Figure 11.12. Chick gastrulation from about 24 to about 28 hours.

Figure 11.12

Chick gastrulation from about 24 to about 28 hours. (A) The primitive streak at full extension (24 hours). The head process (anterior notochord) can be seen extending from Hensen's node. (B) Two-somite stage (25 hours). Pharyngeal endoderm is seen anteriorly, while the anterior notochord pushes up the head process beneath it. The primitive streak is regressing. (C) Four-somite stage (27 hours). (D) At 28 hours, the primitive streak has regressed to the caudal portion of the embryo. (E) Regression of the primitive streak, leaving the notochord in its wake. Various points of the streak (represented by letters) were followed after it achieved its maximum length. Time represents hours after achieving maximum length (the reference line, about 18 hours after incubation). (Photographs courtesy of K. Linask; E after Spratt 1947.)

From: Early Development in Birds

Cover of Developmental Biology
Developmental Biology. 6th edition.
Gilbert SF.
Sunderland (MA): Sinauer Associates; 2000.
Copyright © 2000, Sinauer Associates.

NCBI Bookshelf. A service of the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.