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Regimen sanitatis / Magnum Mediolanensis ...

Mayno, de' Mayneri-1368
Makculloch, Magnus, active 1477-1485, scribe
Borthwekk, de, Lord, former owner
Skeyne, Gilbert, 1522?-1599, former owner
Mostyn family, former owner
Mostyn, Thomas, Sir1704-1758, former owner
Cranstoune, Thomas, active 1551
National Library of Medicine, Manuscript MS E 29
Regimen sanitatis / Magnum Mediolanensis ...
Country of Publication:
Leith, 1487.
168 leaves ; 19 cm.
Electronic Links:
Faye & Bond, p. 134, no.29.
Schullian, D.M. NLM Incun., 513.
Publication Type(s):
Manuscript codex.
Text in Latin.
Title from rubric, fol.2r.
Collation: Paper; ii (modern paper; i is pastedown) + 168 + ii (modern paper; ii is pastedown); 1412; quires signed b-o on first leaf of gathering; foliated in an early hand.
Layout: 32 long lines, frame ruled in red ink on the following fols. only: 15v,16r, 24v, 25r, 36v, 37r, 90v, 91r, 91v, 92r, 158v, 159r.
Script: Written in gothic cursive book script (cursiva libraria); written by Magnus Makculloch; text on fol. 1r "collatu[m] mag[ist]ro thome cranstowne ... Cui nu[n]c militio etc." in a different hand; pious invocation at bottom of fol. 1r may also be a different hand.
Origin: Written in Leith, Scotland in April 1487. Fol. 1r: "Regimen sanitatis quo scribi mandauit nobilis et propotens dominus dominus De Borthweikk scriptum in leith per Magnum makculloch clericu[m] rossen dio[ces]is anno d[o]m[in]i millesimo quadruc[entesi]mo octuagesimo Septimo finitu[m] in mense aprilis in cena domini (in another hand) collatu[m] mag[ist]ro thome cranstowne anno virginei partus sesquimille[simo] quinq[ua]gesimo primo Cui nu[n]c militio etc."
Item catalogued from existing description: Schullian, Catalogue of Incunabula and Manuscripts in the Army Medical Library; and in hand by National Library of Medicine, History of Medicine Division, 08/2006.
NLM microfilm copy shelved as: Film 48-107 no. 6
NLM microfilm copy shelved as: Film 63-17 no. 3
Also available online.
Microfilm. 1 microfilm reel : negative ; 35 mm.
Microfilm. 1 microfilm reel : negative ; 35 mm.
Cite As:
Shelfmark: Bethesda, MD, National Library of Medicine, Manuscript MS E 29.
Fol. 1r in faded red ink, "Skeneus medicus," possibly Gilbert Skeyne, professor of medicine at King's College, Aberdeen, physician to James VI of Scotland, and author of the first medical text in the Scots vernacular, Ane breve descriptioun of the pest, published in 1558. Armorial bookplate of Mostyn of Mostyn (identified by Schullian as the heraldic shield of Sir Pyers Mostyn of Talacre, Flintshire, Scotland, but an identical bookplate in Pierpont Morgan Library MS. M.777 is identified in English romanesque manuscripts, 1066-1190, 1975, as that of Sir Thomas Mostyn, bt., of Mostyn, not the Talacre branch of the family). Written at bottom of bookplate, "Th. Mostyn 1744. No.85". Listed in Sotheby sale catalogue of July 13, 1920, lot 101, under title: Regimen sanitatis, "Property of Lord Mostyn, Mostyn Hall, Mostyn, Cheshire"; purchased by Maggs. A small label pasted on flyleaf, "10o," probably a shelfmark.
Contents: fol. 1r: "Regimen sanitatis quod scribi mandauit nobilis et prepotens dominus dominus De Borthweill scriptum in leith ... ; [fol. 1v: blank]; [fol. 2r: rubr.] Regimen sanitatis Magnum Mediolanensis medica famosissimi attrebatensi Episcopo directum. ffeliciter incipit etc. [text] In pr[i]mis deus testor cui[us] nomine sit benedictum ...; [fol. 2v: text] Nunc autum in hoc opere quinque ponam partes principales ...; [fol. 2v-3v: table of contents, bks. 1-5]; [fol. 3v-168v: rubr.] Cap[i]t[ulu]m pr[imu]m de nec[ess]i[ta]te regiminis sanitatis [text] Quod regimine sanitates necessarium duplici via investgare convenit ...; [fol. 168v] Regimen sanitatis Magnum Mediolanansis medica exp[er]tissimi opus eqidem non parvum utile omni cum diligencia in hoc volumine redactum feliciter explicit . Scriptum per Magnum makculloch in villa de leith. Pro nobili prepotenti domino d[omi]no de Borthwekk etc. Anno d[o]m[ini] M iiii lxxxviimo."
Other ID:
100899922 [Manuscript]

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