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Conserved domains on  [gi|767962178|ref|XP_011537822|]

cytoplasmic polyadenylation element-binding protein 3 isoform X9 [Homo sapiens]

Protein Classification

cytoplasmic polyadenylation element-binding family protein( domain architecture ID 10985929)

cytoplasmic polyadenylation element-binding (CPEB) family protein similar to CPEB RNA-binding proteins that regulate the translation of maternal mRNAs controlling meiotic cell cycle progression

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List of domain hits

Name Accession Description Interval E-value
RRM2_CPEB2_like cd12726
RNA recognition motif 2 (RRM2) found in cytoplasmic polyadenylation element-binding protein ...
449-529 4.81e-53

RNA recognition motif 2 (RRM2) found in cytoplasmic polyadenylation element-binding protein CPEB-2, CPEB-3, CPEB-4 and similar protiens; This subgroup corresponds to the RRM2 of the paralog proteins CPEB-2, CPEB-3 and CPEB-4, all well conserved in both, vertebrates and invertebrates. Due to the high sequence similarity, members in this family may share similar expression patterns and functions. CPEB-2 is an RNA-binding protein that is abundantly expressed in testis and localized in cytoplasm in transfected HeLa cells. It preferentially binds to poly(U) RNA oligomers and may regulate the translation of stored mRNAs during spermiogenesis. Moreover, CPEB-2 impedes target RNA translation at elongation; it directly interacts with the elongation factor, eEF2, to reduce eEF2/ribosome-activated GTP hydrolysis in vitro and inhibit peptide elongation of CPEB2-bound RNA in vivo. CPEB-3 is a sequence-specific translational regulatory protein that regulates translation in a polyadenylation-independent manner. It functions as a translational repressor that governs the synthesis of the AMPA receptor GluR2 through binding GluR2 mRNA. It also represses translation of a reporter RNA in transfected neurons and stimulates translation in response to NMDA. CPEB-4 is an RNA-binding protein that mediates meiotic mRNA cytoplasmic polyadenylation and translation. It is essential for neuron survival and present on the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). It is accumulated in the nucleus upon ischemia or the depletion of ER calcium. CPEB-4 is overexpressed in a large variety of tumors and is associated with many mRNAs in cancer cells. All family members contain an N-terminal unstructured region, two RNA recognition motifs (RRMs), also termed RBDs (RNA binding domains) or RNPs (ribonucleoprotein domains), and a Zn-finger motif. In addition, they do have conserved nuclear export signals that are not present in CPEB-1.


Pssm-ID: 410125 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 81  Bit Score: 175.69  E-value: 4.81e-53
                         10        20        30        40        50        60        70        80

gi 767962178 529 Y 529
Cdd:cd12726   81 Y 81
RRM_SF super family cl17169
RNA recognition motif (RRM) superfamily; RRM, also known as RBD (RNA binding domain) or RNP ...
386-432 1.51e-27

RNA recognition motif (RRM) superfamily; RRM, also known as RBD (RNA binding domain) or RNP (ribonucleoprotein domain), is a highly abundant domain in eukaryotes found in proteins involved in post-transcriptional gene expression processes including mRNA and rRNA processing, RNA export, and RNA stability. This domain is 90 amino acids in length and consists of a four-stranded beta-sheet packed against two alpha-helices. RRM usually interacts with ssRNA, but is also known to interact with ssDNA as well as proteins. RRM binds a variable number of nucleotides, ranging from two to eight. The active site includes three aromatic side-chains located within the conserved RNP1 and RNP2 motifs of the domain. The RRM domain is found in a variety heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoproteins (hnRNPs), proteins implicated in regulation of alternative splicing, and protein components of small nuclear ribonucleoproteins (snRNPs).

The actual alignment was detected with superfamily member cd12724:

Pssm-ID: 473069 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 92  Bit Score: 106.32  E-value: 1.51e-27
                         10        20        30        40
CEBP_ZZ pfam16366
Cytoplasmic polyadenylation element-binding protein ZZ domain; This ZZ-type zinc finger domain ...
524-585 8.52e-21

Cytoplasmic polyadenylation element-binding protein ZZ domain; This ZZ-type zinc finger domain binds zinc via two conserved histidines in the C-terminal part of the domain.


Pssm-ID: 465105  Cd Length: 56  Bit Score: 85.78  E-value: 8.52e-21
                          10        20        30        40        50        60
Name Accession Description Interval E-value
RRM2_CPEB2_like cd12726
RNA recognition motif 2 (RRM2) found in cytoplasmic polyadenylation element-binding protein ...
449-529 4.81e-53

RNA recognition motif 2 (RRM2) found in cytoplasmic polyadenylation element-binding protein CPEB-2, CPEB-3, CPEB-4 and similar protiens; This subgroup corresponds to the RRM2 of the paralog proteins CPEB-2, CPEB-3 and CPEB-4, all well conserved in both, vertebrates and invertebrates. Due to the high sequence similarity, members in this family may share similar expression patterns and functions. CPEB-2 is an RNA-binding protein that is abundantly expressed in testis and localized in cytoplasm in transfected HeLa cells. It preferentially binds to poly(U) RNA oligomers and may regulate the translation of stored mRNAs during spermiogenesis. Moreover, CPEB-2 impedes target RNA translation at elongation; it directly interacts with the elongation factor, eEF2, to reduce eEF2/ribosome-activated GTP hydrolysis in vitro and inhibit peptide elongation of CPEB2-bound RNA in vivo. CPEB-3 is a sequence-specific translational regulatory protein that regulates translation in a polyadenylation-independent manner. It functions as a translational repressor that governs the synthesis of the AMPA receptor GluR2 through binding GluR2 mRNA. It also represses translation of a reporter RNA in transfected neurons and stimulates translation in response to NMDA. CPEB-4 is an RNA-binding protein that mediates meiotic mRNA cytoplasmic polyadenylation and translation. It is essential for neuron survival and present on the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). It is accumulated in the nucleus upon ischemia or the depletion of ER calcium. CPEB-4 is overexpressed in a large variety of tumors and is associated with many mRNAs in cancer cells. All family members contain an N-terminal unstructured region, two RNA recognition motifs (RRMs), also termed RBDs (RNA binding domains) or RNPs (ribonucleoprotein domains), and a Zn-finger motif. In addition, they do have conserved nuclear export signals that are not present in CPEB-1.

Pssm-ID: 410125 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 81  Bit Score: 175.69  E-value: 4.81e-53
                         10        20        30        40        50        60        70        80

gi 767962178 529 Y 529
Cdd:cd12726   81 Y 81
RRM1_CPEB2_like cd12724
RNA recognition motif 1 (RRM1) found in cytoplasmic polyadenylation element-binding protein ...
386-432 1.51e-27

RNA recognition motif 1 (RRM1) found in cytoplasmic polyadenylation element-binding protein CPEB-2, CPEB-3, CPEB-4 and similar protiens; This subgroup corresponds to the RRM1 of the paralog proteins CPEB-2, CPEB-3 and CPEB-4, all well-conserved in both, vertebrates and invertebrates. Due to the high sequence similarity, members in this family may share similar expression patterns and functions. CPEB-2 is an RNA-binding protein that is abundantly expressed in testis and localized in cytoplasm in transfected HeLa cells. It preferentially binds to poly(U) RNA oligomers and may regulate the translation of stored mRNAs during spermiogenesis. Moreover, CPEB-2 impedes target RNA translation at elongation; it directly interacts with the elongation factor, eEF2, to reduce eEF2/ribosome-activated GTP hydrolysis in vitro and inhibit peptide elongation of CPEB2-bound RNA in vivo. CPEB-3 is a sequence-specific translational regulatory protein that regulates translation in a polyadenylation-independent manner. It functions as a translational repressor that governs the synthesis of the AMPA receptor GluR2 through binding GluR2 mRNA. It also represses translation of a reporter RNA in transfected neurons and stimulates translation in response to NMDA. CPEB-4 is an RNA-binding protein that mediates meiotic mRNA cytoplasmic polyadenylation and translation. It is essential for neuron survival and present on the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). It is accumulated in the nucleus upon ischemia or the depletion of ER calcium. CPEB-4 is overexpressed in a large variety of tumors and is associated with many mRNAs in cancer cells. All family members contain an N-terminal unstructured region, two RNA recognition motifs (RRMs), also termed RBDs (RNA binding domains) or RNPs (ribonucleoprotein domains), and a Zn-finger motif. In addition, they do have conserved nuclear export signals that are not present in CPEB-1.

Pssm-ID: 410123 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 92  Bit Score: 106.32  E-value: 1.51e-27
                         10        20        30        40
CEBP_ZZ pfam16366
Cytoplasmic polyadenylation element-binding protein ZZ domain; This ZZ-type zinc finger domain ...
524-585 8.52e-21

Cytoplasmic polyadenylation element-binding protein ZZ domain; This ZZ-type zinc finger domain binds zinc via two conserved histidines in the C-terminal part of the domain.

Pssm-ID: 465105  Cd Length: 56  Bit Score: 85.78  E-value: 8.52e-21
                          10        20        30        40        50        60
RRM_7 pfam16367
RNA recognition motif;
386-429 1.79e-17

RNA recognition motif;

Pssm-ID: 465106 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 91  Bit Score: 77.79  E-value: 1.79e-17
                          10        20        30        40
RRM smart00360
RNA recognition motif;
450-510 5.46e-05

RNA recognition motif;

Pssm-ID: 214636 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 73  Bit Score: 41.43  E-value: 5.46e-05
                           10        20        30        40        50        60
Bbox1 cd19757
B-box-type 1 zinc finger (Bbox1); The B-box-type zinc finger is a short zinc binding domain of ...
535-573 8.32e-05

B-box-type 1 zinc finger (Bbox1); The B-box-type zinc finger is a short zinc binding domain of around 40 amino acid residues in length. It has been found in transcription factors, ribonucleoproteins and proto-oncoproteins, such as in TRIM (tripartite motif) proteins that consist of an N-terminal RING finger (originally called an A-box), followed by 1-2 B-box domains and a coiled-coil domain (also called RBCC for Ring, B-box, Coiled-Coil). The B-box-type zinc finger often presents in combination with other motifs, like RING zinc finger, NHL motif, coiled-coil or RFP domain, in functionally unrelated proteins, most likely mediating protein-protein interactions. Based on different consensus sequences and the spacing of the 7-8 zinc-binding residues, the B-box-type zinc fingers can be divided into two groups, type 1 (Bbox1: C6H2) and type 2 (Bbox2: CHC3H2). This family corresponds to the type 1 B-box (Bbox1).

Pssm-ID: 380815 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 44  Bit Score: 40.17  E-value: 8.32e-05
                         10        20        30
Name Accession Description Interval E-value
RRM2_CPEB2_like cd12726
RNA recognition motif 2 (RRM2) found in cytoplasmic polyadenylation element-binding protein ...
449-529 4.81e-53

RNA recognition motif 2 (RRM2) found in cytoplasmic polyadenylation element-binding protein CPEB-2, CPEB-3, CPEB-4 and similar protiens; This subgroup corresponds to the RRM2 of the paralog proteins CPEB-2, CPEB-3 and CPEB-4, all well conserved in both, vertebrates and invertebrates. Due to the high sequence similarity, members in this family may share similar expression patterns and functions. CPEB-2 is an RNA-binding protein that is abundantly expressed in testis and localized in cytoplasm in transfected HeLa cells. It preferentially binds to poly(U) RNA oligomers and may regulate the translation of stored mRNAs during spermiogenesis. Moreover, CPEB-2 impedes target RNA translation at elongation; it directly interacts with the elongation factor, eEF2, to reduce eEF2/ribosome-activated GTP hydrolysis in vitro and inhibit peptide elongation of CPEB2-bound RNA in vivo. CPEB-3 is a sequence-specific translational regulatory protein that regulates translation in a polyadenylation-independent manner. It functions as a translational repressor that governs the synthesis of the AMPA receptor GluR2 through binding GluR2 mRNA. It also represses translation of a reporter RNA in transfected neurons and stimulates translation in response to NMDA. CPEB-4 is an RNA-binding protein that mediates meiotic mRNA cytoplasmic polyadenylation and translation. It is essential for neuron survival and present on the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). It is accumulated in the nucleus upon ischemia or the depletion of ER calcium. CPEB-4 is overexpressed in a large variety of tumors and is associated with many mRNAs in cancer cells. All family members contain an N-terminal unstructured region, two RNA recognition motifs (RRMs), also termed RBDs (RNA binding domains) or RNPs (ribonucleoprotein domains), and a Zn-finger motif. In addition, they do have conserved nuclear export signals that are not present in CPEB-1.

Pssm-ID: 410125 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 81  Bit Score: 175.69  E-value: 4.81e-53
                         10        20        30        40        50        60        70        80

gi 767962178 529 Y 529
Cdd:cd12726   81 Y 81
RRM2_CPEBs cd12445
RNA recognition motif 2 (RRM2) found in cytoplasmic polyadenylation element-binding protein ...
449-529 5.88e-42

RNA recognition motif 2 (RRM2) found in cytoplasmic polyadenylation element-binding protein CPEB-1, CPEB-2, CPEB-3, CPEB-4 and similar protiens; This subfamily corresponds to the RRM2 of CPEB family of proteins that bind to defined groups of mRNAs and act as either translational repressors or activators to regulate their translation. CPEB proteins are well conserved in both, vertebrates and invertebrates. Based on sequence similarity, RNA-binding specificity, and functional regulation of translation, the CPEB proteins has been classified into two subfamilies. The first subfamily includes CPEB-1 and related proteins. CPEB-1 is an RNA-binding protein that interacts with the cytoplasmic polyadenylation element (CPE), a short U-rich motif in the 3' untranslated regions (UTRs) of certain mRNAs. It functions as a translational regulator that plays a major role in the control of maternal CPE-containing mRNA in oocytes, as well as of subsynaptic CPE-containing mRNA in neurons. Once phosphorylated and recruiting the polyadenylation complex, CPEB-1 may function as a translational activator stimulating polyadenylation and translation. Otherwise, it may function as a translational inhibitor when dephosphorylated and bound to a protein such as maskin or neuroguidin, which blocks translation initiation through interfering with the assembly of eIF-4E and eIF-4G. Although CPEB-1 is mainly located in cytoplasm, it can shuttle between nucleus and cytoplasm. The second subfamily includes CPEB-2, CPEB-3, CPEB-4, and related protiens. Due to the high sequence similarity, members in this subfamily may share similar expression patterns and functions. CPEB-2 is an RNA-binding protein that is abundantly expressed in testis and localized in cytoplasm in transfected HeLa cells. It preferentially binds to poly(U) RNA oligomers and may regulate the translation of stored mRNAs during spermiogenesis. Moreover, CPEB-2 impedes target RNA translation at elongation. It directly interacts with the elongation factor, eEF2, to reduce eEF2/ribosome-activated GTP hydrolysis in vitro and inhibit peptide elongation of CPEB2-bound RNA in vivo. CPEB-3 is a sequence-specific translational regulatory protein that regulates translation in a polyadenylation-independent manner. It functions as a translational repressor that governs the synthesis of the AMPA receptor GluR2 through binding GluR2 mRNA. It also represses translation of a reporter RNA in transfected neurons and stimulates translation in response to NMDA. CPEB-4 is an RNA-binding protein that mediates meiotic mRNA cytoplasmic polyadenylation and translation. It is essential for neuron survival and present on the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). It is accumulated in the nucleus upon ischemia or the depletion of ER calcium. CPEB-4 is overexpressed in a large variety of tumors and is associated with many mRNAs in cancer cells. All CPEB proteins are nucleus-cytoplasm shuttling proteins. They contain an N-terminal unstructured region, followed by two RNA recognition motifs (RRMs), also termed RBDs (RNA binding domains) or RNPs (ribonucleoprotein domains), and a Zn-finger motif. CPEB-2, -3, and -4 have conserved nuclear export signals that are not present in CPEB-1.

Pssm-ID: 409879 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 81  Bit Score: 145.58  E-value: 5.88e-42
                         10        20        30        40        50        60        70        80

gi 767962178 529 Y 529
Cdd:cd12445   81 Y 81
RRM1_CPEB2_like cd12724
RNA recognition motif 1 (RRM1) found in cytoplasmic polyadenylation element-binding protein ...
386-432 1.51e-27

RNA recognition motif 1 (RRM1) found in cytoplasmic polyadenylation element-binding protein CPEB-2, CPEB-3, CPEB-4 and similar protiens; This subgroup corresponds to the RRM1 of the paralog proteins CPEB-2, CPEB-3 and CPEB-4, all well-conserved in both, vertebrates and invertebrates. Due to the high sequence similarity, members in this family may share similar expression patterns and functions. CPEB-2 is an RNA-binding protein that is abundantly expressed in testis and localized in cytoplasm in transfected HeLa cells. It preferentially binds to poly(U) RNA oligomers and may regulate the translation of stored mRNAs during spermiogenesis. Moreover, CPEB-2 impedes target RNA translation at elongation; it directly interacts with the elongation factor, eEF2, to reduce eEF2/ribosome-activated GTP hydrolysis in vitro and inhibit peptide elongation of CPEB2-bound RNA in vivo. CPEB-3 is a sequence-specific translational regulatory protein that regulates translation in a polyadenylation-independent manner. It functions as a translational repressor that governs the synthesis of the AMPA receptor GluR2 through binding GluR2 mRNA. It also represses translation of a reporter RNA in transfected neurons and stimulates translation in response to NMDA. CPEB-4 is an RNA-binding protein that mediates meiotic mRNA cytoplasmic polyadenylation and translation. It is essential for neuron survival and present on the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). It is accumulated in the nucleus upon ischemia or the depletion of ER calcium. CPEB-4 is overexpressed in a large variety of tumors and is associated with many mRNAs in cancer cells. All family members contain an N-terminal unstructured region, two RNA recognition motifs (RRMs), also termed RBDs (RNA binding domains) or RNPs (ribonucleoprotein domains), and a Zn-finger motif. In addition, they do have conserved nuclear export signals that are not present in CPEB-1.

Pssm-ID: 410123 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 92  Bit Score: 106.32  E-value: 1.51e-27
                         10        20        30        40
RRM2_CPEB1 cd12725
RNA recognition motif 2 (RRM2) found in cytoplasmic polyadenylation element-binding protein 1 ...
446-529 6.82e-25

RNA recognition motif 2 (RRM2) found in cytoplasmic polyadenylation element-binding protein 1 (CPEB-1) and similar proteins; This subgroup corresponds to the RRM2 of CPEB-1 (also termed CPE-BP1 or CEBP), an RNA-binding protein that interacts with the cytoplasmic polyadenylation element (CPE), a short U-rich motif in the 3' untranslated regions (UTRs) of certain mRNAs. It functions as a translational regulator that plays a major role in the control of maternal CPE-containing mRNA in oocytes, as well as of subsynaptic CPE-containing mRNA in neurons. Once phosphorylated and recruiting the polyadenylation complex, CPEB-1 may function as a translational activator stimulating polyadenylation and translation. Otherwise, it may function as a translational inhibitor when dephosphorylated and bound to a protein such as maskin or neuroguidin, which blocks translation initiation through interfering with the assembly of eIF-4E and eIF-4G. Although CPEB-1 is mainly located in cytoplasm, it can shuttle between nucleus and cytoplasm. CPEB-1 contains an N-terminal unstructured region, two RNA recognition motifs (RRMs), also termed RBDs (RNA binding domains) or RNPs (ribonucleoprotein domains), and a Zn-finger motif. Both of the RRMs and the Zn finger are required for CPEB-1 to bind CPE. The N-terminal regulatory region may be responsible for CPEB-1 interacting with other proteins.

Pssm-ID: 410124 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 84  Bit Score: 98.56  E-value: 6.82e-25
                         10        20        30        40        50        60        70        80

gi 767962178 526 VKPY 529
Cdd:cd12725   80 IDPY 83
CEBP_ZZ pfam16366
Cytoplasmic polyadenylation element-binding protein ZZ domain; This ZZ-type zinc finger domain ...
524-585 8.52e-21

Cytoplasmic polyadenylation element-binding protein ZZ domain; This ZZ-type zinc finger domain binds zinc via two conserved histidines in the C-terminal part of the domain.

Pssm-ID: 465105  Cd Length: 56  Bit Score: 85.78  E-value: 8.52e-21
                          10        20        30        40        50        60
RRM1_CPEBs cd12444
RNA recognition motif 1 (RRM1) found in cytoplasmic polyadenylation element-binding protein ...
386-432 2.52e-20

RNA recognition motif 1 (RRM1) found in cytoplasmic polyadenylation element-binding protein CPEB-1, CPEB-2, CPEB-3, CPEB-4 and similar protiens; This subfamily corresponds to the RRM1 of the CPEB family of proteins that bind to defined groups of mRNAs and act as either translational repressors or activators to regulate their translation. CPEB proteins are well conserved in both, vertebrates and invertebrates. Based on sequence similarity, RNA-binding specificity, and functional regulation of translation, the CPEB proteins have been classified into two subfamilies. The first subfamily includes CPEB-1 and related proteins. CPEB-1 is an RNA-binding protein that interacts with the cytoplasmic polyadenylation element (CPE), a short U-rich motif in the 3' untranslated regions (UTRs) of certain mRNAs. It functions as a translational regulator that plays a major role in the control of maternal CPE-containing mRNA in oocytes, as well as of subsynaptic CPE-containing mRNA in neurons. Once phosphorylated and recruiting the polyadenylation complex, CPEB-1 may function as a translational activator stimulating polyadenylation and translation. Otherwise, it may function as a translational inhibitor when dephosphorylated and bind to a protein such as maskin or neuroguidin, which blocks translation initiation through interfering with the assembly of eIF-4E and eIF-4G. Although CPEB-1 is mainly located in cytoplasm, it can shuttle between nucleus and cytoplasm. The second subfamily includes CPEB-2, CPEB-3, CPEB-4, and related protiens. Due to high sequence similarity, members in this subfamily may share similar expression patterns and functions. CPEB-2 is an RNA-binding protein that is abundantly expressed in testis and localized in cytoplasm in transfected HeLa cells. It preferentially binds to poly(U) RNA oligomers and may regulate the translation of stored mRNAs during spermiogenesis. CPEB-2 impedes target RNA translation at elongation; it directly interacts with the elongation factor, eEF2, to reduce eEF2/ribosome-activated GTP hydrolysis in vitro and inhibit peptide elongation of CPEB2-bound RNA in vivo. CPEB-3 is a sequence-specific translational regulatory protein that regulates translation in a polyadenylation-independent manner. It functions as a translational repressor that governs the synthesis of the AMPA receptor GluR2 through binding GluR2 mRNA. It also represses translation of a reporter RNA in transfected neurons and stimulates translation in response to NMDA. CPEB-4 is an RNA-binding protein that mediates meiotic mRNA cytoplasmic polyadenylation and translation. It is essential for neuron survival and present on the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). It is accumulated in the nucleus upon ischemia or the depletion of ER calcium. CPEB-4 is overexpressed in a large variety of tumors and is associated with many mRNAs in cancer cells. All CPEB proteins are nucleus-cytoplasm shuttling proteins. They contain an N-terminal unstructured region, followed by two RNA recognition motifs (RRMs), also termed RBDs (RNA binding domains) or RNPs (ribonucleoprotein domains), and a Zn-finger motif. CPEB-2, -3, and -4 have conserved nuclear export signals that are not present in CPEB-1.

Pssm-ID: 409878 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 95  Bit Score: 85.74  E-value: 2.52e-20
                         10        20        30        40        50
RRM_7 pfam16367
RNA recognition motif;
386-429 1.79e-17

RNA recognition motif;

Pssm-ID: 465106 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 91  Bit Score: 77.79  E-value: 1.79e-17
                          10        20        30        40
RRM1_CPEB1 cd12723
RNA recognition motif 1 (RRM1) found in cytoplasmic polyadenylation element-binding protein 1 ...
386-435 1.80e-08

RNA recognition motif 1 (RRM1) found in cytoplasmic polyadenylation element-binding protein 1 (CPEB-1) and similar proteins; This subgroup corresponds to the RRM2 of CPEB-1 (also termed CPE-BP1 or CEBP), an RNA-binding protein that interacts with the cytoplasmic polyadenylation element (CPE), a short U-rich motif in the 3' untranslated regions (UTRs) of certain mRNAs. It functions as a translational regulator that plays a major role in the control of maternal CPE-containing mRNA in oocytes, as well as of subsynaptic CPE-containing mRNA in neurons. Once phosphorylated and recruiting the polyadenylation complex, CPEB-1 may function as a translational activator stimulating polyadenylation and translation. Otherwise, it may function as a translational inhibitor when dephosphorylated and bound to a protein such as maskin or neuroguidin, which blocks translation initiation through interfering with the assembly of eIF-4E and eIF-4G. Although CPEB-1 is mainly located in cytoplasm, it can shuttle between nucleus and cytoplasm. CPEB-1 contains an N-terminal unstructured region, two RNA recognition motifs (RRMs), also termed RBDs (RNA binding domains) or RNPs (ribonucleoprotein domains), and a Zn-finger motif. Both of the RRMs and the Zn finger are required for CPEB-1 to bind CPE. The N-terminal regulatory region may be responsible for CPEB-1 interacting with other proteins.

Pssm-ID: 410122 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 101  Bit Score: 52.31  E-value: 1.80e-08
                         10        20        30        40        50
RRM2_DAZAP1 cd12327
RNA recognition motif 2 (RRM2) found in Deleted in azoospermia-associated protein 1 (DAZAP1) ...
449-527 5.14e-05

RNA recognition motif 2 (RRM2) found in Deleted in azoospermia-associated protein 1 (DAZAP1) and similar proteins; This subfamily corresponds to the RRM2 of DAZAP1 or DAZ-associated protein 1, also termed proline-rich RNA binding protein (Prrp), a multi-functional ubiquitous RNA-binding protein expressed most abundantly in the testis and essential for normal cell growth, development, and spermatogenesis. DAZAP1 is a shuttling protein whose acetylated is predominantly nuclear and the nonacetylated form is in cytoplasm. DAZAP1 also functions as a translational regulator that activates translation in an mRNA-specific manner. DAZAP1 was initially identified as a binding partner of Deleted in Azoospermia (DAZ). It also interacts with numerous hnRNPs, including hnRNP U, hnRNP U like-1, hnRNPA1, hnRNPA/B, and hnRNP D, suggesting DAZAP1 might associate and cooperate with hnRNP particles to regulate adenylate-uridylate-rich elements (AU-rich element or ARE)-containing mRNAs. DAZAP1 contains two N-terminal RNA recognition motifs (RRMs), also termed RBDs (RNA binding domains) or RNPs (ribonucleoprotein domains), and a C-terminal proline-rich domain.

Pssm-ID: 409765 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 80  Bit Score: 41.72  E-value: 5.14e-05
                         10        20        30        40        50        60        70
RRM smart00360
RNA recognition motif;
450-510 5.46e-05

RNA recognition motif;

Pssm-ID: 214636 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 73  Bit Score: 41.43  E-value: 5.46e-05
                           10        20        30        40        50        60
Bbox1 cd19757
B-box-type 1 zinc finger (Bbox1); The B-box-type zinc finger is a short zinc binding domain of ...
535-573 8.32e-05

B-box-type 1 zinc finger (Bbox1); The B-box-type zinc finger is a short zinc binding domain of around 40 amino acid residues in length. It has been found in transcription factors, ribonucleoproteins and proto-oncoproteins, such as in TRIM (tripartite motif) proteins that consist of an N-terminal RING finger (originally called an A-box), followed by 1-2 B-box domains and a coiled-coil domain (also called RBCC for Ring, B-box, Coiled-Coil). The B-box-type zinc finger often presents in combination with other motifs, like RING zinc finger, NHL motif, coiled-coil or RFP domain, in functionally unrelated proteins, most likely mediating protein-protein interactions. Based on different consensus sequences and the spacing of the 7-8 zinc-binding residues, the B-box-type zinc fingers can be divided into two groups, type 1 (Bbox1: C6H2) and type 2 (Bbox2: CHC3H2). This family corresponds to the type 1 B-box (Bbox1).

Pssm-ID: 380815 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 44  Bit Score: 40.17  E-value: 8.32e-05
                         10        20        30
RRM2_gar2 cd12448
RNA recognition motif 2 (RRM2) found in yeast protein gar2 and similar proteins; This ...
473-523 2.41e-03

RNA recognition motif 2 (RRM2) found in yeast protein gar2 and similar proteins; This subfamily corresponds to the RRM2 of yeast protein gar2, a novel nucleolar protein required for 18S rRNA and 40S ribosomal subunit accumulation. It shares similar domain architecture with nucleolin from vertebrates and NSR1 from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The highly phosphorylated N-terminal domain of gar2 is made up of highly acidic regions separated from each other by basic sequences, and contains multiple phosphorylation sites. The central domain of gar2 contains two closely adjacent N-terminal RNA recognition motifs (RRMs), also termed RBDs (RNA binding domains) or RNPs (ribonucleoprotein domains). The C-terminal RGG (or GAR) domain of gar2 is rich in glycine, arginine and phenylalanine residues.

Pssm-ID: 409882 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 73  Bit Score: 37.00  E-value: 2.41e-03
                         10        20        30        40        50
RRM_SF cd00590
RNA recognition motif (RRM) superfamily; RRM, also known as RBD (RNA binding domain) or RNP ...
451-527 3.55e-03

RNA recognition motif (RRM) superfamily; RRM, also known as RBD (RNA binding domain) or RNP (ribonucleoprotein domain), is a highly abundant domain in eukaryotes found in proteins involved in post-transcriptional gene expression processes including mRNA and rRNA processing, RNA export, and RNA stability. This domain is 90 amino acids in length and consists of a four-stranded beta-sheet packed against two alpha-helices. RRM usually interacts with ssRNA, but is also known to interact with ssDNA as well as proteins. RRM binds a variable number of nucleotides, ranging from two to eight. The active site includes three aromatic side-chains located within the conserved RNP1 and RNP2 motifs of the domain. The RRM domain is found in a variety heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoproteins (hnRNPs), proteins implicated in regulation of alternative splicing, and protein components of small nuclear ribonucleoproteins (snRNPs).

Pssm-ID: 409669 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 72  Bit Score: 36.49  E-value: 3.55e-03
                         10        20        30        40        50        60        70
Blast search parameters
Data Source: Precalculated data, version = cdd.v.3.21
Preset Options:Database: CDSEARCH/cdd   Low complexity filter: no  Composition Based Adjustment: yes   E-value threshold: 0.01


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  • Lu S et al. (2020), "The conserved domain database in 2020", Nucleic Acids Res.48(D)265-8.
  • Marchler-Bauer A et al. (2017), "CDD/SPARCLE: functional classification of proteins via subfamily domain architectures.", Nucleic Acids Res.45(D)200-3.
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