Conserved Protein Domain Family

cd01283: cytidine_deaminase 
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Cytidine deaminase zinc-binding domain. These enzymes are Zn dependent. The zinc ion in the active site plays a central role in the proposed catalytic mechanism, activating a water molecule to form a hydroxide ion that performs a nucleophilic attack on the substrate. Cytidine deaminases catalyze the deamination of cytidine to uridine and are important in the pyrimadine salvage pathway in many cell types, from bacteria to humans. This family also includes the apoBec proteins, which are a mammal specific expansion of RNA editing enzymes, and the closely related phorbolins, and the AID (activation-induced) enzymes.
PSSM-Id: 238610
Aligned: 62 rows
Threshold Bit Score: 39.2467
Created: 3-Feb-2003
Updated: 2-Oct-2020
Aligned Rows:
Conserved site includes 9 residues -Click on image for an interactive view with Cn3D
Feature 1:active site [active site]
  • Structure:Bacillus subtilis1JTK_A binds substrate analog and Zn++
  • Structure:Homo sapiens 1MQ0_A binds substrate analog and Zn++

Sequence Alignment
Format: Row Display: Color Bits: Type Selection:
Feature 1                                   # #                        # #                   #
1JTK_A      7 ITEALKardma-------------yapysKFQVGAALLtk---------dgKVYRGCNIEnaa-----------ysmCNC 53  Bacillus subtilis
AAG14956    8 TVERMYrdtfsynfy------nrpilsrrNTVWLCYEVktkgps-rppldaKIFRGQVYSe---------------lKYH 65  human
Q9UH17      8 PMERMYrdtfydnfe------nepilygrSYTWLCYEVkikrgrsnllwdtGVFRGQVYFk---------------pQYH 66  human
P31941      9 PRHLMDphiftsn---------fnngigrHKTYLCYEVerldng--tsvkmDQHRGFLHNqaknl-------lcgfyGRH 70  human
NP_084531 232 RVHLLSeeefys------------qfynqRVKHLCYYHg-----------mKPYLCYQLEqfngqaplkgcllsekgKQH 288 house mouse
NP_055323   8 PMKAMYpgtfyfqfk------nlweandrNETWLCFTVegikrrsvvswktGVFRNQVDSe---------------tHCH 66  human
Q9WVE0      2 DSLLMKqkkflyhfk------nvrwakgrHETYLCYVVkrrds----atscSLDFGHLRNk---------------sGCH 56  house mouse
BAC34023   16 PIRNLIsqetfkfhf-----knlgyakgrKDTFLCYEVtrkdc----dspvSLHHGVFKNk---------------dNIH 71  house mouse
NP_861438   1 MALLTAetfrlqfnnk----rrlrrpyypRKALLCYQLtpq-------ngsTPTRGYFENk---------------kKCH 54  human
XP_235485 203 RMNLLRedvfylqfnnshrvkpvqnryyrRKSYLCYQLera-------ngqEPLKGYLLYkk--------------gEQH 261 Norway rat
Feature 1     ##                                     #    #                                   
1JTK_A     54 AERTALFKAvsegd-------tefqMLAVaadtpgpVSPCGa--CRQVISELCt-----------kDVIVVLTnlqg--- 110 Bacillus subtilis
AAG14956   66 PEMRFFHWFskwrklh--rdqeyevTWYIs------WSPCTk--CTRDMATFLaedpkvtltifvaRLYYFWDpdyqeal 135 human
Q9UH17     67 AEMCFLSWFcgnqlpa---ykcfqiTWFVs------WTPCPd--CVAKLAEFLsehpnvtltisaaRLYYYWErdyrral 135 human
P31941     71 AELRFLDLVpslqldp---aqiyrvTWFIs------WSPCFswgCAGEVRAFLqenthvrlrifaaRIYDYDPlykealq 141 human
NP_084531 289 AEILFLDKIrsmel------sqviiTCYLt------WSPCPn--CAWQLAAFKrdrpdlilhiytsRLYFHWKrpfqkgl 354 house mouse
NP_055323  67 AERCFLSWFcddilsp---ntkyqvTWYTs------WSPCPd--CAGEVAEFLarhsnvnltiftaRLYYFQYpcyqegl 135 human
Q9WVE0     57 VELLFLRYIsdwdldp---grcyrvTWFTs------WSPCYd--CARHVAEFLrwnpnlslriftaRLYFCEDrkaepeg 125 house mouse
BAC34023   72 AEICFLYWFhdkvlkvlspreefkiTWYMs------WSPCFe--CAEQIVRFLathhnlsldifssRLYNVQDpetqqnl 143 house mouse
NP_861438  55 AEICFINEIksmglde---tqcyqvTCYLt------WSPCSs--CAWELVDFIkahdhlnlgifasRLYYHWCkpqqkgl 123 human
XP_235485 262 VEILFLEKMrsmel------sqvriTCYLt------WSPCPn--CARQLAAFKkdhpdlilriytsRLYFYWRkkfqkgl 327 Norway rat
Feature 1                                
1JTK_A    111 -------------------qikEMTVE 118 Bacillus subtilis
AAG14956  136 rslcqkrdgpratmkimnydefQHCWS 162 human
Q9UH17    136 crlsqa----garvtimdyeefAYCWE 158 human
P31941    142 mlrda-----gaqvsimtydefKHCWD 163 human
NP_084531 355 c--------------slwqsgiLVDVM 367 house mouse
NP_055323 136 rslsqe----gvaveimdyedfKYCWE 158 human
Q9WVE0    126 lrrlhr---agvqigimtfkdyFYCWN 149 house mouse
BAC34023  144 crlvqe----gaqvaamdlyefKKCWK 166 house mouse
NP_861438 124 rllcgs----qvpvevmgfpefADCWE 146 human
XP_235485 328 ctlwrs----gihvdvmdlpqfADCWT 350 Norway rat

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