The National Collection (USNM) of Reptiles in the Department of Vertebrate Zoology, at the National Museum of Natural History, has thousands of tissue samples taken from catalogued voucher specimens of reptiles currently housed in the USNM collection.
More...The National Collection (USNM) of Reptiles in the Department of Vertebrate Zoology, at the National Museum of Natural History, has thousands of tissue samples taken from catalogued voucher specimens of reptiles currently housed in the USNM collection. This BioProject contains mtCOI and 16S sequence records from a large subset of these tissues. Geographically, these samples are from approximately 50 countries. Regions that are strongly represented are Pacific Islands (Caroline Islands, Cook Islands, Fiji, Mariana Islands, Palau, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Vanuatu), Central and South America (Argentina, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Guyana, Honduras, Panama, Peru, and Paraguay), as well as Burma, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Madagascar, the Philippines, and the Republic of Congo. All DNA barcode records in this BioProject were generated with support from the federally-funded Smithsonian Institution DNA Barcode Network.