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Accession: PRJNA163507 ID: 163507

Oxygen Minimum Zone Overview

Metagenomes collected at different depths and times in the Oxygen Minimum Zone off the coasts of Chile.

The oceanic oxygen minimum zone samples were collected in June 2008 off Iquique, Chile, (20.104o S and 70.404o W). Oxygen minimum zone viral metagenomes were constructed by filtering 40 l of water collected using a CTD rosette lowered to a sampling depth of 90 and 200 m (named OxMinZoneVir200806-90 and OxMinZoneVir200806-200 respectively). Samples were concentrated through a 100 kDa tangential flow filter to retain viral particles. The concentrate was passed through a 0.45 mkm sterivex filter to remove larger cells and treated with chloroform. The viruses were purified using cesium chloride (CsCl) step gradients to remove free DNA and any cellular material. More...

TypeUmbrella Metagenome project (Subtype:Metagenome)
SubmissionRegistration date: 7-May-2012
SDSU Center for Universal Microbial Sequencing
Project Data:
Resource NameNumber
of Links
Sequence data
SRA Experiments2
Other datasets
SRA Data Details
Data volume, Mbases171
Data volume, Mbytes97
This project encompasses the following 3 sub-projects:
Project TypeNumber of Projects
PRJNA40797marine metagenomeOxygen Minimum Zone Metagenome (SDSU Center for Universal...)
PRJNA40791marine metagenomeMarine Oxygen Minimum Zone 90m Viral Community (SDSU Center for Universal...)
PRJNA40793marine metagenomeMarine Oxygen Minimum Zone 200m Viral Community (SDSU Center for Universal...)

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