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National Guideline Centre (UK). Venous thromboembolism in over 16s: Reducing the risk of hospital-acquired deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolism. London: National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE); 2018 Mar. (NICE Guideline, No. 89.)

  • December 2019: In recommendation 1.3.5 the British Standards for anti-embolism hosiery were updated because BS 6612 and BS 7672 have been withdrawn. August 2019: Recommendation 1.12.11 (1.5.30 in this document) was amended to clarify when anti-embolism stockings can be used for VTE prophylaxis for people with spinal injury.

December 2019: In recommendation 1.3.5 the British Standards for anti-embolism hosiery were updated because BS 6612 and BS 7672 have been withdrawn. August 2019: Recommendation 1.12.11 (1.5.30 in this document) was amended to clarify when anti-embolism stockings can be used for VTE prophylaxis for people with spinal injury.

Cover of Venous thromboembolism in over 16s

Venous thromboembolism in over 16s: Reducing the risk of hospital-acquired deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolism.

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39Vascular surgery

39.1. Introduction

This section covers patients undergoing vascular surgery. Vascular surgery is a surgical specialty dealing specifically with disorders of the arteries, veins and lymphatics around the body excluding the heart and brain. It also includes dealing with the consequences of vascular disease, such as limb amputation. Procedures range from these which can be long and involve interruption of flow in vessels and reduce patient mobility, to those which are more minor and can be done as day cases such as varicose veins surgery. High doses of anticoagulation are often given as part of the surgical procedure on more major cases.

Venous thromboembolism (VTE), which includes deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and its complication, pulmonary embolism (PE), is a common cause of morbidity and mortality after vascular surgery unless prophylaxis is given. However there are often also high risks of bleeding. There is a need to identify how to best reduce this risk of VTE using mechanical or pharmacological prophylaxis.

Factors that may alter the risk of VTE:

  • Arterial surgery patients are often elderly and immobile.
  • Many arterial surgery patients will already be receiving antiplatelet therapy and some will be on warfarin or other anticoagulants.
  • Systemic heparin is frequently administered during surgery for arterial disease.
  • Surgery for varicose veins is mostly in women; oral contraceptive use and hormone replacement therapy are therefore more commonly associated with varicose veins surgery.

Factors that increase the risk of bleeding or hazard associated with it:

  • Patients using anticoagulation or antiplatelet therapy not related to surgery will have an increased risk of bleeding.

Other factors that may alter the choice of prophylaxis:

  • The use of intermittent compression devices is contraindicated in patients with peripheral arterial disease.
  • The use of intermittent compression devices and anti-embolism/graduated compression stockings will usually be inappropriate on the operated leg for a patient undergoing lower limb arterial surgery.
  • Anti-embolism/graduated compression stockings will be contraindicated for patients with lower limb arterial disease.

39.2. Review question: What is the effectiveness of different pharmacological and mechanical prophylaxis strategies (alone or in combination) for people undergoing vascular surgery?

Table 224. PICO characteristics of review question.

Table 224

PICO characteristics of review question.

39.3. Clinical evidence

A search was conducted for randomised trials comparing the effectiveness of mechanical and pharmacological prophylaxis strategies (alone or in combination) in people undergoing vascular surgery.

Eight RCTs reporting at least one of the three main outcomes were identified. Four studies were identified from the search13 ,265 ,306 ,325 and five studies were included from the previous guideline CG9220 ,91 190 ,275. One of the studies included in CG92 was excluded (Killewich 1997164) as the length of follow up does not match the review protocol. Of the studies included from CG92, data for two studies20 ,275 were extracted from a systematic review61. Evidence from all the studies is summarised in the clinical evidence summary below (Table 225). See also the study selection flow chart in appendix E, forest plots in Appendix L, study evidence tables in appendix H (details of the systematic review are also reported in appendix H), GRADE tables in appendix K and excluded studies list in appendix N.

Table 225. Summary of studies included in the review.

Table 225

Summary of studies included in the review.

39.3.1. Strata: overall (not specified)

Table 226. Clinical evidence summary: UFH compared to no prophylaxis.

Table 226

Clinical evidence summary: UFH compared to no prophylaxis.

Table 227. Clinical evidence summary: LMWH (standard dose pre-op/high dose post-op) compared to UFH.

Table 227

Clinical evidence summary: LMWH (standard dose pre-op/high dose post-op) compared to UFH.

39.3.2. Strata: Varicose veins

Table 228. Clinical evidence summary: LMWH +AES + IPCD + mobilisation versus IPCD/AES + mobilisation.

Table 228

Clinical evidence summary: LMWH +AES + IPCD + mobilisation versus IPCD/AES + mobilisation.

Table 229. Clinical evidence summary: LMWH (high dose) versus no prophylaxis.

Table 229

Clinical evidence summary: LMWH (high dose) versus no prophylaxis.

Table 230. Clinical evidence summary: UFH versus no prophylaxis.

Table 230

Clinical evidence summary: UFH versus no prophylaxis.

Table 231. Clinical evidence summary: LMWH (high dose) versus UFH.

Table 231

Clinical evidence summary: LMWH (high dose) versus UFH.

Table 232. Clinical evidence summary: AES versus usual care.

Table 232

Clinical evidence summary: AES versus usual care.

39.3.3. Strata: Lower limb amputation

Table 233. Clinical evidence summary: LMWH (standard dose) versus UFH.

Table 233

Clinical evidence summary: LMWH (standard dose) versus UFH.

39.4. Economic evidence

Published literature

No relevant health economic studies were identified.

See also the health economic study selection flow chart in appendix F.

39.5. Evidence statements


Strata: overall (no specific vascular population defined)

Very low quality evidence from two studies (n=92) suggested a possible clinical benefit with unfractionated heparin (UFH) compared to no prophylaxis for a reduction in DVT in people undergoing vascular surgery, however this finding is seriously imprecise and could also be consistent with an increase in DVT rates. A possible clinical harm with UFH was suggested with an increase in major bleeding, although this too was an imprecise estimate that could also have been consistent with no difference. No difference was noted between UFH and no prophylaxis for PE. Very low quality evidence from one study (n=233) suggested that there were worse outcomes for all-cause mortality, DVT and thrombocytopaenia when using LMWH at a standard dose pre-operatively followed by a high-dose post-operatively compared to using UFH. However there was considerable uncertainty around these results with all of them also being consistent with possible benefit.

Strata: People undergoing surgery for varicose veins

High quality evidence from one study (n=1092) showed a clinically important reduction in DVT and PE when using either high-dose LMWH or unfractionated heparin (UFH) compared to no prophylaxis. Very low quality evidence from the same study suggested no difference between the LMWH and no prophylaxis for major bleeding rates, and a possible benefit of UFH over no prophylaxis, although these findings were imprecise. When comparing high-dose LMWH to no prophylaxis, there was low quality evidence for a possible reduction in DVT and very low quality evidence for a possible reduction in major bleeding when using LMWH. However there was uncertainty around these results. No difference was found between the two for PE rates.

Very low quality evidence from one study (n=262) showed no difference in DVT, PE or major bleeding rates when comparing either stockings or intermittent pneumatic compression and early mobilisation with the same mechanical and mobilisation strategy plus the addition of LMWH.

Very low quality evidence from one study (n=400) found no difference in rates of DVT, PE and major bleeding when using anti-embolism stockings compared to no prophylaxis. Moderate quality evidence from the same study suggested no difference with respect of patient reported outcomes on the Aberdeen Varicose Vein Symptoms Severity Score. Very low quality evidence also suggested no difference in patient-reported scores on the Venous Clinical Severity Score and the Chronic Venous Insufficiency Questionnaire, although these findings were imprecise.

Strata: Lower limb amputation

Very low quality evidence from one study (n=75) suggested there was no difference between LMWH (standard dose) and UFH for the outcomes of DVT and major bleeding in those undergoing lower limb amputation. These findings were imprecise.


No relevant economic evaluations were identified.

39.6. Recommendations and link to evidence

39.6.1. Open vascular surgery or endovascular aneurysm repair


Consider pharmacological VTE prophylaxis with LMWHkk for a minimum of 7 days for people who are undergoing open vascular surgery or major endovascular procedures, including endovascular aneurysm repair whose risk of VTE outweighs their risk of bleeding. [2018]


Consider mechanical VTE prophylaxis on admission for people who are undergoing open vascular surgery or major endovascular procedures, including endovascular aneurysm repair, if pharmacological prophylaxis is contraindicated. Choose either:

  • anti-embolism stockings or
  • intermittent pneumatic compression.
Continue until the person no longer has significantly reduced mobility relative to their normal or anticipated mobility. [2018]

Research recommendation None
Relative values of different outcomes

The committee considered all-cause mortality (up to 90 days from hospital discharge), deep vein thrombosis (symptomatic and asymptomatic) (up to 90 days from hospital discharge), pulmonary embolism (symptomatic and asymptomatic) (up to 90 days from hospital discharge), fatal PE (up to 90 days from hospital discharge), and major bleeding (up to 45 days from hospital discharge) as critical outcomes.

The committee considered clinically relevant non-major bleeding (up to 45 days from hospital discharge), health-related quality of life (up to 90 days from hospital discharge), heparin-induced thrombocytopaenia (duration of study), and technical complications of mechanical interventions (duration of study) as important outcomes.

Please see section 4.4.3 in the methods chapter for further detail on prioritisation of the critical outcomes.

Quality of the clinical evidence

Three studies were included in this section, which were of different populations including people undergoing vascular surgery including aortic or aortoiliac aneurysm repair, aorto-femoral bypass for atherosclerotic disease, and femoropopliteal or femorodistal bypass; people undergoing elective aortic bifurcation graft surgery; and people undergoing aortic reconstruction, carotid artery surgery, lumbar sympathectomy, leg revascularisation, psuedoaneurysm repair and repair of artiovenous fistulae.

All of the evidence was of very low quality for both UFH compared to no prophylaxis, and for LMWH compared to UFH. This was due to risk of bias, indirectness and imprecision. The outcomes for both studies were downgraded for indirectness as the definition of the outcome of the study or the timepoint at which the outcome was measured did not match the protocol or was not reported. For DVT, both studies specified this was confirmed by fibrinogen scanning, which the committee did not consider to be an accurate measure of confirmation.

Trade-off between clinical benefits and harms

Many people having major arterial surgery are older and potentially immobile, putting them at risk for VTE. However many will already be receiving anticoagulation or antiplatelet therapy and therefore be at greater risk of bleeding or admitted with bleeding as emergencies. In addition, full dose heparin is frequently administered during surgery for arterial disease prior to arterial clamping. Major aortic procedures are done either by open techniques or more minimally invasive endovascular techniques but both tend to be long procedures often lasting several hours and both are associated with a significant risk of VTE. Post-operatively return to full mobility can be significantly delayed after vascular surgery especially for open procedures. The committee noted that there was little RCT evidence in the open vascular surgery population but given their likelihood of extended immobility they considered it would be appropriate for clinicians to consider pharmacological prophylaxis with LMWH for those at low risk of bleeding. For those people whose risk of bleeding outweighs their risk of VTE, the committee agreed mechanical prophylaxis could be considered. Given the lack of evidence identified for different forms of mechanical prophylaxis the committee considered it would best to offer clinicians the choice between AES and IPC. Most people who are vascular patients will have peripheral arterial disease; this means they are not usually able to use AES. Intermittent compression can be used but may impair postoperative mobilisation and rehabilitation.

Mechanical prophylaxis is recommended until the patient is back to normal mobility as the committee consider that mechanical prophylaxis offers little benefit once a patient is mobile. Pharmacological prophylaxis is recommended for a minimum of 7 days because the average duration of trials extrapolated from the abdominal surgery was between 7 and 10 days.

Trade-off between net clinical effects and costs

No economic studies were identified for this review. The unit costs were presented to the committee. The committee considered the clinical evidence presented for each stratum alongside the unit costs presented.

Based on the doses reported in the included clinical studies, the cost of using UFH (Heparin sodium) ranged from £9 to £59. Using the BNF recommended dose the cost was £24.6 (assuming administration for 7 days). For LMWH (enoxaparin sodium) the cost ranged from £24 to £91 (based on the included studies’ doses). Using the BNF recommended dose the cost was £24.2 (assuming administration for 7 days). The cost of nurse time required for administration was higher for UFH compared to LMWH due to the higher frequency of administration. UFH also required more monitoring tests (full blood count).

Hence, LMWH was recommended as the preferred pharmacological prophylaxis modality as it was considered to be more cost effective, given the reduced frequency of administration and need for monitoring.

For those with contraindications to pharmacological prophylaxis, it was noted that AES are unlikely to be suitable due to the likelihood having peripheral arterial disease. In the absence of other suitable mechanical options the committee considered that IPC would be the only potential option and is likely to be cost effective in this population given their high VTE risk.

Other considerationsNone.

39.6.2. Lower limb amputation


Consider pharmacological VTE prophylaxis with LMWHll for a minimum of 7 days for people who are undergoing lower limb amputation whose risk of VTE outweighs their risk of bleeding. [2018]


Consider mechanical VTE prophylaxis with intermittent pneumatic compression on the contralateral leg, on admission, for people who are undergoing lower limb amputation and if pharmacological prophylaxis is contraindicated. [2018]


For people undergoing lower limb amputation, continue mechanical VTE prophylaxis until the person no longer has significantly reduced mobility relative to their anticipated mobility. [2018]

Research recommendation None
Relative values of different outcomes

The committee considered all-cause mortality (up to 90 days from hospital discharge), deep vein thrombosis (symptomatic and asymptomatic) (up to 90 days from hospital discharge), pulmonary embolism (symptomatic and asymptomatic) (up to 90 days from hospital discharge), fatal PE (up to 90 days from hospital discharge), and major bleeding (up to 45 days from hospital discharge) as critical outcomes.

The committee considered clinically relevant non-major bleeding (up to 45 days from hospital discharge), health-related quality of life (up to 90 days from hospital discharge), heparin-induced thrombocytopaenia (duration of study), and technical complications of mechanical interventions (duration of study) as important outcomes.

Please see section 4.4.3 in the methods chapter for further detail on prioritisation of the critical outcomes.

Quality of the clinical evidenceOne study comparing LMWH to UFH was included. The quality of the data for DVT as an outcome was very low due to risk of bias and imprecision, and very low for major bleeding as this was additionally downgraded for indirectness as this was defined as any ‘bleeding complications’.
Trade-off between clinical benefits and harms

There was a lack of direct evidence for the amputation population but those undergoing lower limb amputation are known to have a very high risk of VTE in the amputated leg due to surgical trauma and ligation of the vein, and they will be relatively immobile both before and after the surgery which also puts them at higher risk of VTE in the non-amputated leg. Most people who are vascular patients having amputation will have peripheral arterial disease; this means they are not usually able to use AES on the contralateral limb and not at all on the side of the amputation. Likewise, intermittent pneumatic compression can only be used on the contralateral limb. In view of their high risk and the unsuitability of mechanical methods, extrapolation from evidence in other high risk groups means it is likely that these patients will need pharmacological prophylaxis. If there is the occasional person who has a high bleeding risk such that pharmacological prophylaxis cannot be used, then due to their high risk of VTE they should receive mechanical prophylaxis on the contralateral leg.

Mechanical prophylaxis is recommended until the patient is back to normal mobility as the committee consider that mechanical prophylaxis offers little benefit once a patient is mobile. Pharmacological prophylaxis is recommended for a minimum of 7 days because the average duration of trials extrapolated from the abdominal surgery was between 7 and 10 days.

Trade-off between net clinical effects and costs

No economic studies were identified for this review. The unit costs were presented to the committee. The committee considered the clinical evidence presented for each stratum alongside the unit costs presented.

The clinical evidence showed that there was no clinical difference for LMWH compared to UFH with regard to DVT and major bleeding. Given the lower cost of LMWH compared to UFH it was considered to be the cost effective option, being equally effective and less costly.

Other considerationsNone.

39.6.3. Varicose vein surgery


Be aware that VTE prophylaxis is generally not needed for people undergoing varicose vein surgery where:

  • total anaesthesia time is less than 90 minutes and
  • the person is at low risk of VTE. [2018]


Consider pharmacological VTE prophylaxis with LMWHmm, starting 6–12 hours after surgery and continuing for 7 days for people undergoing varicose vein surgery if:

  • total anaesthesia time is more than 90 minutes or
  • the person’s risk of VTE outweighs their risk of bleeding. [2018]


Consider mechanical VTE prophylaxis with anti-embolism stockings, on admission, for people undergoing varicose vein surgery:

  • who are at increased risk of VTE and
  • when pharmacological prophylaxis is contraindicated. [2018]


If using anti-embolism stockings for people undergoing varicose vein surgery, continue until the person no longer has significantly reduced mobility relative to their normal or anticipated mobility. [2018]

Research recommendation None
Relative values of different outcomes

The committee considered all-cause mortality (up to 90 days from hospital discharge), deep vein thrombosis (symptomatic and asymptomatic) (up to 90 days from hospital discharge), pulmonary embolism (symptomatic and asymptomatic) (up to 90 days from hospital discharge), fatal PE (up to 90 days from hospital discharge), and major bleeding (up to 45 days from hospital discharge) as critical outcomes.

The committee considered clinically relevant non-major bleeding (up to 45 days from hospital discharge), health-related quality of life (up to 90 days from hospital discharge), heparin-induced thrombocytopaenia (duration of study), and technical complications of mechanical interventions (duration of study) as important outcomes.

Please see section 4.4.3 in the methods chapter for further detail on prioritisation of the critical outcomes.

Quality of the clinical evidence

Four studies were included that looked at prophylaxis in people undergoing varicose vein surgery.

One study (San Noberto 2013) focused on comparing mechanical prophylaxis (IPCD then AES) with and without LMWH. All of the evidence was of very low quality due to risk of bias and imprecision.

Another study (Wang 2015) compared both LMWH, UFH and no prophylaxis. Some evidence was of high quality; however the majority of evidence was of very low quality. The evidence for both LMWH versus no prophylaxis, and for UFH versus no prophylaxis with regards to DVT and PE, was of high quality, however the evidence for major bleeding was of low quality due to indirectness of the outcome definition. The evidence for LMWH compared to UFH with regards to DVT, PE and major bleeding was all of low quality due to imprecision. The committee noted that Wang 2015 used open vein surgery for varicose veins, which is not a type of surgery recommended by NICE for this condition.

Two further studies (Ayo 2017 and Ye 2016) compared anti-embolism stockings with no compression which were assessed as high risk of bias due to selection concerns and high rates of missing data. Some of the evidence was also downgraded due to intervention indirectness as patients were included in the study twice if they required bilateral treatment. Evidence was further downgraded due to imprecision around the effect estimates for the quality of life outcomes.

Trade-off between clinical benefits and harms

Varicose vein surgery is a relatively common procedure as varicose veins affect a large proportion of the population. The majority of people undergoing surgery for varicose veins are women; therefore oral contraceptive use and hormone replacement therapy use are common in this surgical population. Open varicose vein surgery is now becoming less common and more surgery is being performed using minimally invasive catheter techniques, often under local anaesthetic. People undergoing varicose vein surgery are considered to be at risk for VTE, and DVT and PE are the most common serious complications related to varicose vein surgery. The committee considered that the risk is high enough that pharmacological prophylaxis should be considered for at risk persons undergoing varicose vein surgery. Anti-embolism stockings were considered to be the preferred mechanical prophylaxis strategy in this population as they are usually mobile and not suitable for IPC.

Mechanical prophylaxis is recommended until the patient is back to normal mobility as the committee believe that mechanical prophylaxis offers little benefit once a patient is mobile. Pharmacological prophylaxis is recommended for a minimum of 7 days because the average duration of trials extrapolated from the abdominal surgery was between 7 and 10 days.

Trade-off between net clinical effects and costs

No economic studies were identified for this review. The unit costs were presented to the committee. The committee considered the clinical evidence presented for each stratum alongside the unit costs presented.

The clinical evidence showed a possible benefit of LMWH for DVT and major bleeding but no difference for PE when compared with UFH. Given the lower cost of LMWH, it was considered to be the dominant pharmacological prophylaxis option in this population (more effective and less costly).

Other considerationsThe committee noted that the rate of symptomatic DVT in varicose vein surgery is low, and that trials with a large number of participants are needed to reflect the true rate of DVT. This committee noted that the low number of participants in the included studies meant that the studies did not accurately represent the rate of DVT in this population.



At the time of publication (March 2018), LMWH did not have a UK marketing authorisation for use in young people under 18 for this indication. The prescriber should follow relevant professional guidance, taking full responsibility for the decision. Informed consent should be obtained and documented. See the General Medical Council’s Prescribing guidance: prescribing unlicensed medicines for further information.


At the time of publication (March 2018), LMWH did not have a UK marketing authorisation for use in young people under 18 for this indication. The prescriber should follow relevant professional guidance, taking full responsibility for the decision. Informed consent should be obtained and documented. See the General Medical Council’s Prescribing guidance: prescribing unlicensed medicines for further information.


At the time of publication (March 2018), LMWH did not have a UK marketing authorisation for use in young people under 18 for this indication. The prescriber should follow relevant professional guidance, taking full responsibility for the decision. Informed consent should be obtained and documented. See the General Medical Council’s Prescribing guidance: prescribing unlicensed medicines for further information.

Copyright © NICE 2018.
Bookshelf ID: NBK561798


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