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Accession: PRJNA792597 ID: 792597

Homalopsidae (Serpentes)

Raw sequence reads are a collective of target capture reads for homalopsid snakes. Both fresh and degraded samples are part of this dataset. Raw sequence reads

This project takes a phylogenomic approach to resolving the Homalopsidae phylogeny using targeted capture loci (ultraconserved elements, anchored hybrid enrichment loci, and standard nuclear protein coding genes using in Squamate studies) from the SqCL v2 probe set of Singhal et al. More...
Data TypeRaw sequence reads, Targeted Locus (Loci)
SubmissionRegistration date: 27-Dec-2021
Rutgers University-Newark
Project Data:
Resource NameNumber
of Links
Sequence data
SRA Experiments157
Other datasets
SRA Data Details
Data volume, Gbases319
Data volume, Tbytes0.11

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