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Taxonomy browser (Hylomyscus stella)

Hylomyscus stella

Taxonomy ID: 41265 (for references in articles please use NCBI:txid41265)
current name
Hylomyscus stella
Genbank common name: Stella wood mouse
NCBI BLAST name: rodents
Rank: species
Genetic code: Translation table 1 (Standard)
Mitochondrial genetic code: Translation table 2 (Vertebrate Mitochondrial)
Lineage( full )
cellular organisms; Eukaryota; Opisthokonta; Metazoa; Eumetazoa; Bilateria; Deuterostomia; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Gnathostomata; Teleostomi; Euteleostomi; Sarcopterygii; Dipnotetrapodomorpha; Tetrapoda; Amniota; Mammalia; Theria; Eutheria; Boreoeutheria; Euarchontoglires; Glires; Rodentia; Myomorpha; Muroidea; Muridae; Murinae; Hylomyscus
   Entrez records   
Database name Direct links
Nucleotide 281
Protein 335
PubMed Central 11
SRA Experiments 1
Identical Protein Groups 136
BioProject 1
BioSample 1
Taxonomy 1

External Information Resources (NCBI LinkOut)

LinkOut Subject LinkOut Provider
Hylomyscus stella taxonomy taxonomy/phylogenetic Arctos Specimen Database
Hylomyscus stella (Thomas, 1911) taxonomy/phylogenetic Encyclopedia of life
Hylomyscus stella (Thomas, 1911) taxonomy/phylogenetic Integrated Taxonomic Information System
Hylomyscus stella Thomas 1911 taxonomy/phylogenetic Mammal Species of the World
Wikipedia taxonomy/phylogenetic iPhylo
Groups interested in participating in the LinkOut program should visit the LinkOut home page.
A list of our current non-bibliographic LinkOut providers can be found here.

Information from sequence entries

Organism modifiers

To hide organism modifiers click here
wild-caught in Burundi [1]
1 [6 2 1] 2 [40 2 2] K3_3338 [1 1] R13222 [1]
UGSJ040 [1 1 1] UGSJ049 [1 1 1] UGSJ069 [1 1 1]
BA049 [1 1 1] BA109 [1 1 1] BA12 [1 1 1] BA129 [1 1 1]
BA130 [1 1 1] BA169 [1 1 1] BA178 [1 1 1] BA179 [1 1 1]
BA200 [1 1 1] BA209 [1 1 1] BA210 [1 1 1] BA274 [1 1 1]
BA284 [1 1 1] BA29 [1 1 1] BA388 [1 1 1] BA389 [1 1 1]
BA407 [1 1 1] BA426 [1 1 1] BA640 [1 1 1] CM 102459 [3 3 3]
CM SP5032 [1 1 1] CM SP_5032; Carnegie Museum, Pittsburgh, USA [1 1 1] CM:M:102459 [2 2 2] DD9694, MNHN [5 5]
DD9765, MNHN-ZM-2016-1437 [5 5] FMNH 160511 [1 1 1] FMNH149508 [4 4 1] FMNH149511 [7 6 14]
FMNH149512 [6 5 14] FMNH160515 [1 13] FMNH165216 [1 12] FMNH195107 [1 13]
FMNH195109 [2 1 14] FMNH195189 [1 1 1] FMNH207543 [1 1 1] FMNH207791 [1 1 1]
FMNH223570 [1 13] FMNH223695 [1 13] FMNH224185 [1 13] FMNH224557 [1 13]
FMNH224648 [1 13] FMNH_149512 [1 1] FMNH_160515 [4 4] FMNH_165216 [5 5]
FMNH_195107 [5 5] FMNH_195109 [5 5] FMNH_223570 [5 5] FMNH_223695 [5 5]
FMNH_224185 [5 5] FMNH_224557 [5 5] FMNH_224648 [5 5] FMNH_SS283 [5 5]
FMNH_SS310 [5 5] FMNH_SS81 [5 5] G10003 [1 1] G10006 [1 1]
GA0131 [1 1] GA0166 [1 1] GA0199 [1 1] GA0217 [1 1]
GA0225 [1 1] GA0293 [1 1] GA0484 [1 1] GA1158 [1 1]
GA1998 [1 1] GA3549 [1 1] KE387 [6 5 9] L031 [1 1 1]
L035 [1 1 1] L053 [1 1 1] L100 [1 1 1] L102 [1 1 1]
L111 [1 1 1] L198 [1 1 1] L207 [1 1 1] L236 [1 1 1]
L249 [1 1 1] L261 [1 1 1] L265 [1 1 1] L329 [1 1 1]
L348 [1 1 1] L358 [1 1 1] L419 [1 1 1] L437 [1 1 1]
L459 [1 1 1] L463 [1 1 1] L493 [1 1 1] L497 [1 1 1]
L498 [1 1 1] L579 [1 1 1] L582 [1 1 1] L642 [1 1 1]
LEG1034 [1 1 1] LEG1084 [1 1 1] LEG1272 [1 1 1] LEG1279 [1 1 1]
LEG1280 [1 1 1] LEG1281 [1 1 1] LEG1284 [1 1 1] LEG1285 [1 1 1]
LEG1293 [1 1 1] LEG1322 [1 1 1] LEG1325 [1 1 1] LEG1331 [1 1 1]
LEG1352 [1 1 1] LEG1353 [1 1 1] LEG1390 [1 1 1] LEG1391 [1 1 1]
LEG1440 [1 1 1] LEG150 [1 1 1] LEG234 [1 1 1] LEG242 [1 1 1]
LIK138 [1 1] LIK201 [2 1] LIK204 [1 1] LIK207 [1 1]
LIK28 [1 1] LIK302 [1 1] LIK336 [2 1] M113 [1 1 1]
M161 [1 1 1] MNHN-ZM-2016-1437 [1 11] R12586 [1 2] R12626 [1 1]
R13061 [1 1] R13657 [1 1] R13714 [1 1] R14014 [1 1]
R14028 [1 1] R14220 [1 1] R14477 [1 1] R14510 [1 1]
R14703 [1 1] R16004 [1 2] R16014 [2 3 1] R16038 [1 1]
R16132 [1 1] R16841 [1 1] R22014 [1 1] R22018 [2 2 1]
R22062 [1 1] R22226 [1 1] R22302 [1 1] R22353 [1 1]
R22354 [1 1] R23116 [1 1] SBP DD9674 [3 1] SBP DD9732 [3 2]
SBP DD9765 [3 2] SBP DD9799 [3 2] SBP Z02559 [3 2] SBP Z02739 [3 2]
SBP_DD9674 [3 1] SBP_DD9732 [3 2] SBP_DD9765 [3 2] SBP_DD9799 [3 2]
SBP_Z02559 [3 2] SBP_Z02739 [3 2] SP5032 [10 6 15] SP5058 [4 1 2]
SS283 [1 13] SS310 [1 13] SS81 [1 13] T0415 [1 2]
T0799 [1 1] TA098 [6 5 11] Z2559 [1 1] Z2654 [2 2 1]
Z2739 [1 1]

Disclaimer: The NCBI taxonomy database is not an authoritative source for nomenclature or classification - please consult the relevant scientific literature for the most reliable information.

Reference: How to cite this resource - Schoch CL, et al. NCBI Taxonomy: a comprehensive update on curation, resources and tools. Database (Oxford). 2020: baaa062. PubMed: 32761142 PMC: PMC7408187.

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