Conserved Protein Domain Family

cd00882: Ras_like_GTPase 
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Rat sarcoma (Ras)-like superfamily of small guanosine triphosphatases (GTPases)
Ras-like GTPase superfamily. The Ras-like superfamily of small GTPases consists of several families with an extremely high degree of structural and functional similarity. The Ras superfamily is divided into at least four families in eukaryotes: the Ras, Rho, Rab, and Sar1/Arf families. This superfamily also includes proteins like the GTP translation factors, Era-like GTPases, and G-alpha chain of the heterotrimeric G proteins. Members of the Ras superfamily regulate a wide variety of cellular functions: the Ras family regulates gene expression, the Rho family regulates cytoskeletal reorganization and gene expression, the Rab and Sar1/Arf families regulate vesicle trafficking, and the Ran family regulates nucleocytoplasmic transport and microtubule organization. The GTP translation factor family regulates initiation, elongation, termination, and release in translation, and the Era-like GTPase family regulates cell division, sporulation, and DNA replication. Members of the Ras superfamily are identified by the GTP binding site, which is made up of five characteristic sequence motifs, and the switch I and switch II regions.
PSSM-Id: 206648
Aligned: 149 rows
Threshold Bit Score: 34.7396
Created: 10-Apr-2003
Updated: 2-Oct-2020
Aligned Rows:
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Conserved site includes 14 residues -Click on image for an interactive view with Cn3D
Feature 1:GTP/Mg2+ binding site [chemical binding site]
  • Structure:1CEE: Human cdc42 binds GTP and Mg2+, defined using 3.5 A contacts
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  • Structure:3RAB: Rattus norvegicus Rab3a binds GppNHp, a GTP analog and Mg2+, defined using 3.5 A contacts
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  • Structure:1MR3: Saccharomyces cerevisiae Arf2 binds GDP and Mg2+, defined using 3.5 A contacts
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  • Structure:11HE8: Human Ras binds GppNHp, a GTP analog and Mg2+, defined using 3.5 A contacts
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Sequence Alignment
Format: Row Display: Color Bits: Type Selection:
Feature 1          #######                                               #                    
1LB1_F     11 VIVGDGACGKTCLLIVFskdqfp--evyvpTv--fENYVAdievd--gkqvELALWDTAGqedydrlr-------plsyp 77  human
1CEE_A      7 VVVGDGAVGKTCLLISYttnkfp--seyvpTv--fDNYAVtvmig--gepyTLGLFDTAGqedydrlr-------plsyp 73  human
CAD56957  420 KVVGACGVGKSAFLQAFlgrgl----ghqdTreqpPGYAIdtvqv--ngqeKYLILCEVGtdgllat---------slda 484 human
EAL51562   41 LFIGDLIADKNELVNTYlngkyl--agksqKvd-nEVIVKrldd---egkcKVVIMTCEGeenypgnr-------krlye 107 Entamoeba histolyt...
BAD82854   10 CVIGNEKIGKTSLVRRLledtfv--eestpFed-vSVNKKviy------dnKEVILNFMDplgtdist------tatfyn 74  Entamoeba histolytica
BAD82855   10 CIVGDEKCGKTSLTRRFigeef---keevePfp-eNLITKdity----egkKITLNLMDPlddgtgtt-------asfyn 74  Entamoeba histolytica
XP_640176  12 KILLSGDSGKSSFLNRAiddiyfennvyqcAps-lKFFNDpnssrenkyyyKNLIYKLCFiyryeyfqdrfrsignnpyr 90  Dictyostelium disc...
XP_640177  11 LVIGDCNVGKSSFVYQYcenfktkirsrerGdg-nTFIPKlirvd--dkncFLKFVKYYKrvnclpn--------yrfin 79  Dictyostelium disc...
XP_651495  16 SIIGDRGTGKTCLSERIvndqfm--stylpPtg-lDFKTKfysfe--tkkiRTCFWEICYsnrycpt--------gievk 82  Entamoeba histolyt...
EAN78038   22 VVLGCERVGKSTFIDQVmkgtfr--sdyvpTtl-eTFIHRttvd---grnyVLHLCDSSGseafvrhr-------llyla 88  Trypanosoma brucei
Feature 1                                                   ## #                              
1LB1_F     78 dtDVILMCFSIdspdslenipek-----wtpevkhfcpnvPIILVGNKKDlrndehtrrelakmkqe------------- 139 human
1CEE_A     74 qtDVFLVCFSVvspssfenvkek-----wvpeithhcpktPFLLVGTQIDlrddpstieklaknkqk------------- 135 human
CAD56957  485 tcDVACLMFDGsdpksfahcas-------vykhhymdgqtPCLFVSSKADlpegvavsgps------------------- 538 human
EAL51562  108 grDIVVLTYAVdnlesfknieel-----wlpevafydegaYLGLIGTHSEsdavvtqeev-------------------- 162 Entamoeba histolyt...
BAD82854   75 daNLLIAMFDEtekdsiqncknw-----lsygdryigsqyLKLIVGNKIDsndkkiseee-------------------- 129 Entamoeba histolytica
BAD82855   75 haNCIIALFDLsnkdslqncknw-----lsygdryvdngyVKGVVGVKSDlerevtkeea-------------------- 129 Entamoeba histolytica
XP_640176  91 gaRFNFILFNVcdqesfdnvpky-----yfeaerygkediHIILIGVGIDdienriidyev------------------- 146 Dictyostelium disc...
XP_640177  80 iaDCIFILFDVcnresfdnvghy-----yneilkyssenlLITLIGCKADllnrevdqne-------------------- 134 Dictyostelium disc...
XP_651495  83 gsSIILFIFDLtnsesfeslkyy-----ynrfcqqfpllpPIFCVGTKSDlpptvserqi-------------------- 137 Entamoeba histolyt...
EAN78038   89 raDGVLLFYSTtdkeslasvvgwvkelrearhnigvkaamPILLVGTKRDdrrsrvvtmpeaeavarsclsalslkmqhm 168 Trypanosoma brucei
Feature 1                                 ###               
1LB1_F    140 ------pvkpeegrdmanrigafGYMECSAKtkd-gvrEVFEMATR 178 human
1CEE_A    136 ------pitpetaeklardlkavKYVECSALtqk-glkNVFDEAIL 174 human
CAD56957  539 ------------paefcrkhrlpAPVPFSCAgpaepstTIFTQLAT 572 human
EAL51562  163 -------------lqfaknnnipFVAEVSSKnys-nidETFFDLIL 194 Entamoeba histolytica HM-1:IMSS
BAD82854  130 -------------ceevakslncEYFEVSAKtge-gikELYEQMMK 161 Entamoeba histolytica
BAD82855  130 --------------eevakglncEYFEVSNKtge-gctEVYDTLLK 160 Entamoeba histolytica
XP_640176 147 -------------aldlansnntPYFEVNNKspsplekEIYQRIIE 179 Dictyostelium discoideum AX4
XP_640177 135 -------------alefskkhniPYFEVNNFspseiekNVYQQISQ 167 Dictyostelium discoideum AX4
XP_651495 138 -------------lkqlkkmnypPLYYCSSQtgs-ackDIESDIIK 169 Entamoeba histolytica HM-1:IMSS
EAN78038  169 nrkkvveaegfaklvrdaisstlPVVEVSALrtn-evlHALRIMIL 213 Trypanosoma brucei

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