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Items: 1 to 20 of 890

Name/Gene IDDescriptionLocationAliasesMIM
ID: 64783
RNA binding motif protein 15 [Homo sapiens (human)]Chromosome 1, NC_000001.11 (110339377..110346677)OTT, OTT1, SPEN606077
ID: 229700
RNA binding motif protein 15 [Mus musculus (house mouse)]Chromosome 3, NC_000069.7 (107212827..107244102, complement)C230088J01Rik, mKIAA1438
ID: 684233
RNA binding motif protein 15 [Rattus norvegicus (Norway rat)]Chromosome 2, NC_086020.1 (197634174..197642697, complement)
ID: 798517
RNA binding motif protein 15 [Danio rerio (zebrafish)]im:7139999
ID: 701414
RNA binding motif protein 15 [Macaca mulatta (Rhesus monkey)]Chromosome 1, NC_041754.1 (113749795..113792001, complement)
ID: 541044
RNA binding motif protein 15 [Bos taurus (domestic cattle)]Chromosome 3, NC_037330.1 (33067317..33096102, complement)
ID: 479909
RNA binding motif protein 15 [Canis lupus familiaris (dog)]Chromosome 6, NC_051810.1 (41976969..41984579, complement)
ID: 469415
RNA binding motif protein 15 [Pan troglodytes (chimpanzee)]Chromosome 1, NC_072398.2 (120820847..120846647, complement); Chromosome 1, NC_072398.2 (120847199..120854866, complement)CK820_G0043712
ID: 100058541
RNA binding motif protein 15 [Equus caballus (horse)]Chromosome 5, NC_009148.3 (54476610..54484907, complement)
ID: 115207800
RNA binding motif protein 15 [Salmo trutta (river trout)]Chromosome 14, NC_042970.1 (31204225..31212552)
ID: 120585004
RNA binding motif protein 15 [Pteropus giganteus (Indian flying fox)]NW_024350924.1 (3207148..3234834)
ID: 120298910
RNA binding motif protein 15 [Crotalus tigris (Tiger rattlesnake)]NW_024100417.1 (3203436..3234426)
ID: 119526899
RNA binding motif protein 15 [Choloepus didactylus (southern two-toed sloth)]Chromosome 2, NC_051308.1 (130692400..130699745, complement)
ID: 119236722
RNA binding motif protein 15 [Talpa occidentalis (Iberian mole)]NW_023605305.1 (107035108..107042605)
ID: 118981892
RNA binding motif protein 15 [Sturnira hondurensis]NW_023532305.1 (458774..467664)
ID: 118727142
RNA binding motif protein 15 [Pipistrellus kuhlii (Kuhl's pipistrelle)]NW_023425523.1 (4388680..4414264, complement)mPipKuh1_014672
ID: 118673595
RNA binding motif protein 15 [Myotis myotis]NW_023416322.1 (37435286..37466661, complement)mMyoMyo1_016358
ID: 118637048
RNA binding motif protein 15 [Molossus molossus (Pallas's mastiff bat)]NW_023425356.1 (10473016..10516258)HJG59_015380
ID: 118525634
RNA binding motif protein 15 [Halichoerus grypus (gray seal)]NW_023402416.1 (563565..594611, complement)
ID: 117664063
RNA binding motif protein 15 [Pantherophis guttatus]NW_026844027.1 (43667648..43699188)
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