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Taxonomy Nodes (all dates)

Ranks: higher taxa genus species lower taxa total
Archaea 968 308 13,225 362 14,863
Bacteria 10,923 5,394 506,087 47,614 570,018
Eukaryota 73,197 101,649 1,532,767 44,697 1,752,310
Fungi 7,614 7,801 182,931 4,110 202,456
Metazoa 51,632 72,713 1,073,953 20,434 1,218,732
Viridiplantae 9,065 17,045 225,879 17,820 269,809
Viruses 2,349 2,852 69,952 178,554 253,707
All taxa 87,472 110,204 2,142,435 271,249 2,611,360
Dates: 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 all dates
Taxa: Customize Use Default
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Use the format YYYY/MM/DD; month and day are optional
  • You can select an interval from the drop-down list,
    or select an interval and type one date - 'from' or 'to',
    or type both dates (the selected interval would not matter).
  • Intervals without explicit dates end today, this month, or this year;
    an unspecified interval without dates brings the statistics for all dates.
  • You can also type a custom interval into either date field, e.g '10 days'.
Results can be displayed day by day (also week, month or year) within the selected range -- but only if it contains a whole number of weeks or months, and there is no more than 20 days, 10 weeks, 23 months, or 20 years.


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