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LQGZ00000000.1 Panthera pardus

# of Contigs: 265,329
# of Proteins: 0
# of Scaffolds/Chrs: 991
Total length: 2,478,848,778 bp
BioProject: PRJNA306701
BioSample: SAMN04347630
Keywords: WGS
Organism: Panthera pardusshow lineagehide lineage
/isolate = Maewha
/mol_type = genomic
/sex = female
/tissue_type = muscle
WGS: LQGZ01000001:LQGZ01265329
Scaffolds: KV860272:KV861262
991 scaffolds, total length is 2,552,094,532 bases
Leopard genome and convergent evolution of Felidae and carnivores : Unpublished – show 16 authorshide authors
Cho,Y.S., Kim,H.-M., Chung,O., Kim,H., Jho,S., Bhak,Y., Jeon,S., Yoon,H., Jun,J., Kim,Y., Lee,H., Edwards,J., Weber,J., Manica,A., O'Brien,S., Kim,S.
Submitted (05-JAN-2016) The Genomics Institute, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology, 50 UNIST-gil, Ulsan 44919, South Korea – show 16 authorshide authors
Cho,Y.S., Kim,H.-M., Chung,O., Kim,H., Jho,S., Bhak,Y., Jeon,S., Yoon,H., Jun,J., Kim,Y., Lee,H., Edwards,J., Weber,J., Manica,A., O'Brien,S., Kim,S.

The Panthera pardus whole genome shotgun (WGS) project has the project accession LQGZ00000000. This version of the project (01) has the accession number LQGZ01000000, and consists of sequences LQGZ01000001-LQGZ01265329.

Assembly Date : 26-DEC-2015
Assembly Method : SOAPdenovo v. r240
Assembly Name : PanPar1.0
Genome Coverage : 158.5x
Sequencing Technology : Illumina HiSeq
GenBank:LQGZ01.1.gbff.gz 206.4 Mb
 LQGZ01.2.gbff.gz 206.4 Mb
 LQGZ01.3.gbff.gz 205.8 Mb
 LQGZ01.4.gbff.gz 205.7 Mb
 LQGZ01.5.gbff.gz 205.5 Mb
 LQGZ01.6.gbff.gz 9.7 kb
ASN.1:LQGZ01.1.bbs.gz 113.4 Mb
 LQGZ01.2.bbs.gz 113.6 Mb
 LQGZ01.3.bbs.gz 113.8 Mb
 LQGZ01.4.bbs.gz 113.7 Mb
 LQGZ01.5.bbs.gz 113.1 Mb
 LQGZ01.6.bbs.gz 5.2 kb