Female Ames dwarf mouse (df/df) with ad libitum access to water and standard pelleted food (LabDiet, PMI Feeds, Inc., St Louis, MO) caged with microisolator filter tops. Mice were killed between 24 to 26 months of age, tissues removed, rapidly frozen on dry ice, and stored in liquid nitrogen. Total liver RNA was isolated from frozen tissue as described (T. Tsuchiya, J.M. Dhahbi, X. Cui, P.L. Mote, A. Bartke, S.R. Spindler, Physiological Genomics, Submitted). mRNA levels were measured using the Affymetrix mouse U74Av2 array according to standard protocols. After hybridization, arrays were scanned using a Hewlett-Packard GeneArray Scanner. Image analysis was performed as described (Cao SX, Dhahbi JM, Mote PL, and Spindler SR. Genomic profiling of short- and long-term caloric restriction effects in the liver of aging mice. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 98: 10630-10635, 2001). A more detailed description of the methods can be found in (T. Tsuchiya, J.M. Dhahbi, X. Cui, P.L. Mote, A. Bartke, S.R. Spindler, Physiological Genomics, Submitted).
Keywords = Ames dwarf
Keywords = mouse
Keywords = Affymetrix
Keywords = caloric restriction
Keywords: parallel sample