NCBI Bookshelf. A service of the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
This publication is provided for historical reference only and the information may be out of date.
PubMed Clinical Q&A is a collection of summaries of health information. Each summary contains several questions that compare treatments, for example, "How do statins compare in reducing 'bad cholesterol' (LDL-c)?" A brief answer which highlights recent findings is available, along with a link back to the source of the evidence where more details can be found.
- Gastrointestinal System
- Comparing Proton Pump InhibitorsLaura Dean.Created: October 1, 2010.
- How do proton pump inhibitors compare in gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)?
- How do proton pump inhibitors compare in treating ulcers?
- Does the dose of the proton pump inhibitor influence outcome?
- How do proton pump inhibitors compare in safety?
- Does age, gender or race influence the safety or effectiveness of proton pump inhibitors?
- Drugs included in this review
- Further information
- Comparing Drugs for Chronic ConstipationLaura Dean.Created: November 1, 2007.
- How do the drugs used to treat chronic constipation and irritable bowel syndrome with predominant constipation compare?
- Does treatment duration influence the effectiveness of drugs used to treat chronic constipation?
- How do the drugs used to treat chronic constipation compare in terms of safety?
- Does age or ethnicity influence the safety of the drugs used to treat chronic constipation?
- Drugs included in this review
- Further information
- Comparing Proton Pump Inhibitors
- Cardiovascular System
- Comparing Newer Antiplatelet AgentsLaura Dean.Created: November 10, 2011.
- How do antiplatelet agents compare in acute coronary syndromes managed medically?
- How do antiplatelet agents compare in patients who have had coronary revascularization?
- How do antiplatelet agents compare in preventing strokes or transient ischemic attacks?
- How do antiplatelet agents compare in peripheral vascular disease?
- Does the duration of therapy influence the safety or effectiveness of antiplatelet agents?
- Does age, ethnicity or other illnesses influence the safety or effectiveness of antiplatelet agents?
- Drugs included in this review
- Further Information
- Comparing Statins and Combination DrugsLaura Dean.Created: November 1, 2010.
- How do statins and combination drugs compare in lowering "bad" cholesterol (LDL-c)?
- How do statins and combination drugs compare in increasing "good cholesterol" (HDL-c)?
- How do statins and combination drugs compare in reducing the risk of coronary events, stroke, or death?
- How do statins and combination drugs compare in safety and harms?
- How do statins and combination drugs compare in children?
- Does gender, age, or ethnicity influence the safety and effectiveness of statins and combination drugs?
- Statins included in this review
- Combination products included in this review
- Further information
- Comparing ACE Inhibitors and related drugsLaura Dean.Created: October 1, 2010.
- How do ACE inhibitors, AIIRAs, and DRIs compare in effectiveness?
- How do ACE inhibitors, AIIRAs, and DRIs compare in harms?
- How does the direct renin inhibitor, aliskiren, compare in effectiveness and harms?
- Does age or other patient factors influence effectiveness or harms?
- Direct renin inhibitors included in this review
- Angiotensin II receptor blockers included in this review
- Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors included in this review
- Further information
- Comparing Beta BlockersLaura Dean.Created: October 1, 2010.
- How do beta blockers compare in hypertension?
- How do beta blockers compare in angina?
- How do beta blockers compare in patients who recently had a coronary artery bypass graft (CABG)?
- How do beta blockers compare in patients who recently had a heart attack?
- How do beta blockers compare in heart failure?
- How do beta blockers compare in atrial arrhythmia?
- How do beta blockers compare in migraines?
- How do beta blockers compare in bleeding esophageal varices?
- How do beta blockers compare in terms of side effects?
- Does age, gender, or cardiac risk factors influence the safety or effectiveness of beta blockers?
- Drugs included in this review
- Further information
- Comparing Newer Antiplatelet Agents
- Respiratory System
- Comparing Asthma Controller DrugsLaura Dean.Created: November 30, 2011.
- Comparing New AntihistaminesLaura Dean.Created: February 10, 2011.
- How do newer antihistamines compare in treating allergic rhinitis?
- How do newer antihistamines compare in treating urticaria?
- How do newer antihistamines compare in children?
- How do newer antihistamines compare in safety?
- Does age, gender, or other patient factors influence the safety or effectiveness of newer antihistamines?
- Drugs included in this review
- Further information
- Comparing Asthma Controller Drugs
- Central Nervous System
- Comparing Long-Acting OpioidsLaura Dean.Created: November 30, 2011.
- Comparing Atypical AntipsychoticsLaura Dean.Created: February 11, 2011.
- How do atypical antipsychotics compare in schizophrenia?
- How do atypical antipsychotics compare in bipolar disorder?
- How do atypical antipsychotics compare in depression?
- How do atypical antipsychotics compare in dementia?
- How do atypical antipsychotics compare in children with developmental and behavioral disorders?
- How do atypical antipsychotics compare in serious harms?
- Drugs included in this review
- Further information
- Comparing Drugs for ADHDLaura Dean.Created: October 1, 2010.
- Comparing TriptansLaura Dean.Created: October 1, 2010.
- Comparing Antiepileptics for Bipolar Disorder, Migraines, Fibromyalgia, and Chronic PainLaura Dean.Created: October 1, 2010.
- How do antiepileptics compare in treating bipolar disorder?
- How do antiepileptics compare in treating fibromyalgia?
- How do antiepileptics compare in preventing migraines?
- How do antiepileptics compare in relieving chronic pain?
- How do antiepileptics compare in safety?
- Do patient factors such as age or gender influence the effectiveness and harms of antiepileptics?
- Drugs included in this review
- Further information
- Comparing AntidepressantsLaura Dean.Created: May 16, 2011.
- How do newer antidepressants compare in depression?
- How do newer antidepressants compare in anxiety disorders?
- How do the newer antidepressants compare in safety?
- Does age, gender or other factors influence the safety or effectiveness of the newer antidepressants?
- Drugs included in this review
- Further Information
- Comparing Newer AntiemeticsLaura Dean.Created: October 1, 2010.
- Comparing Newer Drugs for InsomniaLaura Dean.Created: October 1, 2010.
- Comparing Alzheimer's DrugsLaura Dean.Created: January 1, 2008.
- How do Alzheimer's drugs compare for treating symptoms?
- How do Alzheimer's drugs compare in their time to have an effect?
- How do Alzheimer's drugs compare in safety?
- Does age, gender, or the presence of vascular dementia influence the safety or effectiveness Alzheimer's drugs?
- Drugs included in this review
- Further information
- Comparing Long-Acting Opioids
- Endocrine
- Comparing New Diabetes DrugsLaura Dean.Created: October 1, 2010.
- In type 1 diabetes, how does adding pramlintide to insulin therapy compare to using insulin alone?
- In type 1 diabetes, how does adding pramlintide to insulin therapy compare to insulin alone in adverse effects?
- In type 2 diabetes, how does pramlintide compare to insulin therapy?
- In type 2 diabetes, how does exenatide compare to oral agents and insulin therapy?
- In type 2 diabetes, how does sitagliptin compare to traditional oral agents?
- In type 2 diabetes, how do the new oral agents compare in adverse effects?
- Do patient factors influence the effectiveness or safety of the newer oral agents?
- Drugs included in this review
- Further information
- Comparing newer drugs for diabetes, including combination drugsLaura Dean.Created: May 16, 2011.
- How do newer drugs for diabetes compare in lowering blood sugar levels?
- How do newer drugs for diabetes compare in safety?
- How do thiazolidinediones compare in lowering blood sugar levels?
- How do thiazolidinediones compare in safety?
- How do combination drugs compare in lowering blood sugar?
- Drugs included in this review
- Combination drugs included in this review
- Further Information
- Comparing ThiazolidinedionesLaura Dean.Created: September 1, 2009.
- How do thiazolidinediones compare in lowering blood sugar levels?
- How do thiazolidinediones compare in reducing the complications of diabetes?
- How do thiazolidinediones compare in prediabetes or the metabolic syndrome?
- How do thiazolidinediones compare in safety?
- How do thiazolidinediones compare to sulfonylureas?
- Does age or ethnicity influence the safety or effectiveness of thiazolidinediones?
- Drugs included in this review
- Further information
- Comparing New Diabetes Drugs
- Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Urinary-tract Disorders
- Comparing Drugs for Overactive Bladder SyndromeLaura Dean.Created: October 1, 2010.
- How do anticholinergics compare in treating overactive bladder syndrome?
- How do short-acting and long-acting forms of the same drug compare?
- How do short-acting and long-acting forms of different anticholinergics compare?
- How do anticholinergics compare in safety?
- Does age, gender, or race influence the safety or effectiveness of anticholinergic drugs?
- Drugs included in this review
- Further information
- Comparing Drugs for Overactive Bladder Syndrome
- Musculoskeletal and Joint Diseases
- Comparing Fibromyalgia DrugsLaura Dean.Created: June 12, 2011.
- Comparing Targeted Immune ModulatorsLaura Dean.Created: November 21, 2012.
- How do targeted immune modulators compare in arthritis?
- How do targeted immune modulators compare in ankylosing spondylitis?
- How do targeted immune modulators compare in psoriasis?
- How do targeted immune modulators compare in inflammatory bowel disease?
- How do targeted immune modulators compare in safety?
- Does age or gender influence the safety or effectiveness of targeted immune modulators?
- Drugs included in this review
- Further Information
- Comparing Muscle RelaxantsLaura Dean.Created: December 1, 2007.
- How do muscle relaxants compare in treating spasticity caused by a neurological disorder?
- How do muscle relaxants compare in treating muscle spasms caused by musculoskeletal conditions?
- How do muscle relaxants compare in adverse effects?
- Does age, gender, or ethnicity influence the safety or effectiveness of skeletal muscle relaxants?
- Drugs included in this review
- Further information
- Comparing NSAIDsLaura Dean.Created: May 1, 2011.
- How do NSAIDs compare in reducing pain?
- How do NSAIDs compare in terms of GI adverse events?
- How do NSAIDs compare in terms of cardiac risks?
- Does age or other patient factors influence the safety or effectiveness of NSAIDs?
- Oral drugs included in this review
- Topical drugs included in this review
- Further Information
- Comparing Fibromyalgia Drugs
- Immunosuppression, Immunological Products and Vaccines
- Comparing Fingolimod with other MS DrugsLaura Dean.Created: November 30, 2011.
- Comparing Drugs for Multiple SclerosisLaura Dean.Created: February 11, 2011.
- How do disease-modifying drugs compare in multiple sclerosis?
- How do disease-modifying drugs compare in clinically isolated syndrome?
- How do disease-modifying drugs compare in safety?
- How do patient factors affect the safety and effectiveness of disease-modifying drugs?
- Drugs included in this review
- Further information
- Comparing Topical Calcineurin InhibitorsLaura Dean.Created: September 1, 2009.
- How effective are calcineurin inhibitors in treating mild to moderate atopic dermatitis?
- How effective are calcineurin inhibitors in treating moderate to severe atopic dermatitis?
- How effective are calcineurin inhibitors in treating dermatitis in the longer term?
- How do calcineurin inhibitors compare in harms?
- Does age or gender influence effectiveness or harms?
- Drugs included in this review
- Further information
- Comparing Pegylated Interferons for Hepatitis CLaura Dean.Created: October 1, 2007.
- How do pegylated interferons compare in treating chronic hepatitis C?
- Does the dose and duration of peginterferons alter their effectiveness in treating chronic hepatitis C?
- Is one pegylated interferon safer or better tolerated than another, when given with ribavirin to treat chronic hepatitis C?
- Are there any conditions for when one peginterferon is safer or more effective than another, when given with ribavirin to treat chronic hepatitis C?
- Drugs included in this review
- Further information
- Comparing Fingolimod with other MS Drugs
- Ear, Nose, and Throat
- Comparing Inhaled Nasal CorticosteroidsLaura Dean.Created: October 1, 2010.
- How do nasal corticosteroids compare in allergic rhinitis?
- How do nasal corticosteroids compare in safety in adults?
- How do nasal corticosteroids compare in safety in children?
- Does age or gender influence the safety or effectiveness of nasal corticosteroids?
- Drugs included in this review
- Further information
- Comparing Inhaled Nasal Corticosteroids
- PubMed Clinical Q&APubMed Clinical Q&A
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