Figure 8. Comparison of ML278 to Prior Art Compounds with DiI-HDL Uptake.

Figure 8Comparison of ML278 to Prior Art Compounds with DiI-HDL Uptake

ML278 was tested against two compounds (BLT-1 and ITX-5061) in the DiI-HDL uptake assay. Each compound was used over a range of concentrations up to 35 μM. Dose curves were generated using Genedata Condeseo and show normalized percent activity for the individual doses (AID 588828), ML278, IC50 = 0.93 nM (A); BLT-1 IC50 = 10.8 nM (B); and ITX-5061, IC50 = 254 nM (C). Note: Single 1 µM BLT-1 data points appear as a tight column because this dose of BLT-1 was used as the positive control and tested in dose in separate wells. =replicate 1, △=replicate 2

From: A Small Molecule Inhibitor of Scavenger Receptor BI-mediated Lipid Uptake—Probe 1

Cover of Probe Reports from the NIH Molecular Libraries Program
Probe Reports from the NIH Molecular Libraries Program [Internet].

NCBI Bookshelf. A service of the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.