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National Guideline Centre (UK). Venous thromboembolism in over 16s: Reducing the risk of hospital-acquired deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolism. London: National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE); 2018 Mar. (NICE Guideline, No. 89.)

  • December 2019: In recommendation 1.3.5 the British Standards for anti-embolism hosiery were updated because BS 6612 and BS 7672 have been withdrawn. August 2019: Recommendation 1.12.11 (1.5.30 in this document) was amended to clarify when anti-embolism stockings can be used for VTE prophylaxis for people with spinal injury.

December 2019: In recommendation 1.3.5 the British Standards for anti-embolism hosiery were updated because BS 6612 and BS 7672 have been withdrawn. August 2019: Recommendation 1.12.11 (1.5.30 in this document) was amended to clarify when anti-embolism stockings can be used for VTE prophylaxis for people with spinal injury.

Cover of Venous thromboembolism in over 16s

Venous thromboembolism in over 16s: Reducing the risk of hospital-acquired deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolism.

Show details

Appendix GLiterature search strategies

G.1. Contents

IntroductionSearch methodology
Section G.2 Population search strategy

Standard venous thromboembolism population

This population was used for all search questions unless stated

Section G.3 Study filter search terms
G.3.1 Excluded study designs and publication types
G.3.2 Randomised controlled trials (RCT)
G.3.3 Systematic reviews (SR)
G.3.4 Health economic studies (HE)
G.3.5 Quality of life studies (QoL)
G.3.6 Qualitative reviews (QUAL)
Section G.4 Searches for specific questions with intervention
G.4.1 Risk assessment
G.4.2 Provision of information to patients and planning for discharge
G.4.3 General VTE prevention for all populations
Section G.5 Health economics search terms
G.5.1 Health economic reviews
G.5.2 Quality of life reviews

Search strategies used for the venous thromboembolism (VTE) guideline are outlined below and were run in accordance with the methodology in the NICE guidelines manual 2014, updated 2017 available from https://www.nice.org.uk/article/pmg20/. All searches were run up to 19 June 2017 unless otherwise stated. Any studies added to the databases after this date (even those published prior to this date) were not included unless specifically stated in the text. Where possible searches were limited to retrieve material published in English.

Searches for the clinical reviews were run in Medline (OVID), Embase (OVID) and the Cochrane Library (Wiley). Additional searches were run in CINAHL, Current Nursing and Allied Health Literature (EBSCO) and PsycINFO (ProQuest), see Table 44.

Searches for intervention and diagnostic studies were usually constructed using a PICO format where population (P) terms were combined with Intervention (I) and sometimes Comparison (C) terms. An intervention can be a drug, a procedure or a diagnostic test. Outcomes (O) are rarely used in search strategies for interventions. Search filters were also added to the search where appropriate.

Searches for patient views were run in Medline, Embase, CINAHL and PsycINFO. Searches were constructed by adding a patient views search filter to the population terms.

Table 44Databases searched

QuestionQuestion numberDatabases
General VTE prevention for all populations G.4.3 Medline, Embase and Cochrane Library
Provision of information to patients and planning for discharge G.4.2 Medline, Embase, CINAHL and PsycINFO
Risk assessment G.4.1 Medline, Embase and Cochrane Library

Searches for health economic reviews were run in Medline, Embase, the NHS Economic Evaluations Database (NHS EED) and the Health Technology Assessment (HTA). NHS EED and HTA databases are hosted by the Centre for Research and Dissemination (CRD).

For Medline and Embase an economic filter (instead of a study type filter) was added to the same clinical search strategy. Searches in CRD were constructed using population terms only.

G.2. Population search strategies

G.2.1. Standard venous thromboembolism (VTE) population

Medline search terms

1.pulmonary embolism/ or thromboembolism/ or venous thromboembolism/ or venous thrombosis/ or upper extremity deep vein thrombosis/
2.(((venous or vein) adj (thrombosis or thromboses or thrombus or thromboembolism)) or (dvt or vte) or ((pulmonary or lung) adj3 (embolism or emboli or embolus or emboliz* or thromboembolism))).ti,ab.
3.1 or 2

Embase search terms

1.thromboembolism/ or venous thromboembolism/ or vein thrombosis/ or deep vein thrombosis/ or leg thrombosis/ or lower extremity deep vein thrombosis/ or postoperative thrombosis/ or lung embolism/ or upper extremity deep vein thrombosis/
2.(((venous or vein) adj (thrombosis or thromboses or thrombus or thromboembolism)) or (dvt or vte) or ((pulmonary or lung) adj3 (embolism or emboli or embolus or emboliz* or thromboembolism))).ti,ab.
3.1 or 2

Cochrane search terms

#1.MeSH descriptor: [venous thromboembolism] this term only
#2.MeSH descriptor: [pulmonary embolism] this term only
#3.MeSH descriptor: [venous thrombosis] this term only
#4.MeSH descriptor: [thromboembolism] this term only
#5.MeSH descriptor: [upper extremity deep vein thrombosis] this term only
#6.((*venous or *vein) next (thrombosis or thromboses or thrombus or thromboembolism) or dvt or vte or (pulmonary or lung) near/3 (embolism or emboli or embolus or emboliz* or thromboembolism)):ti,ab
#7.#1 or #2 or #3 or #4 or #6

CINAHL search terms

S1.(mh “pulmonary embolism”) or (mh “venous thrombosis”) or (mh “venous thromboembolism”) or (mh “thromboembolism”)
S2.(((venous or vein) n1 (thrombosis or thrombus or thromboembolism)) or (dvt or vte) or ((pulmonary or lung) n3 (embolism or emboli or embolus or thromboembolism)))
S3.s1 or s2

PsycINFO search terms

1.su.exact.explode(“embolisms”) or su.exact.explode(“thromboses”) or ti,ab((venous or vein) n/1 (thrombosis or thromboses or thrombus or thromboembolism)) or ti,ab(dvt or vte) or ti,ab((pulmonary or lung) n/3 (embolism or emboli or embolus or emboliz* or thromboembolism))

CRD search terms

#1.MeSH descriptor venous thromboembolism explode all trees
#2.MeSH descriptor pulmonary embolism explode all trees
#3.MeSH descriptor venous thrombosis explode all trees
#4.MeSH descriptor thromboembolism explode all trees
#5.MeSH descriptor upper extremity deep vein thrombosis explode all trees
#8.(((venous or vein) adj1 (thrombosis or thromboses or thrombus or thromboembolism)))
#9.((pulmonary or lung) adj3 (embolism or emboli or embolus or emboliz* or thromboembolism))
#10.#1 or #2 or #3 or #4 or #5 or #6 or #7 or #8 or #9

G.3. Study filter search terms

G.3.1. Excluded study designs and publication types

The following study designs and publication types were removed from retrieved results using the NOT operator:

Medline search terms

4.exp historical article/
5.anecdotes as topic/
7.case report/
8.(letter or comment*).ti.
10.randomized controlled trial/ or random*.ti,ab.
11.9 not 10
12.animals/ not humans/
13.exp animals, laboratory/
14.exp animal experimentation/
15.exp models, animal/
16.exp rodentia/
17.(rat or rats or mouse or mice).ti.

Embase search terms

1.letter.pt. or letter/
4.case report/ or case study/
5.(letter or comment*).ti.
7.randomized controlled trial/ or random*.ti,ab.
8.6 not 7
9.animal/ not human/
11.exp animal experiment/
12.exp experimental animal/
13.animal model/
14.exp rodent/
15.(rat or rats or mouse or mice).ti.

G.3.2. Randomised controlled trials (RCT)

Medline search terms

(Based on the sensitivity and precision maximising version reported in the Cochrane Handbook (http://handbook.cochrane.org/)).

1.randomized controlled trial.pt.
2.controlled clinical trial.pt.
6.clinical trials as topic.sh.

Embase search terms

3.(crossover* or cross over*).ti,ab.
4.((doubl* or singl*) adj blind*).ti,ab.
5.(assign* or allocat* or volunteer* or placebo*).ti,ab.
6.crossover procedure/
7.double blind procedure/
8.single blind procedure/
9.randomized controlled trial/

G.3.3. Systematic reviews (SR) Medline search terms

Medline search terms

2.meta-analysis as topic/
3.(meta analy* or metanaly* or metaanaly*).ti,ab.
4.((systematic* or evidence*) adj3 (review* or overview*)).ti,ab.
5.(reference list* or bibliograph* or hand search* or manual search* or relevant journals).ab.
6.(search strategy or search criteria or systematic search or study selection or data extraction).ab.
7.(search* adj4 literature).ab.
8.(medline or pubmed or cochrane or embase or psychlit or psyclit or psychinfo or psycinfo or cinahl or science citation index or bids or cancerlit).ab.
10.((multiple treatment* or indirect or mixed) adj2 comparison*).ti,ab.

Embase search terms

1.systematic review/
3.(meta analy* or metanaly* or metaanaly*).ti,ab.
4.((systematic or evidence) adj3 (review* or overview*)).ti,ab.
5.(reference list* or bibliograph* or hand search* or manual search* or relevant journals).ab.
6.(search strategy or search criteria or systematic search or study selection or data extraction).ab.
7.(search* adj4 literature).ab.
8.(medline or pubmed or cochrane or embase or psychlit or psyclit or psychinfo or psycinfo or cinahl or science citation index or bids or cancerlit).ab.
10.((multiple treatment* or indirect or mixed) adj2 comparison*).ti,ab.

G.3.4. Health economic studies (HE)

Medline search terms

2.value of life/
3.exp “costs and cost analysis”/
4.exp economics, hospital/
5.exp economics, medical/
6.economics, nursing/
7.economics, pharmaceutical/
8.exp “fees and charges”/
9.exp budgets/
12.(economic* or pharmaco?economic*).ti.
13.(price* or pricing*).ti,ab.
14.(cost* adj2 (effective* or utilit* or benefit* or minimi* or unit* or estimat* or variable*)).ab.
15.(financ* or fee or fees).ti,ab.
16.(value adj2 (money or monetary)).ti,ab.

Embase search terms

1.health economics/
2.exp economic evaluation/
3.exp health care cost/
4.exp fee/
9.(economic* or pharmaco?economic*).ti.
10.(price* or pricing*).ti,ab.
11.(cost* adj2 (effective* or utilit* or benefit* or minimi* or unit* or estimat* or variable*)).ab.
12.(financ* or fee or fees).ti,ab.
13.(value adj2 (money or monetary)).ti,ab.

G.3.5. Quality of life studies (QoL)

Medline search terms

1.quality-adjusted life years/
2.sickness impact profile/
3.(quality adj2 (wellbeing or well-being)).ti,ab.
4.sickness impact profile.ti,ab.
5.disability adjusted life.ti,ab.
6.(qal* or qtime* or qwb* or daly*).ti,ab.
7.(euroqol* or eq5d* or eq 5d*).ti,ab.
8.(qol* or hql* or hqol* or h qol* or hrqol* or hr qol*).ti,ab.
9.(health utility* or utility score* or disutilit*).ti,ab.
10.(hui or hui1 or hui2 or hui3).ti,ab.
11.health* year* equivalent*.ti,ab.
12.(hye or hyes).ti,ab.
14.(willingness to pay or time tradeoff or time trade off or tto or standard gamble*).ti,ab.
15.(sf36 or sf 36 or short form 36 or shortform 36 or shortform36).ti,ab.
16.(sf20 or sf 20 or short form 20 or shortform 20 or shortform20).ti,ab.
17.(sf12 or sf 12 or short form 12 or shortform 12 or shortform12).ti,ab.
18.(sf8 or sf 8 or short form 8 or shortform 8 or shortform8).ti,ab.
19.(sf6 or sf 6 or short form 6 or shortform 6 or shortform6).ti,ab.

Embase search terms

1.quality adjusted life year/
2.“quality of life index”/
3.short form 12/ or short form 20/ or short form 36/ or short form 8/
4.sickness impact profile/
5.(quality adj2 (wellbeing or well-being)).ti,ab.
6.sickness impact profile.ti,ab.
7.disability adjusted life.ti,ab.
8.(qal* or qtime* or qwb* or daly*).ti,ab.
9.(euroqol* or eq5d* or eq 5d*).ti,ab.
10.(qol* or hql* or hqol* or h qol* or hrqol* or hr qol*).ti,ab.
11.(health utility* or utility score* or disutilit*).ti,ab.
12.(hui or hui1 or hui2 or hui3).ti,ab.
13.health* year* equivalent*.ti,ab.
14.(hye or hyes).ti,ab.
16.(willingness to pay or time tradeoff or time trade off or tto or standard gamble*).ti,ab.
17.(sf36 or sf 36 or short form 36 or shortform 36 or shortform36).ti,ab.
18.(sf20 or sf 20 or short form 20 or shortform 20 or shortform20).ti,ab.
19.(sf12 or sf 12 or short form 12 or shortform 12 or shortform12).ti,ab.
20.(sf8 or sf 8 or short form 8 or shortform 8 or shortform8).ti,ab.
21.(sf6 or sf 6 or short form 6 or shortform 6 or shortform6).ti,ab.

G.3.6. Qualitative reviews (QUAL)

Medline search terms

1.qualitative research/ or narration/ or exp interviews as topic/ or exp questionnaires/ or health care surveys/
2.(qualitative or interview* or focus group* or theme* or questionnaire* or survey*).ti,ab.
3.(metasynthes* or meta-synthes* or metasummar* or meta-summar* or metastud* or meta-stud* or metathem* or meta-them* or ethno* or emic or etic or phenomenolog* or grounded theory or constant compar* or (thematic* adj3 analys*) or theoretical sampl* or purposive sampl* or hermeneutic* or heidegger* or husserl* or colaizzi* or van kaam* or van manen* or giorgi* or glaser* or strauss* or ricoeur* or spiegelberg* or merleau*).ti,ab.

Embase search terms

1.health survey/ or exp questionnaire/ or exp interview/ or qualitative research/ or narrative/
2.(qualitative or interview* or focus group* or theme* or questionnaire* or survey*).ti,ab.
3.(metasynthes* or meta-synthes* or metasummar* or meta-summar* or metastud* or meta-stud* or metathem* or meta-them* or ethno* or emic or etic or phenomenolog* or grounded theory or constant compar* or (thematic* adj3 analys*) or theoretical sampl* or purposive sampl* or hermeneutic* or heidegger* or husserl* or colaizzi* or van kaam* or van manen* or giorgi* or glaser* or strauss* or ricoeur* or spiegelberg* or merleau*).ti,ab.

CINAHL search terms

S1.(mh “qualitative studies+”)
S2.(mh “qualitative validity+”)
S3.(mh “interviews+”) or (mh “focus groups”) or (mh “surveys”) or (mh “questionnaires+”)
S4.(qualitative or interview* or focus group* or theme* or questionnaire* or survey*)
S5.(metasynthes* or meta-synthes* or metasummar* or meta-summar* or metastud* or meta-stud* or metathem* or meta-them* or ethno* or emic or etic or phenomenolog* or grounded theory or constant compar* or (thematic* adj3 analys*) or theoretical sampl* or purposive sampl* or hermeneutic* or heidegger* or husserl* or colaizzi* or van kaam* or van manen* or giorgi* or glaser* or strauss* or ricoeur* or spiegelberg* or merleau*)
S6.S1 or s2 or S3 or S4 or S5

G.4. Searches for specific questions

G.4.1. Risk Assessment

  • What is the accuracy of individual risk assessment or predication tools in predicting the likelihood of VTE in patients?

Medline search terms

1.Standard population [G.2.1]
2.Excluded study designs and publication types [G.3.1]
3.1 not 2
4.Limit 3 to English language
5.(risk* adj2 assess*).ti,ab.
6.((score* or scoring) adj2 (tool* or system*)).ti,ab.
7.((risk* or predict* or prognos*) adj4 (tool* or rule* or index* or indices or score* or scoring or scale* or model* or system* or algorithm* or stratif* or criteria or calculat*)).ti,ab.
8.(vienna adj5 cats).ti,ab.
9.(vienna cancer and thrombosis study).ti,ab.
10.trauma embolic scoring.ti,ab.
12.(roger* or caprini* or kucher* or cohen* or padua* or khorana* or autar).ti,ab.
13.(well* adj2 (score* or scoring)).ti,ab.
14.department of health.ti,ab,au.
16.4 and 15
Date parameters: 1946 – 19 June 2017

Embase search terms

1.Standard population [G.2.1]
2.Excluded study designs and publication types [G.3.1]
3.1 not 2
4.Limit 3 to English language
5.(risk* adj2 assess*).ti,ab.
6.((score* or scoring) adj2 (tool* or system*)).ti,ab.
7.((risk* or predict* or prognos*) adj4 (tool* or rule* or index* or indices or score* or scoring or scale* or model* or system* or algorithm* or stratif* or criteria or calculat*)).ti,ab.
8.(vienna adj5 cats).ti,ab.
9.(vienna cancer and thrombosis study).ti,ab.
10.trauma embolic scoring.ti,ab.
12.(roger* or caprini* or kucher* or cohen* or padua* or khorana* or autar).ti,ab.
13.(well* adj2 (score* or scoring)).ti,ab.
14.department of health.ti,ab,au.
16.4 and 15
Date parameters: 1974 – 19 June 2017

Cochrane search terms

#1.Standard population [G.2.1]
#2.(risk* near/2 assess*):ti,ab
#3.((score* or scoring) near/2 (tool* or system*)):ti,ab
#4.((risk* or predict* or prognos*) near/4 (tool* or rule* or index* or indices or score* or scoring or scale* or model* or system* or algorithm* or stratif* or criteria or calculat*)):ti,ab
#5.(vienna near/5 cats):ti,ab
#6.(vienna cancer and thrombosis study):ti,ab
#7.trauma embolic scoring:ti,ab
#9.(roger* or caprini* or kucher* or cohen* or padua* or khorana* or autar):ti,ab
#10.(well* near/2 (score* or scoring)):ti,ab
#11.(department of health):ti,ab
#12.(or #2–#11)
#13.#1 and #12
Inception – 19 June 2017

G.4.2. Provision of information to patients and planning for discharge

  • What information about VTE and VTE prophylaxis should be given to people who are admitted to hospital, having day procedures or outpatients post-discharge, and their family or carers?

Medline search terms

1.Standard population [G.2.1]
2.Excluded study designs and publication types [G.3.1]
3.1 not 2
4.Limit 3 to English language
5.“patient acceptance of health care”/ or exp patient satisfaction/
6.patient education as topic/
7.((information* or advice or advising or advised or support*) adj3 (patient* or need* or requirement* or assess* or seek* or access* or disseminat*)).ti,ab.
8.(information* adj2 support*).ti,ab.
9.((client* or patient* or user* or carer* or consumer* or customer*) adj2 (attitud* or priorit* or perception* or preferen* or expectation* or choice* or perspective* or view* or satisfact* or inform* or experience or experiences or opinion*)).ti,ab.
11.Study filter QUAL (G.3.6)
12.4 and 10 and 11
Date parameters: 2008–19 June 2017

Embase search terms

1.Standard population [G.2.1]
2.Excluded study designs and publication types [G.3.1]
3.1 not 2
4.Limit 3 to English language
5.patient attitude/ or patient preference/ or patient satisfaction/ or consumer attitude/
6.patient information/ or consumer health information/
7.patient education/
8.((information* or advice or advising or advised or support*) adj3 (patient* or need* or requirement* or assess* or seek* or access* or disseminat*)).ti,ab.
9.(information* adj2 support*).ti,ab.
10.((client* or patient* or user* or carer* or consumer* or customer*) adj2 (attitud* or priorit* or perception* or preferen* or expectation* or choice* or perspective* or view* or satisfact* or inform* or experience or experiences or opinion*)).ti,ab.
12.Study filter QUAL (G.3.6)
13.4 and 11 and 12
Date parameters: 2008–19 June 2017

PsycINFO search terms

1.Standard population [G.2.1]
2.su.exact(“client education”) or su.exact.explode(“client attitudes”) or ti,ab((information* or advice or advising or advised or support*) n/3 (patient* or need* or requirement* or assess* or seek* or access* or disseminat*)) or ti,ab(information* n/2 support*) or ti,ab((client* or patient* or user* or carer* or consumer* or customer*) n/2 (attitud* or priorit* or perception* or preferen* or expectation* or choice* or perspective* or view* or satisfact* or inform* or experience or experiences or opinion*))
3.Study filter QUAL (G.3.6)
4.1 and 2 and 3
Date parameters: 2008–19 June 2017

Cinahl search terms

S1.Standard population [G.2.1]
S2.Limit 1 to English language
S3.(MH “consumer satisfaction+”) OR (MH “patient education”) OR (MH “health education”)
S4.((information* or advice or advising or advised or support*) n3 (patient* or need* or requirement* or assess* or seek* or access* or disseminat*))
S5.(information* n2 support*)
S6.((client* or patient* or user* or carer* or consumer* or customer*) n2 (attitud* or priorit* or perception* or preferen* or expectation* or choice* or perspective* or view* or satisfact* or inform* or experience or experiences or opinion*))
S7.S3 or S4 or S5 or S6
S8.S2 and S7
Date parameters: 2008–19 June 2017

G.4.3. General VTE prevention for all populations

  • What is the effectiveness of different pharmacological and mechanical prophylaxis strategies (alone or in combination)?

Medline search terms

1.Standard population [G.2.1]
2.Excluded study designs and publication types [G.3.1]
3.1 not 2
4.Limit 3 to English language
5.exp anticoagulants/
6.exp fibrinolytic agents/
7.(anticoagula* or anti coagula* or antithromb* or anti thromb* or antiemboli* or anti emboli* or thrombin inhibit* or direct thrombin).ti,ab.
8.(dabigatran or pradaxa or danaparoid or orgaran).ti,ab.
9.exp heparin/
10.(heparin or lmwh).ti,ab.
11.(calciparine or monoparin or calcium multiparin or bemiparin or zibor or dalteparin or fragmin* or enoxaparin or clexane or lovenox or tinzaparin or innohep or antixarin or cy 222 or embolex or monoembolex or tinzaparin or suleparoid* or ardeparin or certoparin or nadroparin or parnaparin or reviparin or tedelparin* or minolteparin or semuloparin).ti,ab.
12.acenocoumarol/ or warfarin/
14.(warfarin or marevan or acenocoumarol or nicoumalone or sinthrome or phenindione).ti,ab.
15.(apixaban or eliquis or rivaroxaban or xarelto or edoxaban or lixiana or savaysa or fondaparinux or arixtra).ti,ab.
17.(aspirin or acetylsalicylic acid).ti,ab.
18.stockings, compression/
19.(stocking or stockings or hose).ti,ab.
20.intermittent pneumatic compression devices/
21.((inflat* or pneumat*) adj2 (jacket* or sleeve* or glove* or boot*)).ti,ab.
22.(((calf or elastic or graded or limb or leg or pneumatic or plantar or foot) adj compression) or (compression adj device)).ti,ab.
23.((foot or feet) adj2 (pump or pumps or device*)).ti,ab.
25.motion therapy, continuous passive/
26.(therap* adj3 (cpm or continuous passive)).ti,ab.
27.electric stimulation/
28.((electric* or electro*) adj2 stimulat*).ti,ab.
30.Study filters RCT (G.3.2) or SR (G.3.3)
31.4 and 29 and 30
Date parameters: 2008–19 June 2017

Embase search terms

1.Standard population [G.2.1]
2.Excluded study designs and publication types [G.3.1]
3.1 not 2
4.Limit 3 to English language
5.exp anticoagulant agent/
6.exp fibrinolytic agent/
7.(anticoagula* or anti coagula* or antithromb* or anti thromb* or antiemboli* or anti emboli* or thrombin inhibit* or direct thrombin).ti,ab.
8.dabigatran/ or dabigatran etexilate/
10.(dabigatran or pradaxa or danaparoid or orgaran).ti,ab.
12.low molecular weight heparin/
13.dalteparin/ or enoxaparin/ or nadroparin/ or heparinoid/
14.(heparin or lmwh).ti,ab.
15.(calciparine or monoparin or calcium multiparin or bemiparin or zibor or dalteparin or fragmin* or enoxaparin or clexane or lovenox or tinzaparin or innohep or antixarin or cy 222 or embolex or monoembolex or fragmin or tinzaparin or suleparoid* or ardeparin or certoparin or nadroparin or parnaparin or reviparin or tedelparin).ti,ab.
16.acenocoumarol/ or warfarin/ or phenindione/
17.(warfarin or marevan or acenocoumarol or nicoumalone or sinthrome or phenindione).ti,ab.
18.apixaban/ or rivaroxaban/ or edoxaban/ or fondaparinux/
19.(apixaban or eliquis or rivaroxaban or xarelto or edoxaban or lixiana or savaysa or fondaparinux or arixtra).ti,ab.
20.acetylsalicylic acid/
21.(aspirin or acetylsalicylic acid).ti,ab.
22.compression stocking/
23.(stocking or stockings or hose).ti,ab.
24.intermittent pneumatic compression device/
25.((inflat* or pneumat*) adj2 (jacket* or sleeve* or glove* or boot*)).ti,ab.
26.(((calf or elastic or graded or limb or leg or pneumatic or plantar or foot) adj compression) or (compression adj device)).ti,ab.
27.((foot or feet) adj2 (pump or pumps or device*)).ti,ab.
29.passive movement/
30.(therap* adj3 (cpm or continuous passive)).ti,ab.
32.((electric* or electro*) adj2 stimulat*).ti,ab.
34.Study filters RCT (G.3.2) or SR (G.3.3)
35.4 and 33 and 34
Date parameters: 2008–19 June 2017

Cochrane search terms

#1.Standard population [G.2.1]
#2.MeSH descriptor: [anticoagulants] explode all trees
#3.MeSH descriptor: [fibrinolytic agents] explode all trees
#4.(anticoagula* or anti coagula* or antithromb* or anti thromb* or antiemboli* or anti emboli* or thrombin inhibit* or direct thrombin):ti,ab
#5.(dabigatran or pradaxa or danaparoid or orgaran):ti,ab
#6.MeSH descriptor: [heparin] explode all trees
#7.(heparin or lmwh):ti,ab
#8.(calciparine or monoparin or calcium multiparin or bemiparin or zibor or dalteparin or fragmin* or enoxaparin or clexane or lovenox or tinzaparin or innohep or antixarin or cy 222 or embolex or monoembolex or fragmin or tinzaparin or suleparoid* or ardeparin or certoparin or nadroparin or parnaparin or reviparin or tedelparin):ti,ab
#9.MeSH descriptor: [acenocoumarol] explode all trees
#10.MeSH descriptor: [warfarin] explode all trees
#11.MeSH descriptor: [phenindione] explode all trees
#12.(warfarin or marevan or acenocoumarol or nicoumalone or sinthrome or phenindione):ti,ab
#13.(apixaban or eliquis or rivaroxaban or xarelto or edoxaban or lixiana or savaysa or fondaparinux or arixtra):ti,ab
#14.MeSH descriptor: [aspirin] explode all trees
#15.(aspirin or acetylsalicylic acid):ti,ab
#16.MeSH descriptor: [stockings, compression] explode all trees
#17.(stocking or stockings or hose):ti,ab
#18.MeSH descriptor: [intermittent pneumatic compression devices] explode all trees
#19.((inflat* or pneumat*) near/2 (jacket* or sleeve* or glove* or boot*)):ti,ab
#20.(((calf or elastic or graded or limb or leg or pneumatic or plantar or foot) near/1 compression) or (compression near/1 device)):ti,ab
#21.((foot or feet) near/2 (pump or pumps or device*)):ti,ab
#23.MeSH descriptor: [motion therapy, continuous passive] explode all trees
#24.(therap* near/3 (cpm or continuous passive)):ti,ab
#25.MeSH descriptor: [electric stimulation] explode all trees
#26.((electric* or electro*) near/2 stimulat*):ti,ab
#27.(or #2–#26)
#28.#1 and #27
Date parameters: 2008–19 June 2017

G.5. Health economics search terms

Economic searches were conducted in Medline, Embase and NHS EED and HTA databases hosted by CRD.

G.5.1. Health economic (HE) reviews

Economic searches were conducted in Medline, Embase, Cochrane and CRD.

Medline & Embase search terms

1.#29. Standard population [G.2.1]
2.#30. Excluded study designs and publication types [G.3.1]
3.#31. 1 not 2
4.#32. Limit 3 to English language
5.#33. Study filter HE (G.3.4)
6.#34. 4 and 5
#35.#36. Date parameters: 2013–19 June 2017

Cochrane search terms

#1.Standard population [G.2.1]
Date parameters: 2008–19 June 2017

CRD search terms

#1.Standard population [G.2.1]
Date parameters: 1999 - 2008

G.5.2. Quality of life (QoL) reviews

Quality of life searches were conducted in Medline and Embase only

Medline & Embase search terms

1.#37. Standard population [G.2.1]
2.#38. Excluded study designs and publication types [G.3.1]
3.#39. 1 not 2
4.#40. Limit 3 to English language
5.#41. Study filter QOL (G.3.5)
6.#42. 4 and 5
#43.#44. Date parameters: 2008–19 June 2017
Copyright © NICE 2018.
Bookshelf ID: NBK561760


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