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Accession: PRJNA290915 ID: 290915

We included 85 samples of species of Bursera (4 species) and Commiphora (81 samples), which are angiosperm taxa in the frankincense and myrrh family, Burseraceae (Sapindales). These taxa were selected for a comparative phylogenetics study to explore

Developing effective and cost-efficient multilocus nuclear datasets for angiosperm species is a continuing challenge to the systematics community. More...
Data TypeRaw sequence reads
  • "Collaborative Research: Phylogeny, Diversification, and Evolutionary Trajectories in the "Terebinthaceae" (Anacardiaceae and Burseraceae)" (Grant ID 0919179, National Science Foundation Division of Environmental Biology)
  • "DISSERTATION RESEARCH: Uncovering the geographic pattern of species evolution in Madagascar using the myrrh genus (Commiphora Jacq.) and a target-enriched nuclear genomic approach" (Grant ID 1403150, National Science Foundation Division of Environmental Biology)
SubmissionRegistration date: 24-Jul-2015
George Mason University
Project Data:
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Sequence data
SRA Experiments91
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SRA Data Details
Data volume, Gbases10
Data volume, Mbytes5914

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