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Angastiniotis M, Eleftheriou A, Galanello Ret al., authors; Old J, editor. Prevention of Thalassaemias and Other Haemoglobin Disorders: Volume 1: Principles [Internet]. 2nd edition. Nicosia (Cyprus): Thalassaemia International Federation; 2013.

Cover of Prevention of Thalassaemias and Other Haemoglobin Disorders

Prevention of Thalassaemias and Other Haemoglobin Disorders: Volume 1: Principles [Internet]. 2nd edition.

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Hereditary haemoglobin disorders cause a variety of syndromes, all with anaemia as the common characteristic, and with a wide spectrum of clinical severity. The most important clinically are those in which the anaemia is so severe that life cannot be supported without regular blood transfusions. These include the beta thalassaemias, the compound beta and HbE thalassaemias and some forms of non-deletional alpha thalassaemias. They are caused by mutations affecting the production α-globin chains and β-globin chains of the haemoglobin molecule. The severity of the anaemia and its consequences, depend on the molecular defects which are involved in each affected individual. In addition to the thalassaemia syndromes there are phenotypically different syndromes which are caused by variants of the haemoglobin molecule, mainly HbS and HbC, which cause sickle cell disease. In this chapter we discuss the importance of epidemiological information in the management of these disorders.

The thalassaemia syndromes, particularly those requiring multiple blood transfusions, are a serious burden on health services and a problem which may be increasing on a global scale (1, 2). Even milder syndromes, known as thalassaemia intermedia or non-transfusion dependent thalassaemia, require careful follow up since complications are expected over time, in the natural course of the disease. This is also true of the sickle cell syndromes. The need for lifelong follow up and care and the occurrence of complications affecting major organs such as liver, heart and endocrine glands, creates the need for organised expert services and also the need for major resources in terms of essential drugs and donated blood for transfusions. In terms of clinical outcomes, we expect that patients will survive with the best possible quality of life, if treated holistically in an expert centre.

The need for prevention and its inclusion in national health planning has already been discussed in the previous chapter. In addition to this the importance of neonatal screening for sickle cell disease in many populations must be emphasised. The need for both preventative and clinical services and the complexity of such services, together with the size of the problem in many parts of the world, makes the need for epidemiological information a necessary prerequisite to proper service planning. There is need for governments to develop national policies and strategies to manage the disease, both by control programs and by improved patient care.


Epidemiology, which is the study of the distribution of a disease in human populations as well as the factors influencing this distribution (3) has, beyond any academic interests, very practical applications in the planning of services. The questions posed by an epidemiologic investigation should lead to concrete information which will result in rational planning aimed at both clinical care and prevention of disease. Developing appropriate health policies depends to a great extent on the availability of accurate epidemiological information concerning the size and distribution of the problem.

There is great variability in the prevalence of haemoglobin disorders across the globe but also in their distribution within a country. The recognition of the effect of the problem depends partly on prevalence, the number of affected individuals, but also on the overall health picture of each country and its socio-economic development. Low resource countries for example with several other serious health agendas, such malnutrition and infectious diseases, often with a high infant mortality from these conditions, may not see the hereditary disorders as a priority even though the affected children will be more susceptible and be the first to die from an infection (4). Visibility of hereditary disorders is often more clear when the infant mortality falls, and by experience this is when the level is around 50 per thousand live births.

In order to understand the impact of the hereditary anaemias on a population, especially with service development in mind, simple numbers are not enough. More complex data must be collected and used to both assess the country situation and promote the planning of services. Such data include:

  • Data which indicate the the impact of haemoglobin disorders in terms of numbers: prevalence data such as patient numbers and their location; incidence, which is the number of new affected births which in turn depends on carrier frequency; data on the frequency of consanguinity which may have an impact on birth frequency. These figures are usually given as the overall data for a country but are more useful, if available, for various locations within a country or among the various population groups – this is known micromapping, which is particularly relevant to large populations with divergent ethnic groups. Information on incidence depends also on knowing the crude birth rate, the total number of births per annum, the overall life expectancy etc.
  • Data which will indicate the overall health status of a country: basic data includes the infant mortality rate, the under-five mortality rate, the health expenditure per capita and knowledge of the way health provision is financed and the need for out-of-pocket expenditure, which is particularly relevant to chronically sick patients.
  • Service indicators: these are the figures derived from the basic data, which will more directly lead to planning services either for patient care or for prevention. The term ‘service indicators’ was coined by Prof Bernadette Modell (1) and these will be further discussed below.
  • Changing epidemiology: none of the information mentioned above is constant and changes may occur in the short term but also in the long term. The most important short term change in recent years has been migrations from high prevalence regions of the world, such as Africa, the Mediterranean basin and Asia to low prevalence regions such as northern Europe and the Americas. Long term effects may come about by the reduction of habitual consanguineous marriage (5), by the falling crude birth rate of many populations and by the removal of environmental factors said to favour the carrier rate such as the eradication of malaria (6).
  • Outcome measures: these include complication rates, survival rates, causes of death, and quality of life studies, the number of annual births of affected individuals and the effects of prevention measures. These are part of necessary motoring and evaluation processes which will audit the whole service provision and its dynamic evolution.
  • Cost effectiveness studies: these are necessary public health components of service provision which should be coupled with Health Technology Assessment studies for the best possible use of resources which will determine the viability and sustainability of these national programmes. These will not be considered in detail in this chapter since they are part of a separate science of health economics. However some comparisons in the past have been made between the cost of patient care and the cost of prevention which are useful indicators for health planners (7-9).

It is with this service orientated perspective that we approach the study of the epidemiology of the haemoglobin disorders.


Epidemiology provides the foundation of public policy and the means for monitoring and evaluating these policies, and studying the changes over time and place.


This is usually the first question that is asked and is certainly very important for health planning. The number of homozygotes is known only in a few countries with advanced services. In many poorly developed economies, the early death of patients makes it impossible to give figures and most countries, even with developed services, do not maintain a national registry. In fact such a registry is the most important tool for planning patient services (10, 11). The registry will not only provide numbers but is a database which can collect other useful data: the location of patients, so that services can be accessed in areas of high concentration; the ethnicity or other characteristic of patients; their age, from which an age distribution can be derived, providing information on both prevention and case management outcomes; records of deaths; causes of death which is a basic source of information directing in many cases the treatment choices.


A patient registry has been defined as a ‘systematic collection of a clearly defined set of health and demographic data for patients with specific health characteristics, held in a central database for a prescribed purpose’(12). Such a database is a key instrument for epidemiological research, which, as mentioned above, can support health planning but can also support clinical record keeping, auditing, clinical research including drug use surveillance and health outcomes. The possible use of a database and the type of database, is defined by the data specified from the onset of each registry design. There are various types of registries which include hospital databases, ad hoc surveys, observational studies, repositories of cases, each with different characteristics and applications. A registry may be locally based, national or international.

A national patient register for haemoglobin disorders is essentially a list of names of diagnosed patients to which demographic and health data are added:

  • The demographic data will provide information on age, sex and location.
  • Health data includes the basic diagnosis to which may be added additional clinical information according to the needs of the health service. Such clinical information may be limited to the recording of health outcomes, such as survival and complication rates which are retrospective data.
  • The register may also be expanded to contain all clinical monitoring, including prospective information, making it a complete patient health record.

Registers may be paper based but for national registries and especially if prospective clinical data are to be included, then registries should be electronic, preferably centrally controlled by health authorities. The quality of data must be assured (13) and errors minimised. Data analysis will provide information both for planning services, for research also for medical auditing and program evaluation. Governance will allow for maintenance of internationally accepted standards on issues such as confidentiality. The registry should also be adequately funded to ensure sustainability and standards.


Maintaining national registries which can be regarded as accurate and according to accepted standards are limited to very few countries. In the European WHO Region, for example, only 6 out of the 34 member countries have such a registry for thalassaemia and sickle cell disease. In addition to these 6 countries, TIF has gathered estimates from another 7 countries derived from local medical contacts and the patient associations. From these approximations, which include most of the high prevalence counties, the total number of known thalassaemia major and intermedia is estimated to be over 17000 and 22000 sickle cell patients. The remaining 21 countries are mostly of low prevalence. With similar sources of information and without controlled registries, in the East Mediterranean WHO region around 108000 thalassaemia patients are estimated and 74000 sickle cell patients – the estimated new annual births for this region are 9100.


Identification of healthy carriers can be achieved through simple haematological tests is possible and this makes screening on a population scale possible. The same tests may be used for epidemiological surveys designed to estimate the proportion of carriers in a given population. The carrier rate can be measured from both surveys and screening programmes and it will give an overall indication on the size of the problem in a given population and identify at-risk groups within a population.

In a prevention programme the number of individuals to be screened will depend on whether it is necessary for the whole population of reproductive age to be identified, as is the case in high prevalence areas, or whether targeted screening of at-risk groups is required, as is the case where the genes are present in ethnic minorities. The service indicator (1) for screening varies therefore according to the policy which suits the population structure.

The methodology of screening is discussed in detail in chapter 4. The haematological characteristics of thalassaemia carrier states should be established for each population since in many populations there is interaction of various genes, which may alter the usual haematological manifestations of the heterozygote. This is necessary in order to avoid errors in carrier identification.

In many populations surveys have already been carried out. In these surveys, samples of 1000 or less have been used in most cases. The smaller the sample the more likely it is that a selection error has been introduced. A ‘biased’, selected sample will not represent the whole population. Such bias often occurs because target groups are chosen for convenience and accessibility and may not reflect the characteristics of all the people. For example, if university students are chosen because the investigating team has easy access to this group, care must be taken that they do not come from a racial or social minority.

The target population should therefore be defined according to how much it reflects the total population or whether it represents a particular sub-group. It is acceptable to use inclusion criteria based on accessibility e.g. 17-18 year old school leavers, provided schools from all areas are included. Army recruits or blood donors may be used if they are drawn from all sections of society. In a small country with a small homogeneous population (e.g. Cyprus or Malta) a random sample of 1000 is acceptable. In large, compound populations, it will be necessary to divide the population into well-defined subgroups (stratification). A sample from each group separately should be taken, ensuring random sampling from within each group. The final total sample must include the right proportion of each subgroup. In this way information will be obtained both about the total population and how the subgroups differ from each other. Knowledge of the distribution, both geographically and in specific groupings of the population (micromapping), is important for the accuracy but also for practical application of the epidemiological information such as directing services, both preventive and curative. In this respect knowledge of population size and characteristics derived from basic demographic data, including size, composition (ethnic groups, migrants), birth rates, and whether consanguineous marriage is common are all important data to be recorded. Migration has introduced haemoglobinopathy genes to areas of low prevalence, especially in Europe and the Americas.

The host countries are often unprepared for these new health problems while the migrants themselves, especially in the first generation, are often of a low socioeconomic and educational level and make poor use of local services. The language and cultural differences are barriers to effective educational and counselling activities in such sensitive areas as genetic prevention (14). Customary consanguineous marriage may be common in many migrant populations as it is in the countries of origin. This practice will tend to increase the affected births of rare recessively inherited disorders and must be considered when assessing the expected births. Where this is the case there will be a clustering of cases within extended family groups, making family screening a productive exercise. It also means that patients with thalassaemia have a greater chance of having an HLA compatible sibling donor for stem cell transplantation, which is a consideration in planning services for patient care.

This kaleidoscope of epidemiological situations emphasises the need for a clear understanding of the individual country situation.


From the carrier rates a calculation of the number of affected conceptions per 1000 live births can be made based on the Hardy-Weinberg equation for a recessively inherited single gene disorder. This depends on certain assumptions:

  1. That the population is mating randomly i.e. there are no consanguineous marriages.
  2. There is no selection process (e.g. an ongoing prevention program) or genetic drift or frequent spontaneous mutations.

With these assumptions satisfied, the equation is as follows: p2 + 2pq + q2 =1

p = thalassaemia gene frequency (½ carrier frequency)

q = Hb A gene frequency = 1-p

p2 = the frequency homozygotes at birth

pq= the frequency of heterozygotes

q2 = the frequency for homozygote normals


In a country with a carrier frequency of 3% the gene frequency is approximately 1.5% or 0.015

  • p = 0.015 q = 1-0.015=0.985
  • The birth rate of homozygotes = p2
    p2 = 0.000225 = 0.0225% or 0.225/1000
  • 2pq = proportion of carriers born 0.02955 ~ 3%
  • The proportion of normals at birth = q2 = 97%
  • p2+2pq+q2 = 0.000225 + 0.02955 + 0.970225 = 1

If the country has 500,000 births/yr, then 112.5 births/yr will be homozygotes.

A more rough calculation is this:

Carriers - 3% of the population or 1/33

Marriages between carriers 1/33 × 1/33 = 1/1089

Affected births = 1/1089 × ¼ = 1/4356

500,000×14356=114.8births / year

Image ch02-eq1.jpg

These calculations must be modified in two situations:

  1. If two haemoglobin disorders co-exist in a population, which may interact: e.g. β-thalassaemia with HbS, or with HbE.
    In the case of co-existence of interacting haemoglobin disorders the Hardy-Weinberg equation is still applied. The sum of the carrier frequencies is used. For example where β-thalassaemia and HbE coexist then p=the combined β-thalassaemia and HbE frequency (e.g. if β-thal=3% and HbE=3.5% then the total is 6.5% and so p= 0.035). A nomogram, derived from this calculation is here reproduced from the WHO publication “Guidelines for the control of Haemoglobin disorders”, B. Modell, 1994).
  2. Where consanguinity is frequent.
    Where consanguineous marriage is frequent the frequency of homozygote births increases for a given carrier frequency. The importance of consanguinity is inversely related to the gene frequency. If a mutation is rare, a carrier who marries another member of his/her own family group is more likely to have married another carrier since both may have inherited the rare trait from a common ancestor. A partner from the general population is unlikely to carry the same rare gene (15, 16). The contribution of consanguinity is expressed as the coefficient of consanguinity (or inbreeding), which is half of the probability that a couple share an allele (F). For a population the coefficient of consanguinity is equal to the mean of individual coefficients (a). The population coefficient is included in the Hardy-Weinberg equation when calculating the annual affected births:
    (p2 + apq) + 2(pq - apq) + (q2 + apq) = 1
    Values for population coefficients of various populations and sub-groups can be viewed on line (in www.consang.net).
    Finally in order to calculate the annual affected births the demographics of each location must be known, which includes the total population, the general birth rate (per 1000 live births), the infant mortality rate, and the total number of births.
    The number of expected births of children with clinically significant syndromes is derived from the calculations discussed above. This will also provide an indicator [3] for planning services for patient care if there is no prevention, since it is the number of patients expected to be added to the existing patients who will need blood and other resources.


The needs for effective planning of prevention and control programmes can only be based on epidemiological information and this are summarised in the “service indicators”, already mentioned above. These were first described by Professor Bernadette Model as practical measures to be considered for service developed (1). These indicators are the following:

  • Indicator for patient care: the annual affected new births in the absence of prevention – the potential increase in patients and their needs in blood, medications, laboratory and other services, including manpower planning.
  • Indicator for carrier screening: this requires prior epidemiological information on carrier rates and carrier distribution. A screening policy is derived from such information such as premarital screening of the whole population or ante-natal screening according to the annual number of pregnancies in at-risk groups. This indicator will help in planning appropriate laboratory services.
  • Indicator for the number of carriers expected for counselling and information. This information is derived from annual number of carriers detected in screening.
  • Indicator for the need of expert services such as risk assessment and genetic counselling. This is the annual number of carrier couples detected and the pregnancies to carrier couples.
  • Indicator for prenatal diagnosis: the annual number of at-risk pregnancies.


Neonatal screening, discussed in detail in Chapter 10, will provide information on the size of the problem in a given population and also is an indicator for patient care. In haemoglobin disorders there are three situations in which it may be usefully applied:

  • The detection of sickle cell disease
  • The detection of alpha thalassaemia
  • The detection of other haemoglobin variants


Neonatal screening is relevant to areas where sickle cell disease is prevalent and where the at-risk couples are not detected by a population-based carrier screening programme. The rationale for its adoption historically was that early detection of affected children will lead to timely interventions which will reduce the likelihood of life threatening complications such as pneumococcal infections. These interventions include penicillin prophylaxis, vaccinations, education of parents in early detection and response to complications such as infections or splenic sequestration, Transcranial Doppler to detect intracranial vascular stenosis; these methods have been shown to reduce both morbidity and mortality (17, 18). In addition, neonatal screening provides invaluable epidemiological information regarding the frequency and geographical distribution of homozygous sickle cell disease, sickle cell thalassaemia, HbS/D, HbSC disease and HbS/O-Arab (19 - 22). Despite its usefulness, practical application is limited to few countries which include the USA, Jamaica and some European countries (see Table 2.1, provided by M de Montalembert and B. Gulbis). In many high prevalence areas, including Africa and South America, the service is either targeted to high-risk groups, limited to parts of a country or not provided at all. Targeted screening has led to the possibility of discrimination, especially in countries where sickle cell disease is prevalent in ethnic minorities and universal screening may be preferable. The success of neonatal screening as a means to timely and effective patient care depends to a great extent on follow up of cases detected. This has been reported to be a problem in several African settings (23).

Table 2.1. Neonatal screening for sickle cell disease (SCD) in Europe.

Table 2.1

Neonatal screening for sickle cell disease (SCD) in Europe.


Detection of other haemoglobin variants and of alpha thalassaemia through neonatal screening is usually limited to epidemiological surveys (24) and not used for early detection of disease. This is particularly important for the epidemiology of alpha thalassaemia which in adult screening programmes will only be suspected through microcytosis, low haematological indices, difficult to differentiate from iron deficiency. In contrast in neonatal samples (capillary or cord blood), the presence of Hb Bart’s (γ4) has been used to identify carriers in epidemiological studies (25, 26). Despite a correlation of the quantity of Hb Bart’s with the number of the alpha genes that are deleted, molecular studies are needed for more positive identification of the genetic structure of alpha thalassaemia genes in any given population (27). It has been suggested, especially by US authors that newborn screening for alpha thalassaemia may usefully be included in the national screening programme (28, 29). The reasons given for this are the increasing influx of migrants from high prevalence areas, especially from Southeast Asia, and the frequency of severe non-deletional forms alpha thalassaemia that can cause severe HbH disease which frequently requires regular blood transfusions. The most common of these non-deletional mutations is Hb Constant Spring. Some Asian countries are also considering this option (30).

The Thalassaemia International Federation maintains a global database on the magnitude of the problem in most populations. The data is gathered from published surveys but also from unpublished reports, questionnaires and information obtained from local visits by TIF professional advisors. The quality of this data is often questionable and represents the best available estimates (as indicated in the tables). Epidemiological information is found in Annex 1.


Changes in the epidemiology of inherited disease can be brought about by several possible factors which include natural selection, new mutational events, founder effects, genetic drift and migrations, and reproductive behaviour which includes customary consanguineous marriage and the reduction of crude birth rate in a population. It is not the purpose of this chapter to discuss the field of population genetics but to emphasise the practical consequences of these events, especially the migrations of the recent past. Migrations have been going on for some centuries and have led to population mixes in many situations, as are the migrations from south to north Italy. The same can be said of Georgia where over the centuries Azeris, Armenians, Greeks and Jews have mixed with indigenous Georgians so that it is difficult today to identify genetically distinct groups as far thalassaemia is concerned (31). In other situations racial differences and minimal intermarriage have kept haemoglobinopathy genes within ethnic or racial groups, as is the case of sickle cell genes in north America. However the more recent migrations of the last two centuries have been to destinations in Europe and the Americas. These are mostly economic migrations and their effects in terms of genetic disease, are difficult to estimate in terms of numbers with accuracy, since many factors need to be considered. Such factors include the permanency of the migration, whether it is a migration of single people or of families, whether the migrant will marry locally or from the country of origin, whether consanguineous marriage will still be practiced in the host country, whether there will be free choice partner or an arranged marriage, whether birth rate of immigrant families will be that of the home or the host country and whether there is a second generation of migrants and the customs that they have adopted. The effects of these many variables are difficult to estimate and so in the TIF estimates of the effect of migration we consider country reports on the total number of migrants and their countries of origin, the carrier rate in the home country, and at the same time assume intermarriage between members of the same community. All calculated estimates are therefore based on assumptions which can lead only to approximations. However the size of the problem in each country can be assessed more accurately through surveys (32 - 35) and in the case of variants through neonatal screening programmes and through national registries.


Beyond the studies aimed at health planning, epidemiological techniques must be employed in outcome studies to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness and quality of services. Such studies include patient survival rates and age distribution of patients (36, 37), quality of life studies (38), complication rates (39) and health economic studies. Knowledge of the causes of death provides an important indicator to direct clinical research and therapeutic interventions aimed at improving survival of thalassaemia patients. The identification of cardiac complications of iron overload as the cause of 60%-70% of deaths (40), led eventually to the early detection of heart iron deposition by cardiac MRI and early intensification of iron chelation to increase survival. Surveillance of prevention programs is also important and is discussed fully in chapter 3. Continual surveillance of outcomes is, therefore, an important epidemiological exercise.


Accurate epidemiological data are difficult to collect and a major challenge is collecting data from non-indigenous population groups in Europe (35). From these groups much information is derived from epidemiological information in the country of origin and not always from direct surveying of local ethnic minority. It is assumed that the migrant group is a representative sample of the population of the country of origin, with the same birth rate, etc. and calculations are made on these assumptions. Much of the regional and global data may not be accurate but are the best estimates on available information.

Based on such data, the most recently published global estimates are the March of Dimes Global Report on Birth Defects published in 2006 (41) with a more detailed focus on haemoglobin disorders, presented in the WHO bulletin in 2008 (1). In their comments Modell and Darlison suggest that policies for treatment and prevention are required in 71% of 229 countries globally: this means 162 countries worldwide.

Of the 42,409 annual β-thalassaemia conceptions that the authors estimate is the global incidence, how many survive to receive treatment? Of the estimated 1.33 million at-risk pregnancies, how many are aware of their risk, how many are counselled and given choices? This is difficult to know. In Southeast Asia - which includes some of the poorer countries – of 9983 expected transfusion dependent patients, 962 (10%) are actually transfused. It is clear that socio-economic development is not the only factor - or even the most important one – as to why patients do not receive appropriate treatment. It seems that the attention paid by health services to such rare (in some populations) and chronic disorders, which require lifelong and expensive medical care, is not adequate and the concept of using epidemiological data to plan and locate services has not yet sufficiently penetrated bureaucratic health systems. Another factor, as stated earlier, is the difficulty in catering for “immigrant” diseases in many parts of Europe. Some countries in Europe have tackled the problem in an organised way, partly because they host several generations of immigrants. One example is the United Kingdom where 7% of all residents are from minorities at-risk and 366 pregnancies per year are affected (42, 43). There are 900 registered patients, centres of expertise in London and a developing network with physicians who see less than 10 patients. Neonatal screening, ante-natal clinic screening and counselling services carried out by trained personnel who speak the language and share the culture of the immigrant groups. Such services need to be established in many countries across Europe.

In the meantime, more detailed epidemiological information is required at national level, which should include national registers of patients, carrier rates among immigrant populations, micromapping and the calculation of service indicators. It is on such an epidemiological basis that rational planning can lead to effective and equitable services both for the treatment of patients and for disease prevention.


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