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dbSNP Short Genetic Variations

Welcome to the Reference SNP (rs) Report

All alleles are reported in the Forward orientation. Click on the Variant Details tab for details on Genomic Placement, Gene, and Amino Acid changes. HGVS names are in the HGVS tab.

Reference SNP (rs) Report

This page reports data for a single dbSNP Reference SNP variation (RefSNP or rs) from the new redesigned dbSNP build.
Top of the page reports a concise summary for the rs, with more specific details included in the corresponding tabs below.
All alleles are reported in the Forward orientation. Use the Genomic View to inspect the nucleotides flanking the variant, and its neighbors.
For more information see Help documentation.


Current Build 156

Released September 21, 2022

Homo sapiens
chr11:112164735 (GRCh38.p14) Help

The anchor position for this RefSNP. Includes all nucleotides potentially affected by this change, thus it can differ from HGVS, which is right-shifted. See here for details.

Variation Type
SNV Single Nucleotide Variation
T=0.407159 (107771/264690, TOPMED)
T=0.408969 (79129/193484, ALFA)
T=0.405964 (56770/139840, GnomAD) (+ 20 more)
T=0.43173 (33976/78698, PAGE_STUDY)
G=0.41942 (11852/28258, 14KJPN)
G=0.41717 (6991/16758, 8.3KJPN)
T=0.4096 (2623/6404, 1000G_30x)
T=0.4079 (2043/5008, 1000G)
T=0.4170 (1868/4480, Estonian)
T=0.3952 (1523/3854, ALSPAC)
T=0.3972 (1473/3708, TWINSUK)
G=0.4901 (1436/2930, KOREAN)
T=0.4213 (878/2084, HGDP_Stanford)
T=0.4130 (774/1874, HapMap)
G=0.4842 (887/1832, Korea1K)
T=0.410 (409/998, GoNL)
T=0.482 (378/784, PRJEB37584)
T=0.490 (294/600, NorthernSweden)
T=0.289 (131/454, SGDP_PRJ)
T=0.426 (92/216, Qatari)
T=0.30 (13/44, Siberian)
T=0.33 (13/40, GENOME_DK)
T=0.0 (0/8, Ancient Sardinia)
Clinical Significance
Not Reported in ClinVar
Gene : Consequence
IL18 : 2KB Upstream Variant
145 citations
Genomic View
See rs on genome

ALFA Allele Frequency
The ALFA project provide aggregate allele frequency from dbGaP. More information is available on the project page including descriptions, data access, and terms of use.

Release Version: 20230706150541
Population Group Sample Size Ref Allele Alt Allele
Total Global 193484 T=0.408969 G=0.591031
European Sub 166236 T=0.409887 G=0.590113
African Sub 7088 T=0.3648 G=0.6352
African Others Sub 264 T=0.390 G=0.610
African American Sub 6824 T=0.3639 G=0.6361
Asian Sub 736 T=0.526 G=0.474
East Asian Sub 590 T=0.515 G=0.485
Other Asian Sub 146 T=0.568 G=0.432
Latin American 1 Sub 842 T=0.404 G=0.596
Latin American 2 Sub 6852 T=0.4742 G=0.5258
South Asian Sub 5048 T=0.3243 G=0.6757
Other Sub 6682 T=0.4178 G=0.5822


Frequency tab displays a table of the reference and alternate allele frequencies reported by various studies and populations. Table lines, where Population="Global" refer to the entire study population, whereas lines, where Group="Sub", refer to a study-specific population subgroupings (i.e. AFR, CAU, etc.), if available. Frequency for the alternate allele (Alt Allele) is a ratio of samples observed-to-total, where the numerator (observed samples) is the number of chromosomes in the study with the minor allele present (found in "Sample size", where Group="Sub"), and the denominator (total samples) is the total number of all chromosomes in the study for the variant (found in "Sample size", where Group="Study-wide" and Population="Global").

Study Population Group Sample Size Ref Allele Alt Allele
TopMed Global Study-wide 264690 T=0.407159 G=0.592841
Allele Frequency Aggregator Total Global 193484 T=0.408969 G=0.591031
Allele Frequency Aggregator European Sub 166236 T=0.409887 G=0.590113
Allele Frequency Aggregator African Sub 7088 T=0.3648 G=0.6352
Allele Frequency Aggregator Latin American 2 Sub 6852 T=0.4742 G=0.5258
Allele Frequency Aggregator Other Sub 6682 T=0.4178 G=0.5822
Allele Frequency Aggregator South Asian Sub 5048 T=0.3243 G=0.6757
Allele Frequency Aggregator Latin American 1 Sub 842 T=0.404 G=0.596
Allele Frequency Aggregator Asian Sub 736 T=0.526 G=0.474
gnomAD - Genomes Global Study-wide 139840 T=0.405964 G=0.594036
gnomAD - Genomes European Sub 75770 T=0.41217 G=0.58783
gnomAD - Genomes African Sub 41872 T=0.35893 G=0.64107
gnomAD - Genomes American Sub 13620 T=0.46270 G=0.53730
gnomAD - Genomes Ashkenazi Jewish Sub 3320 T=0.5127 G=0.4873
gnomAD - Genomes East Asian Sub 3108 T=0.5106 G=0.4894
gnomAD - Genomes Other Sub 2150 T=0.4279 G=0.5721
The PAGE Study Global Study-wide 78698 T=0.43173 G=0.56827
The PAGE Study AfricanAmerican Sub 32516 T=0.36477 G=0.63523
The PAGE Study Mexican Sub 10806 T=0.47455 G=0.52545
The PAGE Study Asian Sub 8318 T=0.5749 G=0.4251
The PAGE Study PuertoRican Sub 7918 T=0.4400 G=0.5600
The PAGE Study NativeHawaiian Sub 4534 T=0.4835 G=0.5165
The PAGE Study Cuban Sub 4230 T=0.4459 G=0.5541
The PAGE Study Dominican Sub 3828 T=0.4258 G=0.5742
The PAGE Study CentralAmerican Sub 2450 T=0.4869 G=0.5131
The PAGE Study SouthAmerican Sub 1982 T=0.5025 G=0.4975
The PAGE Study NativeAmerican Sub 1260 T=0.4365 G=0.5635
The PAGE Study SouthAsian Sub 856 T=0.320 G=0.680
14KJPN JAPANESE Study-wide 28258 T=0.58058 G=0.41942
8.3KJPN JAPANESE Study-wide 16758 T=0.58283 G=0.41717
1000Genomes_30x Global Study-wide 6404 T=0.4096 G=0.5904
1000Genomes_30x African Sub 1786 T=0.3628 G=0.6372
1000Genomes_30x Europe Sub 1266 T=0.4218 G=0.5782
1000Genomes_30x South Asian Sub 1202 T=0.2895 G=0.7105
1000Genomes_30x East Asian Sub 1170 T=0.5282 G=0.4718
1000Genomes_30x American Sub 980 T=0.485 G=0.515
1000Genomes Global Study-wide 5008 T=0.4079 G=0.5921
1000Genomes African Sub 1322 T=0.3502 G=0.6498
1000Genomes East Asian Sub 1008 T=0.5268 G=0.4732
1000Genomes Europe Sub 1006 T=0.4235 G=0.5765
1000Genomes South Asian Sub 978 T=0.288 G=0.712
1000Genomes American Sub 694 T=0.491 G=0.509
Genetic variation in the Estonian population Estonian Study-wide 4480 T=0.4170 G=0.5830
The Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children PARENT AND CHILD COHORT Study-wide 3854 T=0.3952 G=0.6048
UK 10K study - Twins TWIN COHORT Study-wide 3708 T=0.3972 G=0.6028
KOREAN population from KRGDB KOREAN Study-wide 2930 T=0.5099 G=0.4901
HGDP-CEPH-db Supplement 1 Global Study-wide 2084 T=0.4213 G=0.5787
HGDP-CEPH-db Supplement 1 Est_Asia Sub 470 T=0.521 G=0.479
HGDP-CEPH-db Supplement 1 Central_South_Asia Sub 414 T=0.367 G=0.633
HGDP-CEPH-db Supplement 1 Middle_Est Sub 350 T=0.451 G=0.549
HGDP-CEPH-db Supplement 1 Europe Sub 320 T=0.400 G=0.600
HGDP-CEPH-db Supplement 1 Africa Sub 242 T=0.426 G=0.574
HGDP-CEPH-db Supplement 1 America Sub 216 T=0.412 G=0.588
HGDP-CEPH-db Supplement 1 Oceania Sub 72 T=0.04 G=0.96
HapMap Global Study-wide 1874 T=0.4130 G=0.5870
HapMap American Sub 764 T=0.397 G=0.603
HapMap African Sub 686 T=0.347 G=0.653
HapMap Asian Sub 250 T=0.592 G=0.408
HapMap Europe Sub 174 T=0.489 G=0.511
Korean Genome Project KOREAN Study-wide 1832 T=0.5158 G=0.4842
Genome of the Netherlands Release 5 Genome of the Netherlands Study-wide 998 T=0.410 G=0.590
CNV burdens in cranial meningiomas Global Study-wide 784 T=0.482 G=0.518
CNV burdens in cranial meningiomas CRM Sub 784 T=0.482 G=0.518
Northern Sweden ACPOP Study-wide 600 T=0.490 G=0.510
SGDP_PRJ Global Study-wide 454 T=0.289 G=0.711
Qatari Global Study-wide 216 T=0.426 G=0.574
Siberian Global Study-wide 44 T=0.30 G=0.70
The Danish reference pan genome Danish Study-wide 40 T=0.33 G=0.68
Ancient Sardinia genome-wide 1240k capture data generation and analysis Global Study-wide 8 T=0.0 G=1.0

Variant Details tab shows known variant placements on genomic sequences: chromosomes (NC_), RefSeqGene, pseudogenes or genomic regions (NG_), and in a separate table: on transcripts (NM_) and protein sequences (NP_). The corresponding transcript and protein locations are listed in adjacent lines, along with molecular consequences from Sequence Ontology. When no protein placement is available, only the transcript is listed. Column "Codon[Amino acid]" shows the actual base change in the format of "Reference > Alternate" allele, including the nucleotide codon change in transcripts, and the amino acid change in proteins, respectively, allowing for known ribosomal slippage sites. To view nucleotides adjacent to the variant use the Genomic View at the bottom of the page - zoom into the sequence until the nucleotides around the variant become visible.

Genomic Placements
Sequence name Change
GRCh38.p14 chr 11 NC_000011.10:g.112164735T>G
GRCh37.p13 chr 11 NC_000011.9:g.112035458T>G
IL18 RefSeqGene NG_028143.1:g.4383A>C
Gene: IL18, interleukin 18 (minus strand) : 2KB Upstream Variant
Molecule type Change Amino acid[Codon] SO Term
IL18 transcript variant 2 NM_001243211.2:c. N/A Upstream Transcript Variant
IL18 transcript variant 3 NM_001386420.1:c. N/A Upstream Transcript Variant
IL18 transcript variant 1 NM_001562.4:c. N/A Upstream Transcript Variant
IL18 transcript variant X1 XM_011542805.2:c. N/A Upstream Transcript Variant

Clinical Significance tab shows a list of clinical significance entries from ClinVar associated with the variation, per allele. Click on the RCV accession (i.e. RCV000001615.2) or Allele ID (i.e. 12274) to access full ClinVar report.

Not Reported in ClinVar

Aliases tab displays HGVS names representing the variant placements and allele changes on genomic, transcript and protein sequences, per allele. HGVS name is an expression for reporting sequence accession and version, sequence type, position, and allele change. The column "Note" can have two values: "diff" means that there is a difference between the reference allele (variation interval) at the placement reported in HGVS name and the reference alleles reported in other HGVS names, and "rev" means that the sequence of this variation interval at the placement reported in HGVS name is in reverse orientation to the sequence(s) of this variation in other HGVS names not labeled as "rev".

Placement T= G
GRCh38.p14 chr 11 NC_000011.10:g.112164735= NC_000011.10:g.112164735T>G
GRCh37.p13 chr 11 NC_000011.9:g.112035458= NC_000011.9:g.112035458T>G
IL18 RefSeqGene NG_028143.1:g.4383= NG_028143.1:g.4383A>C
TEX12 transcript variant X2 XM_005271612.1:c.-24-4510= XM_005271612.1:c.-24-4510T>G

Submissions tab displays variations originally submitted to dbSNP, now supporting this RefSNP cluster (rs). We display Submitter handle, Submission identifier, Date and Build number, when the submission appeared for the first time. Direct submissions to dbSNP have Submission ID in the form of an ss-prefixed number (ss#). Other supporting variations are listed in the table without ss#.

151 SubSNP, 23 Frequency submissions
No Submitter Submission ID Date (Build)
1 TSC-CSHL ss2839965 Jan 12, 2001 (92)
2 SC_JCM ss4099301 Nov 05, 2001 (101)
3 SC_JCM ss6038070 Feb 20, 2003 (111)
4 WI_SSAHASNP ss6826157 Feb 20, 2003 (111)
5 IIPGA-WEISS-MARTINEZ ss7988381 Apr 21, 2003 (114)
6 BCM_SSAHASNP ss10704141 Jul 11, 2003 (116)
7 WI_SSAHASNP ss12173269 Jul 11, 2003 (116)
8 SC_SNP ss15623300 Feb 27, 2004 (120)
9 CSHL-HAPMAP ss19197155 Feb 27, 2004 (120)
10 CSHL-HAPMAP ss19906852 Feb 27, 2004 (120)
11 SSAHASNP ss20835262 Apr 05, 2004 (121)
12 SEQUENOM ss24785618 Sep 20, 2004 (123)
13 KYUGEN ss28461411 Sep 20, 2004 (123)
14 KYUGEN ss28461413 Sep 20, 2004 (123)
15 ABI ss38791303 Mar 14, 2006 (126)
16 SHGC ss66538707 Nov 29, 2006 (127)
17 ILLUMINA ss66610002 Nov 29, 2006 (127)
18 ILLUMINA ss67209373 Nov 29, 2006 (127)
19 ILLUMINA ss67602308 Nov 29, 2006 (127)
20 RSG_JCVI ss69359730 May 16, 2007 (127)
21 RSG_JCVI ss69361304 May 16, 2007 (127)
22 ILLUMINA ss70687629 May 23, 2008 (130)
23 ILLUMINA ss71252178 May 16, 2007 (127)
24 ILLUMINA ss75436702 Dec 06, 2007 (129)
25 ILLUMINA ss79103084 Dec 14, 2007 (130)
26 KRIBB_YJKIM ss83925496 Dec 14, 2007 (130)
27 HGSV ss85665754 Dec 14, 2007 (130)
28 BCMHGSC_JDW ss88794865 Mar 24, 2008 (129)
29 BGI ss103001219 Dec 01, 2009 (131)
30 1000GENOMES ss111086297 Jan 25, 2009 (130)
31 ILLUMINA-UK ss119959418 Dec 01, 2009 (131)
32 ILLUMINA ss121861226 Dec 01, 2009 (131)
33 ENSEMBL ss132831895 Dec 01, 2009 (131)
34 ENSEMBL ss137855247 Dec 01, 2009 (131)
35 ILLUMINA ss153790031 Dec 01, 2009 (131)
36 GMI ss156797684 Dec 01, 2009 (131)
37 ILLUMINA ss159342712 Dec 01, 2009 (131)
38 ILLUMINA ss160479980 Dec 01, 2009 (131)
39 COMPLETE_GENOMICS ss168751449 Jul 04, 2010 (132)
40 COMPLETE_GENOMICS ss170895547 Jul 04, 2010 (132)
41 ILLUMINA ss170899652 Jul 04, 2010 (132)
42 ILLUMINA ss173004050 Jul 04, 2010 (132)
43 COMPLETE_GENOMICS ss175279647 Jul 04, 2010 (132)
44 BUSHMAN ss203216353 Jul 04, 2010 (132)
45 BCM-HGSC-SUB ss207890529 Jul 04, 2010 (132)
46 1000GENOMES ss211197443 Jul 14, 2010 (132)
47 1000GENOMES ss225464708 Jul 14, 2010 (132)
48 1000GENOMES ss235721283 Jul 15, 2010 (132)
49 1000GENOMES ss242318663 Jul 15, 2010 (132)
50 ILLUMINA ss244285817 Jul 04, 2010 (132)
51 GMI ss281173095 May 04, 2012 (137)
52 GMI ss286458614 Apr 25, 2013 (138)
53 PJP ss291140919 May 09, 2011 (134)
54 ILLUMINA ss480354703 May 04, 2012 (137)
55 ILLUMINA ss480366663 May 04, 2012 (137)
56 ILLUMINA ss481135325 Sep 08, 2015 (146)
57 ILLUMINA ss484974942 May 04, 2012 (137)
58 ILLUMINA ss537012847 Sep 08, 2015 (146)
59 SSMP ss658352337 Apr 25, 2013 (138)
60 ILLUMINA ss778473679 Aug 21, 2014 (142)
61 ILLUMINA ss782933768 Aug 21, 2014 (142)
62 ILLUMINA ss783896532 Aug 21, 2014 (142)
63 ILLUMINA ss825433602 Jul 19, 2016 (147)
64 ILLUMINA ss832189247 Apr 01, 2015 (144)
65 ILLUMINA ss832854680 Aug 21, 2014 (142)
66 ILLUMINA ss833445510 Aug 21, 2014 (142)
67 ILLUMINA ss833929486 Aug 21, 2014 (142)
68 EVA-GONL ss988968994 Aug 21, 2014 (142)
69 JMKIDD_LAB ss1078049706 Aug 21, 2014 (142)
70 1000GENOMES ss1342988647 Aug 21, 2014 (142)
71 DDI ss1426762856 Apr 01, 2015 (144)
72 EVA_GENOME_DK ss1575956651 Apr 01, 2015 (144)
73 EVA_DECODE ss1598634315 Apr 01, 2015 (144)
74 EVA_UK10K_ALSPAC ss1627474399 Apr 01, 2015 (144)
75 EVA_UK10K_TWINSUK ss1670468432 Apr 01, 2015 (144)
76 EVA_SVP ss1713285081 Apr 01, 2015 (144)
77 ILLUMINA ss1751994577 Sep 08, 2015 (146)
78 HAMMER_LAB ss1806999663 Sep 08, 2015 (146)
79 WEILL_CORNELL_DGM ss1932330169 Feb 12, 2016 (147)
80 ILLUMINA ss1959385806 Feb 12, 2016 (147)
81 GENOMED ss1967460011 Jul 19, 2016 (147)
82 JJLAB ss2026909114 Sep 14, 2016 (149)
83 ILLUMINA ss2094791892 Dec 20, 2016 (150)
84 ILLUMINA ss2095026236 Dec 20, 2016 (150)
85 USC_VALOUEV ss2155221658 Dec 20, 2016 (150)
86 HUMAN_LONGEVITY ss2185755631 Dec 20, 2016 (150)
87 SYSTEMSBIOZJU ss2627929053 Nov 08, 2017 (151)
88 ILLUMINA ss2632887962 Nov 08, 2017 (151)
89 ILLUMINA ss2635030423 Nov 08, 2017 (151)
90 GRF ss2699530963 Nov 08, 2017 (151)
91 GNOMAD ss2904527195 Nov 08, 2017 (151)
92 SWEGEN ss3008789787 Nov 08, 2017 (151)
93 ILLUMINA ss3021376411 Nov 08, 2017 (151)
94 BIOINF_KMB_FNS_UNIBA ss3027255002 Nov 08, 2017 (151)
95 CSHL ss3349797649 Nov 08, 2017 (151)
96 ILLUMINA ss3626751069 Oct 12, 2018 (152)
97 ILLUMINA ss3630901922 Oct 12, 2018 (152)
98 ILLUMINA ss3632999530 Oct 12, 2018 (152)
99 ILLUMINA ss3633699491 Oct 12, 2018 (152)
100 ILLUMINA ss3634475510 Oct 12, 2018 (152)
101 ILLUMINA ss3635390775 Oct 12, 2018 (152)
102 ILLUMINA ss3636159824 Oct 12, 2018 (152)
103 ILLUMINA ss3637141677 Oct 12, 2018 (152)
104 ILLUMINA ss3637930705 Oct 12, 2018 (152)
105 ILLUMINA ss3638979038 Oct 12, 2018 (152)
106 ILLUMINA ss3639490768 Oct 12, 2018 (152)
107 ILLUMINA ss3640182846 Oct 12, 2018 (152)
108 ILLUMINA ss3642927156 Oct 12, 2018 (152)
109 URBANLAB ss3649706505 Oct 12, 2018 (152)
110 ILLUMINA ss3651743903 Oct 12, 2018 (152)
111 EGCUT_WGS ss3676116270 Jul 13, 2019 (153)
112 EVA_DECODE ss3692610354 Jul 13, 2019 (153)
113 ILLUMINA ss3725276703 Jul 13, 2019 (153)
114 ACPOP ss3738545264 Jul 13, 2019 (153)
115 ILLUMINA ss3744776286 Jul 13, 2019 (153)
116 EVA ss3749818262 Jul 13, 2019 (153)
117 PAGE_CC ss3771652786 Jul 13, 2019 (153)
118 ILLUMINA ss3772276051 Jul 13, 2019 (153)
119 PACBIO ss3787069230 Jul 13, 2019 (153)
120 PACBIO ss3792193141 Jul 13, 2019 (153)
121 PACBIO ss3797075661 Jul 13, 2019 (153)
122 KHV_HUMAN_GENOMES ss3815149688 Jul 13, 2019 (153)
123 EVA ss3832842049 Apr 26, 2020 (154)
124 EVA ss3839982932 Apr 26, 2020 (154)
125 EVA ss3845464615 Apr 26, 2020 (154)
126 HGDP ss3847431517 Apr 26, 2020 (154)
127 SGDP_PRJ ss3877149752 Apr 26, 2020 (154)
128 KRGDB ss3925606280 Apr 26, 2020 (154)
129 KOGIC ss3970758705 Apr 26, 2020 (154)
130 EVA ss3984657341 Apr 26, 2021 (155)
131 EVA ss3985557217 Apr 26, 2021 (155)
132 EVA ss4017559291 Apr 26, 2021 (155)
133 TOPMED ss4900189585 Apr 26, 2021 (155)
134 TOMMO_GENOMICS ss5203917693 Apr 26, 2021 (155)
135 EVA ss5237501190 Apr 26, 2021 (155)
136 1000G_HIGH_COVERAGE ss5288923103 Oct 16, 2022 (156)
137 EVA ss5315577100 Oct 16, 2022 (156)
138 HUGCELL_USP ss5483909191 Oct 16, 2022 (156)
139 1000G_HIGH_COVERAGE ss5585418741 Oct 16, 2022 (156)
140 SANFORD_IMAGENETICS ss5624285625 Oct 16, 2022 (156)
141 SANFORD_IMAGENETICS ss5652084815 Oct 16, 2022 (156)
142 TOMMO_GENOMICS ss5752373410 Oct 16, 2022 (156)
143 EVA ss5799854452 Oct 16, 2022 (156)
144 YY_MCH ss5812781901 Oct 16, 2022 (156)
145 EVA ss5837237180 Oct 16, 2022 (156)
146 EVA ss5847397857 Oct 16, 2022 (156)
147 EVA ss5847648165 Oct 16, 2022 (156)
148 EVA ss5850153350 Oct 16, 2022 (156)
149 EVA ss5921680329 Oct 16, 2022 (156)
150 EVA ss5943413298 Oct 16, 2022 (156)
151 EVA ss5979371853 Oct 16, 2022 (156)
152 1000Genomes NC_000011.9 - 112035458 Oct 12, 2018 (152)
153 1000Genomes_30x NC_000011.10 - 112164735 Oct 16, 2022 (156)
154 The Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children NC_000011.9 - 112035458 Oct 12, 2018 (152)
155 Genetic variation in the Estonian population NC_000011.9 - 112035458 Oct 12, 2018 (152)
156 The Danish reference pan genome NC_000011.9 - 112035458 Apr 26, 2020 (154)
157 gnomAD - Genomes NC_000011.10 - 112164735 Apr 26, 2021 (155)
158 Genome of the Netherlands Release 5 NC_000011.9 - 112035458 Apr 26, 2020 (154)
159 HGDP-CEPH-db Supplement 1 NC_000011.8 - 111540668 Apr 26, 2020 (154)
160 HapMap NC_000011.10 - 112164735 Apr 26, 2020 (154)
161 KOREAN population from KRGDB NC_000011.9 - 112035458 Apr 26, 2020 (154)
162 Korean Genome Project NC_000011.10 - 112164735 Apr 26, 2020 (154)
163 Northern Sweden NC_000011.9 - 112035458 Jul 13, 2019 (153)
164 The PAGE Study NC_000011.10 - 112164735 Jul 13, 2019 (153)
165 Ancient Sardinia genome-wide 1240k capture data generation and analysis NC_000011.9 - 112035458 Apr 26, 2021 (155)
166 CNV burdens in cranial meningiomas NC_000011.9 - 112035458 Apr 26, 2021 (155)
167 Qatari NC_000011.9 - 112035458 Apr 26, 2020 (154)
168 SGDP_PRJ NC_000011.9 - 112035458 Apr 26, 2020 (154)
169 Siberian NC_000011.9 - 112035458 Apr 26, 2020 (154)
170 8.3KJPN NC_000011.9 - 112035458 Apr 26, 2021 (155)
171 14KJPN NC_000011.10 - 112164735 Oct 16, 2022 (156)
172 TopMed NC_000011.10 - 112164735 Apr 26, 2021 (155)
173 UK 10K study - Twins NC_000011.9 - 112035458 Oct 12, 2018 (152)
174 ALFA NC_000011.10 - 112164735 Apr 26, 2021 (155)

History tab displays RefSNPs (Associated ID) from previous builds (Build) that now support the current RefSNP, and the dates, when the history was updated for each Associated ID (History Updated).

Associated ID History Updated (Build)
rs57159524 May 23, 2008 (130)
Added to this RefSNP Cluster:
Submission IDs Observation SPDI Canonical SPDI Source RSIDs
109409, ss85665754, ss88794865, ss111086297, ss119959418, ss160479980, ss168751449, ss170895547, ss175279647, ss203216353, ss207890529, ss211197443, ss244285817, ss281173095, ss286458614, ss291140919, ss480354703, ss825433602, ss1598634315, ss1713285081, ss2635030423, ss3638979038, ss3639490768, ss3642927156, ss3847431517 NC_000011.8:111540667:T:G NC_000011.10:112164734:T:G (self)
55571895, 30845039, 21854518, 2737921, 13765709, 32783674, 11830129, 783144, 206826, 14372099, 29166732, 7738012, 61887000, 30845039, ss225464708, ss235721283, ss242318663, ss480366663, ss481135325, ss484974942, ss537012847, ss658352337, ss778473679, ss782933768, ss783896532, ss832189247, ss832854680, ss833445510, ss833929486, ss988968994, ss1078049706, ss1342988647, ss1426762856, ss1575956651, ss1627474399, ss1670468432, ss1751994577, ss1806999663, ss1932330169, ss1959385806, ss1967460011, ss2026909114, ss2094791892, ss2095026236, ss2155221658, ss2627929053, ss2632887962, ss2699530963, ss2904527195, ss3008789787, ss3021376411, ss3349797649, ss3626751069, ss3630901922, ss3632999530, ss3633699491, ss3634475510, ss3635390775, ss3636159824, ss3637141677, ss3637930705, ss3640182846, ss3651743903, ss3676116270, ss3738545264, ss3744776286, ss3749818262, ss3772276051, ss3787069230, ss3792193141, ss3797075661, ss3832842049, ss3839982932, ss3877149752, ss3925606280, ss3984657341, ss3985557217, ss4017559291, ss5203917693, ss5237501190, ss5315577100, ss5624285625, ss5652084815, ss5799854452, ss5837237180, ss5847397857, ss5847648165, ss5943413298, ss5979371853 NC_000011.9:112035457:T:G NC_000011.10:112164734:T:G (self)
72944676, 392144820, 700170, 27136706, 874255, 86210514, 115735241, 10340675812, ss2185755631, ss3027255002, ss3649706505, ss3692610354, ss3725276703, ss3771652786, ss3815149688, ss3845464615, ss3970758705, ss4900189585, ss5288923103, ss5483909191, ss5585418741, ss5752373410, ss5812781901, ss5850153350, ss5921680329 NC_000011.10:112164734:T:G NC_000011.10:112164734:T:G (self)
ss10704141, ss12173269 NT_033899.5:15579124:T:G NC_000011.10:112164734:T:G (self)
ss15623300, ss19197155, ss19906852, ss20835262 NT_033899.6:15579241:T:G NC_000011.10:112164734:T:G (self)
ss2839965, ss4099301, ss6038070, ss6826157, ss7988381, ss24785618, ss28461411, ss28461413, ss38791303, ss66538707, ss66610002, ss67209373, ss67602308, ss69359730, ss69361304, ss70687629, ss71252178, ss75436702, ss79103084, ss83925496, ss103001219, ss121861226, ss132831895, ss137855247, ss153790031, ss156797684, ss159342712, ss170899652, ss173004050 NT_033899.8:15597873:T:G NC_000011.10:112164734:T:G (self)

Publications tab displays PubMed articles citing the variation as a listing of PMID, Title, Author, Year, Journal, ordered by Year, descending.

145 citations for rs1946518
PMID Title Author Year Journal
15896202 Interleukin-18-promoter polymorphisms are not relevant in rheumatoid arthritis. Rueda B et al. 2005 Tissue antigens
16078996 Association study of functional genetic variants of innate immunity related genes in celiac disease. Rueda B et al. 2005 BMC medical genetics
16443795 Analysis of polymorphisms of the interleukin-18 gene in type 1 diabetes and Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium testing. Szeszko JS et al. 2006 Diabetes
16542373 Interleukin 18 and human immunodeficiency virus type I infection in adolescents and adults. Song W et al. 2006 Clinical and experimental immunology
16909454 NeuroD1 gene and interleukin-18 gene polymorphisms in type 1 diabetes in Dalmatian population of Southern Croatia. Boraska V et al. 2006 Croatian medical journal
17705862 Optimization of candidate-gene SNP-genotyping by flexible oligonucleotide microarrays; analyzing variations in immune regulator genes of hay-fever samples. Pullat J et al. 2007 BMC genomics
17854431 Interleukin-18 gene polymorphisms and haplotypes in patients with oral lichen planus: a study in an ethnic Chinese cohort. Bai J et al. 2007 Tissue antigens
17919265 Polymorphism of interleukin-18 promoter influences the onset of kidney graft function after transplantation. Kolesar L et al. 2007 Tissue antigens
18043444 Interleukin (IL)-18 polymorphism 133C/G is associated with severe respiratory syncytial virus infection. Puthothu B et al. 2007 The Pediatric infectious disease journal
18307517 Common studied polymorphisms do not affect plasma cytokine levels upon endotoxin exposure in humans. Taudorf S et al. 2008 Clinical and experimental immunology
18504197 [Correlation of serum IL-18 level and IL-18 gene promoter polymorphisms to the risk of cervical cancer]. Qi T et al. 2008 Nan fang yi ke da xue xue bao = Journal of Southern Medical University
19073159 Interleukin-18 promoter polymorphisms and risk of late onset Alzheimer's disease. Yu JT et al. 2009 Brain research
19178691 Novel polymorphism of interleukin-18 associated with greater inflammation after cardiac surgery. Shaw DM et al. 2009 Critical care (London, England)
19229765 Interleukin-18 gene (IL18) promoter polymorphisms in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Pawlik A et al. 2009 Scandinavian journal of rheumatology
19455410 Interleukin 18 promoter variants (-137G>C and -607C>A) in patients with chronic hepatitis C: association with treatment response. Haas SL et al. 2009 Journal of clinical immunology
19961892 Impact of interleukin-18 polymorphisms-607 and -137 on clinical characteristics of renal cell carcinoma patients. Sáenz-López P et al. 2010 Human immunology
20097272 Interleukin-18 promoter polymorphisms and risk of ischemic stroke. Zhang N et al. 2010 Brain research bulletin
20304021 Haplotype analysis of the interleukin-18 gene in Czech patients with allergic disorders. Izakovicova Holla L et al. 2010 Human immunology
20331879 Association between IL-18 gene polymorphisms and biopsy-proven giant cell arteritis. Palomino-Morales RJ et al. 2010 Arthritis research & therapy
20416077 Identification of type 2 diabetes-associated combination of SNPs using support vector machine. Ban HJ et al. 2010 BMC genetics
20478055 Evaluation of 6 candidate genes on chromosome 11q23 for coeliac disease susceptibility: a case control study. Brophy K et al. 2010 BMC medical genetics
21149337 Dense mapping of IL18 shows no association in SLE. Guerra SG et al. 2011 Human molecular genetics
21160409 Common human genetic variants and HIV-1 susceptibility: a genome-wide survey in a homogeneous African population. Petrovski S et al. 2011 AIDS (London, England)
21225442 Interleukin-18 promoter polymorphisms in Japanese patients with rheumatoid arthritis: protective effect of the T allele and T/T genotype at rs360722. Sugiura T et al. 2011 Modern rheumatology
21241672 Interleukin-18 promoter polymorphisms and risk of Parkinson's disease in a Han Chinese population. Xu X et al. 2011 Brain research
21395662 Relationship between single nucleotide polymorphism of interleukin-18 and susceptibility to pulmonary tuberculosis in the Chinese Han population. Han M et al. 2011 Microbiology and immunology
21470492 Interleukin-18 promoter polymorphisms in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus. Warchoł T et al. 2011 Clinical and experimental rheumatology
21532063 IL18 polymorphism is associated with Behçet's disease but not lupus in patients from Turkey. Htoon J et al. 2011 The Journal of rheumatology
21611751 Interleukin-18 promoter polymorphism and asthma risk: a meta-analysis. Ma Y et al. 2012 Molecular biology reports
21742843 Common SNPs/haplotypes in IL18R1 and IL18 genes are associated with variations in humoral immunity to smallpox vaccination in Caucasians and African Americans. Haralambieva IH et al. 2011 The Journal of infectious diseases
21775533 Genetic variation predicting cisplatin cytotoxicity associated with overall survival in lung cancer patients receiving platinum-based chemotherapy. Tan XL et al. 2011 Clinical cancer research
21962565 Promoter variants in IL18 are associated with onset of depression in patients previously exposed to stressful-life events. Haastrup E et al. 2012 Journal of affective disorders
21969001 Functional promoter haplotypes of interleukin-18 condition susceptibility to severe malarial anemia and childhood mortality. Anyona SB et al. 2011 Infection and immunity
21984735 High plasma interleukin-18 levels mark the acute phase of hepatitis C virus infection. Chattergoon MA et al. 2011 The Journal of infectious diseases
22008665 The associations of IL-18 serum levels and promoter polymorphism with tacrolimus pharmacokinetics and hepatic allograft dysfunction in Chinese liver transplantation recipients. Li Y et al. 2012 Gene
22136483 Evaluation of IL18 and IL18R1 polymorphisms: genetic susceptibility to knee osteoarthritis. Hulin-Curtis SL et al. 2012 International journal of immunogenetics
22141572 Circulating levels of IL-18 are significantly influenced by the IL-18 +183 A/G polymorphism in coronary artery disease patients with diabetes type 2 and the metabolic syndrome: an observational study. Opstad TB et al. 2011 Cardiovascular diabetology
22300735 Genetic predisposition factors and nasopharyngeal carcinoma risk: a review of epidemiological association studies, 2000-2011: Rosetta Stone for NPC: genetics, viral infection, and other environmental factors. Hildesheim A et al. 2012 Seminars in cancer biology
22325058 Association of polymorphisms in interleukin-18 and interleukin-28B with hepatitis B recurrence after liver transplantation in Chinese Han population. Li Y et al. 2012 International journal of immunogenetics
22649680 Association of cytokine gene alleles with the inflammation of human periodontal tissue. Safonova AV et al. 2011 Acta naturae
22664470 Genes of the interleukin-18 pathway are associated with susceptibility to Barrett's esophagus and esophageal adenocarcinoma. Babar M et al. 2012 The American journal of gastroenterology
23073298 The IL18 gene and Hashimoto thyroiditis in children. Huang CY et al. 2013 Human immunology
23153245 Association of IL-18 polymorphisms with rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus in Asian populations: a meta-analysis. Chen S et al. 2012 BMC medical genetics
23238919 Association between interleukin-18 polymorphisms and systemic lupus erythematosus: a meta-analysis. Song GG et al. 2013 Molecular biology reports
23302036 Gender-specific association of the interleukin 18 gene with symptomatic gallstone disease. Shih SC et al. 2013 Journal of gastroenterology and hepatology
23557801 Interleukin 18 (IL18) gene promoter polymorphisms are associated with type 1 diabetes mellitus in Brazilian patients. Tavares NA et al. 2013 Cytokine
23587914 Interleukin-18 gene polymorphisms and rheumatoid arthritis: a meta-analysis. Ji JD et al. 2013 Gene
24176007 Potential association of pulmonary tuberculosis with genetic polymorphisms of toll-like receptor 9 and interferon-gamma in a Chinese population. Yang Y et al. 2013 BMC infectious diseases
24281113 Inflammatory genetic markers of prostate cancer risk. Tindall EA et al. 2010 Cancers
24349532 Impact of interleukin-18 polymorphisms -607A/C and -137G/C on oral cancer occurrence and clinical progression. Tsai HT et al. 2013 PloS one
24621393 Genetic polymorphisms in the IL-18 gene and ulcerative colitis risk: a meta-analysis. Wang Y et al. 2014 DNA and cell biology
24898701 Functional polymorphisms of interleukin-18 gene and risk of breast cancer in a Brazilian population. Back LK et al. 2014 Tissue antigens
24969483 IL-18 genetic polymorphisms may contribute to the pathogenesis of tuberculosis among Asians: a meta-analysis of case-control studies. Yu XL et al. 2014 Molecular biology reports
24976707 Human genes involved in hepatitis B virus infection. Zeng Z et al. 2014 World journal of gastroenterology
25061809 Analyzing genome-wide association studies with an FDR controlling modification of the Bayesian Information Criterion. Dolejsi E et al. 2014 PloS one
25192895 Association of IL-18 promoter gene polymorphisms with rheumatoid arthritis: a meta-analysis. Cai LP et al. 2014 Molecular biology reports
25374428 Interleukin-18 gene promoter polymorphisms and celiac disease in Italian patients. Zupin L et al. 2015 Molecular biology reports
25487141 Association between interleukin-18 promoter variants and tacrolimus pharmacokinetics in Chinese renal transplant patients. Xing J et al. 2015 European journal of clinical pharmacology
25690033 Genetic variant in interleukin-18 is associated with idiopathic recurrent miscarriage in Chinese Han population. Yue J et al. 2015 International journal of molecular sciences
25712187 Donor IL-18 rs5744247 polymorphism as a new biomarker of tacrolimus elimination in Chinese liver transplant patients during the early post-transplantation period: results from two cohort studies. Fan J et al. 2015 Pharmacogenomics
26026656 Ethnicity-stratified analysis of the association between IL-18 polymorphisms and systemic lupus erythematosus in a European population: a meta-analysis. Guo BR et al. 2015 Archives of dermatological research
26041375 A gene-disease association study of IL18 in thyroid cancer: genotype and haplotype analyses. Abdolahi F et al. 2015 Endocrine
26042207 Association between interleukin-18 gene promoter (- 607C/A and - 137G/C) polymorphisms and chronic hepatitis C virus infections: A meta-analysis. Yang Y et al. 2015 Meta gene
26096341 Association between interleukin-18 gene polymorphism and Helicobacter pylori infection in the Korean population. Myung DS et al. 2015 Scientific reports
26116895 Interleukin-18 promoter -607 C/A and -137 G/C polymorphisms and susceptibility to type 1 diabetes: A meta-analysis. Lee YH et al. 2015 Human immunology
26213495 Association between IL-18 polymorphisms, serum levels, and HBV-related hepatocellular carcinoma in a Chinese population: a retrospective case-control study. Bao J et al. 2015 Cancer cell international
26229413 Interleukin-18 genetic polymorphisms contribute differentially to the susceptibility to Crohn's disease. Gao SJ et al. 2015 World journal of gastroenterology
26445852 Genetic Biomarkers of Barrett's Esophagus Susceptibility and Progression to Dysplasia and Cancer: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Findlay JM et al. 2016 Digestive diseases and sciences
26690141 IL-18 and Cutaneous Inflammatory Diseases. Lee JH et al. 2015 International journal of molecular sciences
26698117 Polymorphisms in the Toll-Like Receptor and the IL-23/IL-17 Pathways Were Associated with Susceptibility to Inflammatory Bowel Disease in a Danish Cohort. Bank S et al. 2015 PloS one
26800664 Association of cytokine gene polymorphisms (IL‑6, IL‑12B, IL‑18) with Behcet's disease : A meta-analysis. Xu Y et al. 2016 Zeitschrift fur Rheumatologie
26830320 Lack of association between IL-10 and IL-18 gene promoter polymorphisms and Parkinson's disease with cognitive impairment in a Chinese population. Liu Z et al. 2016 Scientific reports
27027876 IL18 Gene Variants Influence the Susceptibility to Chagas Disease. Leon Rodriguez DA et al. 2016 PLoS neglected tropical diseases
27028244 Interleukin 18 -607 A/C Gene Polymorphism is Associated With Susceptibility to IgA Nephropathy in a Chinese Han Population. Yang B et al. 2017 Applied immunohistochemistry & molecular morphology
27054030 The dual roles of cytokines in Alzheimer's disease: update on interleukins, TNF-α, TGF-β and IFN-γ. Zheng C et al. 2016 Translational neurodegeneration
27098064 Association of interleukin-1 family cytokines single nucleotide polymorphisms with susceptibility to systemic sclerosis: an independent case-control study and a meta-analysis. Huang XL et al. 2016 Immunologic research
27352267 Interleukin-10.rs1800896 and Interleukin-18.rs1946518 gene polymorphisms could not predict the outcome of hepatitis C virus infection in Egyptian patients treated with pegylated interferon plus ribavirin. Abdelraheem WM et al. 2016 Archives of virology
27419078 Interleukin-18 gene promoter 607A polymorphism, but not 137C polymorphism, is a protective factor for ischemic stroke in the Chinese population: A meta-analysis. Zhang MJ et al. 2016 Meta gene
27430614 A Functional Interleukin-18 Haplotype Predicts Depression and Anxiety through Increased Threat-Related Amygdala Reactivity in Women but Not Men. Swartz JR et al. 2017 Neuropsychopharmacology
27483258 Molecular Mechanisms of Cutaneous Inflammatory Disorder: Atopic Dermatitis. Kim JE et al. 2016 International journal of molecular sciences
27536357 Genetic susceptibility to Barrett's oesophagus: Lessons from early studies. Findlay JM et al. 2016 United European gastroenterology journal
27703550 Serum Interleukin-18 and Its Gene Haplotypes Profile as Predictors in Patients with Diabetic Nephropathy. Elneam AI et al. 2016 Open access Macedonian journal of medical sciences
27775096 Genetic analysis of innate immunity in Behcet's disease identifies an association with IL-37 and IL-18RAP. Tan H et al. 2016 Scientific reports
27928589 Genetic polymorphisms of IL-18 rs1946518 and IL-1β rs16944 are associated with prognosis and survival of acute myeloid leukemia. Wang H et al. 2017 Inflammation research
28000712 Genetic polymorphisms -137 (rs187238) and -607 (rs1946518) in the interleukin-18 promoter may not be associated with development of hepatocellular carcinoma. Zhu SL et al. 2016 Scientific reports
28139755 Genetically determined high activity of IL-12 and IL-18 in ulcerative colitis and TLR5 in Crohns disease were associated with non-response to anti-TNF therapy. Bank S et al. 2018 The pharmacogenomics journal
28246425 Influence of IL-18 and IL-10 Polymorphisms on Tacrolimus Elimination in Chinese Lung Transplant Patients. Zhang X et al. 2017 Disease markers
28580570 IL16 and IL18 gene polymorphisms in women with gestational diabetes. Tarnowski M et al. 2017 Ginekologia polska
28692122 Alteration of -656(G/T) and -607(C/A) polymorphisms in interleukin-18 (IL-18) gene in house dust mite-sensitive allergic rhinitis patients in Thailand. Tungtrongchitr A et al. 2017 Genetics and molecular research
28834572 Multiple genetic variants associated with posttransplantation diabetes mellitus in Chinese Han populations. Chen J et al. 2018 Journal of clinical laboratory analysis
29061223 Association between donor and recipient Interleukin-18 gene polymorphisms and the risk of infection after liver transplantation. Shi BJ et al. 2017 Clinical and investigative medicine. Medecine clinique et experimentale
29097263 The genetic polymorphism and expression profiles of NLRP3 inflammasome in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia. Zhang A et al. 2018 Human immunology
29129846 The IL18 Promoter Polymorphism, rs1946518, Is Associated with the Risk of Periodontitis in Japanese Women: The Kyushu Okinawa Maternal and Child Health Study. Tanaka K et al. 2017 The Tohoku journal of experimental medicine
29136357 Association of cytokine gene polymorphisms with bronchopulmonary dysplasia in Han Chinese newborns. Chen H et al. 2018 Pediatric pulmonology
29312552 NLRP3 inflammasome activation plays a carcinogenic role through effector cytokine IL-18 in lymphoma. Zhao X et al. 2017 Oncotarget
29349811 Genetic analysis of interleukin 18 gene polymorphisms in alopecia areata. Celik SD et al. 2018 Journal of clinical laboratory analysis
29403300 Association between IL-18/18R gene polymorphisms and coronary artery disease: influence of IL-18/18R genetic variants on cytokine expression. Mitrokhin V et al. 2018 Journal of inflammation research
29743792 Effect of Sofosbuvir Plus Daclatasvir in Hepatitis C Virus Genotype-4 Patients: Promising Effect on Liver Fibrosis. Abdel-Aziz AM et al. 2018 Journal of clinical and experimental hepatology
30059753 Association of IL18 genetic polymorphisms with increased risk of Biliary atresia susceptibility in Southern Chinese children. Liang J et al. 2018 Gene
30310516 Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis on the Association between Polymorphisms in Genes of IL-12 Signaling Pathway and Hepatocellular Carcinoma Risk. Xiao Y et al. 2018 Journal of Cancer
30412745 Genetic variations in inflammation-related genes and their influence on the susceptibility of pediatric acute lung injury in a Chinese population. Zhao X et al. 2019 Gene
30526181 Association of IL-10, IL-18, and IL-33 genetic polymorphisms with recurrent pregnancy loss risk in Iranian women. Soheilyfar S et al. 2019 Gynecological endocrinology
30728751 Inflammasome Genes' Polymorphisms in Egyptian Chronic Hepatitis C Patients: Influence on Vulnerability to Infection and Response to Treatment. Estfanous SZK et al. 2019 Mediators of inflammation
30775053 IL18 Gene Polymorphism Influences Age of Onset of DM1 in African Ancestry Brazilians. Boëchat-Fernandes A et al. 2019 Journal of pediatric genetics
30781715 Genetic Epidemiology of Breast Cancer in Latin America. Zavala VA et al. 2019 Genes
30811631 Polymorphisms in the NFkB, TNF-alpha, IL-1beta, and IL-18 pathways are associated with response to anti-TNF therapy in Danish patients with inflammatory bowel disease. Bank S et al. 2019 Alimentary pharmacology & therapeutics
30893922 Interleukin-3 Polymorphism is Associated with Miscarriage of Fresh in Vitro Fertilization Cycles. Wu CH et al. 2019 International journal of environmental research and public health
31065235 IL18 Polymorphism and Periodontitis Susceptibility, Regardless of IL12B, MMP9, and Smoking Habits. Tsuneto PY et al. 2019 Mediators of inflammation
31301271 Lack of significant effect of interleukin-18 gene variants on tuberculosis susceptibility in the Polish population. Wawrocki S et al. 2019 Acta biochimica Polonica
31364314 Genetics of recurrent pregnancy loss among Iranian population. Moghbeli M et al. 2019 Molecular genetics & genomic medicine
31428046 Investigation of NF-κB-94ins/del ATTG and CARD8 (rs2043211) Gene Polymorphism in Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Zhang C et al. 2019 Frontiers in endocrinology
31660404 Impacts of Interleukin-18 Polymorphisms on the Incidence of Delayed-Onset Cytomegalovirus Infection in a Cohort of Kidney Transplant Recipients. Pérez-Flores I et al. 2019 Open forum infectious diseases
31676365 Associations of polymorphisms in IL-6 and IL-18 with tuberculosis: Evidence from a meta-analysis. He C et al. 2020 Microbial pathogenesis
31698031 Associations of genetic polymorphisms in CTLA-4 and IL-18 with chronic liver diseases: Evidence from a meta-analysis. Zhang S et al. 2020 Genomics
31736573 Interleukin 18 Polymorphisms and its serum level in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis. Jahanbani-Ardakani H et al. 2019 Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology
31751351 Association of IL18 genetic polymorphisms with Chagas disease in Latin American populations. Strauss M et al. 2019 PLoS neglected tropical diseases
31801640 Relationship of genetic polymorphisms in CTLA-4 and IL-18 with viral hepatitis: evidence from a meta-analysis. Yu Y et al. 2019 Epidemiology and infection
31830994 Associations between twelve common gene polymorphisms and susceptibility to hepatocellular carcinoma: evidence from a meta-analysis. Quan Y et al. 2019 World journal of surgical oncology
31868208 Associations of polymorphisms in CTLA-4 and IL-18 with liver diseases: evidence from a meta-analysis. Zhang S et al. 2019 Bioscience reports
31871417 Genetic association of interleukin 18 (-607C/A, rs1946518) single nucleotide polymorphism with asthmatic children, disease severity and total IgE serum level. Ezzat DA et al. 2019 Central-European journal of immunology
31931428 Plasma levels of Interleukin 18 but not amyloid-β or Tau are elevated in female depressive patients. Liu FR et al. 2020 Comprehensive psychiatry
31935498 A comprehensive evaluation of single nucleotide polymorphisms associated with hepatocellular carcinoma risk in Asian populations: A systematic review and network meta-analysis. Zhang C et al. 2020 Gene
32045661 Genetic variation at the interleukin-18 locus is associated with wheat-dependent exercise-induced anaphylaxis in the Han Chinese population. Gao X et al. 2020 Gene
32133331 Risk of Necrotizing Enterocolitis Associated With the Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms VEGF C-2578A, IL-18 C-607A, and IL-4 Receptor α-Chain A-1902G: A Validation Study in a Prospective Multicenter Cohort. Moonen RM et al. 2020 Frontiers in pediatrics
32160807 IL-10, IL-18 Gene Polymorphisms Might Influence Predisposition to Coronary Artery Disease in East Asians: A Meta-Analysis. Zheng J et al. 2021 Immunological investigations
32163880 Associations of polymorphisms in interleukins with susceptibility to breast cancer: Evidence from a meta-analysis. Xu G et al. 2020 Cytokine
32245311 Association of rs1946518 C/A Polymorphism in Promoter Region of Interleukin 18 Gene and Breast Cancer Risk in Iranian Women: A Case-control Study. Fathi Maroufi N et al. 2019 Iranian journal of allergy, asthma, and immunology
32529476 The association between IL18, FOXP3 and IL13 genes polymorphisms and risk of allergic rhinitis: a meta-analysis. Tang L et al. 2020 Inflammation research
32543936 Impact of IL-17F 7488T/C Functional Polymorphism on Progressive Rheumatoid Arthritis: Novel Insight from the Molecular Dynamic Simulations. Nisar H et al. 2021 Immunological investigations
32633568 Genetic polymorphisms -137 (G > C) (rs187238) and -607 (C > A) (rs1946518) and serum level of interleukin 18 in Fars ethnic groups with metabolic syndrome in Northern Iran. Aghajani R et al. 2022 Archives of physiology and biochemistry
32781445 Predisposition of Inflammatory Bowel Disease Is Influenced by IL-8, IL-10, and IL-18 Polymorphisms: A Meta-Analysis. Su Y et al. 2020 International archives of allergy and immunology
32847380 Associations between Gene Polymorphisms in Pro-inflammatory Cytokines and the Risk of Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A Meta-analysis. Liu W et al. 2021 Immunological investigations
32981742 Genetic polymorphisms and expression of NLRP3 inflammasome-related genes are associated with Philadelphia chromosome-negative myeloproliferative neoplasms. Zhou Y et al. 2020 Human immunology
33193300 A Specific IL6 Polymorphic Genotype Modulates the Risk of Trypanosoma cruzi Parasitemia While IL18, IL17A, and IL1B Variant Profiles and HIV Infection Protect Against Cardiomyopathy in Chagas Disease. Gomes Dos Santos A et al. 2020 Frontiers in immunology
33223448 Polymorphisms in the interleukin genes and chronic periodontitis: A field synopsis and revaluation by Bayesian approaches. da Silva FRP et al. 2021 Cytokine
34345179 Associations of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms in IL-18 Gene with Plasmodium falciparum-Associated Malaria. AlRuwaisan AU et al. 2021 Journal of inflammation research
34354705 Association of Immune and Inflammatory Gene Polymorphism With the Risk of IgA Nephropathy: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of 45 Studies. Ding X et al. 2021 Frontiers in immunology
34431037 Genotyping of interleukins-18 promoters and their correlation with coronary artery stenosis in Saudi population. Tabrez S et al. 2021 Molecular biology reports
34460061 Association between IL-18 gene polymorphisms and Hashimoto thyroiditis. Karakaya D et al. 2021 Molecular biology reports
34754215 Genetic Polymorphisms in NLRP3 Inflammasome-Associated Genes in Patients with B-Cell Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma. Liu ZH et al. 2021 Journal of inflammation research
34834553 Innate-Immunity Genes in Obesity. Mikhailova SV et al. 2021 Journal of personalized medicine
35207726 Immune Response and Lipid Metabolism Gene Polymorphisms Are Associated with the Risk of Obesity in Middle-Aged and Elderly Patients. Ponasenko A et al. 2022 Journal of personalized medicine
35790262 Significant Contribution of Interleukin-18 Genotypes to Lung Cancer Risk in Taiwanese. Wu MF et al. 2022 Anticancer research
36036499 Inflammation-related Gene Polymorphisms Associated With Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Ji H et al. 2023 Journal of pediatric hematology/oncology

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