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AAFI00000000.2 Dictyostelium discoideum AX4

# of Contigs: 262 (3 are dead)
# of Proteins: 13,292 (29 are dead)
# of Scaffolds/Chrs: 42 (3 are dead)
Total length: 34,182,734 bp
BioProject: PRJNA201
BioSample: SAMN02953606
Keywords: WGS
Annotation: Contigs
Organism: Dictyostelium discoideum AX4show lineagehide lineage
/mol_type = genomic
/strain = AX4
WGS: AAFI02000001:AAFI02000262
Scaffolds: CH709147:CH709182, CM000150:CM000155
42 scaffolds, total length is 34,134,454 bases
The genome of the social amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum : Nature 435 (7038), 43-57 (2005) – show 98 authorshide authors
The Dictyostelium discoideum Sequencing Consortium, Eichinger,L., Pachebat,J.A., Glockner,G., Rajandream,M.A., Sucgang,R., Berriman,M., Song,J., Olsen,R., Szafranski,K., Xu,Q., Tunggal,B., Kummerfeld,S., Madera,M., Konfortov,B.A., Rivero,F., Bankier,A.T., Lehmann,R., Hamlin,N., Davies,R., Gaudet,P., Fey,P., Pilcher,K., Chen,G., Saunders,D., Sodergren,E., Davis,P., Kerhornou,A., Nie,X., Hall,N., Anjard,C., Hemphill,L., Bason,N., Farbrother,P., Desany,B., Just,E., Morio,T., Rost,R., Churcher,C., Cooper,J., Haydock,S., van Driessche,N., Cronin,A., Goodhead,I., Muzny,D., Mourier,T., Pain,A., Lu,M., Harper,D., Lindsay,R., Hauser,H., James,K., Quiles,M., Madan Babu,M., Saito,T., Buchrieser,C., Wardroper,A., Felder,M., Thangavelu,M., Johnson,D., Knights,A., Loulseged,H., Mungall,K., Oliver,K., Price,C., Quail,M.A., Urushihara,H., Hernandez,J., Rabbinowitsch,E., Steffen,D., Sanders,M., Ma,J., Kohara,Y., Sharp,S., Simmonds,M., Spiegler,S., Tivey,A., Sugano,S., White,B., Walker,D., Woodward,J., Winckler,T., Tanaka,Y., Shaulsky,G., Schleicher,M., Weinstock,G., Rosenthal,A., Cox,E.C., Chisholm,R.L., Gibbs,R., Loomis,W.F., Platzer,M., Kay,R.R., Williams,J., Dear,P.H., Noegel,A.A., Barrell,B., Kuspa,A.
Submitted (08-OCT-2004) dictyBase, Center for Genetic Medicine, Northwestern University, 303 E Chicago Ave, Chicago, IL 60611, USA – show 79 authorshide authors
Eichinger,L., Pachebat,J.A., Gloeckner,G., Rajandream,M.-A., Sucgang,R., Song,J., Cox,E.C., Tunggal,B., Szafranski,K., Konfortov,B.A., Farbrother,P., Bankier,A.T., Lehmann,R., Hamlin,N., Xu,Q., Davies,R., Gaudet,P., Fey,P., Pilcher,K., Chen,G., Saunders,D., Sodergren,E., Davis,P., Nie,X., Kerhornou,A., Hemphill,L., Bason,N., Berriman,M., Desany,B., Churcher,C., Cooper,J., van Driessche,N., Cronin,A., Goodhead,I., Muzny,D., Hall,N., Harper,D., Lindsay,R., Hauser,H., James,K., Quiles,M., Buchrieser,C., Wardroper,A., Thangavelu,M., Johnson,D., Knights,A., Loulseged,H., Mungall,K., Price,C., Ma,J., Quail,M., Hernandez,J., Rabbinowitsch,E., Steffen,D., Sanders,M., Weinstock,G., Sharp,S., Just,E., Shaulsky,G., Simmonds,M., Tivey,A., White,B., Walker,D., Woodward,J., Winckler,T., Schleicher,M., Rosenthal,A., Rivero,F., Chisholm,R.L., Gibbs,R., Loomis,W.F., Platzer,M., Kay,R.R., Williams,J., Dear,P.H., Noegel,A.A., Barrell,B., Kuspa,A., The Dictyostelium discoideum Sequencing Consortium
Submitted (22-JAN-2008) dictyBase, Center for Genetic Medicine, Northwestern University, 303 E Chicago Ave, Chicago, IL 60611, USA – show 79 authorshide authors
Eichinger,L., Pachebat,J.A., Gloeckner,G., Rajandream,M.-A., Sucgang,R., Song,J., Cox,E.C., Tunggal,B., Szafranski,K., Konfortov,B.A., Farbrother,P., Bankier,A.T., Lehmann,R., Hamlin,N., Xu,Q., Davies,R., Gaudet,P., Fey,P., Pilcher,K., Chen,G., Saunders,D., Sodergren,E., Davis,P., Nie,X., Kerhornou,A., Hemphill,L., Bason,N., Berriman,M., Desany,B., Churcher,C., Cooper,J., van Driessche,N., Cronin,A., Goodhead,I., Muzny,D., Hall,N., Harper,D., Lindsay,R., Hauser,H., James,K., Quiles,M., Buchrieser,C., Wardroper,A., Thangavelu,M., Johnson,D., Knights,A., Loulseged,H., Mungall,K., Price,C., Ma,J., Quail,M., Hernandez,J., Rabbinowitsch,E., Steffen,D., Sanders,M., Weinstock,G., Sharp,S., Just,E., Shaulsky,G., Simmonds,M., Tivey,A., White,B., Walker,D., Woodward,J., Winckler,T., Schleicher,M., Rosenthal,A., Rivero,F., Chisholm,R.L., Gibbs,R., Loomis,W.F., Platzer,M., Kay,R.R., Williams,J., Dear,P.H., Noegel,A.A., Barrell,B., Kuspa,A., The Dictyostelium discoideum Sequencing Consortium
Submitted (12-AUG-2009) dictyBase, Center for Genetic Medicine, Northwestern University, 303 E Chicago Ave, Chicago, IL 60611, USA – show 79 authorshide authors
Eichinger,L., Pachebat,J.A., Gloeckner,G., Rajandream,M.-A., Sucgang,R., Song,J., Cox,E.C., Tunggal,B., Szafranski,K., Konfortov,B.A., Farbrother,P., Bankier,A.T., Lehmann,R., Hamlin,N., Xu,Q., Davies,R., Gaudet,P., Fey,P., Pilcher,K., Chen,G., Saunders,D., Sodergren,E., Davis,P., Nie,X., Kerhornou,A., Hemphill,L., Bason,N., Berriman,M., Desany,B., Churcher,C., Cooper,J., van Driessche,N., Cronin,A., Goodhead,I., Muzny,D., Hall,N., Harper,D., Lindsay,R., Hauser,H., James,K., Quiles,M., Buchrieser,C., Wardroper,A., Thangavelu,M., Johnson,D., Knights,A., Loulseged,H., Mungall,K., Price,C., Ma,J., Quail,M., Hernandez,J., Rabbinowitsch,E., Steffen,D., Sanders,M., Weinstock,G., Sharp,S., Just,E., Shaulsky,G., Simmonds,M., Tivey,A., White,B., Walker,D., Woodward,J., Winckler,T., Schleicher,M., Rosenthal,A., Rivero,F., Chisholm,R.L., Gibbs,R., Loomis,W.F., Platzer,M., Kay,R.R., Williams,J., Dear,P.H., Noegel,A.A., Barrell,B., Kuspa,A., The Dictyostelium discoideum Sequencing Consortium

On Aug 18, 2009 this sequence version replaced gi:90971308.

The Dictyostelium discoideum AX4 whole genome shotgun (WGS) project has the project accession AAFI00000000. This version of the project (02) has the accession number AAFI02000000, and consists of sequences AAFI02000001-AAFI02000262.

Each chromosome was individually shotgun cloned and assembled. Since the rDNA genes are present on extrachromosomal elements, they are not included within this project but are present in GenBank Accession Numbers AY171065-AY171067. Similarly, the mitochondrial DNA is not included but is present in GenBank Accession Number AB000109. In August 2009 contig AAFI02000242 was suppressed because it was a contaminant, and contigs AAFI02000226 and AAFI02000244 were made secondary to contigs AAFI02000006 and AAFI02000262, respectively. Assembly Name: dicty_2.7 Genome Coverage: 8.3x Sequencing Technology: Sanger Annotation was updated on the contigs in August 2009.



GenBank:AAFI02.1.gbff.gz 18.9 Mb
FASTA:AAFI02.1.fsa_nt.gz 9 Mb
ASN.1:AAFI02.1.bbs.gz 13 Mb


GenPept:AAFI02P.1.gnp.gz 6.6 Mb
FASTA:AAFI02P.1.fsa_aa.gz 3.9 Mb
ASN.1:AAFI02P.1.bbs.gz 4.4 Mb
Minor Version Create Date
1 08/18/2009
7 12/17/2019