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Gilmore MS, Clewell DB, Ike Y, et al., editors. Enterococci: From Commensals to Leading Causes of Drug Resistant Infection [Internet]. Boston: Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary; 2014-.

Cover of Enterococci

Enterococci: From Commensals to Leading Causes of Drug Resistant Infection [Internet].

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Table 5c.

Conjugative transposons/ICEs

Transposon Family Integrase type Size (kb) Characterized functiona (genotype) Host range Origin Integration sites Reference
Conjugative Transposons
Tn916 a
and closely related variants showing insertions or deletions
Tn916Tyr18ABR, Tet (tetM)Enterococcus, Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, Lactococcus, Lactobacillus, Bacillus, Clostridium, Leuconostoc, Listeria, Mycoplasma, Actinobacillus, Acholeplasma, Acinetobacter, Alcaligenes, Butyrivibria, Citrobacter, Erysipelothrix, Escherichia, Fusobacterium, Granulicatella, Haemophilus, Neisseria, Pseudomonas, Thermus, Ureaplasma, Veillonella, anaerobesH, HH, FA, WA, F, SWA+T richFlannagan, Zitzow, Su, & Clewell, 1994
Tn918Tn916Tyr16ABR, Tet (tetM)Enterococcus faecalis, staphylococciHA+T richClewell & Francia, 2004
Tn919 bTn916Tyr15.4ABR, Tet (tetM)S. sanguis, E. faecalis, Lactoccus lactisHHA+T richFitzgerald & Clewell, 1985
Tn920 bTn916Tyr23ABR, Tet (tetM)Enterococcus faecalisHA+T richMurray, An, & Clewell, 1988
Tn925*Tn916Tyr18ABR, Tet (tetM)Enterococcus faecalis, LeuconostocH, HH, FA+T richChristie, Korman, Zahler, Adsit, & Dunny, 1987; Hirt, et al., 2005
Tn3702Tn916Tyr18ABR, Tet (tetM)Enterococcus faecalisHA+T richHoraud, Delbos, & de Cespédès, 1990
Tn5031, Tn5032, Tn5033Tn916TyrNKABR, Tet (tetM)Enterococcus faeciumHA+T richFletcher, Marri, & Daneo-Moore, 1989
Tn5381Tn916Tyr18ABR, Tet (tetM)Enterococcus faecalisHA+T richRice & Carias, 1998; Rice, Marshall, & Carias, 1992
Tn5383Tn916Tyr18ABR, Tet (tetM)Enterococcus faecalisHA+T richRice, Marshall, & Carias, 1992
Tn1545 and variantsTn916Tyrca. 25ABR, Tet, Erm, Kan (tetM, ermB, aphA-3)Streptococcus, Enterococcus, Staphylococcus, Bacillus, Bacteroides, Clostridium, Lactococcus, Listeria, Escherichia, Eubacterium, Neisseria, Roseburia, UreaplasmaH, FA+T richClewell & Francia, 2004; Weaver, Rice, & Churchward, 2002
Tn1549Tn916Tyr30ABR, Van (vanB2)E. faecium, anaerobesH, HHA+T richBallard, Pertile, Lim, Johnson, & Grayson, 2005; Garnier, Taourit, Glaser, Courvalin, & Galimand, 2000; Launay, Ballard, Johnson, Grayson, & Lambert, 2006
Tn5382 cTn916Tyr34ABR, Van, Amp (vanB2, pbp5)Enterococcus (E. faecium, E. faecalis, E. gallinarum, E. hirae), Streptococcus, anaerobesH, A, FA+T richBallard, Pertile, Lim, Johnson, & Grayson, 2005; Carias, Rudin, Donskey, & Rice, 1998; López, et al., 2009; Torres, et al., 2003
Tn6084, Tn6085a Tn6085b bTn916TyrABR, Tet (tetM)Enterococcus faeciumH, HHA+T richRice L. B., Carias, Rudin, Hutton, & Marshall, 2010
Tn5386Tn916Tyr29Lantibiotics (spa)Enterococcus faeciumHA+T richRice L. B., Carias, Marshall, Rudin, & Hutton-Thomas, 2005
Tn6009Tn916Tyr18ABR, Tet (tetM)
Mercury (mer)
Enterococcus, Streptococcus, Pseudomonas, Klebsiella, SerratiaHHcNot identifiedSoge, Beck, White, No, & Roberts, 2008
ICEEfm1 e
Tn916Tyr64-104Esp, partial copy of Tn916 including relaxaseEnterococcus faeciumH, HH, A, SWSingle site, Identified downstream rpsI geneLeavis, et al., 2004; Top, Sinnige, Majoor, Bonten, Willems, & van Schaik, 2011; van Schaik, et al., 2010
Tn5397Tn916Ser21ABR, Tet (tetM)Enterococcus (E. faecium, E. hirae), Streptococcus, Clostridium difficile, Bacillus subtilisH, HH, A, WA, F, SWSingle siteAgersø, Pedersen, & Aarestrup, 2006; Novais, Freitas, Baquero, Peixe, & Coque, 2010; Poeta, et al., 2007
Tn5801 f, CW459 (Tn6086, Tn6014)Tn91625ABR, Tet (tetM)Staphylococcus, Enterococcus, Streptococcus mitis, Clostridium perfringensH, HH, A, F, SW3ʹ of GMP synthase genede Vries, Christensen, Skov, Aarestrup, & Agersø, 2009; Denapaite, et al., 2010; Novais, Freitas, Baquero, Peixe, & Coque, 2010
Tn6000Tn916Related to that of S. aureus PAI SaPIbov and SaPIbov233.2ABR, Tet (tetS)Enterococcus (E. faecium, E. faecalis, E. casseliflavus)H, HH, A3ʹ end of gene encoding ribosomal protein L31Brouwer, Mullany, & Roberts, 2010; Novais, Freitas, Baquero, Peixe, & Coque, 2010; Roberts, Davis, Seville, Villedieu, & Mullany, 2006
Tn950NINot identified47ABR, Erm (ermB)Enterococcus faeciumHNot identifiedTakeuchi, Tomita, Fujimoto, Kudo, Kuwano, & Ike, 2005
EfaC1NITyr25.3None identifiedEnterococcus faecalisH3ʹ end of gene encoding tRNABurrus, Pavlovic, Decaris, & Guédon, 2002; Paulsen, et al., 2003
EfaC2NITyr32.7None identifiedEnterococcus faecalisH3ʹ of GMP synthase geneBurrus, Pavlovic, Decaris, & Guédon, 2002; Paulsen, et al., 2003
EfaD2NITyrNDNone identifiedEnterococcus faecalisHUnknownBurrus, Pavlovic, Decaris, & Guédon, 2002; Paulsen, et al., 2003
OG1RF-CTn homologueNIPutative phage-related integrase49Putative adhesin proteins Enterococcus faecalis HUnknownBourgogne, et al., 2008

Abbreviations: ABr, antibiotic resistance; Amp, ampicillin; Erm, erythromycin; Gm, high level of resistance to gentamicin; Km, kanamycin; Sm, streptomycin; St, streptothricin; Tet, tetracycline; Van, vancomycin: Tyr, tyrosine recombinase; Ser, serine recombinase; H, Hospital; HH, healthy humans; HHc, Healthy humans (children); A, animals (farm or healthy animals); WA, wild animals; F, foods; P, pets; SW, sewage.NA: Not available; NI: not identified


Multiple variants that contain insertions or deletions have been described for these CTns. The previously published CTn916S (tetS), identified in a Streptococcus

intermedius human isolate (Genbank accession no.AY534326.1), is in fact an hybrid of CTn6000 and CTn916 carrying a mosaic tet(S/M) (Novais, et al., 2012).


Tn919 and Tn920 have not been completely characterized.


Tn5382 is basically Tn1549 with a cluster of genes that contain pbp5 inserted upstream of the Tn.


Tn6084, Tn6085a, and Tn6085b contain a 2.7 kb putative group II intron inserted at nucleotide 3913 at the beginning of orf19 in Tn916, whose function remains unknown. Tn6084 has an ISEfa11 insertion. Tn6085a and Tn6085b are identical and therefore were given the designations Tn6085a and Tn6085b. All three have been identified in the same isolate E. faecium strain C68, which also harbors Tn5382 (vanB).


Previously described as a genetic island (Leavis, et al., 2004; van Schaik, et al., 2010). It shares the esp gene itself and a 10-kb completely conserved gene cluster with the PAI of E. faecalis (Top, Sinnige, Majoor, Bonten, Willems, & van Schaik, 2011).


Tn5801 has been completely characterized in E. faecium and E. faecalis (Novais, et al., 2013, T.M. Coque personal communication), only integrases have been detected in natural isolates (Novais, et al., 2013).

From: Extrachromosomal and Mobile Elements in Enterococci: Transmission, Maintenance, and Epidemiology

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