Lamiales (2016) A Synoptical Classification of the Lamiales. Version 2.6.2 Updated: 12 April, 2016. Compiled by Richard Olmstead, with the help of: D. Albach, P. Beardsley, D. Bedigian, B. Bremer, P. Cantino, J. Chau, J. L. Clark, B. Drew, P. Garnock-Jones, S. Grose (Heydler), R. Harley, H.D. Ihlenfeldt, B. Li, L. Lohmann, S. Mathews, L. McDade, K. Mueller, E. Norman, N. O'Leary, B. Oxelman, J. Reveal, R. Scotland, J. Smith, D. Tank, E. Tripp, S. Wagstaff, E. Wallander, A. Weber, A. Wolfe, A. Wortley, N. Young, M. Zjhra, and many others. (This is a working document)