Conserved Protein Domain Family

cd08349: BLMA_like 
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Bleomycin binding protein (BLMA) and similar proteins
BLMA also called Bleomycin resistance protein, confers Bm resistance by directly binding to Bm. Bm is a glycopeptide antibiotic produced naturally by actinomycetes. It is a potent anti-cancer drug, which acts as a strong DNA-cutting agent, thereby causing cell death. BLMA is produced by actinomycetes to protect themselves against their own lethal compound. BLMA has two identically-folded subdomains, with the same alpha/beta fold; these two halves have no sequence similarity. BLMAs are dimers and each dimer binds to two Bm molecules at the Bm-binding pockets formed at the dimer interface; two Bm molecules are bound per dimer. BLMA belongs to a conserved domain superfamily that is found in a variety of structurally related metalloproteins, including the bleomycin resistance protein, glyoxalase I, and type I ring-cleaving dioxygenases. As for the larger superfamily, this family contains members with or without domain swapping.
PSSM-Id: 319937
Aligned: 49 rows
Threshold Bit Score: 91.5185
Created: 26-Jan-2010
Updated: 2-Oct-2020
Aligned Rows:
ligand bindingdimer interface
Conserved site includes 14 residues -Click on image for an interactive view with Cn3D
Feature 1:ligand binding site [chemical binding site]
  • Structure:1JIF_A; bleomycin-binding protein from bleomycin-producing Streptomyces verticillus complexed with copper(II)-bleomycin, by 4A distance.

Sequence Alignment
Format: Row Display: Color Bits: Type Selection:
Feature 1                                ##         #          # ##                             #
1JIF_A         8 VPVLTAvDVPANVSFWVDtLGFEKDFgd-----rdFAGVRrgDIRLHISRtehqi-----------------vadntSAW 65  Streptomyces ve...
3FCD_A        10 TPFLHIpDXQEALTLFCDtLGFELKYrh-----snYAYLElsGCGLRLLEeparkii-------------pdgiarvAIC 71  uncultured bact...
EEE38452       8 TPFVLCsSLERQIAFYCDrLGFTCTFqq-----dnYAFLRrdPVAIRLLEcparadg-------------rllgddqSFY 69  Rhodobacteracea...
YP_002518361  45 TPFLHVpDLEAALVFFVDlLGFEVPYrq-----pgYAYVHreTVGFRLLQadeatvt-------------prgaggfAYY 106 Caulobacter cre...
NP_923659      6 SPNLFVeDVGRALDFYETvLGFKRLMtlpeqapfaWGLVQagGVELMFQSfgsleedplp-------iegrqaggtlNLY 78  Gloeobacter vio...
NP_385440      6 VPEFAVsDWQASKEFYCNiLGFSCDYerp---eegFCYLSldGAELMIDQigtgrtfadgh-----lprsypfgrglNVQ 77  Sinorhizobium m...
NP_972378      7 IPELTVaNIEKTREFYVEiLQFKIEYerq---edkFIFLSleNNQMMFEQdngnwnvgi---------lehpygrgiNFE 74  Treponema denti...
NP_295064      7 VPELAVaDLATSLGFWVNlLGFGLKYerp---eegFAYLTlgNAHSMLDQigqsrtweta-------plqrplgrgiNFE 76  Deinococcus rad...
NP_353788      9 VPELAVsDWQKSRAFYCDlIGFHVVYerp---eegFAYLAlgDAQLMIDQigatrtfvsgn-----asleppfgrgmNLQ 80  Agrobacterium t...
P67925         5 IPALPVgDIKKSIGFYCDkLGFTLVHhe-----dgFAVLMcnEVRIHLWEasdegwrsrsndspvctgaesfiagtaSCR 79  Geobacillus ste...
Feature 1                                           #      # #   ### #   
1JIF_A        66 IEVTDPDALHEEWARAVstdyadtsgpamTPVGESPAG-REFAVRDPAGNCVHFTA 120 Streptomyces verticillus
3FCD_A        72 IDVSDIDSLHTKLSPALenlp----adqvEPLKNXPYGqREFQVRXPDGDWLNFTA 123 uncultured bacterium
EEE38452      70 IDVEGIDALYEKLRPRLqglp----egkvRPPFDQPYQqREFHVLDEDGTLVFFGE 121 Rhodobacteraceae bacterium KLH11
YP_002518361 107 IDVRDVDAVVAELTPRLaalp----pedvHGPVDQSYGqREFMIRAPDGGLLVFGQ 158 Caulobacter crescentus NA1000
NP_923659     79 IEVEDIDALYEKLRTQVsv---------vREPNTTFYGmREFLMLDPNGYLLTFAQ 125 Gloeobacter violaceus PCC 7421
NP_385440     78 IRVASADALVRALTDRGialylp-leerwYRRGDEEVGnRQFVVADPDGYLLRFYE 132 Sinorhizobium meliloti 1021
NP_972378     75 MTVSNLESLYRRILDFGikpfre-mtvshYSNGCEKIIqKEFLLQDPDGYLLRFTD 129 Treponema denticola ATCC 35405
NP_295064     77 ISVSDLDVPLARLMAADwplfla-peekwYRAGDHETGvRQFLVQDPDGYLVRLSI 131 Deinococcus radiodurans R1
NP_353788     81 LAVPSLQPILFRLERALiglvle-peekwYRRGTVEVGnRQFIVADPDGYLIRPFE 135 Agrobacterium tumefaciens str. C58
P67925        80 IEVEGIDELYQHIKPLGilh-------pnTSLKDQWWDeRDFAVIDPDNNLISFFQ 128 Geobacillus stearothermophilus

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