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AFVR00000000.1 Escherichia coli O104:H4 str. TY-2482

# of Contigs: 242
# of Proteins: 0
# of Scaffolds/Chrs: 99
Total length: 5,345,887 bp
BioProject: PRJNA67657
BioSample: SAMN02471605
Keywords: WGS
Organism: Escherichia coli O104:H4 str. TY-2482show lineagehide lineage
/collection_date = May-2011
/country = Germany
/host = Homo sapiens
/isolation_source = stool sample from patient with hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS)
/mol_type = genomic
/serovar = O104:H4
/strain = TY-2482
WGS: AFVR01000001:AFVR01000242
Scaffolds: GL989507:GL989605
99 scaffolds, total length is 5,440,378 bases
Open-Source Genomic Analysis of Shiga-Toxin-Producing E. coli O104:H4 : N. Engl. J. Med. 365 (8), 718-724 (2011) – show 36 authorshide authors
Rohde,H., Qin,J., Cui,Y., Li,D., Loman,N.J., Hentschke,M., Chen,W., Pu,F., Peng,Y., Li,J., Xi,F., Li,S., Li,Y., Zhang,Z., Yang,X., Zhao,M., Wang,P., Guan,Y., Cen,Z., Zhao,X., Christner,M., Kobbe,R., Loos,S., Oh,J., Yang,L., Danchin,A., Gao,G.F., Song,Y., Li,Y., Yang,H., Wang,J., Xu,J., Pallen,M.J., Wang,J., Aepfelbacher,M., Yang,R.
Submitted (22-JUL-2011) Centre for Systems Biology, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham, West Midlands B17 9AN, UK – show 36 authorshide authors
Rohde,H., Qin,J., Cui,Y., Li,D., Loman,N.J., Hentschke,M., Chen,W., Pu,F., Peng,Y., Li,J., Xi,F., Li,S., Li,Y., Zhang,Z., Yang,X., Zhao,M., Wang,P., Guan,Y., Cen,Z., Zhao,X., Christner,M., Kobbe,R., Loos,S., Oh,J., Yang,L., Danchin,A., Gao,G.F., Song,Y., Li,Y., Yang,H., Wang,J., Xu,J., Pallen,M.J., Wang,J., Aepfelbacher,M., Yang,R.

The Escherichia coli O104:H4 str. TY-2482 whole genome shotgun (WGS) project has the project accession AFVR00000000. This version of the project (01) has the accession number AFVR01000000, and consists of sequences AFVR01000001-AFVR01000242.

Bacteria available from M. Aepfelbacher, University Medical Centre Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany. Illumina HiSeq 2000 de novo assembly using 470bp paired-end library (90bp reads), 2kb mate-paired library and 6kb mate-paired library (50bp reads). Assembly contigs greater than 200bp in size and/or belonging to a scaffold are included.

Assembly Method : SOAPdenovo v. 1.05; Gapcloser
Assembly Name : E.coli_0104:H4_Illumina_1.0
Genome Coverage : 300x
Sequencing Technology : Illumina HiSeq
GenBank:AFVR01.1.gbff.gz 2.3 Mb
FASTA:AFVR01.1.fsa_nt.gz 1.6 Mb
ASN.1:AFVR01.1.bbs.gz 1.3 Mb
Minor Version Create Date
1 07/27/2011
5 11/11/2017