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Accession: PRJNA392414 ID: 392414

Che-1/AATF sustains cell growth and global transcription in Multiple Myeloma through the maintenance of open chromatin structure

This SuperSeries is composed of the SubSeries listed below. Overall design: Refer to individual Series
AccessionPRJNA392414; GEO: GSE100647
TypeUmbrella project
SubmissionRegistration date: 29-Jun-2017
Italian National Cancer Institute "Regina Elena"
Project Data:
Resource NameNumber
of Links
Sequence data
SRA Experiments30
Other datasets
GEO DataSets6
GEO Data Details
Data volume, Supplementary Mbytes6386
SRA Data Details
Data volume, Gbases169
Data volume, Mbytes49001
Che-1/AATF sustains cell growth and global transcription in Multiple Myeloma through the maintenance of open chromatin structure encompasses the following 5 sub-projects:
Project TypeNumber of Projects
PRJNA391947Homo sapiensChe-1/AATF sustains cell growth and global transcription in Multiple Myeloma through the maintenance of open chromatin structure [ATAC-Seq] (Italian National Cancer Institute...)
PRJNA392487Homo sapiensChe-1/AATF sustains cell growth and global transcription in Multiple Myeloma through the maintenance of open chromatin structure [ChIP-Seq] (Italian National Cancer Institute...)
PRJNA495146Mus musculusChe-1/AATF sustains cell growth and global transcription in Multiple Myeloma through the maintenance of open chromatin structure. [ATAC-Seq, mouse] (Italian National Cancer Institute...)
Transcriptome or Gene expression2
PRJNA391948Homo sapiensChe-1/AATF sustains cell growth and global transcription in Multiple Myeloma through the maintenance of open chromatin structure [RNA-Seq] (Italian National Cancer Institute...)
PRJNA493252Mus musculusChe-1/AATF sustains cell growth and global transcription in Multiple Myeloma through the maintenance of open chromatin structure. [RNA-Seq, mouse] (Italian National Cancer Institute...)

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