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Taxonomy browser (Camellia reticulata)

Camellia reticulata

Taxonomy ID: 452972 (for references in articles please use NCBI:txid452972)
current name
Camellia reticulata Lindl., 1827
NCBI BLAST name: eudicots
Rank: species
Genetic code: Translation table 1 (Standard)
Mitochondrial genetic code: Translation table 1 (Standard)
Plastid genetic code: Translation table 11 (Bacterial, Archaeal and Plant Plastid)
Lineage( full )
cellular organisms; Eukaryota; Viridiplantae; Streptophyta; Streptophytina; Embryophyta; Tracheophyta; Euphyllophyta; Spermatophyta; Magnoliopsida; Mesangiospermae; eudicotyledons; Gunneridae; Pentapetalae; asterids; Ericales; Theaceae; Camellia
   Entrez records   
Database name Direct links
Nucleotide 269
Protein 383
Popset 28
GEO Datasets 29
PubMed Central 64
Gene 135
SRA Experiments 45
Identical Protein Groups 141
BioProject 6
BioSample 45
Taxonomy 1

Comments and References:

image:Camellia reticulata
Flora of China - Theaceae
Tianlu Min & Bruce Bartholomew. Theaceae. 2007. In Wu, Z. Y., P. H. Raven & D. Y. Hong, eds. Flora of China. Vol. 12 (Hippocastanaceae through Theaceae). Science Press, Beijing, and Missouri Botanical Garden Press, St. Louis. Online at Flora of China:

Genome Information

Go to NCBI genomic BLAST page for Camellia reticulata

External Information Resources (NCBI LinkOut)

LinkOut Subject LinkOut Provider
Camellia reticulata (Lindl.) herbarium/museum collections PlantaeDB, University of Bucharest
Camellia reticulata taxonomy/phylogenetic Plants of the World Online
search W3TROPICOS taxonomy/phylogenetic Vascular Tropicos
WebScipio: Camellia reticulata organism-specific WebScipio - eukaryotic gene identification
diArk: Camellia reticulata organism-specific diArk - a resource for eukaryotic genome research
Wikipedia taxonomy/phylogenetic iPhylo
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Baiyi Zaotaohong [1 1] Baize [1 1] Baoyuhong [1 1] Biyu [1 1]
Caiyu [1 1] Caiyun [1 1] Chudie [1 1] Chuxiongcha [1 1]
Daguiye [1 1] Dahong Xiuqiu [1 1] Dalicha [1 1] Damanao [2 1 1]
Dandinghe [1 1] Danjing [1 1] Dataohong [1 1] Dayinhong [1 1]
Dayulan [1 1] Dianchi Mingzhu [1 1] Dianchi Xiuqiu [1 1] Donglin [1 1]
Duxin Dalicha [1 1] Duxin Danjing [1 1] Fayun [1 1] Fengshancha [1 1]
Fenhudie [1 1] Fentianjiao [1 1] Fentongcao [1 1] Fenzhaoyun [1 1]
Fenzhen Mudan [1 1] Guiye Yanghong [1 1] Guomei [1 1] Hehua Xianzi [1 1]
Hentiangao [1 1] Honghuayou Cha [9 2] Hongmei [1 1] Hongwancha [1 1]
Hongxin Dataohong [1 1] Huahun [1 1] Jianye Diechi [1 1] Jiaohe [1 1]
Jiaoxiaohong [1 1] Jinancha [1 1] Jing'An Cha [9 2] Jingjing [1 1]
Jinpaohong [1 1] Jinrui Dahong [1 1] Jinrui Furong [1 1] Juban [9 3]
Lianrui [1 1] Lifang [1 1] Liuye Meihong [1 1] Liuye Yinhong [1 1]
Luchengchun [1 1] Manao Dahongcha [1 1] Maye Tongcao [1 1] Maye Yinhong [1 1]
Mayeyinhong [7 2] Meihong Guiye [1 1] Miyilu [1 1] Mudan Cha [9 2]
Mudancha [2 1 1] Mudankui [1 1] Nansongzi [1 1] Naochun Xiuqiu [1 1]
Nuanye Yinhong [1 1] Pingban Dalicha [1 1] Pumencha [1 1] Ruyi [1 1]
Saierqiao [1 1] Saijuban [1 1] Saitaohong [1 1] Shizitou [7 2 1 1]
Shuimeiren [1 1] Songzike [1 1] Songzilin [1 1] Taohong Mudan [1 1]
Taohongpao [1 1] Tuanye Diechi [1 1] Weichu [1 1] Weixihong [1 1]
Wujiao Xiuqiu [1 1] Xianyecha [1 1] Xiaoguiye [10 3 1] Xiaojiaojiao [1 1]
Xiguiye [1 1] Xuejiao [1 1] Yanghong Songzike [1 1] Yanhe [1 1]
Yanhong [1 1] Yanhong Songzike [1 1] Yinfen Mudan [1 1] Yinji [1 1]
Yipinghong [1 1] Yulancha [1 1] Yulin [1 1] Yumeiren [1 1]
Yundie [1 1] Yunfeng [1 1] Yunfeng Cha [11 2] Yunhuacha [1 1]
Yushizi [1 1] Zaotaohong [15 3] Zehe [1 1] Zhangjiacha [1 1]
Zibao [1 1] Zifen [1 1] Zilian [1 1] Zipao [2 1 1]
Ziyun [1 1] Zuijiaohong [1 1] yunzhen [1 1]
C17 [4 4 3] CR001 [1 1] CR002 [1 1] CR003 [1 1]
CR004 [1 1] CR005 [1 1] CR007 [1 1] CR010 [1 1]
CR013 [1 1] CR014 [1 1] CR017 [1 1] CR019 [1 1]
CR022 [1 1] CR023 [1 1] CR024 [1 1] CR025 [1 1]
CR026 [1 1] CR027 [1 1] CR028 [1 1] CR029 [1 1]
CR030 [1 1] CR031 [1 1] CR032 [1 1] CR033 [1 1]
CR034 [1 1] CR035 [1 1] CR036 [1 1] CR038 [1 1]
CR042 [1 1] CR043 [1 1] CR044 [1 1] CR045 [1 1]
CR046 [1 1] CR047 [1 1] CR048 [1 1] CR049 [1 1]
CR051 [1 1] CR053 [1 1] CR054 [1 1] CR055 [1 1]
CR056 [1 1] CR058 [1 1] CR059 [1 1] CR060 [1 1]
CR061 [1 1] CR062 [1 1] CR063 [1 1] CR064 [1 1]
CR065 [1 1] CR068 [1 1] CR071 [1 1] CR072 [1 1]
CR073 [1 1] CR076 [1 1] CR077 [1 1] CR078 [1 1]
CR079 [1 1] CR081 [1 1] CR082 [1 1] CR086 [1 1]
CR087 [1 1] CR088 [1 1] CR090 [1 1] CR091 [1 1]
CR092 [1 1] CR095 [1 1] CR096 [1 1] CR098 [1 1]
CR099 [1 1] CR100 [1 1] CR102 [1 1] CR103 [1 1]
CR106 [1 1] CR108 [1 1] CR110 [1 1] CR112 [1 1]
CR113 [1 1] CR114 [1 1] CR115 [1 1] CR116 [1 1]
CR117 [1 1] CR118 [1 1] CR119 [1 1] CR122 [1 1]
CR123 [1 1] CR124 [1 1] CR126 [1 1] CR127 [1 1]
CR128 [1 1] CR129 [1 1] CR130 [1 1] CR131 [1 1]
CR132 [1 1] CR133 [1 1] CR140 [1 1] CR142 [1 1]
CR144 [1 1] CR145 [1 1] CR146 [1 1] CR147 [1 1]
CR148 [1 1] CR151 [1 1] CR153 [1 1] CR156 [1 1]
CR157 [1 1] CR159 [1 1] CR160 [1 1] CR162 [1 1]
CR164 [1 1] Camellia-21 [1 1 1] T1452 [22]
International Botanical Garden, Zhejiang [22] No.11 (CAIQH) [1 1] No.12 (CAIQH) [1 1] No.13 (CAIQH) [1 1]
No.14 (CAIQH) [1 1] No.15 (CAIQH) [1 1] S.X.Yang 1052 [4 4 2] Xiao 0001 [5 5]
Xiao 0010 [5 5] Xiao 9906 [5 5] YLS05005 [1 1] YangSX 5108 [1 87]
Zhao 270 [3 3 1] Zheng2406 [1] Zheng2420 [1]

Disclaimer: The NCBI taxonomy database is not an authoritative source for nomenclature or classification - please consult the relevant scientific literature for the most reliable information.

Reference: How to cite this resource - Schoch CL, et al. NCBI Taxonomy: a comprehensive update on curation, resources and tools. Database (Oxford). 2020: baaa062. PubMed: 32761142 PMC: PMC7408187.

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