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Table 4Kinetochore proteins

C. elegans protein C. elegans gene Required for embryonic viability?Vertebrate orthologueSummary of localization and functional analysisSelected references
CeCENP-A, HCP-3hcp-3; (F58A4​.3)YESCENP-AHistone H3-variant; thought to localize to chromatin throughout the cell cycle; found in nuclear foci during interphase and concentrated on the chromatin in a stripe that runs along the poleward face of each sister chromatid during mitosis; CeCENP-A is required for the localization of all other kinetochore components that have been tested; depletion results in failure to align and segregate mitotic chromosomes and premature spindle elongation due to the inability of the kinetochores to attach to spindle microtubules; a highly homologous gene (F54C8​.2) is likely also targeted by dsRNAs generated against CeCENP-A. The relative abundance of CeCENP-A versus F54C8​.2 is not known. C. briggsae does not have 2 genes encoding CENP-A like proteins, suggesting that F54C8​.2 may have arisen from a recent duplication.Buchwitz, 1999; Oegema, 2001
CeCENP-C, HCP-4hcp-4; (T03F1​.9)YESCENP-CKinetochore localization (prophase to telophase) requires CeCENP-A; CeCENP-C is required for the localization of all kinetochore proteins except CeCENP-A; associates with the KNL-1/3 complex and may act as an adaptor to connect centromeric chromatin to the outer kinetochore; plays a role in the resolution of CeCENP-A chromatin into two paired "lines" on the replicated chromosome; depletion results in failure to align and segregate mitotic chromosomes and premature spindle elongation.Moore, 2001; Oegema, 2001; Desai, 2003; Cheeseman, 2004
KNL-3knl-3 (T10B5​.6)YES?Kinetochore localization (prophase to telophase) requires CeCENP-A and CeCENP-C; KNL-3 levels at the kinetochore are reduced in embryos depleted of MIS-12, KBP-1, KBP-2 and KNL-1; depletion results in failure to align and segregate mitotic chromosomes and premature spindle elongation; component of the 10-protein KNL-1/3 complex required to assemble an outer kinetochore that can make microtubule attachments.Cheeseman, 2004
KNL-1knl-1 (C02F5​.1)YESAF15q14Kinetochore localization (prophase to telophase) requires CeCENP-A, CeCENP-C and KNL-3; KNL-1 levels at the kinetochores are reduced in embryos depleted of NDC-80 and HIM-10; depletion results in failure to align and segregate mitotic chromosomes and premature spindle elongation. Component of the 10-protein KNL-1/3 complex required to assemble an outer kinetochore that can make microtubule attachments.Desai, 2003 Cheeseman, 2004
MIS-12mis-12 (Y47G6A​.24)YESMis12Kinetochore localization (prophase to telophase) requires KNL-3 but not KNL-1; relatively weak chromosome missegregation phenotype seen in depleted embryos consistent with a delay in the formation of chromosome- spindle attachments; identified by sequence homology to human and fission yeast Mis12 and as a component of the KNL-1/3 complex.Cheeseman, 2004
KBP-1kbp-1 (R13F6​.1)YES?Localizes to kinetochores from prophase to telophase; relatively weak chromosome missegregation phenotype seen in depleted embryos consistent with a delay in the formation of chromosome- spindle attachments; identified as a component of the KNL-1/3 complex.Cheeseman, 2004
KBP-2kbp-2 (F26F4​.13)YES?Localizes to kinetochores from prophase to telophase; relatively weak chromosome missegregation phenotype seen in depleted embryos consistent with a delay in the formation of chromosome- spindle attachments; identified as a component of the KNL-1/3 complex.Cheeseman, 2004
NDC-80ndc-80 (W01B6.9.1)YESNdc80/HECLocalizes to kinetochores from prophase to telophase; kinetochore localization requires KNL-1 and HIM-10 in addition to chromatin- proximal components; depletion results in chromosome missegregation and premature spindle elongation; phenotype is less severe than a kinetochore-null but more severe than that of MIS-12, suggests defect in the ability to form microtubule attachments that can withstand tension; member of the NDC-80 subcomplex, which is part of the larger KNL-1/3 complex.Desai, 2003 Cheeseman, 2004
HIM-10 Nuf2HIM-10him-10 (R12B2​.4)YESNuf2Localizes to kinetochores from prophase to telophase; kinetochore localization requires KNL-1 and NDC-80, in addition to chromatin- proximal components. Depletion disrupts kinetochore ultrastructure, resulting in chromosome missegregation and premature spindle elongation; phenotype is less severe than a kinetochore-null but more severe than that of MIS-12, suggests defect in the ability to form microtubule attachments that can withstand tension; member of the NDC-80 subcomplex, which is part of the larger KNL-1/3 complex.Howe, 2001 Desai, 2003 Cheeseman, 2004
KBP-3kbp-3 (F26H11​.1)YESSpc25Localizes to kinetochores from prophase to telophase; depletion results in chromosome missegregation and premature spindle elongation; phenotype is less severe than a kinetochore-null but more severe than that of MIS-12, suggests defect in the ability to form microtubule attachments that can withstand tension; member of the NDC-80 subcomplex, which is part of the larger KNL-1/3 complex.Cheeseman, 2004
KBP-4kbp-4 (Y92C3B​.1)YES?Localizes to kinetochores from prophase to telophase. Depletion results in chromosome missegregation and premature spindle elongation; phenotype is less severe than a kinetochore-null but more severe than that of MIS-12, suggests defect in the ability to form microtubule attachments that can withstand tension; identified as a KNL-1/3-associated protein.Cheeseman, 2004
KBP-5kbp-5 (C34B2​.2)NO?Localizes to kinetochores from prophase to telophase. Identified as a KNL-1/3-associated protein.Cheeseman, 2004
HCP-1 HCP-2hcp-1 (ZK1055​.1) hcp-2 (T06E4​.1)YES* *When co-depletedCENP-F?Functionally redundant proteins that localize to the region of the mitotic spindle and to kinetochores between late prometaphase and early anaphase; kinetochore localization requires CeCENP-A/C, KNL-1, and BUB-1, but not the NDC-80 subcomplex; depletion perturbs chromosome alignment and segregation. HCP-1 and 2 physically associate with CLASPCLS-2.Moore, 1999; Desai, 2003; Stear, 2004; Encalada, 2004; Cheeseman, 2005
CLASPcls-2 (CLS-2)cls-2 (R107​.6)YESCLASPMicrotubule- associated protein that localizes to spindle poles, the region of the miotic spindle and kinetochores; prominent kinetochore localization is seen at metaphase. Kinetochore localization requires KNL-1 and HCP-1/2, but not the NDC-80 subcomplex. Depletion perturbs chromosome alignment and segregation. CLASPCLS-2 associates with HCP-1/2.Desai, 2003; Cheeseman, 2005
CeMCAK (KLP-7)klp-7 (K11D9.1)YESMCAKKinesin-13 microtubule depolymerase that localizes to kinetochores between early prometaphase and telophase, and to spindle poles throughout mitosis; kinetochore localization requires CeCENP-A and CeCENP-C, but not KNL-1 or KNL-3; depletion results in snapping of the anaphase spindle, suggesting excessive astral pulling forces or a defect in spindle midzone formation/stability.Oegema, 2001; Grill, 2001; Desai, 2003; Powers, 2004
LIS-1lis-1 (T03F6​.5)YESLIS1Microtubule associated protein that localizes to the cell cortex, nuclear periphery, kinetochores, and microtubule asters; kinetochore localization requires CeCENP-C, but not dynein; depletion results in multiple defects in spindle positioning, pronuclear migration, and centrosome separation, leading to gross missegregation of chromosomes.Cockell, 2004
CZW-1czw-1 (F20D12​.4)YESZw10Predicted kinetochore protein based on sequence homology; partial depletion results in chromosome missegregation; penetrant depletion results in sterilityStarr, 1998
ROD-1rod-1 (F55G1​.4)YESRodPredicted kinetochore protein based on sequence homology; depletion results in chromosome missegregation.Scaerou, 2001
BUB-1bub-1 (R06C7​.8)YESBub1Mitotic checkpoint pathway serine/threonine protein kinase; kinetochore localization (prophase to metaphase) requires CeCENP-A, CeCENP-C, and KNL-1; depletion results in misalignment and missegregation of chromosomes.Oegema, 2001; Desai, 2003; Encalada, 2004
BUB-3Y54G9A​.6NOBub3Predicted mitotic checkpoint pathway protein based on sequence homology.
MDF-1mdf-1 (C50F4​.11)NOMad1Mitotic checkpoint pathway protein based on sequence homology; mutant worms fail to thrive due to accumulated chromosomal abnormalities; required to delay the embryonic cell cycle in response to spindle defects.Kitagawa, 1999; Encalada, 2004
MDF-2mdf-2 (Y69A2AR. 30)NOMad2Mitotic checkpoint pathway protein with similar functions as MDF-1; depletion of MDF-2 also overrides the mitotic arrest induced by anoxia, suggesting that survival under very low oxygen levels is promoted by activation of the mitotic checkpoint.Kitagawa, 1999; Nystul, 2003; Encalada, 2004
SAN-1san-1 (ZC328​.4)NOBubR1Mitotic checkpoint pathway protein that localizes to kinetochores after nuclear envelope breakdown. SAN-1 is the homologue of budding yeast MAD3 protein (their vertebrate orthologue, BubR1, has a serine/threonine kinase domain fused to the Mad3 homology region). SAN-1 was identified in a genetic screen for anoxia-sensitive mutants, highlighting a link between survival under very low oxygen levels and mitotic arrest mediated by the mitotic checkpoint pathway.Nystul, 2004

From: Cell division

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