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Accession: PRJDB15592 ID: 1024091

Sesamum indicum (sesame)

Transcriptome analysis of methyl jasmonate-treated sesame culture cells

See Genome Information for Sesamum indicum
To identify the biosynthetic genes of phenylethanoid glycosides, sesame culture cells were treated with methyl jasmonate as an elicitor. More...
Data TypeTranscriptome or Gene expression
OrganismSesamum indicum[Taxonomy ID: 4182]
Eukaryota; Viridiplantae; Streptophyta; Embryophyta; Tracheophyta; Spermatophyta; Magnoliopsida; eudicotyledons; Gunneridae; Pentapetalae; asterids; lamiids; Lamiales; Pedaliaceae; Sesamum; Sesamum indicum
PublicationsFuji Y et al., "Molecular Identification of UDP-Sugar-Dependent Glycosyltransferase and Acyltransferase Involved in the Phenylethanoid Glycoside Biosynthesis Induced by Methyl Jasmonate in Sesamum indicum L.", Plant Cell Physiol, 2023 Jul 17;64(7):716-728
SubmissionRegistration date: 4-Oct-2023
Metabolic Systems Research Team, RIKEN Center for Sustainable Resource Science
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Sequence data
SRA Experiments4
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Data volume, Gbases6
Data volume, Mbytes3049

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