna and Ranthambhore, India, about 25% and 35%, respectively, of male tigers are killed by fighting among themselves (Chandawat 2002, 2006; Thapar 2006). In view of the vast potential for inflicting injuries the toll of tigers could have been much higher unless a certain mechanism of restraint had been operant. The same must be valid for other big cats but in the lion one has to consider collective defense of the territory and pride and that collective attempt of a “bachelor gang” win over a pride/territory (McBride 1977; Packer et al. 1991; Packer and Pusey 1997; Schaller 1972). In a more popular vein, Jackman recorded such details (Jackman et al. 1982).

Carrington-Turner stated that tigers in their postprime period of life tend to be displaced toward the periphery; they have to abdicate and opt for suboptimal areas (Carrington-Turner 1959). More precise and modern reports are those by McDougal (1977), Smith et al. (1987) (Nepal), and Panwar (1987) and Thapar (2006) (India). It seems tigers in pre- and postprime conditions are unable to establish territories in the most favorable areas; they are forced to occupy peripheral zones. Thapar (2006) reported that in Ranthambhore, India, the young male tigers are forced to move to the peripheral areas; later they return and try to occupy territories in optimal areas. An example of forming a boundary by marking six trees with a diameter of 90 m by a female while litter-dropping and raising cubs was reported by Singh (Singh 1981).

To understand the territorial behavior of the coinhabitant and neighboring tigers by marking MF under a common open-air condition of a tropical climate we formulated several models within many constraints, problems of logistics, and limitations beyond our control.

We have selected an open-air enclosure for showcasing a nearly natural wildlife situation under captivity where animals have developed zoo-specific cognitive behavior in addition to their instinctive behavior. We have recorded data on MF spray, urination, scat deposition, and flehmen over about 5 years (with some gaps) at Nandankanan Zoological Garden (20°23′45.59″ N, 85°49′21.59″ E), Orissa, India. Detailed answers to the following questions will be attempted:

  • 1. Whether marking is preferential or random
  • 2. Whether there is any differential approach for marking by females and males due to the presence or absence of same or opposite sex in the neighborhood
  • 3. Whether the territorial demarcation of one individual overlaps with another when they inhabit the same territorial zone
  • 4. Whether the total area covered is a determining factor for frequency of marking
  • 5. What the relative difference between the frequency of ordinary urination and MF spray and the respective difference between male and female is
  • 6. Whether frequency of MF spraying has any correlation with the reproductive status of the female and male
  • 7. Whether there is any correlation between MF spray and flehmen
  • 8. Whether the incidence of MF spray, flehmen, etc. occurs at an early age in big cats

To test the concept of putting differential emphasis (actively defended territory and less actively defended territory) over different parts of home range, two experimental approaches have been framed:

  • 1. Spatial distribution of marking at different locations of the enclosures by considering (a) the frequency of marking on each specific location and (b) MF spray per unit length of the boundary
  • 2. By considering location-wise tree-marking to conceptualize a miniature home range under this captive condition and thus to extrapolate the basic strategy of MF spray for maintaining the territory and home range in the Bengal tiger Study Design and Strategy

Data on the MF spraying of 12 tigers confined in four different groups (Gr I, II, III, and IV) in four enclosures (En. 1, 2, 3, and 4) were considered for the study (Figure 15.2; Tables 15.1 and 15.2). Each enclosure has a brick-built structure for dropping food and as a shelter (S) with two-way doors through which tigers can go in and out, a water-filled moat for swimming, a grassy sward, and many trees. A continuous high iron chain-link mesh (demarcated as “C” in Figure 15.2) divided En. 1 and En. 2 and similarly En. 3 and En. 3A. Each of this mesh runs from one corner of the enclosure, passes through the water moat, and ends on the other side of the enclosure (the “B” side of Figure 15.2) from where observation was recorded. Observation was carried out on Gr I comprising male M1 (stud book* No. W363), and females F1 (No. 356), F2 (No. 358), and F3 (No. 357) for 13 months (duration of study: June 1987–June 1988); Gr II comprising F4 (No. W360), F5 (No. W362), and F6 (No. W359) was observed for 7 months (study duration: December 1987–June 1988) following the previous schedule; Gr III comprising M2 (No. W325), F7 (No. W296), and F8 (No. W331) for 4 months (duration of study: August 1988–November 1988); and Gr IV comprising M3* and F9 for 5 months (duration of study: October and November 1988–February 1989) on a 3-hour daily basis from 8:30–11:30 AM after ascertaining the period of brisk activity. The members of Gr I and Gr II resided side by side in these two adjacent enclosures (En. 1 and En. 2) and could communicate with each other only through visible and audible cues. Similarly, Gr III resided in En. 3 who had as neighbors one male and one female in En. 3A. Each enclosure had an annexure part (Annex En. 1, Annex En. 3, etc.; “D” in Figure 15.2) separated from the main enclosure with the same type of chain-link mesh boundary. Members of main enclosure and the Annex enclosure could also communicate by visual and tactile cues through the chain-link mesh. During collection of MF for chemical analysis the animals usually had been driven to that annex part (Figure 15.2). There was a huge vacant piece of land beyond a similar type of iron chain-link boundary (the A side of Figure 15.2) of En 1 and therefore shared with no other members. There was a 60-ft gap between En 2 and En 3. The approximate area covered by En. 1, En. 2, and En. 3 was about 104 square feet. The situation of En. 4 was quite different and smaller, about 1200 square feet with a tiny triangular water body inside, surrounded by a similar type of iron chain-link mesh traversing in between En. 4 and En. 4A and having an annex part in one side as in Annex En. 4 (“D” in Figure 15.2). There was a lone male on that side. En. 4A was occupied by a male and a female.

FIGURE 15.2. Site plan of enclosures (not to scale) for observation at Nandankanan (20°23′45.


Site plan of enclosures (not to scale) for observation at Nandankanan (20°23′45.59″ N, 5°49′21.59″ E) Zoological Garden, Orissa, India. (A detailed design is available at www.panoramio.com/photo/23742383.) (more...)

TABLE 15.1

TABLE 15.1

Spatial Distribution of MF Spraying by Different Members of Gr I, II and III

TABLE 15.2

TABLE 15.2

Spatial Distribution of MF Spraying by Members of Gr IV Overview on Marking Patterns Test Hypothesis I

To address questions 1, 2, 3, and 4 above, we considered five locations (shelter (S), common boundary (C), no-member boundary (A), boundary in Annex part (D), and trees [T]) for recording data. Observation from the B side of specific enclosures (Figure 15.2) was considered only when certain tigers roamed at ease and least disturbed by visitors. It is to be noted that tigers in different assortments were arranged by zoo authorities and could not be altered at our will, so the tigers had to be studied in accordance with the regime of this public zoo.

Under these circumstances (vide Case studies 1–4), certain relevant data in relation to questions 1–4 have been furnished in Tables 15.1 and 15.2.

The answers to the above questions are as follows:

  • 1. The frequency of MF spray is differential (i.e., higher in males than in female) (see also Figure 15.3).
  • 2. The very first conclusion that emerges is that tigers prefer to mark maximally at the shelter where they get food and retire during inclement weather in all cases.
  • 3. The length of the boundary is not the prime factor for marking by the tigers; however, the presence of neighbors (and their sex) beyond the common boundary (which can be conceptualized as possible “intruders”) is the most important factor for frequency of marking. The boundary beyond which there is no neighbor was less important for the resident members.
  • 4. Under restricted captive condition the combination of sexes of coinhabitant members and neighboring members exert a direct influence on frequency of marking. When the combination of sexes in a neighborhood has been altered the spatial distribution pattern of MF spray changes. The above behavioral pattern may project an insight in the breeding strategy of zoo tigers.
  • 5. From Tables 15.1 and 15.2 it is also revealed that under the limitations of captive situation, within a common home range tigers maintain specific location-wise nonoverlapping territories. When they are in combination they mutually select the location of preference for spraying MF depending on the combination of resident and nonresident members. It is also explained through a contour map drawn on the basis of frequency of marking on trees (Figure 15.4a to d).
  • 6. The synchronization in frequency of marking among the coinhabitant members during proestrous, estrous, and postestrous have been observed (Figure 15.5a,b). It was also observed that the rate of marking by a tigress increases during proestrous and suddenly falls during estrous and again rises to normal at postestrous. The coinhabiting male also behaves in a similar way.
  • 7. Synchronization in MF spray and flehmen incidence was also observed in some cases (Figure 15.6). Therefore, all the observations support the hypothesis that MF does act as a means of communication among tigers.
FIGURE 15.3. Tree-marking by different members of Groups I, II, III and IV.


Tree-marking by different members of Groups I, II, III and IV.

FIGURE 15.4. a–d: Contour map drawn on the basis of frequency of MF spray on 23 trees by Gr I members (a = F1, b = F2, c = F3 and d = M1) of En.


a–d: Contour map drawn on the basis of frequency of MF spray on 23 trees by Gr I members (a = F1, b = F2, c = F3 and d = M1) of En. 1 during June 1987–June 1988. (•) = location of trees, tree no. (•14), tree no. (•2); (more...)

FIGURE 15.5. (a) Differential marking pattern of M1 and F1 during different reproductive phases.


(a) Differential marking pattern of M1 and F1 during different reproductive phases. X-axis indicates specific date from 04/19/88 to 04/29/88. Mating event occurred during April 22 to 25, 1988. (b) Differential marking pattern of M1 and F2 during different (more...)

FIGURE 15.6. Correlation of MF spray and Flehmen incidence of Gr I members during every month of observation.


Correlation of MF spray and Flehmen incidence of Gr I members during every month of observation. Observation was taken maintaining the schedule mentioned in Section

Case Study 1: En. I with Gr 1

The introduction of a member beyond one boundary changed the spatial distributional patterns of marking by the resident members and thereby strengthened the above view. For a short while F1 was transferred for a few months to Annex En. I. M1 of Gr 1 could interact with her through the chain-link mesh (i.e., the boundary between En. I and Annex En. I; vide “D” in Figure 15.2). Now 448 out of 1442 total markings of M1 was noted to be on that side, which was never marked before (duration of observation: 137 hours 20 minutes).

Among the three tigresses of En. I who were litter mates and so of the same age, F3 marked significantly less (Table 15.1), which might be correlated with a low dominance rank.

Case Study 2: En. II with Gr 2 and En. III with Gr 3

Another experimental model revealed a differential pattern of MF spray among the resident members of a single group. This depended on the presence and particular sex combinations of a neighboring group in an enclosure 60 feet apart (vide Figure 15.2 and Table 15.1 for the combination of resident and neighboring members in these two enclosures; members could communicate by vocalization but not by visible cues). The preference for MF spray depended on the strategy of “defense against the same sex.”

Case Study 3: En. IV with Gr 4

The composition of this enclosure was quite different and the members were very attentive to spray at both the common boundaries (“C” and “D” of En. 4 of Figure 15.2; Table 15.2) because there were neighbors on both sides.

Case Study 4: En. I with Gr 1 and En. IV with Gr V

In order to test the hypothesis that the enclosure area (represented here as length X breadth of boundary) has no bearing on the frequency of marking, we considered En. 1 (~10,000 sq ft) and En. 4 (~1200 sq ft). Data on frequency of MF spray per unit length on the common boundary and on the boundary without neighbors revealed an interesting feature, namely, marking frequency does not depend on the length (vide Tables 5.1 and 5.2). The equivalent statement is that MF frequency is not higher on longer boundaries or less on shorter boundaries. So, once again we see that the assortment of neighbors/combination of sex, rather than the area, is the factor that determines the frequency of MF spraying. Test Hypothesis II

After getting a preferential overview on marking pattern we have undertaken the second experimental approach to map the location-wise distributional trend of marking on trees by each individual of Gr I tigers throughout the year in different seasons. It was possible to consider the MF spray on trees only within En. I (between June 1987–June 1988) containing 23 trees of different families, shape, height, and width of the tree trunk and canopy. Three females of Gr II resided in adjacent En. 2 as mentioned previously. The spatial distribution of markings over 23 trees by three tigresses (F1, F2, F3) and one tiger (M1) and the density of spraying of MF on each tree were calculated. Two-dimensional contour maps for each tiger was developed by moving average isopleths (Davis 1973) using SYSTAT 7.0 (Figure 15.4a to d) by placing 23 trees on an x and y locational grid and z as marking per tree. The area of the enclosure comprising the trees was divided into square grids of equal size in such a manner that each grid would contain at least one tree. All the data within this grid were averaged and the mean value assigned to the central point of the grid and subsequently the mapped area was contoured at suitable contour intervals (here, 5-15-25-35— — — — n) for each member (Figure 15.4a to d).

Of these 23 trees most markings were on tree numbers 1, 2, 4, and 14. The data indicated that tree T 2, which had a thin trunk and small canopy, received the highest degree of markings (446 by all the members) possibly because of its location, namely proximity to the common chain-link mesh as well as shelter. T 14 (vide Figure 15.3) received the second highest number of markings (344 by four members) although it had the thickest trunk and widest canopy. No preference for a particular tree species was evident from our observation. That both the trees were frequently marked is an indicator that the width of the trunk is not an innate releasing mechanism (IRM), it does not elicit more spraying. (This is also relevant to the wall of the shelter, which resembles a very wide tree trunk.) Although Smith et al. (1989) suggested that the rate of marking on trees may depend on the diameter of tree trunk and angle of lean, our results indicated that the location of the trees rather than their width and canopy spread is important with respect to spraying and that within this common area each tiger had staked out a preferential zone.

The contour lines further suggest that markings are preferential rather than random because all the members of this group preferred to mark on trees located near the common iron chain-link mesh where there were three female tigers beyond the C side of the Y-axis (Figure 15.4a to d). Tigers were not very attentive to sprays on the trees beyond the opposite side (i.e., the A side of the Y-axis) which was lying vacant. Therefore, trees located near that side received less density of marking.

It is evident from Figure 15.4 that every tiger had a nearly nonoverlapping contour and the contour lines with highest value were closer to the shelter and common boundary. The highest contour value of the male along the C side of the Y-axis covering a wider zone (almost the entire length of the common boundary) also signified that he not only advertised himself to the females of his own enclosure but also to the neighboring females of the adjacent enclosure. Theoretically, there are two possibilities:

  • 1. Straight lines running through the locations of maximum value along contour lines of different tigers lie at different points along the common boundary in every case. That would indicate the view of a group behavior. In the case of group behavior, we would expect that every tiger would prefer to mark at the common boundary (C, i.e., the Y-axis).
  • 2. Contour maps having unique features signify uniqueness for individuality. Figure 15.4a to d indeed suggests both these phenomena.

In a common miniature home range, territoriality is always maintained for every individual member of a group. In nature tigers holding individual territories as well as tolerating certain overlaps are well known (McDougal 1977; Singh 1981; Thapar 1986). They describe amicable feeding in free-ranging tigers and Smith et al. (1987) show overlapping and shifting of home range/territory. It is worth noting that even within the outdoor enclosure shared by four captive tigers, there is a tendency of tree marking that reflects a sort of partitioning of this restricted home range for each individual as evident from the contour analysis data.

All these facts strengthen the hypothesis that scent-marking has a territorial and sexual connotation and that in the enclosures both group behavior and individual uniqueness are evident in the territory marking context. Furthermore, the width of a tree trunk is not an IRM-eliciting marking; rather, the location of the tree is important (i.e., in the context of territorial boundaries).

15.9.2. MF Spraying versus Ordinary Urination

According to our observations, the average ratio of MF:urination was ~50:1 in 12 tigers and tigresses, with individual variation ranging from 10:1 in one male to 600:1 in another. In two Asiatic lions the ratio was ~6:1 and ~25:1 and in a cheetah in Namibia it was ~89:9. In a leopard in India it was ~28:9. This high frequency of MF ejection makes sense to the evolutionary biologist: MF must have evolved to serve a purpose, or else that much wastage of energy would have been selected against. Of all the overt possible sources of pheromone such as scats, urine, and MF the latter seems to be the most important considering frequency.

It was also observed that males always mark more on trees than the females (Figure 15.3). No behavioral implications can be made from this observation at this stage, except that the frequency of spraying is less in tigresses.

A mature Asiatic lion (Gir, India, 1.7 years of age) sprayed MF 253 times while he urinated only 11 times during a certain period. The distribution pattern of MF was random. During the same period a mature lioness in the same enclosure was never observed to spray but she urinated 176 times in a nonrandom manner. The ratio of MF:urine in the male partner was 23:1.

Observations on a leopard during September to December 1996 on a daily hourly basis in a rescue camp of Rajabhatkhawa, West Bengal, India, revealed that in this male leopard the ratio of frequency of MF spray:urination:scat deposition is about 18:6:1.

15.9.3. MF Spraying in Proestrous, Estrous, and Postestrous Periods

Datewise observations in several occasions reveal that at different reproductive phases of females (during proestrous, estrous, and postestrous) the rate of marking (number/hour) sharply varies. In general, there is a sharp rise in rate of MF spray during proestrous that sharply falls to zero and again sharply rises during post estrous (Figure 15.5a, b). A similar feature in the rate of MF spray has been observed in the mating partner. This trend makes sense; if the female finds a partner and copulation takes place, she no longer needs to attract a new mate but if copulation does not occur, she will continue to mark the old territory and enhance advertisement for a mate. These facts also indicate mutual stimulation by the two sexes for entering into the reproductive stage (see the case of snow leopards in Section 15.9.7).

Brahmachary and Singh (2000) observed Asiatic lions in enclosures within the natural environment of Gir National Park, India (each enclosure is of 81 sq m and occasionally the lions are released in a 420-ha fenced forest for roaming and natural hunting of prey). When a lioness of this group exhibited overt estrous or proestrous behavior such as rolling on her back, she sprayed four times in 4 days (2 hours observation time per day). After 4 days the behavior mentioned above as well as spraying was no longer observed. During the same period the male in the same enclosure sprayed MF 60 times. It is worth noting that although the lioness only rarely spray-marked, she urinated markedly more frequently as already mentioned in Section 15.9.2. Ewer (1968, 1973) stated that the surge of reproductive hormones during the proestrous stage stimulates both tiger and lion (of both sexes) to urinate and/or mark at an increased rate.

It is very probable that the pattern of spraying in cohabiting partners (in the case of tigers and lions) is associated with the reproductive cycle and so, directly or indirectly, might be influenced by reproductive hormones. Therefore, the marking pattern of a tigress also influences the marking behavior of a cohabiting male. This ethophysiological implication may play an important role in MF spray of big cats.

We also noted that a male leopard, as it came to the right reproductive stage (confirmed by the peak period of sawing calls, the equivalent of roaring in leopards) revealed a beautifully correlated peak with the increase in frequency of MF by four times and gradual decline in both sawing calls and MF spraying (Brahmachary 2004, unpublished).

15.9.4. MF Spray and Flehmen

We have recorded the data on incidence of flehmen by Gr I tigers throughout the year. On comparing with the data of MF spraying we note an interesting feature, namely the tiger who sprays MF more frequently also shows more flehmen incidence (Figure 15.6). Synchronization of flehmen of coinhabitant members is also revealed. F3 is an exception as already mentioned.

15.9.5. Territoriality in the Lion

The first exhaustive study of the East African lion (more specifically, the Serengeti lion) was carried out by Schaller (1972). Despite later investigations such as those of Bertram (1975), who continued the study initiated by Schaller (1972), and the numerous papers of Craig Packer and his school (some of which have been mentioned below), Schaller (1972) sums up the essence of land tenure (a term that is more general than that of territory or home range) of lions in East Africa. Among the Felidae, “the lion is unique in the extent of its social life” and this pivots around the pride, which is very important in the evolution of lion sociality. In the lion, prides rather than merely pairs or loners are the pivot of the social life (Schaller 1972). Males primarily take part in group-territorial competition, and females’ reproductive success, mortality, and so forth are significantly associated with male neighbors (Heinsohn 1997; Packer et al. 1990, 2009). For the lionesses the area probably connotes a hunting ground and a place for litter dropping; for the lion the territory is a place containing lionesses available for mating. In Serengeti pride ranges of 120–275 sq km were noted (Schaller 1972). According to Mosser and Packer (2008), Serengeti lions defend territories of a mean size of 56 sq km with a range of 15–219 sq km. Core areas are generally exclusive with different degree of overlap, pride fission and male coalition from the neighborhood (VanderWaal et al. 2009).

As opposed to regular pride members there are also nomads, mostly coalitions of bachelor males but there are nomadic lionesses and nomadic pairs (i.e., a twosome pride consisting of a lion and lioness) as well (Schaller 1972). A nomadic bachelor group may later oust the male(s) of an established pride and win over the females and the pride area. The land tenure system of the pride was termed by Schaller as the pride area and of the nomads as a range.

Nomads wander widely but the resident prides remain within their limited areas. Of the 14 prides around Seronera in Serengeti, prides 1 and 3 ranged over 400 sq km each while pride 2 moved over at least 210 sq km. Pride areas overlapped extensively, despite occasional aggressive encounters when the residents generally won. In two small pride areas of about 39 sq km each in Lake Manyara, also studied by Schaller (1972), about 20 sq km (>50%) was the overlap area. Nomads follow large migratory herds of herbivores and move over vast ranges. One male nomad was estimated to have wandered over 4700 sq km.

In general, as Schaller (1972) concludes, despite large overlaps in pride areas, “direct confrontations are remarkably infrequent.” Generally lion prides avoid each other as they become aware of the presence of the other group. Agonistic interactions such as on perceiving the presence of the neighbors or strangers close by frequently elicit scent-marking. This is relevant to the function of pheromones in the context of territory. McBride (1977) reported from his white lion camp of Timbavati that lionesses often remain with their pride of birth and if they were rejected for any reason they would be at risk (McBride 1977, 1981).

Thus we note that in the lion as in the tiger, the concept of territory and home range (or pride area or range) is rather elastic. The land tenure system is influenced by a number of environmental factors, and the territory or pride area may quantitatively vary to a large extent.

Chellam (1993) reported that in the Asiatic lion (Gir, India) annual home ranges of lions are ~200 and ~120 sq km, respectively, for the male and female. Brahmachary and Singh (1998, unpublished) mapped the land tenure system in lions based on data made available by Gir authorities. Six lion prides were frequently seen around a nes (i.e., settlement of local herdsmen). Sometimes more than one pride shared the nes. About 5% of their cattle are annually culled by the lions and none of these lions was radio-collared but they were visible. Brahmachary (2011) also furnished a map of three lion prides of different composition that reveals partially overlapping home ranges/territories with approximate areas of ~30 sq km or less. None of these lions was radio-collared but they were frequently visible and hence the minimum polygonal areas could be approximately estimated by sightings.

15.9.6. Territoriality and the Cheetah

Caro and Collins (1987) pointed out that the male cheetah generally establishes territory by spraying very frequently depending on prey density and to attract females. Males may form coalitions between two to four members but fierce fighting between rival coalitions for mating with partner and territorial disputes have been noted. Cheetah females, when adult, range alone. Caro recorded territories of cheetahs in Serengeti. The male territories were ~37–48 sq km, the largest being ~75 sq km. Female territories were much more extensive; the smallest was ~400 sq km—an unusual case in big cats (Caro 1994). Caro (1994) states that nonresident cheetahs moving as transients in others’ established territories suffer from stress, apparently after perceiving fresh MF, urine, and so forth of the latter. This is an appropriate response supporting the concept of communication through the chemicals of MF, urine, and so forth. The sizes of home-ranges vary immensely between the studies that have been carried out in different areas. In Kruger National Park and Matusadona National Park home range was recorded as >200 sq km for both seminomadic males and females (Broekhuis 2007); in Namibia it is on average 1647 sq km (Muntifering et al. 2006), whereas in Botswana the home range size of a single male is 494–663 sq km and for coalition of two females it is 241–361 sq km. By fitting cell/GPSs and VHF collars it was revealed that females traverse on an average a distance of 0–20 km/day, which increases when the cubs leave the den, and males traverses 0–39 km/day (Houser et al. 2009).

15.9.7. Territoriality and the Leopard

The male leopard generally occupies a large area that usually overlaps with one or more females’ area. In an arid desert area where the prey is limited, home range is larger and sometimes overlaps with that of the same sex (Jenny 1976). Leopard ranges of 6–18–26 sq km by females and 17–76–137–260 sq km by males have been reported from different forests of Chitawan, Serengeti, Kruger, Thailand, and the Israeli desert (Bailey 1993; Ilany 1981; Strander et al. 1997; Turnbull-Kemp 1967). Overlapping home ranges of five male and two female leopards were found to be restricted within ~0.17° × 0.15° longitude/latitude in Namibia (Africat News 2000). In the Russian Far East Amur leopards stake home ranges of about 33–63 sq km (females) and up to 280 sq km (males) as reported by Miquelle et al. (1996). In Rhodesia leopards moved within an area of only 10–19 sq km (Smith 1978). According to the observation of Jackson and Ahlborn (1989) on the snow leopard of Nepal, home range size varied widely among individuals, from ~12–39 sq km; individuals may share a common core area. However, due to lack of sufficient data they could not exactly determine exclusive home ranges of individual males or females.

15.9.8. Territoriality and the Puma (Cougar)

Mountain lions, Puma concolor, have individual and apparently undefended territory because they mutually avoid each other (Maser et al. 1976). On the basis of his observation in Idaho, Horonecker (1970) recorded that the mountain lion often uses claw marks on a trail and on high ridges and then urinates and defecates over them, and that male home range varies from 65–250 sq km and female home range from 13–52 sq km. However, they often cross their own territories. Territories of males may overlap with the territories of many females so that the male has access to them in breeding season. As we have mentioned earlier this is also valid for tigers. According to Russell (1978), male home ranges usually are a minimum of 40 sq km and female ranges are 8–32 sq km. It was recorded during the study in southern Utah by Hemker and his colleagues (1984) that males occupied areas of up to 513 square miles and females up to 426 square miles. Sitton and Wallen (1976) studied cougars in Big Sur, California, and documented the average home ranges, which varied from 25 to 35 square miles for males and from 18 to 25 square miles for females. Actually, the density of the socially tolerant cougar depends on home range size and degree of overlap.

15.9.9. Territoriality and the Jaguar

Rabinowitz and Nottingham (1986) proposed that there is a dynamic equilibrium in the relatively dense population of jaguars when they observed this elusive big cat in Cockscomb Basin, Belize. The land tenure system/home range of one adult male overlaps with that of the adjacent male whereas home ranges of female do not overlap and their movements were restricted within the ranges of individual adult males. Spacing patterns were based on regions of exclusive use “core area” within a home range The average home range was reported from the radio-collared males and females as 33.4 sq km and 10 sq km, respectively (Rabinowitz and Nottingham 1986). But territory and home range size depends on habitat and density of prey. Territory size is reported as 2 to 5 sq km in Mexico, 390 sq km in Brazil, 65 sq km for males, and up to 29 sq km for females in Kaa-Iya del Gran Chaco’s reserve of Bolivia and Paraguay and over 1359 sq km for one adult male in Arizona. Besides vocalization, backward urine spraying on prominent locations, claw scratching and cheek-rubbing are also very common in the jaguar (Baker 2002).

So, from tiger to jaguar we find that territory/home range varies widely.

15.9.10. Ontogeny of Different Physiological Phenomena in Cubs of Big Cats

We recorded the data on the ontogeny of different physiological phenomena by rearing a tiger cub (Stud book no. 446, Dora III) born on July 25, 1987 at Nandankanan zoo. The cub was closely observed daily for 5 hours in the morning and 2 hours in the afternoon. An indication of the flehmen gesture was first noticed on November 15, 1987 at about the age of 3-1/2 months as recorded in our field diary of 1987. The cub was observed to sniff various objects lying here and there within the enclosure and sometimes showed a flehmen gesture, mostly on sniffing his own urine. In three female cubs in another Indian zoo the appearance of the first flehmen was observed at the beginning of the fourth month (Brahmachary, Walker and Mallya 1985, unpublished). The initiation of squirting by raising the tail was noticed in Dora III at the age of 7 months. He tried to eject MF in small burst with very small quantity. This happened very infrequently. The animal made its first regular squirting when it reached the age of 1 year. The pet tigress Khairi did so at the age of 1 year, too (Choudhury 1999). In two leopard cubs the flehmen gesture appeared before the age of 3-1/2 months (Brahmachary 1980, unpublished).

Chemical analysis of the urine of a tiger cub revealed traces of free fatty acids in the urine at 3 months of age. The presence of monoamine, diamine, and polyamines were detected in the urine of 5-month-old cub. The characteristic aroma was faintly perceptible in the urine sample collected at 7 months while a good musky aroma was detectable at the age of 1 year (Brahmachary 1990; Poddar-Sarkar 1995). It is worth noting that the amount of lipids in the urine increases with age, though even at 1 year of age, it is much less than that of the adult MF.

In the leopard cubs the aroma appears only at about the age of 3 months (Brahmachary 1980, 1988, unpublished). As mentioned earlier, in three lion cubs of George Adamson, Brahmachary (1988, unpublished) observed the first appearance of the flehmen gesture in the sixth month correlated with the sudden incidence of sniffing and flehmening.


15.10.1. Collection of MF

The collection of MF was very easy in the case of a pet tigress (Khairi) and a pet cheetah, but generally, for chemical analysis of MF of the tiger, leopard, lion, and cheetah we adopted a devise for collection by walking with a clean tray behind the chain-link mesh and waited patiently for ejection by the animal and ultimately collected a part of it while in air. In general it was noted that when the animal is introduced into a new area it has a tendency to spray several times for establishing the territory, and if MF/urine of one animal is allowed to be smelled by another, he or she sprays instantly. We have utilized these two innate behavioral aspects for collection. After collection we added hexane in the field to prevent bacterial infection and the sample was kept under refrigeration for future analysis.

In a similar manner leopard MF (Poddar-Sarkar and Brahmachary 2004) and lion MF (Brahmachary and Singh 2000) were collected by placing cotton wads impregnated with MF or urine of another leopard or lion in the interstices of the chain-link mesh. (The Asiatic lion MF, unlike that of the tiger, is not always ejected upward and backward; sometimes the jet is aimed horizontally backward and sometimes even downward, in which case the MF cannot be collected [Brahmachary and Singh, 2000].) In the case of the cheetah, as the animal was tame and had a free run in a very large enclosure in Namibia, MF could be collected in a wide-mouthed beaker as the spray was aimed against a tree (Poddar-Sarkar and Brahmachary 1997). All the samples were collected during daytime hours. Of all these big cats, the cheetah is most diurnal.

15.10.2. Chemical Analysis of MF Volatile and Nonvolatile Compounds Identified in MF

Van den Hurk (2007) sums up in tabular form much of the findings on pheromones of the small cats and big cats including our results. During the late 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s we primarily isolated different chemical groups on the basis of pH difference during steam distillation from MF, such as free fatty acids (FFAs) in the acidic fraction, 2AP, aldehydes and ketones in neutral fraction, and amines in basic fractions. The fractions were rendered into salt or derivatized according to their functional groups and then subjected to different chromatographic techniques. Most of the compounds were identified by following classical methods and using modern-day instruments (Table 15.3). Burger et al. (2008) identified more compounds from MF of tiger by headspace solid phase microextraction (SPME) GCMS, which has the advantage of direct application to the instrument. The important point to note is that in the tiger volatile free fatty acids (FFAs); (C2-C10), which are known to be pheromones in many mammals, comprise only branched and unbranched FFAs; no unsaturated and antiso FFAs have been identified in tiger MF (Figures 15.7 and 15.8a, b; Table 15.3). Primary, secondary, and tertiary amines as well as carbonyl compounds were identified in MF of tigers. β-phenylethylamine was detected in MF of four tigers and in MF of leopard and cheetah (Figure 15.9). β-phenylethylamine may be a common urinary excretory product but it was interesting to note its role in depressed persons and fierce criminals (Brahmachary and Dutta 1981). Van den Hurk (2007) reevaluated the importance of β-phenylethylamine in this context.

TABLE 15.3

TABLE 15.3

Volatile Compounds Identified from MF of Tiger, Leopard, Cheetah, and Lion

FIGURE 15.7. Gas chromatogram of free fatty acids identified from MF of tiger (M1).


Gas chromatogram of free fatty acids identified from MF of tiger (M1). Peak No. 1 = acetic acid, 2 = propionic acid, 3 = isobutyric, 4 = butyric, 5 = isovaleric acid, 6 = valeric, 7 = isohexanoic, 8 = hexanoic, 9 = isoheptanoic, 10 = heptanoic, 11 = isooctanoic, (more...)

FIGURE 15.8. (a) Mass fragments of octanoic acid identified from the acidic fraction of steam distillate of MF of the tiger.


(a) Mass fragments of octanoic acid identified from the acidic fraction of steam distillate of MF of the tiger. (b) Mass fragments of isovaleric acid identified from acidic fraction of steam distillate of MF of the tiger.

FIGURE 15.9. Gas chromatogram of amines present in MF of the cheetah.


Gas chromatogram of amines present in MF of the cheetah. Peak numbers: 1 = ethylenediamine, 2 = putresceine, 3 = cadaverine, 4 = β-phenylethylamine. Column: 10% Carbowax 20M + 5% KOH (3m × 3mm) packed stainless steel metal column, program: (more...)

Aldehydes and ketones have not been detected in cheetah MF although these have been identified in the tiger and leopard (Figure 15.10). In the context of genomics and metabolomics, we also mention the findings on cheetah MF. Unfortunately we could work only on a single cheetah, a subadult almost attaining the adult stage, but if this is indeed a characteristic chemical feature of the cheetah (as opposed to that of the tiger, lion, and leopard), then we face a question that is intriguing per se. Moreover, it has a bearing on the problem of metabolomics. This fact might be exploited while studying the genomics of the different cat species—and the cheetah is an unusual member of the cat family—and furthermore, while considering the putative differences in MF at the species level (see Section 15.8 for details).

FIGURE 15.10. Mass fragments of acetaldehyde-2,4 dinitrophenyl-hydrazone derivatized from the neutral fraction of steam distillate MF of the tiger.

FIGURE 15.10

Mass fragments of acetaldehyde-2,4 dinitrophenyl-hydrazone derivatized from the neutral fraction of steam distillate MF of the tiger. After derivatization the sample was purified through thin-layer chromatography before subjected to gas chromatography. (more...) 2AP: The Elusive Aroma Molecule of Tiger MF, Basmati Rice, Bassia Flower, and a Certain Pulse (Mung Bean)

In 1982 this aroma molecule 2AP was identified in boiled Basmati rice (Buttery et al. 1982) and the next year it was detected in the leaves of Pandanus amaryllifolius (Roxb. = P. faetoedus; family: Pandanaceae) by Buttery’s group (Buttery et al. 1983). This plant was long known as producing a smell equivalent to that of fragrant rice and in Bengal it was locally known as Payes leaf. In 1977 Brahmachary and Dutta detected this aroma from MF of the pet tigress Khairi and noticed that on acidification of MF, fragrant rice water, and P. amaryllifolius Roxb. leaf extract the aroma disappears but it reappears as the fluid is rendered alkaline, and they had an inkling that the three fragrance molecules have some chemical similarity and that civetone, which also has a ricelike fragrance, must be different from the rice/tiger aroma (Brahmachary and Dutta 1979, unpublished note). In the 1980s and 1990s a large number of experiments with paper chromatography (PC) and gas chromatography (GC), using two solvents and two GC columns and cochromatography of GC, indicated the closely similar nature of rice aroma and tiger aroma (Brahmachary et al. 1990). Later comparisons with a synthetic sample gifted by Schieberle revealed that the tiger aroma is in fact 2AP (Brahmachary 1996). Schieberle (1985) synthesized 2AP following an easy technique based on the Maillard reaction (MR) at a temperature of 170°C and our group could bring it down to 128°C–135°C (Poddar-Sarkar et al. 1992) and ultimately to 105°C but no less (Poddar-Sarkar et al. 1993, unpublished). The biosynthesis of 2AP in rice may be enzymatic by a metabolic process within the system and not by MR. Stable isotope labeling (C13 and C15) shows that the nitrogen of 2AP is derived from proline but the carbon source of the acetyl group is some other molecule and that the reaction occurs at a lower temperature than required for MR (Yoshihashi et al. 2002). 2AP was also detected in flowers of Bassia latifolia Roxb. = Maduca indica (local name Mahua) (Midya and Brahmachary 1997), in flowers of Vallaris solanacea (Basu et al. 2007), and is also a component of a fragrant pulse of Bengal (local name Sona Mung) (Brahmachary and Ghosh 2002). However, Burger et al. could not confirm the presence of 2AP in Bengal tiger MF. Apps reports no 2AP smell in African leopard (Brahmachary 2013, personal communication). We have detected 2AP in the MF of the Siberian tiger when the sample was available to us under an Indo-U.S. exchange program (Soso et al. 2012). The characteristic smell is absent in adult African lions and cubs and adult Asiatic lions and an almost adult cheetah (free-ranging adult African lions and cubs introduced into nature for a few hours every day at Kampi ya Simba, George Adamson’s camp at Kora, Kenya, and a big cub in captivity at Lulimbi, Zaire, were the source of MF and urine in this context. The Asiatic adult lions in captivity in the heart of the forest in Gir, India, and an almost adult cheetah free-ranging in about 10,000 square meter in Namibia were observed).

Our findings on the presence of 2AP, the most uncommon compound among many candidates for pheromones present in both MF and urine of both the sexes of tiger and Indian leopard (but not in lion and cheetah), might project a new line of thought for understanding the two distinct phylogenetic clades of the cat family. The tiger and the leopard, rather than the lion, might be near neighbors because of the metabolite 2AP. This aspect of metabolomics can indirectly shed light on the relevance of genomics to tiger pheromone. As already mentioned we have recently traced 2AP in the Siberian tiger (Soso et al. 2012) and also in the so-called marsh mangrove tiger of the Sunderbans, a race of the Bengal tiger (Poddar-Sarkar and Brahmachary 2012, unpublished). Since, as mentioned above, the Siberian/Amur race is significantly different from the Bengal tiger, 2AP in the tiger is probably of ancient origin. In that case the presence of 2AP in the marsh tiger, a recent adaptation in the Sundarban mangrove swamp is not surprising (Figure 15.11).

FIGURE 15.11. Tranquillized mangrove–marsh Bengal tiger of Sundarban being released back to nature after collection of sample for GCMS for the analysis of chemical compounds of body odor.

FIGURE 15.11

Tranquillized mangrove–marsh Bengal tiger of Sundarban being released back to nature after collection of sample for GCMS for the analysis of chemical compounds of body odor. (Photo courtesy of Subroto Pal Chowdhury.)

It would be of interest to investigate the presence of 2AP in the Chinese and Sumatran races. In our views, the origin of this significant aroma molecule may be helpful for tracing the tiger lineage.

15.10.3. Natural Fixative of MF

Ii is interesting to note that during or just after the Second World War, when the distinction between MF and urine was not clear, it was calculated that a tiger threw away (through urine/MF) daily an amount of lipid equivalent to one week’s butter ration (20g) allowed to a British soldier in wartime (Hewer et al. 1948; Mathews 1969). According to our findings the lipid content of a tiger MF is about 2g/L of MF. For the leopard and cheetah the corresponding values are 1.15g/L and >3g/L, respectively. As was found long ago (Brahmachary and Choudhuri 1979, unpublished), on steam distillation the volatile molecules separated from the larger lipids disperse very rapidly (in minutes) whereas MF dried on a leaf bears a perceptible smell even after 10 days (Brahmachary 1964, unpublished). The lipid fraction of MF of the tiger is comprised of cholesterol ester, wax ester, triglyceride, FFAs, diglycerides, monoglycerides, free sterol, and phospholipids (Table 15.3). Nonvolatile lipid fraction contains saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated fatty acids of mostly 14, 16, 18, 20, and 22 carbon number. The percentage of saturated fatty acids in the wax lipid of MF is about 55%, which is more than the triglyceride and sterol ester. Such a composition might be the basis of fixative action (Poddar-Sarkar 1996) and can further be correlated with the wax coating of a leaf for sustenance of aroma.

The wildlifers in the Sunderbans are divided on the issue of MF smell surviving twice-daily tidal inundations; some hold the view that marking does not last at all, while others are of the opinion that tigers spray MF only on trees above the high-water mark (Montgomery 1995). The findings on the mangrove leaves immersed in estuarine water mentioned previously, are however, relevant in this context.

All of the above suggest the role of fixative lipids in the tiger. The lipid content of the cheetah is higher than that of the tiger (Table 15.3) but cheetah MF loses its attraction to other cheetahs after only 24 hours (Eaton 1974).

Proteins as fixatives of pheromones in rodents (Pelosi 1998), as enzymes for synthesis of pheromone precursor (Miyazaki et al. 2006), or directly as a means for chemical communication (Novotony 2003) are known. In the tiger and other big cats the protein content of MF is slight but of course various proteins are likely to occur in small concentrations. In the cat urine cauxin may be present in amounts less than 1g/L (Miyazaki et al. 2008) and it was detected in the urine of the Asiatic lion, Amur tiger, Persian leopard, clouded leopard, and jaguar (McLean et al. 2007). Burger et al. (2008) also identified cauxin from a Bengal tiger. In the big cats, lipids as fixative agents are probably more important than proteins.


The study of pheromones of big cats is undoubtedly one of the more difficult or less tractable propositions but as we have endeavored to show, since 1964, we have made considerable headway. The lacunae in the field have also been discussed. The question of pheromone-based individual recognition is a formidable one in any mammal and it is compounded by the practical difficulties implicit in investigations on big cats. But nonetheless, we feel we can answer some of the basic questions. It transpires from our attempts that the major source of pheromones in big cats is the MF and this is an ensemble of various chemical compounds.

As concluding remarks we may sum up the process of understanding MF chronologically. Around 1960 the concept of pheromones in big cats emerged apparently in the widely read popular accounts of Joy Adamson on Elsa the lioness and later on Pippa the cheetah. During the late 1960s Schaller (1967) brought it to the attention of scientists and hinted at the possibility of decoding the information encoded in this message. For a long time after Schaller described MF spray as a mixture of urine and anal gland secretion, this misconception continued to persist in the scientific literature, even as late as 2006 (Thapar 2006). We have described a mass of evidence (from the early 1980s to 2013) suggesting that MF has evolved to meet a purpose—to communicate with conspecific neighbors—for otherwise, this loss of energy (including, in particular, throwing away a large amount of lipids that are metabolically costly) would have been selected against through the evolutionary time scale. However, compared to the tigress and female serval all other female cats spray rarely, only during pro- or early estrous but all urinate significantly more during or before estrous. In addition, the related facts of different modalities of MF spray and urination in different big cat families like the tiger, lion, cheetah, and leopard were reported during the 1980s in several papers (Brahmachary and Dutta 1981, 1986, 1987). An analogy in the plant world can be drawn if we consider root exudates, the plant equivalent of excretory products like urine, MF, and feces of the big cats or other animals. Likewise certain leaf volatiles are the equivalent of animal body odor.

Around the 1980s and 1990s, in a number of papers Brahmachary, Dutta, and Poddar-Sarkar detected 30–40 compounds in the tiger, and similar types of compounds in the cheetah, leopard, and lion MF and an unusual molecule 2AP in the tiger and leopard only (Brahmachary et al. 1990; Poddar-Sarkar and Brahmachary 2004; Poddar-Sarkar et al. 1995; Brahmachary, 1996). Andersen and Vulpius (1999) identified several volatile compounds from zoo lions. Burger et al. (2008) identified more than 100 compounds in a zoo tiger MF, with the help of headspace SPME-GCMS, but they failed to find 2AP. We have meanwhile detected 2AP in the marsh-mangrove tiger of the Sunderbans, India (Poddar-Sarkar and Brahmachary 2011, unpublished) and also in the Siberian tiger in 2012 (Soso et al. 2012). Chemical analysis of MF of the cheetah and leopard have been reported as mentioned earlier. McLean’s group highlighted the presence of cauxin protein in urine (McLean et al. 2007). Proteomics- and genomics-related work for tracing the phylogeny of big cats was carried out by several schools in recent years. (In Section 15.8 we discussed the genomics-related work as well as the metabolomics perspective.) Preliminary findings on the body odor of three tranquilized mangrove-marsh Bengal tigers of Sundarban were reported in 2013 (Poddar-Sarkar et al. 2013).

Most or all mammals rely on olfactory signals and this ability must have evolved early in the evolutionary history. Even an E. coli bacterium is attracted to certain molecules like amino acids in the medium that are associated with decaying matter indicating a food source.

More specifically, we may try to answer some of the questions raised by Tinbergen’s remarks in Section 15.2. What exactly is the survival value of the instinct of spraying MF by big cats? This was the first query of Tinbergen. The answer in popular terms would be “waste not, want not.” Such is nature’s economy that nothing is wasted. Materials like scats, urine, or MF rejected by the body are not necessarily wasted (true, some of these substances may be utilized as food by other organisms ranging from bacteria but here we are concerned only with the benefit to the big cats themselves). MF, as we have seen, plays a vital role in attracting the opposite sex, thereby ensuring reproduction, a vital issue, and proclaiming a territory. In a sense this material ejected from the body may be considered as an extended phenotype and have a great survival value.

Likewise, the second and third questions of Tinbergen (namely, how has MF developed over time and how has it developed in the individual?) are also amenable to the evolutionary perspective. As we have mentioned earlier, Darwin suggested that “…if the more odoriferous males are the most successful in winning over females….” then natural (in this case sexual) selection would lead to the evolution of the trait (sending this odor signal). This would be equally valid for the females and their olfactory abilities. This might answer both the second and third questions.

The fourth question (What is the physiological causation?) is more difficult to address at present. We do not know exactly how the lipid is generated in the urine of MF and by which metabolic pathway, or how an unusual molecule like 2AP arises. But production of these metabolites and their excretion is not against the laws of physiology.


  • 1. We have as yet no inkling of the natural chemicals that undoubtedly send signals to the VNO of the tiger. These must be relatively heavy molecules with little volatility. These might be proteins like aphrodisin, cauxin, or other, totally different molecules. That the VNO is very active in the big cats is well evident through frequent flehmen gestures and touching the nostril with the tongue, though in this respect the big cat tongue is far more ill-adapted than the bifurcated narrow tongue of snakes or Varanus (monitor lizard).
  • 2. We have to cross another hurdle regarding the recognition of an individual-specific set of pheromones(s) or osmic signals. Despite the possibility of individual recognition based on an ensemble of a number of chemical compounds that vary quantitatively in the different individuals, as explained earlier, a tricky question arises. The fading of the more volatile compounds convey information to the big cat, namely that a rival/intruder left the site some time ago and so there is no immediate concern/fear/stress; but can the animal perceive whether it is its own old mark or that of another? This question arises because (a) the degree of fading, or in other words, the intensity of disappearance of many molecules depends on several environmental and climatic factors, and (b) the lesser the number of different molecules in the pheromonal potpourri, the more difficult it is to distinguish “individuality.”
  • 3. Again, even though the tiger might distinguish a lion’s smell (formerly the lion and the tiger coexisted in many parts of India) because of the absence of 2AP, can it possibly have any inkling that a leopard is different from a tiger? All the currently known pheromones are chemically the same in both species and so despite quantitative differences a leopard may be perceived as another tiger. Observational results cannot answer the question because both intruders will be repelled by the resident tiger. There should be species-specific ratios of chemical compounds or some other mechanism of which we have no insight at present. One may legitimately ask which of the many putative candidates for pheromones are actually functional as pheromones. Apps et al. (2013) have accepted this challenging task with the hundred-odd urinary compounds of the African wild dog. They point out that many compounds such as carboxylic acids are common in sympatric species and so unlikely to be species-specific pheromones and therefore unique compounds should claim priority in this context. They have gone far along this line but we feel that because of essential genetic/physiological/biochemical reasons every species may not have specific, unique compounds in their urine, MF, glandular secretions, and so forth (we have, however, previously discussed the possibility of bile salts in scat characteristic for each species). On the other hand, the quantitative proportions of different carboxylic acids distinguish the individuality of the animal, as we have already noted. Might not such ratios and proportions characterize species as well? In a later personal communication by Apps, certain difficulties are evident. The data on the lion, leopard, and cheetah are still scant and his group detected no aldehyde or ketone even in the leopard or lion. Furthermore, they also did not detect 2AP in the African leopard. We will discuss elsewhere the possible reasons for these results but at the moment, neither we nor they can state how the sympatric big cats might be distinguished at the pheromonal level.
    Voznessenskaya et al. (1992) point out that rats find it increasingly difficult to distinguish among more than 5–6 individual odors in a mixup. Even if they can distinguish only 5–6 individual odors, the same faculty might help the animals to distinguish 5–6 sympatric species and that would suffice in most cases.
  • 4. A tiger overmarks the marking of an intruder and if the latter does not decamp immediately, the first tiger may sooner or later overmark the overmarking. In the case of certain rodents there is some evidence that they can detect the difference between the top and bottom overmarking. There is evidence that the animal marking on top enjoys an advantage. It has been shown that a third animal can distinguish the two (Ferkin and Pierce 2007, 2010). Even in a mixture of urine of 6–7 mongoose individuality was distinguishable (Jordan et al. 2011). Therefore, it is in the interest of the resident to overmark once again. How the rodent or mongoose or the tiger can perceive this is a well-nigh incredible phenomenon.


We are indebted to George Schaller, George Adamson, P. Amte and their colleagues, and many zoo authorities, private reserves, and keepers who have been associated with the big cats for many years in India and Africa. We are grateful to the-then Prime Minister of India Mrs. Indira Gandhi for her kind help for sanctioning a special grant for tiger research from the Department of Environment, the Government of India at Indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta, and also to other funding agencies of the Government of India like the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research and University Grant Commission. We are grateful to Prof. D. Muller Schwarze and Prof. Francis Webster of State University of New York, Syracuse, who extended their kind help for running our sample in GCMS in 1991 for free fatty acids. We extend our sincere thanks to Prof. Barbara Sommerville of Cambridge University and Prof. J. Waterhouse of Anglia Polytechnic, Cambridge, for their help with sniff GC in 1992 and valuable suggestions and critical review from time to time. RLB thanks Sally Walker, Sarada Mallya, Sabita Rai, and Katyaani of Mysore. MPS is thankful to her cofield worker Prof. S. S. Sarkar (her geologist husband) and her photographer friend Dr. N. Das during many field sessions. We acknowledge the kind help from our many collaborators and many reviewers for giving a definite shape to our findings. Surendranath College, Calcutta, University of Calcutta are gratefully acknowledged for extending infrastructural facilities. We appreciate the continuous inspiration and criticism coming from our research scholars including our American guest student Simone Soso, who participated in many constructive and stimulating discussions. We thank Dilip Bhattacherya from whose collection we obtained the photograph of Khairi, the pet tigress of Simlipal, who initiated scientific research on tiger pheromones and other behavioral aspects (Figure 15.12). We express our sincere gratitude to the late Mr. Saroj Raj Choudhuri and Ms. Nihar Nalini-who tamed Khairi- S. K. Patnaik, Director at Nandan Kanan Biological Park, Dr. L. N. Acharjo, veterinarian, Nandan Kanan and Shib Mohanti, Jibonaloke (who raised Dora III), office staff of Nandan Kanan; our many animal lover friends, and S. B. Mondal, Principal Chief Conservator of Forest, Government of West for kindly giving us permission. We thank Dr. E. Ali, Dr. Asish Sen, and the late Dr. P. Bhattyacharya of the Indian Institute of Chemical Biology, Kolkata, and Prof. Sibdas Ray, Department of Chemistry, University of Calcutta (CU). MPS is grateful to the Hon’ble Vice Chancellor (CU), Pro-VC and Registrar, CU for giving her permission to participate in Indo-US, 2011 and Indian National Science Academy-Hungary Academy of Science Bilateral Exchange Programme, 2012. We are indebted to many contributors during our four-decades-long study—our two pet tiger cubs Dora II and Dora III and many tigers and tigresses of Nandan Kanan, and Bipasa, the tigress of South Khairabari, North Bengal—who are no longer with us.

FIGURE 15.12. ‘Khairi’ with her human mother (Ms.

FIGURE 15.12

‘Khairi’ with her human mother (Ms. Nihar Nalini) and Mr. Dilip Bhattacherya. (From the collection of Mrs. Susmita Ghosh, Salt Lake, Calcutta.)


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The male African elephant also utilizes the temporal pheromone as studied by Rasmussen and others. The African females and, more rarely, the Indian she elephants are known to secrete a watery (less viscous) fluid from the temporal gland, which is a sign of agitation rather than of pheromonal function.


International Tiger Stud Book published by Zoologischen Garten Leipzing, December 15, 1990 (Prof. Dr. rer.nat Siegfried Seifert, stud book keeper).


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